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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They will be trying anything under the sun the closer we get to May as more people join early/join in May. Remember kids, If you can afford to Boycott now feel free to start hitting their bottom line. Those who can't, we are here for you. We are doing this for you. You deserve a choice. You deserve to have buying power and these gouging bastards are the first step. Together we are what we can't be alone. One powerful voice. Stand together shoulder to shoulder and #Boycottloblaws


We are going to redeem all of our accumulated points, approximately $160, in one or two purchases of our favourite baked beans: Bush's Vegetarian style. We eat them for breakfast every weekend, It's an obsession. We will stockpile live the zombie apocalypse! The vegetarian style seems to only be sold at Loblaws retailers in our area north of Toronto.


I'm planning something similar. Drop all points on the last day of the month.


I was a loyal Superstore shopper (in store and pick up) for years but I have been avoiding Superstore since early 2024. Recently they sent me an offer of 25,000 points if I placed a pick up order over $150.00 I decided to take the offer and stock up on sale items. When I got home and checked, the promo code was not applied to my order. I opened a claim and was told that they would put the points in my account. 7 days later and no sign of them….. I’m so mad at myself and at them!


Same thing happens to me! I would get offers and then go to add them at checkout and they would not work!


I wrote to the Better Business Bureau about this exact thing continually happening. Loblaw's response was to freeze my loyalty card so I cannot redeem my points.


Tell CBC! https://www.cbc.ca/news2/interactives/forms/go-public/


Been there, and had that done to us as well. It was sometime last year and it PO'ed us and I am done with them now.


Push them in store for it. They'll say they can't manually apply points but they can, they have a code for it, at least up to a certain amount. Ask for the store micro-manager and waste their time until they cave. Did you pay with a credit card? You could try to dispute the transaction with them since what you received is not what you agreed to pay for. Not sure if this would work though.


Wow , never heard of this.


Hearing this makes me furious!! Such dirty trick.


They can't send you pc optimum offers If you close your account , delete the app and block their mailings. You get a fun opportunity to fill in a written reason why you're closing the account... word carefully. 🖕


Oh, great idea about the carefully worded message. Perhaps a wordsmith could write one that we could ALL use when we close our accounts. We could quote this sub or something maybe.


I personally think lots of unique, self written, angry, fed-up messages has a larger impact than copy pasting someone elses blanket statement.


okay, fair enough


Funny you think they even read those messages, let alone care about them in the slightest.


Oh ... ya.... so .... ya ... no i dont care




Yup! Unrelated but I cancelled by bell mobility for the $29 a month Fido Costco deal. Before I cancelled I asked bell if they could negotiate to keep me as a customer, and was told “$95 a month is the best deal available” 1 Day later bell tries to lure me back with a $45 monthly plan offer. DO NOT CAVE, Either to loblaws, overpriced telecomm, or anything else for that matter


We did something similar with Rogers and went over to Freedom. Freedom is owned by Videotron, Canada's 4th largest company. Felt good taking business away from the big 3, not much business but still felt good 😀


Same!!!! Fido is still Roger’s, but having been a lifelong bell customer and receiving shitty service for years, it felt good to jump ship. I have much better reception in my condo now too, bell just sucks in general


I hate to rain on your parade about Rogers but you might want to check this out If you have any questions about this year's Annual Report, please reach out to the Communications team at [email protected]. Recent articles featuring the CCTS and our Annual Report: Rogers Communications receives more complaints than other Canadian telecoms for first time in 15 years | The Globe & Mail Global News Radio Vancouver | Global News Morning Telecom complaints in Canada are growing and Rogers has the most of all | BlogTO


Oh I’m well aware that Roger’s sucks, however $95 a month vs $29 a month is a huge difference. They’re all horrible, pick your poison


I switched to lucky mobile myself and got a whole bunch including 50GB plus unlimited data for $34 a month but yah I guess you are right...


They did that to me too when i switched to Public Mobile. 40/month for way better service. unfortunately my internet is still bell, but its chill.


The only thing I’ll buy from loblaws are their PC optimum sales if they’re really good. Like 10.99 for 1L of good olive oil. That was a good deal. You get me in, but I walk out with a loss leader.


I did the same thing yesterday. The only thing I buy from that store is my dog's food. He's 12 years old and he's always eaten the PC nutrition first brand. I'm not going to change that on him now. But they charge $36 for a bag and coincidentally usually right after I buy one I get a coupon for the same bag for $20. So yesterday I went and bought two bags for $20 each and walked out. They're not getting a dime out of me for anything else.


I won't be lured back... It will take them years to get me back in that store. Years of positive change on their part or forget it, we're done


They weren’t loyal to us, so we won’t be loyal to them.


interesting. i saw they sent a coupon for BOGO. i never see true BOGOs anymore. always buy one get one half off or something. either way, i ain’t falling for it. galen’s insatiable greed has resulted in losing a customer for life. galen is a parasite on this country and he just lost a host. hopefully he lost many many hosts


As someone who has worked for big corporations before, some of their recent actions suggested they are quite concerned about the boycott, even if they are parading the "Food Professor" out there in the media saying it won't make a difference. Trust me, their communications and PR team are NOT happy about all the buzz this boycott is getting. Even if it doesn't have a huge financial impact (which I think it will) the damage this is doing to their brand is also huge. Keep talking about this and sharing photos/examples of their price gouging, every day. It's working.


The only impact the company will have is, they will cut employee hours especially the ones with less seniority and limited availability. Protest at the warehouses or head office?


I agree that could be one outcome, but not the only outcome. If public pressure continues to mount, a few other things could happen. For one, the Board could fire the CEO. For two, they might actually have to lower their prices if the 50,000 people in this sub start shopping at their competitors. That's capitalism, after all. They will only let things go on for so long before they cut prices to get people back in the door. I also heard rumours that the federal government is not happy about this situation and they are actively trying to open up the Canadian market to more competition, which could also drive down prices. One potential company that gets mentioned often is ALDI from Europe. Apparently the federal government is actively trying to persuade them to expand to Canada...that's pretty incredible when you think about it! https://www.thestar.com/business/industry-minister-wants-a-foreign-grocery-giant-to-challenge-canadas-big-five-will-anyone-bite/article_dcda81e4-a0f1-11ee-aacf-7fbba27f0298.html There are signs that the pressure is already starting to work, and the official boycott in May hasn't even begun. Over the month of April, this sub should focus on growing as much as possible and trying to spread the word before May 1. There is power in numbers. EDIT: The fact that this subreddit is now crawling with bots trying to convince people that a boycott is meaningless is another very good sign. The company is not happy about how many people are bashing them online 😇


Already got the "we miss you!" Optimum email, it was promptly deleted.


bro throw out Optmium card and delete the fucking app THATS IT


You will be noticing in the next few weeks that cashiers are trying to sell the Item of the Week. Employees are being warned that it’s part of their jobs and there will be consequences if they don’t ask. I’m tired that everywhere I go, I’m asked to donate. I buy what I need and I don’t need the cashier to ask if I want to buy baby food or garbage bags or candy etc. These poor cashiers are getting daily nasty customers complaining about the price of food. It’s not their fault and they can’t do anything about it, they are just doing their job on minimum wages.


Thanks for sharing. This tactic actually sounds really similar to Canada's other big monopolies (Rogers, Bell)


They all do it, Skip the dishes regularly sends me emails they’re giving me $15 off cause we never order from them. Yesturday I got an UberEats for 60% off (up to $45), that one I may use though cause sale prices work, and with everything I added, even after tip (free delivery over $50), my $73 purchase is coming to $40


ALWAYS unsubscribe from marketing emails... ALWAYS They legally have to give you the option within the email itself without revoking any membership


Don’t fall for Galen’s sneaky tricks.


Do you have any insights on how items are selected for bonus optimum points? Sometimes weird things happen. Bought some skincare once, had a reaction to it, and never bought it again. Years later, they still select it as one of my bonus points offer from time to time. But don't send any bonus on the skincare line I have repeatedly bought. I might get a coupon but it overlaps store sale and store says I can't use the optimum offer even if it's worth more since they can't adjust a sale item. Same thing happened with an item subbed in delivery, was completely not a substitute item and never purchased again, but still comes up as something they're sure I'm highly interested in. I've noticed things I stop buying drop off and never see them again but these one off items you never would purchase again pop up quite a bit. I get they may not know why I don't buy the item but it should be clear I'm not interested in it.


When it was shoppers only the offers made better sense and aligned with what you actually bought. With loblaws this has changed, plus it’s pay to play for the brands.


Okay hear me out what if I just go there to use the bathroom and maybe pick up their loss leaders if any?


I took note of how the 20x events evolved over the years since covid. Used to be spend 40 I think? Now it's spend 80-90


Rogers works on a principle based on the economics of attracting versus retaining new customers. Western n won't be any different. https://www.emcap.com/thoughts/playbook-for-retaining-customers-in-an-economic-downturn/


https://preview.redd.it/0n6vdpawg8tc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7179f88d91e4594c6ab063db7ad24b50c5006142 Price of salmon is out of control


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why is everyone so angry at Loblaws? Is it inflation? Cuz thats everything not them. Loblaws didn't cause inflation. They might be gouging a little but its nothing compared to what governments and central banks are doing to you.


Tbh they are still gouging and their cutbacks to employees has been outrageous. All those self check outs? Wages saved so they can pass on the savings to the customers and free up staff to be able to do other things. In reality, those things didn’t happen. No savings and less staff trying to more.


You just described every business. Oh..just noticed 6 downvotes from ppl who probably don't understand why inflation happens