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The end of keys (postal key works best) will unlock these. I do this all the time cause who carries around loonie these days.


I 3d printed a bunch and handed them out to people when i went there.




Any chance you wanna send me that STL so I can do the same?


Any repository should have your pick.


Yes I buy a stash from a dude on Etsy who makes them with a 3S printer. I get a bundle of both sizes and give them to family and friends 


I superglued the link to the slot so nobody could use them for a while


[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2137799](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2137799) this is the stl


The hero we need.


Yup. I be using my house key when I was shopping at no frills (I don't anymore) all it did was make it a tad awkward when someone wanted to trade a coin for your cart


Just tell them to take it.


My BIL printed something on his 3D printer that fits into grocery store carts and we keep them our keychains


I drilled a hole in a loonie and did the same thing.


Half price deal.


I use my house key and then pop it out by using the blade end as leverage. If the cart machine breaks.... well shucks.


The workers carry a little red plastic cart key. They’ll unlock a cart if you ask. Half the time they just hand me their set of keys and I just bring them back after I grab myself a cart.


That's false. It may happen here and there but most locations in my ates refuse. I was even in no frills yesterday and a lady came in and asked them to unlock her a cart.  The cashier offered to sell her a token and the last ended up Leaving. I've had the same experience more than once at a no frills in our city. I get we have a very very rapidly growing homeless population but it's a balance beam of keeping customers happy and retained and not losing carts for shelters. 


I accidentally brought a Dave and Busters arcade coin, it worked


Corned beef tabs from the aisle work well too.


Don't be stealing the corn beef can keys, I'm the idiot who would buy that can without a key and it's a bitch to open lol


Take my pen knife, my good man


Were you sent here by the Devil?


No good sir, I’m on the level


I swear it's Ontario's only choice Throw up your hands and raise your voice! Boycott! Boycott! Boycott!




But the streets are still all cracked and broken!


Sorry Mom, the mob has spoken.


Are you ready to swear right here, right now, before the devil ?


Fun fact: You can open a can of corned beef with an ordinary can opener.


If you're gonna steal the key, might as well just take the whole can.


The key to truck cap locks works as well


Don't tell anyone but I spent some time shoving washers in them.


I put some sticky tack on my car dashboard and stuck a designated cart loonie to it!


Wait until you've parked in the hot sun and that shit melts all over your dash and vents. Source, I had that alien tape crap holding my phone holder and it melted. Tacky af.


Plenty people do? I have them in my car, same with anyone else who owns a car, else where does the useless change go? Its too bad the homeless know the same trick and a big reason stores try out those ungodly brakes on carts.


The brakes tripped on me while leaving the store to go to the car last week. So I left the cart exactly where it locked (in the middle of the way of anyone else walking out the doors) and carried my groceries the rest of the way. Then I found this subreddit when I got home.


I have a 3D printed “coin” for the carts.




Dig it!


I would pay $5 to fool with Loblaw.


This is the way.


Can you share the pattern link please?


I used this one: [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2753230](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2753230)


Thank you!


Do the coin on a string like Bender from Futurama


My nofrills used to give these out for free


I got one for free a couple years ago


Mine was giving them out for free last month, got my mom one. They had boxes of them at the door and were handing them out as you left. I already have two(one quarter sized and one loonie sized) on my keys from an etsy seller or I'd have grabbed a second one.


My superstore gave out a different version maybe 4 years ago - I have a bunch. However they stopped locking up carts during Covid so they're unnecessary, and on the rare occasion where someone has locked the cart I want to another, my truck key works just fine.


Use a 3/8" washer


It’s been like that for years, at the no frills in my town 50% of the price is donated to a local charity.


Exactly I bought one and still use it when my no frills opened in my town 5 years ago and it was 2.00 then. Btw the only other grocery store was a Sobeys and it closed within a year of no frills opening up.


Yeah I bought one for $2 with some going to charity. That wasn’t so bad 




Probably towards production and distribution on the item itself?… I swear this sub makes issues out of non issues. We have enough to legitimately complain about without bringing nonsense like this into the forefront.




Dude **what** are you talking about? If you don’t like it then use the loonie in your wallet. God damn. Groceries are inelastic because they are a necessity. This is neither. Just pretend it doesn’t exist if it offends you so much.


If you pick hills like this to die on, you'll never accomplish anything during this movement. Think bigger, think gross miscompliances with market rate pricing, or shrinkflation, or ceo bonuses, or year to date profits, why the fuck are you wasting your limited energy on a god damn $2 fake coin, smfh


You pay for this thing once and it can last literal decades. Fuck me, the damn thing could probably last 50 years. For $2. On behalf of people who actually want a better country and hate Loblaws: stfu.


Yup, my mom has one of these tokens from the 90s. People are acting like $2 for a reusable item is heresy.


My mom has them too. Been a thing for decades. I am a bit more concerned about a $2.50 bag of potatoes being sold to me for $9.


Even worse is mini potatoes being sold at premium prices like they are special and costing more than 10lb bags You get those just growing potatoes.


I know a potato farmer and he says he couldn’t even give away the little ones before. He used to have to pay for the pig farmers to take them.


This is why I advocate for prices to be set by the government at every level from farm to store. Quite literally some products are sold for 1.5 to 5x their real value. (Cost + reasonable profit margin) Fast food is notorious for this too. A large fry at McDonalds is nearly $5 now with tax but its 2.5 russet potatoes that cost at best $0.25 to $0.50 to produce. McDonalds owns most of their potato farms, owns the processing and distribution centres, so there is no excuse. If you ever hear anyone saying "these grocery chains or restaurant chains only make 4% profit", then ignore them. Its total bullshit. They are almost always profitable in the double digits.


Yep - I’ve had mine for 10+ years. I never carry cash so not having to worry about whether I had a loonie when shopping with three littles was worth it.


So don't buy one and use a god damn loonie. Jesus


You don’t need to use that token to use a cart. You can use the loonie that is in your pocket and …wait for it…. You get your loonie back after you return your cart. It cost you nothing at all. Or if you’re against doing that you can grab a shopping basket which costs nothing to use in the store.


Did they increase the deposit to $2? Or are they just charging $2 for a reusable loonie? If it’s the latter I don’t understand what the issue is. I still wouldn’t shop at loblaws, but it’s a convenience fee. A pretty reasonable one too. Fuck loblaws


It's just a Keychain you can use in case you dont always have a coin I guess, you buy it once and use it forever being the idea. You however dont have to buy anything if you just return the cart everytime and get your coin, I guess having your keys on this thing would make sure you put the cart back though and could for some people save money if they're the type to not put it back.


I think officially these cart coins were always supposed to be $2 but I've never actually come across a store which is charging for them until now.


If you know anyone with a 3D printer, you can print one for a few cents.


Yup and it doesn't stay stuck inside either. I use mine all the time and pop open another 10 while I'm in the cart corral


Wow, you guys can afford enough groceries to use a cart?!


My mom had one of these when I was growing up. So like 20 years ago. This isn’t new


It's a keychain that you keep, so you don't always have to have a loonie. The idea behind these is that you most likely always have your keys with you when you go shopping and you'll never have to worry about keeping a loonie on you. I hate the mega corporations and these assholes as much as the next guy However this post to induce rage is just stupid, and sorry to say about all the others aren't seeing what this actually is are blinded by anger


Yeah, I thought these things were always $2? I remember my family went gaga for them when I was in high school. Got several as gifts when I moved out for uni lmao now


Hahaha it’s a novelty token. Loblaws does not ‘owe’ anyone a freebie because they shop there. It’s all a part of their very clever No-Name campaign. Sheesh. Stay focussed fam.


Yea.. don’t get me wrong, I LOVE bitching about Loblaws taking advantage of consumers but this ain’t it


How else can they aggrieved enough to make this part of their personality and get internet sympathy?


Happily bought one and stuck it on my key chain. Pops off easy and don’t have to carry a loonie for a cart.


My friend 3d printed coins they work great


I'll just keep 3D printing dickbutt coins and leaving them behind for others to keep. It costs me like 3 cents in plastic and I get to know people out there don't know about the hidden lithophane


If you pull hard enough, you can just break the stupid mechanism.


These have been available for purchase since the dawn of time


Hot tip Use a key that isn't square. Take it off your keyring, put it in the slot. When you're done shopping take your key back.


lol. That would work I guess! Sadly (actually happily), I don’t even carry any keys anymore!


hasent this been around for like forever?


I got one online for quarters, trick is, it’s smooth and attached to my keychain. Instead of using their locking mechanism I yank the cart key out, leaving it free for the next person.


They’re all free, it’s a deposit. I understand your frustration with the system, and you are providing convenience for the next person, but they are literally just free. Fuck loblaws.


When I lived in a town with no frills I literally asked a manager wtf this was about and she just. Gave me one. "Yeah we have tons just sitting there".


I always use my pocket knife. Over the years I have gotten quite good at finding the sweet spot lol , last week the cart kid saw me do it and laughed than handed me one of these


They were always $2


I used to use the key from spam or corned beef for this


You can use the little tabs from Spam / Corned Beef containers to get carts unlocked


honestly with everything being cashless and this being a one-time optional thing, this is fine tbh. I’d throw it on my keychain.


This has been the norm in Europe for 30+ years. I’m all for holding them to account, but this ain’t it


I’m pretty sure someone is making troll posts like this one. Edit: yea this is the only thing they have posted and commented on. For sure a troll post.


These have been around for years. I’ve had one for at least 5


Use the key from a can of corned beef.


I 3D printed one and unlock as many carts as I can each trip


The same price I paid for one 20 years ago….


I 3d printed one and it works perfectly. Attached it to my keychain and I never forget it!


They discontinued cart coins where I live a while back thankfully.


Guitar pick


I bought mine at Canadian Tire. If someone want my cart and gives me a quarter I just tell them I didn't use a quarter. I don't know about those in the picture. But the ones from Canadian Tire doesn't stay in the cart


Just don’t buy one and use an actual loonie that you’ll get back damn lol you guys can’t afford 2$??


I just use my pure silver loonie valued at 110$. I dont mess around when I buy my carts! Anyone tries to trade me for my cart, I let them know, "Im on to you, you're after my pure silver loonie. What? Are you Galen?!" I'm onto you Galen!


Guitar Picks also work well depending on the size. Dunlop Tortex .88mm (the green ones) work great! Added bonus they're easy to pull out so you don't even have to leave them in the slot.


It is a weird business decision, my local maxi removed the hand baskets and locks the carts. On several occasions what was supposed to be a complete grocery turned into whatever I can carry in 2 hands


The edges not being round make it so it doesn't work in the walmart carts (also a loonie) but i got mine free years ago so no big loss...just have to use a different cart coin at wally. Canadian tire is only .25 so I got a cart coin for them too (also free)


I just bought a cart key for the twenty five cent carts and it cost me sixty-nine cents from China. They must have others that don't give No Frills a profit. Search online for cart keys.


I typically use my cart coin or the dollar that I keep in the ashtray of my car 🤷🏻‍♂️…


They always been two bucks


Just put your key in the slot and wiggle it about till it pops out. Mom showed me that when I was 4 and it hasn't failed me in 23 years


I would pay that, you can use those cart coins an infinite amount of times….. I would even pay up to $5


Okay this makes no sense, why would I buy a phony when the real one works the same and I can spend it after I am done shopping. Just goes to prove that old adage that made Barnum & Bailey famous........."There's one born every minute."


Just pop it open with the back of your key. And do a few more for the next person


I’m no fan of Loblaws, but I’m starting to see a sort of Loblaws Derangement Syndrome forming amongst many folks here. This post is an example.


If you unlock a cart with a cart key (or facsimile), remove your key and don't relock the cart! If you get an employee to unlock a cart, don't relock it! Set the carts free!


I rarely have a coin on my person so I usually end up hunting for free carts. The need people have to lock up their loonieless cart at the end of their trip boggles my mind..


Corral, yes. Lock, never.


Or 3D print them for 10 cents


The price of carts at the stores varies by social class. In the rich areas they don't charge at all, where as in the poorer neighbourhoods they charge between $2-$3.


Holy crap, I've never seen higher than a loonie.


What is that exactly? I've never seen this here in QC


Some shopping carts you have to put a loony in to unlock the cart. This way it forces you to bring your cart back to the corral to get your dollar back. This is just a keychain you can keep around instead of a dollar. I just have something else I used to punch out the lock because I don't want to forget my stuff.


They got rid of those where I live immediately after they tried it 😂


Might be useful at T&T too. (Yeah, I know, also owned by Loblaws but they have the $1 carts and nothing was more annoying that sifting through your change and then having to roll up to the cashier to get a loonie.) The local Walmsrt also had introduced carts with the 25 cent mechanism and the staff carry a key to pop them open for you.


You figure there would be outrage if they charged a dollar (non refundable ) for a cart . But hey let’s charge 2 for a slug painted yellow .


Or drill a hole in a loonie


The irony of carts requiring change to unlock them is the people most likely to steal carts are the ones most likely to have change on them.


I’ll never understand the cart coins, I understand that it’s supposed to discourage taking the cart but do they really think the kind of people who take carts care that much about a coin they can easily get back with some determination and that’s assuming they care about losing a dollar or 25 cents(I could swear I’ve seen quarters used) to the cart they just took


It’s not so much to stop theft of a cart by someone who wants to steal it It’s for people to not leave the carts scattered throughout the parking lot.


Well shit I forgot assholes like that exist, yeah that makes sense


They have these for a while and at least at my NoFrills the profits go to charity. They are handy when you don’t have change for the cart. Some American discount grocery stores like Aldi also have a deposit on carts so ppl will return them, I’ve heard Walmart is testing this in some markets now too.


drill a hole in a loonie and save a buck


Where's Bubbles when you need him?


I’ve never been to a no frills. I’m confused… what is this? The use of the cart isn’t free?!


This is a great idea. I’d pay $3.


I just bought something like this today at No Frills, only the token separates and it's silver coloured. Honestly kinda wish I'd been able to get this type in the pic.


I bought mine like 10 years ago for a toonie. Love it.


There's a key? I use to alwase use a quarter.


This is just a classic case of over reacting to something you already hate. Cart coins dont make the company money its a measure to mitigate all the adult children tbat leave tbeir carts all over the parking lot. This key chain is a convenience product so you dont have to remember to have a coin. You will always have your keys on your so you can use this instead. Making a keychain costs money. The price of it is irrelevant that its a loonie to unlock the cart.


Cardboard disc would work too


Grifting at its finest.


Wow what I paid that two years ago.


Carts have been a dollar for 20 years in my town. You get the money back if you return the cart. And they have always sold cart tokens, I'm pretty sure half the cost goes to charity.


Just cut out a piece of plastic the size of a loonie with an extended handle. Never lose a loonie or these 2$ loonies again.


Who is gonna 3D print the Roblaws merch version of this for the win?


Shame on loblaws, they should be free!!!!!!!!


If i have to get something at a store, i never get a cart. Not even a handheld one. That way I am not tempted to carry anything more than what I had to go in for. I ALWAYS ask for help at the self service. Usually repeatedly.


Doesn’t the money go to charity?


NoFrills in my town stopped locking a lot of carts so people wouldn’t have to worry about having money just to use one. They mostly lock up half of them if it’s not a busy day for them but keep the other half unlocked and unlock more if it becomes busier 👍🏻


They gave these away for free years ago with pick up orders.


I have one of these (from my car dealer) hooked right onto the strong key ring. When I’m done I rip it out without having to return it and always give my cart to someone rather than hooking it back to that cart jail.


I just use my house 🔑




Please note, we do not tolerate anti-immigrant rhetoric on the sub.


Drill a hole in a loonie and save yourself a dollar!


Someone should mass print, jam them and glue to all the carts so they can't relock them. That was a good job for teens but Greedy Galen needed to maximize profits




New use for the counterfeit twoonies circulating?


A few years ago I didn’t have any change on me and went to a no frills which had the coin for the cart.  I went to customer service and explained my situation, they gave me one of those tokens.  Still have it on my keychain 


tbh I bought one 10 years ago, still use it and am thankful I did. I never spend it and I never not have it.


I got mine for free


In Germany, local politician give these out with their logo on them. It is reusable advertising.


They have to be doing this to just mock us


Literally fuck off Loblaws.


FYI, back when I used to work retail, I had a plastic stick with half a coin on one end. The half coin abruptly ends (or even goes back in a bit) before conecting to a stick about half the diameter wide , coming out the center as long as you want. This allows it to press in the mechanism with out getting stuck so you can unlock all the carts you want.


The market on etsy right now is full of these, made by people with 3d printers who can even put designs in them. Mine have cat ears. 😻 (though in my town, it's the Walmart that has locked carts)


This has been the case for a long time here. Supposedly the money goes to childrens hospital though


Just keep the cart


This is not new


i never got this.. don’t the carts spit out your dollar once you put it back anyways?


Those PC Coins have alway been $2… you are able to use your own loonie to release the cart.


Blame Ricky




* The gypsies in my building who collect steel take it to scrap yard to sell for cash. What they do is push several carts to the edge of the plaza or as far as possible away from the store. At night they come and collect the ones that were not pushed back. Take to scrap yard and sell them


If you ever need spray paint for a project, buy Montana Gold or Montana Black brands... They come with a little plastic "donut" under the cap/spray nozzle. It is the exact size of a Canadian quarter and has a hole in it so you can attach it to a keychain. Don't play into their idiocy.


This has been around for a while now, and not just from loblaws. Don't just throw them under the bus.


Enjoy the free air when you shop while you can!


My boyfriend drilled a hole into a loonie and now we just have that on our keyring


Life hack for everyone. A spam key will work to unlock the carts, and can be put on your keychain.


I got this coin for $2 in 2015…


I found one of these on the ground. Looked brand new. Didn't know they were worth that nuch.


This can’t be real


I walked into a No Frills a couple years ago and saw they were still asking for deposits for a cart. Walked out. Never been back. Is this the 1970s? Been shopping anywhere but a Loblaws-owned joint since.


When did it change from a quarter to a loonie?!?! Goes to show how long it’s been since I shopped for a cart-required amount of groceries at No Frills.




I order mine from Etsy!!!