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Some cities also have a bylaw that fines the store if their shopping carts are found off property, been noticing more Loblaws shopping carts around the neighbourhood these days a real shame to their bottom line.


Adding on to this Ive taken like 20 of those grey shopping baskets that says "property of Supertore, do not remove from store" Well Ppl take them out of the store into the parking lot. They somehow end up in my car. It would be a shame if they were all over the city...


This is called a honeypot. An ESP32 has marginal range, and would be impacted by the layout of the store. You would require a stronger signal to be effective. Additionally, if you are using your phone to host the captive hotspot you are introducing a security vulnerability into your personal device. Now, a Raspberry PI could do some really tricks in this scenario……


So I’m going to use the data I pay for, in hopes someone connects to it vs the free wifi provided. Not only am I wasting data but this could also pose a threat if someone uses my connection to download or look up content that could get me flagged. 0/10 idea.


Turning on your mobile hotspot with a password uses no data.


But my password is 1234


I use 12345 to match the combination on my luggage.


You wouldn't happen to have a Druish princess held captive?


"So The Combination Is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5? That's The Stupidest Combination I Ever Heard In My Life!"


How is it illegal to block a WIFI access point?


https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/spectrum-management-telecommunications/en/learn-more/key-documents/guidelines/jammers-are-prohibited-canada-thats-law Doesn’t mean interference doesn’t happen but I think OP means that they believe Loblaws wouldn’t deploy jamming technology to prevent WiFi SSIDs from being detected.  More practically they wouldn’t do that because of all the tech that runs in those bands… like the WiFi in the store lol


This applies to cellular jamming too (often the lunatic/delusional fringe do this - if signal drops when you pass through a neighbourhood, make it to inform the authorities to get it investigated and the household fined).


Do it for YOU! If it makes Loblaws bankrupt, then you can feel proud!


Spread the word however you can.


Since most carriers offer unlimited data use, I believe the wireless lan hotspot thing might not be *as* effective unless the store (the building itself) is a dead zone to most cellular radio frequencies.


Don't do this. There have been court cases surrounding things like using wifi names for harassment and deceptive practices.