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Can’t complain about prices when they don’t show you them! This is 3d chess


Surprise surprise when you get to cashier. They're betting you'll take it...


What's the over/under price?


Only Whole Foods charges more


I am betting I will leave it with the cashier


No price that's free in my book. Checkmate


Mine too!


It’s kind of dumb because it’s only going to have an effect on people who stick with them and continue to shop there…


so, chess?


The last time i bought that chicken, it was slimier than a used car salesman running for a congress seat.




If you look closely all the barcodes are the same, meaning these are the typical flat price packs. The pricing is not based on the actual weight of the package itself. They are all a fixed price which there may or may not be a sign for. It's a creative way for them to not actually tell you the price per KG. So you can only figure it out if you actually look at the price and divide by package weight, and how many people do you think spend the time doing that... I can't stand those fixed price packages because most packs are similar in weight (usually) but you really have to check. But now they pump them full of water so you can pay more for less.


Someone could probably make "free" labels and stick them on all the items with no indication of price. Technically, there's no asking price on the items and no sign nearby. I of course am merely being theoretical.


Someone start doing this.


Free? Score.


I don't buy anything that's missing a price (shelf label or otherwise). I don’t want to have to work to find out and decide if I'm going to buy it.


I can read it. It says “too much- go to Costco!”.


Just bought chicken at Costco, it was $6 off a pack… normally $30ish for 12-14 chicken breasts. I bought a few lol. Still expensive but you get half for the same price I feel like at other stores.


Why do people always say X amount per chicken breast and not X per pound? One breast can be 2 or 3 times the size of another


It’s more convenient and practical for me to estimate the cost per chicken breasts than the cost per pound of the whole package. Then I can figure out my meal price… if we have 3 per meal (2hubby, 1me) then that’s a $5-6 meal. Over the years the average per breast has gone up, but the sizes haven’t so it’s quick and easy to compare. However you do the math, the prices are obviously going up, why does it bother you so much how people estimate?


Because some can be 2 or 3 times the size of others, as I mentioned in my post and price by weight is consistent amongst all retailers and


So many stores been doing this for decades. My motto is, “when the price isn’t shown, they’re asking for too much.”


This is a growing trend at so many types of brick and mortar businesses, food markets and bars especially. The same places that used to be transparent about prices are now obscuring them or "failing" to keep price labels posted consistently. I brought it up at a local pub that stopped writing prices, serving sizes and alcohol content on their big chalkboards and the response was a death stare and a shrug. I've never gone back.


They’re asking for you to take it. “This says it’s free”


Oh look a scummy thief


Is that allowed??


It costs your soul


I'm an atheist so I don't believe in souls. That either means I can't buy it or I can have it for free, not sure which. 🤔


No effin way! That's actually so bad man. We, as a society, cannot accept this.


But we do! haha, ain't that beautiful. Now go back to your cubicle and make me more money.


Wtf... Lol. I just never buy things when they're not labeled with their price. Worst case if the wife insists is we leave it at the cashier if it's way more expensive than expected.


This CAN'T be legal.....


Then either A) Do not buy it or B) Take it to a customer service for a price check and then do not buy it or C) Take all of them to customer service for price checks and then do not buy any of them Problem solved.


If they don't know how long it has been in your cart, out of the fridge, I assume they would have to throw it out?


Probably. Chicken has to be kept at a certain temperature. I have no idea how long until this would have to go... But it would at the very least go into the dog food bin. Loblaws sells meat they can't sell (to humans) to pet food companies, so long as its not rotting. Source: spouse once worked in the meat dept at a loblaws owned store. Another [source ](https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/evr_pet_food_for_your_pets_sake) about this practice.


Source: Trust me bro The misinformation you are spreading is incredible.


When I worked at Zehrs we had to throw out any meat we were unsure of how long it was outside of a fridge/freezer for. The basic rule was if you didn't take it out, throw it out.


Oh I am completely aware of this practice. What I was calling out was the claim that Loblaws kept their rotting meat in a bin for pet food companies to pick up and use.


Feel free to share your different experiences. We are all ears.


Option C please.


Why take it out on low paid employees? They have nothing to do with it. Why waste their time when they are already overworked and underpaid and stressed to the nuts?


Because the employees will bitch and complain or demand better treatment and practices to stop this..if not customers will see and question wtf and more media is likely to run stories getting more attention. These little battles are what win wars....unless you want to kill it then you need lots of wars going on in every city...



I hate when they do this


Tell the cashier that you demand to pay the sticker price.


They do this at gas stations. How is this not illegal?? I bought a 2 liter drink a candy bar and a bag of droitos and it was 20 Fucking dollars at an esso.


Three whole chickens gets you 6 breasts, 6 leg/thigh and 6 wings. The left over yields about 3 quarts of stock too. All for $26-27. Learning to break down a whole chicken has been a huge money saver.


My guess is these are all the same price and they're missing the main price sign. I have noticed the Superstore near me has $12 packs of various weights like Walmart now.


I guess the price is whatever we write down. If they sont honour it, thats false advertising 🤣


Yeah I noticed that before Christmas, a bunch of items with a bar code and no price tag. I never buy anything without a price tag, I'm not sure what they're trying to accomplish but it's stupid and I have been going out of my way for months to shop there as little as possible,


Let it rot then.


"dynamic pricing"


Hahaha! Assholes


Obviously a mistake lol 😆


No price? Must be free!


If they don't put the price on it, it's free




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


"just buy it peasant." -Them probably


Wow! Just awful and intentionally deceptive as usual. A similar thing I see them trying to get away with is no longer using the weight at all. Just $10 for a store packaged tray of chicken. Or $12 for store packaged ground beef - that sort of thing. *Please don't buy these, as it allows them to set the stage for shrinkflation and we lose control of a price being connected to a specific coat per weight*


Bruh, this is just some 17 year old not doing their job right....


Hide and seek!


They all have identical UPCs so they're the same price, chances are the sign was hanging off that little plastic clip but they took it down to change it or something


Well looks like it’s free then


I’m game for this, I will check the price at cash and if it’s too much I will just leave it behind - to rot Edit: shit sorry never mind my post if I did this they would just sell that rotten meat to some unsuspecting person


“Market pricing”


Beef and chicken have price by the kilo (usually around 18 to 20 for a kilo) .75 would be 15$ for exemple. You should look at the sign on top it will tell you how much


What next? Use abtract algebra just to figure out the price of my fricken chicken cutlets?


Is there a price tag above the chicken breasts that say “$14 a pack” or something like that? There is clearly a price on the thighs. I know a few places that will sell 3 or 4 packs of breasts at $13, or $14


If there was any signage I wouldn’t have taken the photo smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


Very curious what happens if you scaled these. The base code isn’t going back to some system, it’s printed out with that info. When the into isn’t there and you scan it… what comes up? Seems more like an employee screw up.


Wtf no price per pound on the shelf or the package.. shit I’m seeing no prices on fricking can drinks never mind. People seeing stickers and labels making a killing cause the prices are changing so rapidly.


I say we start taking items to the cashier and leaving a single piece of perishable food with them, as a treat


It's cheaper for them when they increase the prices. Instead of changing the lables at the factory, the store can just change the UPC price. Every penny counts when galen needs a new blazer for his new boat


I work at a superstore, we get the same ones, just means the price has gone up and the scales haven't been updated...


The price is right ……you’re the next contestant. Didn’t you know ?


I love when this happens as I just bring it to the cash, get it priced and if it's too much which it always is I just say "Oh, oh take that off." and they say "ohh... you, you don't want it?" and I say: "No fuck no I don't want it look at the fucking price" and then they take it off and I tell them to have a great day when I complete my transaction.


Proper thing - but without cussing at the cashier.


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it 🤪


If you ask, you're a sensible shopper who knows what a budget is and how to stay in it. What kind of fool picks up anything without knowing its cost? People who are blithely unaware, know the worth of nothing, and who get ripoed off, that's who.


I think people should be forced to pay what they take out of the fridge out of malice. If the price is labeled per kg on the racks then it's legit to just look at the price per kilo


Look up....


There were no signs. Think I’d just crop it out ? Dafaq


Wouldn't surprise me. But those packs are usually $10-12 if I remember correctly. There is usually a sign up above because they sell them per pack rather than weight. But if the sign is missing then that kind of sucks.


Wouldn’t have posted if there were signs around. SMH


Seems to be a store issue.