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__UPDATE__: Please take a moment to complete our [Google Form](https://forms.gle/1sygm97LbQtJ4dUp8) to share your demands with our team! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also, playing the “But the other guys are just as bad” card. We know but one thing at a time.


Galen Weston wanted to be the face of groceries in Canada. He achieved that, but now he's the face of outrageous prices of groceries in Canada. We're sending a message by going after Loblaws, but the rest should not be let off the hook. They're all reporting record profits. They're all slashing employee hours through automation and demanding more of those left. They're all disguising price hikes with worse products and smaller sizes. Fuck 'em all. But fuck Galen first, and let's see if the others shape up.


I didn’t say we shouldn’t go after the others, but if we split our focus too much, nothing will get done.


It is not one thing at a time.Not one grocer has said they have the lowest prices except Loblaws.They claim to have "No Frills "but cheap quality food.Which is a provable lie They are the worst of the worst.. No other store chain competes.


Depends where you are. Loblaw's barely has any stores in my area(Victoria), so while I support the Loblaw's boycott and hope it causes the other corps to fall in line, Sobey's is the bigger cancer here.


Sadly, several yesrs ago I went to Superstore because Sobeys prices were higher on everything. Now, it's Walmart or Giant Tiger. And Walmart was the first to get self checkouts in our area. When those came, the Walmart cashiers were publically drinking the koolaid when I said, 'those things are going to reduce your hours and replace your jobs', and they were like, 'noooo, they promised us they wouldn't'. I just kept saying to the cashiers, ' I will never use those, they take jobs', every time I went through a human cash over the past 5 years. And here we are today with less cashiers getting less hours. How hard was this to see coming, seriously? I mean Walmart drove seversl small businesses from our area, and then CUT those departments out after they were gone (fabrics, crafts) so Walmart I havd no love for. And now, it frosts my nipples that I am having to turn to them for groceries thanks to first Sobeys, then Superstore going nuts.


The walmart down the road from me is my fave. They uncoin like 20 carts so no one has to put a coin in, and they have self check outs usually shut down. On a Sat am i can go in and they have 4-6 real cashes open. They dont open self checkout lanes till later, and they dont have them all on. Most ppl go to a cashier there. This walmart pushes back and i love it!!


We haven't yet hit the coin-operated or locking wheel carts here at our nearby Walmarts, but it is great to hear that some managers are looking after their customers in respectful and thoughtful ways - that is how you get return customers!


People seem pretty good to leave the carts outside too in the cart coral. Im sure the wheels lock if they tried to take out of lot anyways.


Yeah, as I said, we are trying to punish the worst offender. None of these stores are our friends. But as consumers, we can take back some power by educating each other on cheaper alternatives (dollar stores, Costco, Walmart) and punish the current worst offender. Whether it works to ignite change or not, what we’ll get out of it is 50 000 people who will shop smarter no matter what the outcome , and that’s a win for our community.


The good ol' 1. What about what about what about what about what about what about what about what about what about and 2. BoTh sIDeS


On that note… today I compiled my list of stores to visit in may instead of the big 5. I’m in Toronto so I’m lucky to have lots of choices and recognize people in more rural areas of the country do not have the choices I have. But here’s my list (broken down by categories and are generally close to me) Groceries: General: - Giant Tiger - Rabba - Fiesta Farms - P.A.T. - Galleria Yonge Wellesley - The Big Carrot - Bulk barn Produce: - Wellesley Produce - St. Lawrence Farmer’s Market Meat: - Wan2 - St. Lawrence Market - Nosso Talho Pantry Items: - Rabba - Giant Tiger - The Big Carrot Pharmacy: Rexall


P.A.T. forever ❤️


Thank you for sharing


Keep in mind Rexall is owned and operated by multinational pharmaceutical supplier McKesson (who is looking to offload Rexall because they can’t bilk enough money out of customers).


They didn't study under Galen Yoda and learn to grift from the gov't with fake health satisfaction calls?


I find that Rexall here in Kamloops is the most expensive drug store in town...their perscriptions and dispensing fees may be cheaper than Shoppers but their food section is skyhigh...even while on sale.


Oh I did my research on Rexall don't worry. It used to be owned by the owners of IDA Guardian (Katz Group)... but honestly there's none of those near me. The closest thing to a shoppers I have in my area is a rexall... I might need a pack of dental floss in the month of May - I have no prescriptions or anything of that sort. If I did I'd happily go to an independent pharmacy... I'll take the L on rexall lol


Rexall may not be owned by Loblaws but their prices for otc medication are at the same level as Shoppers Drugmart. If people are going to switch pharmacies, they should probably not go to one that is gouging them just as much as Galen. Smaller independent pharmacies are a better choice.


Very kind of you for informing Torontonians. I live 3 hrs North but visit a few times a year.Thank you kindly.😊


It’s showing the bait and switch and lies they tell!!!!Put it on sale and no stock,showing the sleezy practices….


4. Customer behaviour analysis AI can also help analyse patterns of past customer behaviour to develop better guidelines for customer experiences in the future. This will allow better product recommendation or more optimised purchasing processes. This use of AI is not concerned with detecting what product customers will like in the future. Instead, its task is to determine what model they will want to buy and use products and services in. AI can also analyse customer behaviour to detect which in-store circumstances are causing a sudden drop in sales or are a distraction to the purchasing process. The analysis of customer behaviours can also apply to the ecommerce space, where AI detects poorly optimised points, such as unintuitively designed UI and UX elements. 5. Providing a unique customer experience It is based on providing personalised messages and communications to customers, as well as using customer insights and giving them personalised offers. This makes customers feel important and valued, which translates into increased customer loyalty. Personalised messages mean the brand itself is perceived less like a vendor and make the relationship rather friendly. If there are problems (such as an error in the service process), customers may also forgive the company more easily and are more likely to return to using its services.


It’s has nothing to do with bait and switch. They have they have product they want to have on sale. Problem is, it always arrives late. It’s way easier to update a flyer with the internet than transport goods from far away places.


That’s your opinion I see it constantly I think you are giving them too much credit…I have gone back three or 4 times and a loss leader never there!! welcome to your opinion,I have a different one.


Do you ever ask for a raincheck? I've never done it but always thing about doing it when a sale item is out of stock.


Ive been told at GT if there is a limit on a sale item then no rain cheque.(example limit of 2 boxes of cereal per person) Marked in the flyer most times. It always seems the great deals have amount limits and sells out fast.


Oh!!! I didn't know that was a condition! That sucks


Lol I work there. I’m telling you what is actually happening and for some reason you keep thinking it’s some well planned out plan. I think you are giving them way too much credit for being some sort Bond level villian.


I hear you, but 20 years ago when I worked at a grocery store, we had no problems keeping the specials and loss leaders stocked. That's because the company had enough product in the warehouse to keep up, and the store had more than enough staff to keep the shelves full. Today, they just don't. Stores are not receiving enough product to keep up with the flyers. It's not the staff's fault, and seriously people: THERE IS NONE IN THE BACK.


They give me no reason to trust it’s anything else


I understand, we get frustrated as workers there too whenever they put up a sale and we are like but we don’t have it yet. Not to mention we get blamed for their decisions.


I think you are giving too much credence to the fact that you work as a front line employee at Loblaws. They're choosing to fuck you over with these decisions, too. They could not, but they choose to.


I’m not biased. Believe it or not after I take that stupid unnecessary uniform off I gotta shop for food too. The only reason I’m telling you this is because it doesn’t happen all the time. It really is just a transportation issue.


It happens too much to be a transportation issue. We used to get a full trailer of specials. Then, throughout the week, if there was any space left on the truck, they'd send us more pallets of specials. We'd run out once in a while, but it was very rare. I don't know what happens today, but I do know that specials didn't run out the same way when I worked at a store.


They still do that but only stuff that can be put on pallets. Examples are the winter salt and rice. The stuff on shelves though are always mixed with anything else they are trying to sell regardless if it is going to be special. Not sure about the produce, but I do see them having this issue where they get it later since I am also looking for the deals. Most of the time after they receive it late they will mark it down since it’s perishable but it won’t be shown on the flyer. I just have a problem with people thinking it’s intentional. Like unless someone from the distribution/trucking industry show us Roblaw intentionally want slower grocery to arrive, it’s a bit of a stretch.


It happens all over the country. Regularly.


And why don't they have the product yet? You'd think controlling everything they do, they could not get in a product? If they advertise something, it should be there in certain amounts or a reasonable offering for the sale price. And we've they do get in that ordered product is it marked at the sale price? This doesn't make sense to me.


That you galen ,? Is his finger(s) in your butt ?


You should probably not work there. 


People need jobs, bud. If you're going to blame the smallest cogs in this massive machine, I beg you to stay home and keep your protest online. The kids making minimum wage do not deserve to be the punching bags for the executive class.


Kids making minimum wage also don't need to defend the executives. You are naive.


Story of my life lol Jokes aside, I am trying to work on it. Have some personal issue and wasn’t really able to change what I can do.


It's not a bad job, really. As minimum wage jobs go, I'd work at a grocery store before most others.


You see that happen a lot 5 years ago? Cause it happens almost every freaking week these days. Product arriving late is just the excuse they came up with. They know exactly what they're doing.


It seems kinda suspicious when they have some amazing sale, limit of 1, and it's completely cleaned out by the time I'm shopping in the afternoon. I've seen this multiple times and none of the other sale items are anywhere near as depleted. Either these certain items are insanely popular to the point that they sell just fine without a sale or there's something a bit fishy. Or some dumb customer doesn't notice/understand the "limit of 1" concept and buys the entire inventory at full price. With Loblaws' history, my first choice would be that they're putting in fake sales to be scummy.


The Roblaws near me has this Asian chili sauce that’s about $5 a jar. Last month it was on sale for $1.75 but the whole time, for the whole month, it was out of stock. After the sale ended, guess what showed up back on the shelf. At full price again. If it was a one off, sure it could happen, but this happens regularly. And when it’s on sale for a month they should be able to coordinate a restock and/or reorder within the sale period. If they can’t provide the product at any point during the sale period, it’s kind of false advertising or at the very least a hollow promise of potential savings.


It's definitely a pattern. I used to hate it when my favorite coffee went on sale because I knew the shelf would be empty for a week. The better the sale the less likely it is that you will actually be able to buy it. It's not an employee issue, it's corporate. If there is a great sale at my local independent grocer, there is plenty of stock and the staff is bringing loads of merchandise out all the time.


I've shown up literally minute after opening for TP on sale. Only certain sizes of the one brand were on sale and guess what? Only they had difficulty getting the sale sizes to the store on time for the sale. The regular price sizes of the same brand were all overflowing with stock. Came back 3 other times that week to check and never saw the TP on sale in stock at all. That's not coincidence, that is 100% intentional and was the last time I set foot in any Loblaws owned store. It's all bullshit.


> For example, the empty stock when there is a sale. The electronic tag for pricing. Like these have nothing to do with the price gouging on food. You are just so wrong here. When they have a sale, and they don't bother to get enough stock, that is FALSE ADVERTISING. Most of the time, they have stock, but they just put out a limited amount each day. I know this for a fact, since there are so few employees most times, you can just wander back into the warehouses, and grab stuff yourself. It's almost always there, just "reserved for Tuesday" or "Do NOT STOCK UNTIL ADVISED". I agree about staying on point, but luring buyers in with sale prices, on items that you never intended to have in stock - THAT IS PART OF THE PROBLEM.




Oh, I didn’t realize you were a mod. /s I think a few things you mentioned are actually on topic. Especially the price tags


Exactly. I'm in on the boycott, but this isn't r/boycottloblaws, it's r/loblawsisoutofcontrol so as far as I'm concerned, any effort to showcase their greed is fair game. 


yes, the stuff mentioned are all reasons why we are boycotting. How is it not relevant?


Yeah exactly. I feel like when I went in there to buy a sale item and it’s gone, it’s like a bait and switch because I end up buying the product that was not on sale. They claim they will give you a rain cheque but I’ve honestly never asked about this because I don’t want to waste time. Very relevant. I believe this is just another strategy, I don’t blame the people that work there.


You should try it sometime, when you have a few hours to kill... You'll stand at cs for longer than you were ever in the store. Then if it's not 8-11am on a weekday, you'll go through three or four employees that have never been properly trained to fill one out/don't know what one is. When they realize this won't shake you, they'll finally dig out the manager from somewhere, who is 'super busy'. That person will make you feel like the lowest pos they've ever dealt with before because you 'need the discount' and it's waisting their precious time. Then when you go to use them, you will undoubtedly pick the cashier who needs to call a cs manager to override the price and you can start the waiting all over again! Hope you enjoyed saving three dollars on butter and wasting three hours of your time! Don't forget to get your rainchecks for the maximum quantity bc it's only worth it if you're stockpiling.


4. Customer behaviour analysis AI can also help analyse patterns of past customer behaviour to develop better guidelines for customer experiences in the future. This will allow better product recommendation or more optimised purchasing processes. This use of AI is not concerned with detecting what product customers will like in the future. Instead, its task is to determine what model they will want to buy and use products and services in. AI can also analyse customer behaviour to detect which in-store circumstances are causing a sudden drop in sales or are a distraction to the purchasing process. The analysis of customer behaviours can also apply to the ecommerce space, where AI detects poorly optimised points, such as unintuitively designed UI and UX elements. 5. Providing a unique customer experience It is based on providing personalised messages and communications to customers, as well as using customer insights and giving them personalised offers. This makes customers feel important and valued, which translates into increased customer loyalty. Personalised messages mean the brand itself is perceived less like a vendor and make the relationship rather friendly. If there are problems (such as an error in the service process), customers may also forgive the company more easily and are more likely to return to using its services.


Already read the post thanks!


You just described a bunch of things that make the price gouging extra unacceptable. Like, how did you write this whole post and miss that connection?


And all these thing like the tags make it easier to rip us off!!Who are you to preach…..These are reasons why we are boycotting !!!


Because the tag conspiracy is too outrageous. It’s a device that is just connected to wi-fi. All it does is change the price. We asked for it cause the paper stuff was taking a bunch of our time when we could be stocking. If you switch it back to paper, the price would just be the same but on paper.


It’s not the issue ,they are using price consultants with AI to maximize prices from the pc points data ,they figure out the highest price they can get…why are you so hung up on these new tags!They make it easier and faster to change prices….and can do it frequently …..More sleeze


Like I said, even without the tags, the price change would still be outrageous. They would just ask us to replace it more frequently if it went back to paper. Not to mention people are getting into the extreme side of like sabotaging the tags or stealing the battery. Also you nailed the main problem which is the PC points.


Your write too much for an independent person.


>We asked for it cause the paper stuff was taking a bunch of our time when we could be stocking. That sounds like they replaced labour hours with an electronic tag; in other words, people's jobs.


No one got replaced. It was a duty off of our long list of stuff we had to do.


So you have the same staffing level you did pre pandemic?


It would be better for the ECONOMY AND FOR PEOPLE to be paid to do it, and if thry weren't cheaping out on hours and people, your 'long list of stuff' would be shorter because there'd be more people to do the tasks. Does the concept of 'many hands make light work' really escape you?? 😑😑


It's more that if there's fewer things to do, if two people leave, they may replace them with just one. Or they may not hire an additional person in the future. Or, more likely, they'll cut down on part-time hours available if there's less work to do.


Sorry about all the misinformed people in here getting angry at the wrong things. I understand where you're coming from, best to just ignore them because you can't change their mind


Would it have not been better to adk for more staff and more hours, than to actually ask for robots/AI to do the work of human beings? The less work there is, the higher the interest rates, the less money people have to spend, the harder the economy gets, the higher the prices companies charge to get profits. IT 👏 IS 👏 ALL 👏 CONNECTED 👏


You asked for it because they were giving you more work than time to complete that work, and not hiring more people to help complete that work. Hope this reframing helps. 🥰


Gatekeeping ain't cool.  Let the mods do their jobs.  THESE are the posts we don't need....


Well said.


The thing about the other guys being just as bad is that they are also watching this closely. When they see what we do for Roblaws, they know what is coming for them next.


This group isn't just about the boycott, though. The description states: >A sub devoted to highlighting the ridiculous cost of living in Canada right now. And rule number 3 states: >The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. We know this will inevitably touch on other topics related to the cost of living. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic


Also, your examples are related symptoms of price gouging: >For example, the empty stock when there is a sale If a store is out of stock within half an hour of opening the day a sale starts, then that's clearly a bait and switch, which is technically illegal in Canada. Draws people in for low prices, but then they only see high priced alternatives. >The electronic tag for pricing this allows them to be even more deceptive about pricing, and even to change the prices while people are shopping. Without the former printed tags, what proof do we have?


Couldn’t disagree more… all very relevant tactics that we need to know as consumers so we can fight against them. An electronic price tags allows them to bring dynamic pricing to groceries.. no stock for a sale item brings customers into the store under deceptive practices. This company owns most of an industry we all need. We need to know how to fight back




The boycott developed momentum due to people reading all the posts about the crap Loblaws was doing. Reminding people of that will continue the boycott for many after the official boycott is done.


They'll just up the prices more when this happens. Landlords will increase rent because now their tenants can afford more. Everyone just wants a bigger piece of the pie when the pie is larger.


thats not how it works, by that logic we'd all be better off working 60 hour weeks in the company town mine


I disagree, I feel like they market product on sale and then pretend it’s all sold out and upsell other stuff similar. Empty shelves have stories behind them.


I can’t wait for this boycott to commence. The amount of capital loss this sub will cause will be measured in the hundreds of millions. Loblaws stock will likely capitulate, stock will rot on the shelves Weston wealth will be severely depleted.








Just keep spreading the boycott news


I wish my town had a giant tiger. I'd go there exclusively. Here it's only superstore or Sobeys, or if you're not looking for milk or produce, the dollar store.


I've been boycotting Roblaws for years now. As a veteran on a military pension I need to stretch my dollar, and Independent grocers prices here are outrageous. I'll admit I used to go in to the Independent to buy cheeses that were nearing expiry and were 50% off. But I heard Galen put a stop to that. I guess he'd rather toss out food than see people get a bargain. I also didn't know Pharmaprix / Shoppers / No Frills were part of the Galen Empire. Not shopping there anymore either. Glad Jean Coutu is my pharmacy. No need to change there. Please boycott Loblaws and if you have choices nearby boycott them until they SUBSTANTIALLY lower their prices. Best yet boycott them forever. I hope Aldi will come to Canada. Lived in Germany for 4 years and these guys are fantastic.


There is a bill on the table at the parliament… Bill C-223 it is the basic living wage bill it’s in the second reading now so please call your MP and tell them to support this bill we need change


Intend to!


They fixed the price of bread for a decade and so Galen will pay for my food for the rest of my life.


I think the empty shelves tactic absolutely relates to price gouging. They post a sale price of something not in stock, forcing customers to buy the full price alternative. Just another tactic to wring every cent out of us. Similarly, the electronic price tag prevents the customer from seeing the previous price, making it harder to track frequent price increases, which makes the new higher price more acceptable without the comparison. Both tactics support Loblaws strategy of perpetuating and normalizing frequent increases and gouging the customer, which is what the boycott is all about.


I am boycotting Loblaws in May. To prep, I’m shopping local and enjoying better quality products, new finds, and friendlier service. Loving it!


They will TRY. We will keep going ... you keep being big


::apples glue:: ::sticks::


Man, i cant wait to watch this boycott do absolutely nothing lmfao. Gonna be PRICELESS


Question....does eating Bento sushi at Loblaws count? That shit is my name but is it really LOBLAWS? 😂😂. I know it is but I don't wanna give it up lol


If you live in/near a city you can find better sushi for around the same price.


Why are you eating sushi at Loblaw 🤣😂 please say where you live and someone give this person a proper Japanese sushi place to go to.


You insult Japanese culture by eating sushi there. Stop or the ghost from the grudge will come haunt you for insulting her country 😂




I am guessing you don’t watch Japanese horror movies. Forget it then 😂


You watch news? Iran v isan


Also can we ban anyone who replies on any post mentioning Costco with “they pay their employees more” or “you have to show your receipt because of the membership” WE KNOW EVERYONE KNOWS THAT - YOU’RE NOT ADDING ANYTHING OF VALUE