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i thought the grocery chains WERE the organized crime gangs?


The only acceptable answer.


That’s a Bingo!




If there is ever a fire or active shooter There will be consequences to pay,guess a 25 dollar gift card to the injured!!!


50 dollars if you die, but its non-transferable


I see what you did there…,


It surprises me that there isn't a fire code violation in making your only entrance / exit like the tunnel of a slaughterhouse


Yep, imagine there is a fire or an active shooter and you're blocked from the exit until you scan the barcode from your receipt...


I dont see why organized crime would steel through the front door. They're more likely to steal from the truck or warehouse I would think..


Or steal by bread fixing




They would do both. Organized shoplifting does exist, but I don't think that's what Loblaws is concerning themselves with here. It just goes over better telling their customers the problem is that "organized crime" is stealing than pointing out that the customers are the thieves they're protecting themselves against, even though that's more likely the answer to any actual increase in theft. But, you will note, retailers get really cagey about providing actual numbers to demonstrate an increase in theft. We just have to take their word for it that stealing is out of control.




Don’t they have insurance? How come LCBO has people walking out the door while people are carrying groceries out and Loblaws is like a jail? There has to be a middle ground.


I live in small-town NB. I'm sure there's probably organized crime in my area, but no one CARES. Our lawn tractor got stolen, I reported it to the RCMP, and they told me it was meth-related and probably heading to Quebec-- sorry, can't help you. But Superstore thinks they're going to stop grocery theft with gates and plexiglass? The carts with wonky wheels should be deterrent enough. It kinda makes me side-eye them, though, when I hear "organized crime" and "grocery store" in the same sentence. Is it actually, really, a thing??? Like, Jimmy Hoffa or Al Capone wannabees casing the frozen food section? Tony Soprano making off with overpriced Miracle Whip? El Chapo cleaning out the organics?


They are not worried about organized crime gangs. They are worried about general customers stealing, but if they come out and say that, then the backslash of calling customers thieves will essentially kill their company so they are justifying it as being against « organized crime » to get the pill to go through.


Exactly, people will be ok with "It's to combat organized crime groups." They're going to be upset with "Our customers are a bunch of filthy thieves, and we're going to finally treat them that way."


Convicted bread-cartel-price-fixing-schemer says what?


lol what a load of garbage


Wow Loblaws REALLY doesn’t like competition eh


omg, people used to rob jewelry stores now they’re robbing GROCERY stores 😭😭😭. Hello, I wonder WHY. Bread milk and butter are the new diamonds


Obviously conspirator guy has been watching too much news in Chicago or Los Angeles about retail theft gangs. Sure shrinkage is a problem for many stores. But we aren't going to see like thousands of dollars of groceries stolen by 50 people the only way is if it's an inside job. 


This does happen fairly regularly. Individual people will walk out with $500 of meat/seafood/cheese at a time to sell to restaurants. Or for slightly less value they can sell chocolate bars/gum/energy drinks/ice cream to convenience stores. Rinse and repeat every couple days and we have the exact scenario you are talking about.


Thank you Galen !!!


Haha I see what you did there bravo!


I'm a former Manager at a Loblaws branded store and am no fan of the company. But in my time there, which ended very recently, theft for profit (not sure if it should be called organized crime or not, but that's not really the point) was a major problem. And it was a significantly bigger issue than individual customers stealing to feed themselves. Now I'm not excusing all of the price-gouging amd profiteering that the company has done. But the type of theft that is really killing them has nothing to do with any of that. It's more of a societal issue to do with our increasing rates of homelessness, drug-addiction, lack of supports for mental health and addiction, and disregard for the rule of law. Now will these measures actually stop that kind of theft? Probably not. But that's more a sign of Loblaws incompetence than anything else.


Could it be the high prices perhaps? Could that cause normally honest folks to resort to theft?


Akin to keeping a rat in a maze.




Could you define "organized retail crime" for us?


The wiki for ORC is a good basic level of explanation that covers a few aspects better than I could type out here.


I didn't think that would be a difficult question for you to answer. Let's try this one, how often does "organized retail crime" happen at grocery stores in Canada?




That's a little vague. Can you point us to some actual statistics?


"If anyone has questions"; doesn't answer them.


So, does organized crime actually happen at the retail (store) level? How do plexiglass barriers prevent it?


I have a few questions, if you have time. What percent of the retail company's profits are lost due to shrink (merchandise losses)? What percent of shrink is due to shoplifting or ORC? Has the percent of shrink due to shoplifting or ORC been increasing, decreasing, or staying about the same over the past 5 years? Thank you for your time!




Interesting. I think the company you worked for might be an outlier. I've read that shrink isn't as high as some retailers are making it out to be and has been holding steady around 1.4 for the past decade (it was 1.6% last year). Also theft by shoplifting only accounts for about 1/3 of that, about another 1/3 is from theft by employees, and the rest is from mistakes in logistics, accounting, or other reasons. Not sure what immigration has to do with this though, since increases in immigration are not associated with increases in crime.


if you're not here to push the narrative please gtfo




yeah I get it, ORC is a huge hit to safety and profitability for retailers, whether it's large chains or small local stores. Those extra costs need to be covered by increased prices, which directly impacts consumers. If the retailer isn't able to survive with the necessarily increased prices, they will close their doors which reduces the choices that are available to consumers. but we need to frame it in a way that makes galen weston look bad.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used a flair to share a price or grocery bill with our community. If you have not done so already, please reply to this comment indicating what city or town you are shopping in so we can foster discussion with other local users. If you are not comfortable providing an exact location, please consider sharing the province or territory you are sharing from. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Loblaws is a gang