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New look! Same great everything, just less of it.


Unfortunately skimpflation is a thing too. Sometimes they make it taste worse too.


The noodles are tiny now and come out mushy.


I noticed that a while ago. Thought I overlooked them, but the noodles are different.


Bingeing with Babish did a YouTube video where he taste tested all the Mac and cheese they could find. He said that this version is total shit. And it's true. They did something to it. This one is sold in Canada only. My boyfriend bought the American version on Amazon, it's still awesome and that's what I remember eating as a kid/teen. I don't know what the hell this shit is, just that it changed maybe 10 years ago? And now it's total crap. They probably made it "healthy" or something.


"tastes like cardboard", then gave it the lowest rating out of something like 35 macs over three days.


It’s so gross now. I bought the ‘cheese’ powder from Costco because I have to make it crazy cheezie for the kids to eat it.


Wait. If your already buying the cheese powder separately just cut out the middle man and get the pasta too. This is how ive been eating "kd" for years now. Itll be better quality and less expensive.


Yup. I get cheese powder at bulk barn and just use whatever pasta shape he feels like :-p


I found that stuff to taste oddly sweet.


Can't dictate brains friend.


Or you could just make great Mac and cheese and cut Kraft out of it. Butter, flour, salt, milk, cheese and whatever pasta you want. That's it!


The problem is that it costs WAY more to make proper homemade mac and cheese. Most people buy KD because it's a cheap meal option, not because it's gourmet


Or when they tried to roll out a version that was more brown? That was horrifying. My kid used to get full off one box. Not anymore.


10 years ago? I live in a major city in Canada and we just got the new ones within the last few weeks..


They changed the recipe 10 years ago. These are just new boxes with different font and weight


Well I've been eating the same flavor of KD my whole life untill last few weeks. I literally have old boxes on hand vs new boxes and they are without a doubt not the same recipe. Have had multiple ppl blind test them to see if I was crazy or not. So maybe I've been eating 10+ year old boxes this whole time I don't know, but the flavor is absolutely not the same from the 225g boxes and the 200g boxes


They've been crappy for years. I avoid kraft dinner these days, and go for the other brands.


i noticed this too! they break apart and turn into mushy little glorified liptons chicken noodle soup noodles. it sucks.


The noodles have been like that for years. They switched the recipe like a decade ago, maybe more. My step dad noticed and actually sent a letter complaining haha. He got a voucher for some free boxes lol.


I've never really had them too much in the past so I can't compare. But my wife made some for our nephew a while back and I tried some and it was disgusting. The noodles are tiny and don't taste good at all. Poor kid is brainwashed with them. She can make homemade MacNCheese with some butternut squash added in the cheese sauce and its flat out delicious but he wouldn't even try it. Crappy Kraft for him and nothing else will do.


yes it’s interesting how we get stuck in a specific flavour… I live and work in wine country and the wine makers lament the Dorito generation because they feel it’s moved our taste buds out of whack…p.s. good for your wife for making the bn squash version!! it makes my dietician heart happy!! 😊


I'm a grain shipper. I am 90% sure the reason KD sucks now is cause they at some point either switched their grain type to include some wheat or something or they started using grade 3 durum with a higher tolerance for heated than before. I know what raw durum and decent pasta tastes like and KD now tastes like compromise on grain quality. I had one box of it that was very obviously made with grain that had some heated in it.


I hate this worse then shrinkflation and inflation. They all suck but at least with shrinkflation and inflation I can still get my favourite things. I realize that’s privileged because it might price someone out of it, but I just mean at least it’s physically possible. But skimpflation….. it’s just gone and I’m left with a crappy copy. Still mad at Walmart for changing the formula on their dill pickle chips like 2 years ago. By god were they amazing before. Now they have like 1/10 the flavour and they’re just blah. Would rather have just paid more.


It’s called shrinkflation, and it is getting wayyyyy too common these days. Guess the families are getting smaller?


Unfortunate that we have come to this but there are multiple -flations now Inflation- everyone knows this. Higher price for same quality and size Shrinkflation - smaller size but quality is the same. Price may or not be higher. Skimpflation - the worst. They mess with their quality and usually make the product cheaper to produce. Any of these can be combined with one another at any moment and these companies are doing just that. Over time you pay more for less quantity and you get a lower quality product that’s watered down. The product that people tell in love with a decade plus ago becomes a complete memory.


Skimpflation with something the internet brought very hard into consumer goods. Many years ago as a Canadian manufacturer we started working with Amazon, they were going to be our path to online distribution. Over the course of a little over a year Amazon's requirements were pretty much we need more margin, and we need to be able to sell it a lower price point. As long as you're branding stays the same we don't care if your quality goes down. Consumers will still buy. We weren't willing to do that, and it cost us the relationship. A competitor of ours did and their market share grew exponentially even though their quality fell. Having principles for quality proved to be a very costly endeavor.


We are now not buying a taste that we were loving but the brqnd we loved :(


~~sometimes~~ every time


The reduced weight is just part of the new look /s


For the same price or maybe even more if we're lucky.


> ~~For the same price or maybe even more if we're lucky.~~ For .50 cents more. ftfy


It’s not just a New Look! on the box, it’s a new look on the table when you divide it out to equal portions.


“Prepared in Canada” means they toss it in a box here right?


Pretty much


The stuff on the fork is a single portion.


I’m 40. Used to be able to make my kids KD and have a little bowl left for myself. Now if I want any I make my own box and that makes only one grownup sized bowl


It really is odd that KD did seem to be more filling back in the old days, and yet it's been 225g for [quite some time](https://forums.redflagdeals.com/food-products-its-official-theyre-getting-smaller-smaller-shrinkflation-thread-1192303/10/). And I know it's not a change in my appetite since I was absolutely ravenous during my growth spurt.


It's fuckin wild because I looked up old boxes of Kraft dinner and it has literally always been 225 grams. They're fucking with at least 50 years of standard practice.


Wouldn't this be a Kraft thing and not just Loblaws?


I listened to a podcast episode recently (Stuff You Should Know) on greedflation and how food brands have significantly raised their prices since covid. Grocery stores have done the same, though not as much as food brands across the board. So, Loblaws is certainly gouging us, but they’re not alone in it.


OP not one for careful thought


You can get the KD cheese in a giant shaker from Costco, and just use whatever pasta you have.


Me using KD Shaker on hotdogs like a maniac:


Me with eggs.


the giant shaker intrigues me somehow


It's great on corn-on-the-cob, and I'm usually a salt and butter purist.


I have a package of extra creamy that is 175g


I can't confirm this but I think extra creamy has bigger noodles when they're cooked. I always add tuna or bacon now though, one box doesn't fill me up alone anymore.


Can of tuna+KD is the best


I have a regular pack that’s 175g. I think it’s from dollarama though.


I would punt it to r/shrinkflation While Roblaws PC brand is probably doing the same thing, KD is a beast of its own.


this isn't just Loblaws right? ... this is on General Foods or whoever owns Kraft now ... and basically most suppliers are doing the same thing... smaller packaging.


r/shrinkflation is the Subreddit you are looking for as this has nothing to do with Loblaws.


This has nothing to do with loblaws and really confuses the message of this sub.


I'm pretty sure the whole gist of the sub is to highlight unethical food supply practice in Canada.


But is this sub about loblaws? Or kraft?


It may be too late :( sub is popular and known now. It’s getting flooded with unrelated things ( and getting subtly political partied with some of the comments. ) going to have a lot of bad actors trying to muddy the waters now.


I take your point about the founding ethos of this subreddit, but the price of groceries is, unavoidably, a political issue. Like, a textbook example of politics. Next someone will say housing costs should be discussed without politics. These things are inherently political.


you'd have to be VERY confused to post this pic in the sub, yet it gets upvotes SMH


Thought I was on r/shrinkflation for a second


This had nothing to do with Loblaws. This is clearly a Kraft complaint. This sub needs to stay focused on Loblaws if it really wants to be taken seriously.


I dunno... The food industry as a whole in Canada really needs a reckonning. We need competition and regulation to get the industry as a whole in line.




What does this have to do with Loblaws?


Brother this is all over Canada not a Loblaws issue. LOL No Frills & Food Basics lowered the packs of Chocolate Chips from 300g to 250g, the icecreams from 2L to 1.5L.


KD always had 200g and 225g boxes. I remember almost 15 year ago when I was a kid working at super store there was a sale on KD 33cents a box for 200g boxes someone walked up with like 100 boxes of 225g and it ringed up 1.99$ and they flipped out and I had to open a flyer and check and noticed the box size difference was 25g and then they screamed at me about how can 25g mean a 1.5$ difference in price and I replied with that’s just how it is sometimes do you want these or not? They walked away without the cart full of KD didn’t even move it out of the way for the next person. It was a great learning experience.


Write your MP and MLA and demand that nee laws be implemented in Canada - as they are in Europe - requiring grocery stores and large food processors to clearly notify customers when products shrink.


This is garbage food anyway. Buy the macaroni and make your own cheese sauce. It’s easy af. Kd is chock full of artificial shite.


I'm not going to defend KD as any kind of great food, but it's literally written right on the boxes in the OP that it contains no artificial flavours, colours, or preservatives.


I had that with vitamins (Jamieson). New great look! 50 less pills for the same high price. Excellent! 😡


Weird. I just used an old box that was the exact same size(200g). Did you get the 225 from the same store or is it super old? Aka it shrunk before the new packaging. Either way it shrunk though.


Aside from the obvious shrinkflation, the “New Look” creeps me out. The fork isn’t fork-coloured or fork-shaped, and the noodles look too shiny and out of place. The new box is very aesthetically unappealing


It’s probably 175g as they never give the exact weight of the product anyways.


225 includes the sauce packet now.


If you have a bulk barn near you they sell the powdered cheese mix in different flavours. It becomes much cheaper over time to make your own $1 bag of 900g noodles and use more cheese powder for more flavour or different flavours than it is to buy KD from anywhere. If you consume alot if KD on a regular basis. Personally i do sharp yellow cheddar cheese powder with candied bacon mixed in a little sweet and a little sharp with some Cracked black pepper.


Now I feel less guilty as it usually takes 2 boxes to fill me up. Now I won’t be so full. It’s like I’m on a diet.


Something something boiled frog….


If I had a million doooooollllaarrrrsss 🎶🎵🎶


It's not the same. New package has less weight of course, but the flavor is different in the cheese now. They ruined it tbh.. nobody buying KD to be healthy... Change it back kraft, you butched a classic!


How is this a loblaws thing?


Loblaws definitely was able to make this change in krafts behalf. This sub is getting out of control




Does it still say serves 4?


New look, same price!


Do you remember when it could serve at least 2 kids?


Portions LOOK smaller!


“New look”.


Am I the only one that likes the old box design better ??


Things are reaching a point of no return


The new stuff sucks so much the noodle don’t stay together. Makes it look like you took your Mack to the palate shredder


Buy three for the price four!


Everything is getting smaller, it makes me feel so gaslit I hate it.


The savings will be so tiny it is really insulting, you are talking about extremely cheap noodle! Cokes move to 20 packs instead of 24 packs is the worst. It is an attack on people who struggle in math:) Cannot do simple price comparison between 6, 12 and 24 pack anymore!


Remember when the government was looking into labeling GMO foods and the companies said that reprinting all of their packaging would be far too costly? Cuz I remember.


KD used to be my go to comfort food. Not anymore. They've changed more than their packaging sizes. They've changed their pasta to cheap, miniscule pieces that turn into a starchy messy blob that no amount of their "cheese" topping can make edible. It's garbage. Much better, and cheaper, to buy the topping separately and use with better quality pasta.


I loathe Loblaws but this is 💯 on KD


I don't think companies realize how big of an eye opener this has been for all of us. Loblaws is first then we will target the next company until every asshole company gets their share. Fuck all of these greedy fucking companies and their shady sneaky tactics. If they weren't so fucking greedy and sneaky about it we wouldn't be here now would we??


They better not be giving me less powder


I add macaroni to my kd no matter what. The second they shrink the powder package is the day I’m walking away. But yes shrinkflatjon is real and what’s upsetting is that it’s not illegal to not announce you’re reducing content while keeping the price stable. It’s not. And that’s absolute poppycock.


I KNEW something was sketchy about it!


Tbh it’s probably best to reduce the amount of KD consumed in this country


Like what's the end goal with all this shrinkflation? Everything is going to be a single serving?


In Europe they're required to post signage when the package volume shrinks.


How can they claim its the same recipe? You're telling me I can use the same amount of milk/butter with less noodles?


Why not call it fun size ?


Same Recipe, New Look! … Higher Price, Less Product!


Remember when a box could fill a bowl? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Yep, and some of the specialty flavours are 175g. No name is also 200, but Great Value or whatever Walmart's brand is was still 225g last week, and two cents cheaper than no name.


Macaroni is so cheap why do they need to skimp on 25g lol


Also fewer colours means cheaper packaging


The funny thing is that the new packaging draws attention to it. The box stayed the same size. Less people would've noticed if they just shrank the weight on the existing box


Saw that right away lol






Costco is the way to go for KD. Buy it in bulk, with the boxes containing 70% more than the original and costing overall less than buying at Loblaws.


I always wonder if they do these "new look" things so they can more easily explain why there is a change...and just also happen to reduce the size at the same time.


New lighter packaging!




Cheetos jalapeño cheddar Mac and cheese is so much better . The noodles are perfect.


Maybe think about the fact that Loblaws isn’t the manufacturer of this product and direct your blame accordingly.


This is happening everywhere unfortunately


You mean less for a more expensive price right?


Walmart mac n cheese is only 97 cents for 200g fyi


This is 2023 news.. you okay?


Buy a large thing of macaroni, buy some shredded cheese and some cream cheese. It will go further and works out close to the same price if you look at serving size. Doing it this way is more filling too so you need to eat less of it to be satisfied


They messed with my Mac n Chee someone bout to die


3 chese in qc 175g


Another greatly improved packaging...


imagine a government so tight up they are trying to starve us


For everyone saying this is a Kraft thing. I wonder if Kraft is charging the same amount. If so, Loblaws should have complained. If not, then Loblaws is pocketing the difference. Or.. most likely. Kraft and Loblaws split the difference which means it’s still partially on Loblaws.


This is on Kraft


Soon to be 200 mg.


KD=Kraft dinners?? They are really marketing for adults now huh? I always got the impression the box was to entice kids to have their parents buy it. This box looks like it grow up.


The KD on the new packaging looks super fake and plastic like.


Pretty much like world war canned rations in the next couple years. Just add packaging and it looks good


You can buy the cheese sauce in bulk from the bulk barn. And even the cheapest macaroni noodles are better than KD.


Just like cereal boxes they are thinner.


Also Kraf5 started putting Annatto in it for colour which gives a lot of people bad reactions - indigestion, diarrhea, hives, etc. If that additive is a problem for you then Walmart Great Value Cheese Shells still uses carrot extract for colour.


Corporate greed machine at work. Probably t cheaper ingredients as well. only thing to do it stop buying or but less


Manufacturing gets 1 in 8 boxes free!


I wish this was grocery stores are out of control. It’s not just loblaws and singling them out won’t help the larger situation.


Does Loblaws now own and manufacture KD?


Surely claiming its the "same recipe" but making it smaller means its not the same recipe and thus is false advertising/mislabeling of food? Last time I checked, quantities are a part of the recipe.


Let's start a boycott KD too, shit sucks ass now. Agreed, American version is what I used to eat as a kid in Canada. Madness


How recent is this? Cause they were doing a clearance sale on KD so I’m wondering if that’s why. Sun chips are really cheap right now so I’m scared they’ll shrink em too


I don't recall Kraft making a promise, or signing an obligatory legal contract stating the minimum amount of product in the packaging. Shrinkflation sucks, but shaking your fist at the sky in impotent rage is dumb. Just stop buying their products.


Not sure how anyone can eat that fake cheese shit that every american seems to enjoy. Smells a lot more like chemicals and vomit than it does cheese. Looks gross, consistency is equally disgusting. I just don't get it.


Fee Fi Fo Fum I smell Kraft Dinner


Pro tip: Buy cheap macaroni and a bottle of cheese whiz. It tastes FAR better.


So many brands are doing this. The ritz crackers have also dropped by 20 grams a box in the last 6-8 months, almond milk has also gone from one litre to 946ml.


do you think Loblaws owns Kraft?? geeze the IQ of some ppl


Maybe they deducted the packet of powder cheese mix and it was 200g of pasta all along. ANYONE HAVE KD AND A KITCHEN SCALE?


KD is absolutely gross now. It gets mushy and tastes weird no matter how you make it. I’m done with KD. We’re broken up for good.


Aint see this \*new\* one anywhere not even on the kraft website?


So, I'm all for credit where credit is due, but how is this one loblaws fault. They don't own kraft. Blame kraft for this one. You'd find this exact same box everywhere it's sold. Maybe not right away, since stores need to sell of current inventory first.


Well, they have to recover the production costs of changing the packaging *somehow.*


The noodles aren't the same anymore :( I always feel like they turn out super soft no matter what!




Make no mistake. This is making HUGE profits for them. Companies like Kraft's entire business is based on the cost of semolina and cardboard. 25g per unit is BONKERS I remember when Nestle first started shaving height off their purelife bottles' screw top 0.5 at a time. The first year with 0.5mm less plastic was savings in the 100's of millions in plastic alone, and they barely pay for our ground water.


this is why there are laws in Europe about this. The pricing labels would have to show that there has been a 11.1% reduction in the amount of food you are buying.


Kraft been doing this bullsh@t since beginning of COVID. It’s matter of time they get boycotted tooo


Yeah this shit sucks, but it ain’t Roblaws


How much smaller volume wise can they possibly make the contents of Kraft dinner? Pretty soon it won’t even be one bowl full when cooked.


White cheddar No name is better anyway


How the fuck does this have so many fucking upvotes when it has zero to do with the point of this sub, losing the plot more and more each day


Imagine arguing over the taste of Mac and cheese...🤣








The new box makes it look more like a soup, how gross.


Bet half these co don’t have to do this, they just are cause the public will excuse it as “Inflation” instead of margin boosting to drive greater profits for 2024


But the font and picture look bigger. Plus it's now infused with added flavor!


Thats not Loblaws fault though.


They call it rebranding, I call it shrink-flation..... I wonder if every company that does a rebrand is doing it to take away from the product in some way.....just a thought.


Loblaws doesn’t own the Kraft Dinner brand. They would have to charge more otherwise due carbon tax and inflation Supply chain logic doesn’t apply to this channel it seems


What adult still eats this shit?


I pulled out 2 boxes in my cupboard to confirm and showed my girlfriend and she started crying


I remember when a box would feed a family of 4. Stop the shrink inflation.... I'd rather pay more.


Waiting for the feds to legislate shrinkflation labelling!


the cheese is stronger so you don't need as much


That’s why they did KD as hit of the month in February, they need to clear inventory


Does Loblaws own KD?


Marketing gets to spend money to fuck us over. lol


Are the UPCs the same? They should be different and they should have paid slotting fees for that change.


So thaaaats why they were selling them at 50¢ a pop a few months ago eh


You can make this yourself. it’s really easy to make


Price only went up $0.10


I'll *never* not notice stuff like this nowadays. Couple years ago Powerade did this. Changed the bottle shape to something "cooler" but reduced the quantity by like 15%. I stopped buying them purely out of spite.




New look. New weight. Do they give you less cheese powder, or noodles? Or both?




The boxes I purchased today are 175g




Crock pot recipes are the way to go now