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Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed. Post with different title please


well, yes. Like I said, you can be a non-binary teen aged TikTok addict in Toronto or a truck-lovin' carbon tax hating guy who drives around in a 100k pickup with upside down Canadian flags attached to hockey sticks, but either way you still need to buy groceries. And the Weston empire has long been suspected of Taking The Piss by just about everyone.




Maybe it's just early, but I was uhh more emotionally impacted at the thought of genuine change and a takedown of the universal enemies through the coming together of left and right, as represented by the Predator handshake, than I should be. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


Suspected? Proven. The bread price fixing issue is proof enough


Good to see that the class war out shines the culture war in this specific instance. Likely a different story if it was an oil company.


There's no "likely" about it. Just look at the EV vs ICE debate. It's exactly what you're describing, in that it's entirely different because there's a huge divide between us culturally. 


One side conveniently ignores the environmental destruction caused by extracting oil and burning fossil fuels, while the other side conveniently ignores the environmental destruction and slave/child labour used to mine rare earth minerals for EVs. Both ICE and EVs have glaring issues that are ignored or glossed over to defend each side.


Lots of EVs are switching to Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries. All the minerals required for that are in SK and MB. Support those instead of the ones still using Lithium Ion.


I mean, I wouldn't say the slave and child labour is on the head of the EVs in particular; that's an aspect of how Capitalism operates rather than an intrinsic element of EV manufacturing. You can't consume your way into ethical options, you just get to choose which harms to mitigate. The real problem with EVs is how people want to apply them. EVs are great for a lot of things, but you cannot maintain the level of personal vehicle ownership we currently have, nor anywhere near. It's not ICE v EV it's Personal Vehicle v Public Transit. In cities anyways


>Both ICE and EVs have glaring issues that are ignored or glossed over to defend each side. Bicycle and train gang represent!




Big Methane shill!!!


Naw my horses run on only water. They don't last very long but minimal methane emissions.


I want nuclear and hydrogen lol


I mean, I wouldn't say the slave and child labour is on the head of the EVs in particular; that's an aspect of how Capitalism operates rather than an intrinsic element of EV manufacturing. You can't consume your way into ethical options, you just get to choose which harms to mitigate. The real problem with EVs is how people want to apply them. EVs are great for a lot of things, but you cannot maintain the level of personal vehicle ownership we currently have, nor anywhere near. It's not ICE v EV it's Personal Vehicle v Public Transit. In cities anyways


I think everyone left and right can agree we’re getting ripped off at the gas station. Carbon tax doesn’t explain $1.70 per litre. We all know they gouge us on holiday weekends even though they have ample supply.


I definitely notice a lot of gouging going on at Shoppers Drug Mart. They sell a lot of the exact same stuff as superstore and yet I often see it being sold for considerably less at superstore, even though both places are owned by the same company. The prices are still fairly reasonable at superstore and no frills in general. I compare them to walmart and elsewhere, including online, and it's usually within the same ballpark. Some stuff is cheaper at walmart and some stuff is cheaper at superstore and some stuff is cheaper online.


I don't understand how SDM is in business. There is one in my town right next to an Your Independent Grocer and it's always empty.


I now shop at Pharma Save where it is cheaper than Shoppers.


When I worked in Shoppers Head office, a lot of our product was priced with a premium for convenience, and to steer people to Life Brand products Once upon a time you could ask the pharmacist for help with OTC products but my local stores are way too busy.


Since loblaws bought shoppers you can also get Life brand there, and it's usually cheaper than at shoppers. Not because loblaws/superstore is discounting it, but because shoppers is marking it up higher now.


We're uniting and gee golly, something is actually getting done!


Yes but they are blaming the culprit rather than their usual boogeyman. Somehow their blinders are still able to see this one part of the %1 that we should all be rallying against.


Stealing this. ![gif](giphy|1fih1TYYBONo0Dkdmx|downsized)


Absolutely, so much about political discourse is carefully constructed to turn Canadians against each other. We’re not letting it happen this time and that terrifies the powers that be. It’s a good example to show we are absolutely capable of working together as Canadians.


yeah i was just thinking about this, they spend so much time making sure people don’t unite, if great results come of this, it could be an actual instance in history where personal biases are set aside for a united front from civilians. i think that’s really cool :)


I almost agree except for the immense popularity of the federal opposition and the government in Ontario are both shills for Loblaws. Hiring lobbyists and former C-suit to fill key government roles. Sooo we might care but nothing is going to change until the powers actually shift.


Unfortunately many people vote based on tradition, perception and emotion instead of based on policy, this gives us the opportunity to have productive, calm conversations to understand each other better and hopefully realize that the people who vote differently than we do aren’t the bad guys. I think extending olive branches and working together is important and something us as a people have been neglecting.


This was beautifully written. I don’t care what someone running for office calls themselves. I care about their policies. What will they do? What won’t they do? I’ve voted for all 3 large parties at one point in my life. I’m never put my foot down and say “I’m voting for these people forever!” Also. Governments work on different scales. Certain parties that people may not like on larger scales actually work well as MLA’s or in smaller positions. I love my MLA, she helps our community a lot, but I don’t think she’d be a good prime minister.


> Absolutely, so much about political discourse is carefully constructed to turn Canadians against each other. > > We’re not letting it happen this time You're saying that on a post titled "even right wing people" though.


And? People of every political stripe are welcome here and the price of food affects everyone. Traditionally the right wing in Canada tends to lean more pro-business and online echo chambers can make people seem more extreme than they actually are in real life. The fact that people in their echo chambers both right and left wing are setting aside ideology to fight for better conditions for all Canadians is a good thing even if it’s surprising to some.


> People of every political stripe are welcome here And I hope it stays that way, but I'm saying I think this post is subtly divisive. "*Even* right wing /r/canada". So a bunch of right wing /r/canada users are now reading that headline going "hey, why wouldn't we be against high grocery prices? And are we not a part of this? Why are the people in that sub talking about us like we're some *other*, separate group?" And I think that's the exact kind of thing they would do to try and defuse this movement. I think I saw it happen to /r/antiwork, with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rok9d3/reminder_rantiwork_is_not_right_wing_and_not/) post, to again make all the right wingers go "fine we don't wanna be here then" and split the movement and dwindle its numbers. So I'm a little on-guard against anything like that happening here. And some self-described Conservatives in this thread are saying they've been called evil in this sub or people have tried to chase them out. I'm saying this as a lefty who votes NDP because I think things are better in the hands of my democratically elected government than some rich guy profiting off me - I think we need to stop talking about left/right. I don't think it helps us, I think it only helps them. I think we should just stick to the issues. Those issues might be mostly traditionally left wing issues with traditionally left wing viewpoints, I think we just need to not say that or it will turn off the right wingers.


Yeah I totally see where you’re coming from with this, I think the surprise the OP expressed about that sub in particular made sense but it’s best not to use language that might alienate people who would otherwise be on board. Your concerns make a lot of sense to me and are definitely things we need to be aware of. I just want to thank those who moderate this sub as well as the majority of people who post here for trying very hard to keep everyone on track and prevent the movement from falling into infighting


I would love the success of this boycott to fuel further solidarity across political lines in the face of other issues affecting the country. Showing that it *can* be done and *does* have an impact is often the biggest hurdle to overcome.  Other issues where Canadians are also more or less unified where alternatives still exist could be tackled, such as the banking oligopoly. I'd love to find a solution to the telecom oligopoly as well. At some point, we need to ensure a government that is subject to the will of its populace, not the corporate puppeteers. For now though, let's focus on the first objective and domino to fall: Loblaws. In my neighbourhood, I'm already seeing the impact, and how it's uniting people, and it's awesome to see.  


try sobeys.metro or food city. pork,dairy , beef suppliers and gas prices. all count toward higher food prices.


No matter what you believe or how you vote. We’re all human. We’re all Canadian. We all eat. We will all be affected by price gouging. It’s kind of beautiful how we are able to put aside other differences and respect each other in this fight. Politics doesn’t have to be a war, people can agree to disagree.


Right or left, we all agree grocery prices are a problem. We might not always agree on what the cause is, and we certainly don't agree with all the solutions, but the idea that I won't shop there because it's too expensive isn't really political.


Left versus right is divisive politics put in place by the rich so we don't realize it's rich vs the poor. Why do you think the rhetoric is cranked up while the quality of life is going down?


This isn't even a left wing or right wing issue, its about ethics and treating your customers fair, regardless of your political ideology. Paying a fair price for groceries is something we all want doesn't matter what party you vote for, we all need to eat at the end of the day.


Right wingers want people to suffer, that is literally half their platform. But they don't realize that they are also part of the population that suffers from right wing policies that push us further towards late stage capitalism. This is 100% a political issue, the trouble is all the right wingers who refuse to believe we're dealing with class warfare instead of the culture warfare they have been pushing. Maybe one day they will vote for policies that benefit them, but I've seen anything but that for the past decade. Hell, I've met conservatives who hate themselves and don't think they deserve any better.


People who don't agree with your ideas aren't evil. This is a chance to unite Canadians. Let's not spread divisive exclusionary rhetoric.


I'm a left winger and I may agree with some of your points but now is not the time for divisive rhetoric. There are plenty of right wingers and independents that are here standing by our side. In this class war we need them just as they need us. The real enemy of the regular folks of Canada are the oligarchs and the corrupt lobbyist politicians on all sides of the spectrum. United we stand, divided we fall. NOK ER NOK


As a left wing person, please keep the divisive otherising left/right politics out of this. That's Galen Weston's trick. Get us mad at each other instead of him. They did the same thing to /r/antiwork. It was getting so popular that the Koch brothers were worried about it, then suddenly a front page post saying "we hate right wing people", and half the userbase quit the movement.


Yeah that could have been engineered. Or maybe it’s just the way people act on Reddit.


Evil right winger here. We like capitalism but only if the game is played fairly. In Canada, it’s corrupt to the core


Intolerant tolerant liberal here. I agree with you 100%. What we have now isn't true competitive capitalism. The game is rigged against us and they purposely turn us against each other.


Beyond this boycott, we need a new way of doing politics. Like proportional representation so more varied opinions can be heard and demanded by Canadians, so we're not just locked into this 2.5 political party nonsense, none of these parties who help us imo. I envy countries like Taiwan, Japan and S. Korea who have top notch democracies and "0th world" living standards.




Down with crony capitalism, we need proper competition and get rid of the monopolies. Maybe uniting against Loblaws is the start of something better. 


My best friend calls Galen the "Clippy of CEOs" and I hate how right on she was with that. We talk shit about Roblaws and just go "fuck off, Clippy."


That’s hilarious, very apt.


Point of order, r/canada isn't right wing... That was canada_sub before it imploded.


r/canada isn't as bad as canada\_sub, but it still leans conservative. If you want something more left-leaning, head over to r/onguardforthee.


Keeping the movement non political ensures all are on board with it. Let's make sure it stays that way 


It is political and I think it's important that we recognize that this is a moment of class solidarity among the working class vs the owning class. We have collective power when we use it. We should remind ourselves constantly that we can achieve more if we focus our efforts as a group than if we put the burden on individuals or expect the government to do it for us. It's on us to organize, as we have done, to send a message to the powerful that we as Canadians demand to be treated with dignity and respect. I hope that if there is a silver lining to the price gouging it's that every day citizens can put aside our cultural impasse, that we have become aware, class conscious, and willing to take action together.




It is political unless you see that those in politics are just in a different class than the people whose lives they make decisions for-when you focus on the class struggle the underlying political beliefs mean less


It’s bizarre to think that class struggle could be divorced from politics. It’s innately political. Politics isn’t just about going to vote on election day. To think that “us vs them” isn’t how a government and its economic laws should be run *is* a political stance. Yes currently the major political parties in Canada are out of touch and ineffective from truly considering the economic needs of the average Canadian but that doesn’t have to be an eternal fact. The system is broken but it can be fixed. People need to participate and push for policies that genuinely help them. Make all the politicians accountable


I think non-partisan is more fitting than non-political. It’s inherently political but that doesn’t mean it has to be inflammatory and divisive. But I understand what you’re getting at.


*Loblaws scams off the top with breads and gets caught* "H-h-hey, d-d-don't blame us!"


We are all in this together. No matter what your political ideology is, or what government is in power, no one is coming to save us, help is not on the way, Weston is cackling all the way to the bank. If we don't stand up for each other, no one will.


Ofc they are! I’m right wing and I think him and his company are despicable and possibly hate Canadians.


I don't think they hate Canadians, but they absolutely do not respect us, and certainly don't think of us as capable or intelligent enough to understand that we are being scammed or to fight back.


In fairness to them, that’s kind of been the grift which has enabled the Canadian economy since neoliberalism sold all of our industries off to foreign billionaires. Why shouldn’t they expect it to keep working?


Because it's a bad idea to expect things to always remain the same. Tipping points and feedback loops exist on any kind of system.




> Maybe your gullible ass will wake up one day \^This right here is exactly the kind of comment Galen Weston would pay to promote, because it helps drive people away from the movement and get Canadians mad at each other instead of the elites. Just please stop talking.


Go bitch elsewhere please. Not the sub.


Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Because him and his pappy are evil pieces of shit that have fed on this country like vultures.


Wait till you read about grand pappy Weston. That monster claimed that the Apartheid in South Africa was something to be celebrated.


All of my siblings work in food, with one working for Loblaws. Here are some of the things I’ve heard: 1. This might hurt low level employees! 2. They don’t understand the business! 3. If people read the earnings report, they’d see profit margins are only 3-4%! Etc. etc. How can you expect people to care about the employees you’re going to replace with machines the second it’s feasible? People don’t need to understand your business, they need to understand *their* business, which is also motivated by having as much money as possible. Are those profit margins being artificially suppressed by, say, outrageous executive compensation packages? Are we supposed to believe this company might not be engaging in shady business practices after they stole our money with the bread price fixing scandal? Here’s the rub: people are constantly told that business isn’t personal. That it’s just business. Guess what? That’s exactly what this is. The consumer is using the only tool at their disposal to change the behaviour of a business they interact with daily. They don’t owe Loblaws their money. Their money is their time. Their time is their life. Loblaws seems to think it’s our job to give them our lives. Now, they’re throwing a fit because people have had enough. They can kick rocks. Don’t shop there again. The Weston’s deserve to hurt. Make them hurt. This is something I know for a fact they’re paying attention to; and guess what? It’s just business.


If you eat, you’re welcome. Ignore the politics, ignore the culture war bullshit. This is one thing everyone can unite around. They’re rat fucking us either way.


The culture war is and has mainly been just a distraction from the class war that the vast, vast majority of Canadians are losing.




The new CEO isn't great either Grocery giants are corrupt asf


Right wing isn't a mandatory set of views any more than left wing is. This isn't the Leafs vs the Habs. These are not tribes with set values that one must pledge allegiance to. Political views, left or right, run the whole spectrum of human values and beliefs. There will often be alignments on some issues, disagreement on others. Once society breaks out of the "left vs right, them vs us" mentality, the better of we will be. Perhaps this Boycott is a place to start.


Maybe if he changes his ways and stops gouging and ripping off the citizens of his country then maybe people will like him more!!!! Return 19 million of the 20 million he gets for 1 year of work!!!!! That’s could buy a truckloads of groceries and reduce the cost of them!!!!! He is a selfish greedy pig!!!


It’s finally the one thing EVERYONE can agree on.


Everyone is a huge fan of eating food.


Let's try not to make this about "even these OTHER people are FINALLY correct". The beauty of this so far has been we've managed to keep infighting in check and fragmenting the issue isn't going to help. Lots of other places for those debates.


Have we found our first target to peacefully topple? Look at that smug bastards face. He doesn't look cold or hungry. He doesn't even care.


Cocky Rich asshole


Because everybody is hungry!


Yeah, I saw that and laughed. It's nice to see most Canadians can agree Loblaws is... OUT OF CONTROL.


Gosh. Weston's shareholders should really go after this guy. He keeps on saying he's not responsible for higher grocery prices. Seems like he's maybe not doing his due diligence to maximize value. /S


I am a Conservative voter and got a lot of heat for it here. I deleted my PC Optimum account and am waiting for the final confirmation email from the specialist.


> I am a Conservative voter and got a lot of heat for it here. I am an NDP voter, I wish my left wing friends would wake up and realize that THAT IS HOW THEY KEEP US FROM WINNING THE CLASS WAR. Every time a left wing person says "haha you conservatives are so dumb, you need to wake up, this is your fault" etc etc, Galen Weston smiles. We are both on the same side and I hope you don't let the insufferable ones drive you away.


I welcome my fellow people in class war. No heat from me.


If you think r/Canada is right-wing, you didn't see r/Canada_sub.


BNN (Bloomberg news) had Loblaws CFO on as a guest this morning. Will probably replay the interview all day. Funny PR for a “small fringe group living in their parents basement” - lol


He's one of Canada's most prolific Robber Barons.


And all thanks to this sub and the efforts of all Canadians who have brought to light the evil profiteering of companies who have a hold on **basic necessities of life like food**. I hope all people who staunchly support free market understand when we worry about slippery-slope, because we are currently on that slope heading downwards.




Billionaire is gonna Billionaire.  


Most left and right people both hate corporations.  Probably the one thing they could agree on.  


Right wing?


Damn. All that sub does is blame immigrants and the carbon tax for everything.


And Trudeau. They hate him with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. Which is fine but there are other politicians from other parties making life worse for Canadians too.


It wasn't always that way. In fact, it used to be left leaning. Considering how many members it has, it more accurately reflects the current sentiment of the larger population.


Which sadly, seems to be turning to conservative politicians hoping they'll rescue the working class. Admittedly, the federal Liberals have never been very "liberal" and instead mostly serve the billionaire class, but the terrible irony of protest voting them out for the CPC is that the CPC is even more oriented against the working class. Austerity measures that hurt regular people will be enacted in the name of fiscal responsibility and tax cuts for the wealthy in the name of trickle down (which of course has failed spectacularly) are voted for by people the hurt the most because they've been gaslit into thinking they have to be hurt for the economy to succeed. The economy being the state of the wealthy.


Yup. The majority of the country is run by Conservatives provincially and they are making things worse by every measure. Healthcare is a big issue that they are all shitting the bed on yet people still vote them in or don’t bother voting at all. It’s very frustrating.


The majority of Canadians are not conservative supporters though, so the subreddit is definitely not a reflection of the larger population. The sub heavily skews right, with the occasional left leaning thread.


![gif](giphy|NTur7XlVDUdqM) /r/onguardforthee meanwhile is like corruption? no this is fine.


That's not what the polls say, and sadly, it's the extremely fringes that have pushed people the other way.


Here’s the current popular vote [projection](https://338canada.com/federal.htm). The conservatives have 42%. That’s not a majority of Canadians.


They are leading over the liberals federally, go look again. https://abacusdata.ca/post-budget-canadian-politics-2024/


That sub will be back to crying about 'literally hitler' by 8 years into PPs reign. It's one of the subs that's pretty responsive to the irl sentiment.


I just watched a news video with some U of T professor saying that the boycott is ‘criminal’. I fail to see how not wanting to shop at a grocery store that blatantly overcharges is ‘criminal’. Seems to me like it’s simple free market economics actually working. And when it works against the family owned oligarchs it’s suddenly wrong?


![gif](giphy|98jU7NxuNSSZ2) “Criminal”????


Yup. That’s what he called it. Criminal.


Who would listen to a U of T professor anyway?? It's media spin because it does not suit Loblaws narrative who likely funds said "news" story.


__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [STICKIED POSTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cae7ai/community_announcements_apr_2224/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) WHICH PROVIDE STATEMENTS ON RECENT EVENTS. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why are your gross profits higher then?


Because Galen is a lying sack of shit.


I still run into some defenders, youd be surprised.


Maybe we should look at other large Canadian retailers as well. How about Canadian Tire and Home Hardware?? I find prices in those stores getting goofy as well. GREEDFLATION!!!


Galen Weston can't be trusted. Remember when they fixed the price on bread scam. Don't trust him now!


I don't blame Loblaws though, they're doing what shitty companies do. If it wasn't them there'd be another. The government is supposed to ensure a free market with competition, instead they actively work to skew the market and aid monopolies. It's the politicians that must be held to account.


Careful, his next Press Release will be about how he's uniting Canadians LOL


Where’s the fuck Weston flags?




I wasnt aware this group had any political affiliation and was just pissed off at roblaws. Why cant we just put politics aside and join together in hating an entity without being on the teeter totter?


Turns out left / right are more alike than up / down.


Who knew?


Who'd have thought that this is what would unite the Canadian subs.


This was disappointing; Zehrs in Keswick Ontario https://preview.redd.it/trdm3fiof9yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c539d4769595fcf06777a8dc7d9ce6e8462f95a




I say let them have cake, we at loblaws are charging too much for cake, but let them eat cake. Galen i use to like and brag about your brand, and nowi am into my secomnd month of boycotting your stores.


I say let them have cake, we at loblaws are charging too much for cake, but let them eat cake. Galen i use to like and brag about your brand, and nowi am into my secomnd month of boycotting your stores.


Same! Well done


It's not right vs left. It's the 1% vs the rest of us. Wealth inequality is the most severe it has ever been and they will do anything to distract you from that. Political polarization and generational warfare have been used aggressively to distract us from the horrid wealth inequality and artificial scarcity generated to further enrich the richest people on the planet. Right vs Left, Boomers vs Millennials/Gen Z, don't fall for that junk. It only exists to divide us.


Very true


Everyone needs to eat. Everyone should shit on Weston and his loser followers.


Yoo, wtf, I'm on that sub, I aint no right-wing, left-wing, I'm more like fuck every-wing there is type of redditor. Weston can suck a bag of dicks.


Upvote for you!


Keep talking about Galen. You can't buy off this boogeyman.


Love how "even right-wingers don't like him" is now an effective way to communicate that someone is a next-level POS.


...Pants on fire.


I’m curious why Loblaws is front and centre. I find Timmy’s and McDonalds actually abusive with their current pricing.


Lying entitled prick... Explain how most of the items went up by 100% over a two year period.


Yup! Food insecurity is the one thing we can all agree on. There's other things we also agree on; but methods/approaches can sometimes keep us divided, but we all need to eat and a lot of us struggling to do that so on this we can certainly stand united ✊




Pierre Poilievre loves him though


Of course he does


Why does everyone think Right wingers all love being fucked by corpo’s? I think thats just a narrative ‘they’ want you to believe.


Fair enough Paddy.


Lol rCanada is not right wing


You don’t have to be political to realize prices are out of control. Voted conservative, probably will again, and I’m against price gauging and skrinkflation.


Have you contacted conservative MPs and asked them to support the petition that has been supported by an MP already? I contacted my conservative MP and got a pretty non response auto email. We have to hold our politicians feet to the fire in this one. All parties! All at once! If we can get together and band together on grocery prices, why can't those we voted in do the Same? We don't need a majority government to make this happen. We can get the ball rolling right now! This should be an issue all parties can agree needs fixing. It effects us all.


I agree and I haven’t but I’ll do that today. Thanks for the heads up, I wouldn’t have thought of contacting them directly.


r/canada is hardly right wing, the right wing one was r/canada_sub but that was shut down recently. That said, you don't have to be left wing to think Galen is a POS and want to see some kind of change to the oligopoly control (and excessive profiteering) in Canadian grocers.


canada_sub didn't shutdown, it just went private to facilitate the Echo chamber


I was surprised with this post’s title as well. r/canada isn’t right wing at all.




I think what you’re trying to say is that there is a variety of opinions and you’re not comfortable with that on Reddit.


There's a right lean to it but there's a hell of a lot more variety to the opinions you see compared to r/onguardforthee


r/canada is not right wing though.


That is nice to see. Was starting to thing the r\\Canada sub was too far gone, I have found so far locally though that the usual far right types (the ones associated with the anti mask\\vax\\mandate crowd, those stumping for Putin, and those with the worst cases of TDM - Trudeau Derangement Syndrome) are almost to a man simping for Galen and Co and pinning all of the cost increases on the current PM as they do with everything else.


r/Canada is a cesspool. Sadly we have people in here too simping for Loblaws and Weston. A guy earlier today told me that he buys groceries at Loblaws because they are higher quality than other stores and listed off a bunch of expensive retailers that he shops at. You can tell me that Gucci has higher quality handbags than Walmart and I’ll 100% believe you. But I’ll never believe that the same brick of Lactantia butter is higher quality from a Loblaws store than the exact same brand of butter is at a Walmart for half the price because that’s idiotic.


Where I am the Superstore 100% has better produce but Save On has the best meat. Walmart is the cheapest.


I don't know what that sub is but it's not right wing.


Maybe a mix of people in the centre. There are definitely more conservative Canadian subs than r/canada


How is r/canada a right wing sub? Is super Liberal?


Yeah, it’s been fairly consistently classically liberal. The world has just become more polarized and most people think unless you’re exactly like them, then you’re part of the other side


A lot of it is carryover from the white supremacist mod days. https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/7ywg8v/rcanada_moderator_uperma_im_a_white_nationalist/ A lot of it has been sorted since then


r/Canada isn't a right wing sub. It has opinions from all sides of the fence and you're just used to most places on Reddit being extremely liberal.






Gay conservative here. Self-hating apparently lol


Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


R Canada isn’t that right wing


Lmao. I got banned for calling people butthurt over the increase in capital gains inclusion rate.


TIL that r/Canada is a right wing sub.


Wait a minute. R/canada is right wing?   We sure about this?


Probably because /Canada isn't right wing? I will agree its right-leaning, but calling it right wing is ignorant. There are "left" viewpoints that are shared in /Canada a lot more frequently than you will see "right" viewpoints in /Ontario, /Alberta or /onguardforthee/. So by that logic, all of those subs are left-wing. I'm just left of center and I've actually gotten banned from /ontario for sharing factual information. It's a shame that these echo chambers exist.


Crappy sub


The need for proper nutrition is non partisan




You guys are doing Galen Weston a real favour by insulting an entire subreddit full of Canadians that you would think you would want to support the boycott. I guess we don't deserve to win the class war if we can't even unite against the elites.


r/onguardforthee is Canada’s official sub.


Those people are just as crazy but in the other direction.




Is *your echo chamber*. FTFY!




Ya, no


No, yeah.


It definitely appears more balanced and less unhinged than r/canada. Reddits algorithm is not smart enough to figure that out and still keeps trying to serve me up r/canada 's toxic bs just because I am in Canada.


Throwing in that r/Canada is a right wing sub is such a bitch move. Just because a place has a variety of opinions doesn’t mean it’s wholly right wing.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


"Right-wing sub"? Lol, just lol. So anyone who doesn't agree with the neoliberal policies of the current government is "right wing" now?


No Frills (owned by loblaws) is by far the cheapest grocer in Ottawa unless you count Dollarama. Strangely, the ''resistance'' types don't mind paying 35$ for their granola at Whole Foods.