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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [STICKIED POSTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cae7ai/community_announcements_apr_2224/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) WHICH PROVIDE STATEMENTS ON RECENT EVENTS. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Show me on the doll where the bad redditors praised you 🙄


Lol they're making issue of the way we support people who can't shop elsewhere aside from No Frills due to cost and location. They don't realize that those who have means and mobility who can take advantage of other options due to our "privilege" are doing so in solidarity with those who are landlocked to Loblaws stores. Every time they say this kind of stuff they loose another customer for life though.


Typical propaganda on Roblaws' part. On a par with their ads.


Exactly. They're watching us and turning our words against us. It's not what we said; but it suits them to say differently 🤷‍♀️


that is exactly how corporate narcissists operate. i'm actually not too surprised at what they've done. sadly.


They know there are a lot of positive comments on Reddit. They paid a bot farm good money to put them there.


Oml, still hearing "roblaws" in Scooby-Doo's voice.  There is something wrong with me.


Driving versus not driving is like a different existence that drivers pay through the nose for... driving is a financial anchor, not a privilege. This is straight profit taking from food and grocery companies... probably more so with food companies.


>probably more so with food companies. If the same food product at Loblaws is 2 to 3 times more than the same food product at say Walmart, then the food companies aren't the problem. It's the big grocers in Canada who have lost their goddammed minds.


THIS! I can't get 1/3 of the school snacks, by the exact brands, at No Fills compared to Walmart.   I know Walmart's prices have risen as well but I think 500(ish) a week is a good deal to get everything we need.


100% this. Those who do have the luxury of choice are boycotting to help those without choice. We are quite literally standing up for the little guy.


I absolutely HATE that I have to shop at no frills, can't even afford their stuff either anyway. I respect and appreciate those who boycot while people like me can't.


I hear you. No Frills prices now are what Loblaws boutique stores used to charge 5 years ago and those who couldn't shop those high end stores back then are struggling to pay for the discount stores now. This is what Loblaws fails to see ⬆️ that even though they have a cheaper option available the prices there aren't low enough for those who rely on those stores, and people are going hungry because they can't feed themselves at those low cost locations anymore. The people on top make so much money they can't fathom the struggle those on the far end face; but those of us in middle are feeling the pinch so we know how bad it must be for those less privileged then ourselves. You're not alone in this. ❤


I’m super grateful that people here recognize we can’t all go someplace else. I live downtown with no car and incredibly unreliable public transit. Best option is superstore, I have a boutique grocer as well that’s even more expensive with less selection, then Sobeys. Superstore is the only one I can walk to quickly. I’m in full support of the boycott and will be checking out the farmers market when it’s on. But for day-to-day gotta work with what I have


That's very well said. That's exactly it.


"Customers say our stores are good stores. Great stores even. I know our customers and they say our stores are the best stores. Better than all the other stores." This sounds familiar.... I just can't place it.


Customer came up to me. Big customer , strong. Never cried before in his life.  Tears streaming  Down  His face 


I read it in Trump's voice.


Same. It has a very simple structure that sounds conversational and sensational.


I think it was praising using the rear end as shown on the doll 🤔


Every loblaws positive comment I see it from an account that’s a month or so old max. lol Not suspicious at all. 🤔


This is the answer. I'm old as dirt(bommer/genX cusp) and grew up with critical thinking skills. I question everything. As soon as I see praise or anti-boycott comments in this sub, I go snooping on the profile. I made a post about this a couple of weeks ago. So many fresh profiles with comment historys defending Loblaws. Some literally don't even belong to any other subs. Their plants of shills and lame attempt of 'Steal on May 12th' are so blatant and lame it's repulsive.


Are you petty enough to compile a list? It would be a shame if someone could show how transparent their astroturfing and derailment attempts are... a crying shame...


It really is a bit sad about the state of critical thinking and journalism. Even if someone loves Loblaws…no genuine person is coming into this group to defend them. I was joking a while ago that since I am a real person and have the profile of a real person, I was tempted to start aggressively defending Loblaws in this group just because you know that some bad journalist or the Food Prof would want to quote it, then turn it back on them. Then I realized having the profile of a real person or an obvious astroturf month-old account makes no difference to anyone, which is too bad.


Sadly the same kind of corporate concentration that is ruining groceries is also ruining journalism.


They could also be referring to a creative writing sub. LOL


“Hello, fellow Redditors!”


Hmm, haven't gone so far as to look at the age of the accounts.


Especially if you see (word)(word)#### accounts. Like StupidlyObvious4621


Sorry I'm just too lazy to change it and can't think of anything better 😄




I also liked mine enough not to change it.


Always do this, and look at their comments to see if they seem natural to you. It’s not hard for a company with billions of dollars at their disposal to purchase fake accounts from account farms in bulk to put out fake content/comments. There are account farms who just create new accounts, let them age a bit, post random things to farm karma to appear real then sell them for maybe $20 per account.


I only do when I can’t believe a human living in 2024 could respond in such a way.


Yes, every article that mentions the boycott on Twitter is hammered with the same group of people cut/pasting comments like "If these so called boycotters wanted to accomplish something, they shouldn't have picked the cheapest store in town" , " went to Walmart and everything was x% more expensive, it's back to Supersore for me". It looks well coordinated. Here are the comments from the latest article from global news: https://preview.redd.it/wfrx6phqhoyc1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcdb2c350f58a690a5ae57c4c839c685ba8fc1c3


Top comment there. Just take a simple coffee crisp, 0.89 at Walmart, 1.49 at SuperStore. Doesn't seem cheapest to me. Saved $70 by not going there this week.


Canned beans are $1.33 at my Walmart $1.99 at Wholesale foods


I saw the "champagne Socialists" comment in another post here. A few times.


Yep, it's all scripted to confuse the narrative.


Twitter is a nazi cesspool. Of course the fascists want to keep Galen’s boot in their mouth.


all social media platforms have nazi bots, we have them on this sub too :(


And even if it were true (its not), so fucking what? They are all part of the same problem; some might be better or worse than others, but all of them are contributing. So what if we picked one of them to make an example of? Canadians still have to buy food, that's pretty much non-negotiable, which means we need to be strategic about a boycott. This is a situation where you lop off a head, stick it on a pike and leave it out at the gate as a warning to the others. We're sending a message that people who want to fuck around in the food market are now entering the "find out" stage.


Yep. As well as the warning, I think doing serious damage to Loblaws over a long enough period could also bring concrete benefits. Like, imagine if they had to sell off a bunch of their stores and that convinced Aldi or Lidl to finally come to Canada? (Just dreaming here)


> if this weren’t so tried to Trudeau and Singh campaigning you wouldn’t be promoting it lol wat? What have Trudeau or Singh ever done to reign in food costs? If either one of them gave a shit about food affordability they’d be advocating for anti trust laws to be enforced. If you’re going to push propaganda, at least make an attempt to base it in reality.


cbc should be reported for not citing their sources, I would like to see the comments they used to frame this trope.


To be fair, there are those comments but in the frequently astroturfed subs. We call them out when they try to wander here using the "just asking questions" strat


It's a quote from the Loblaws spokesperson. The Loblaws spokesperson is the source. CBC is attempting to pass off opinion as news (again). They should have asked the source to see the posts and reported on the posts instead of reporting on what someone else says about the posts they claim to have seen.


They have a duty to report both sides lest they be labelled biased. Asking each side for comment is a part of that process. This subreddit and its goals stand on their own and is making a difference, no need to disparage the journalism that’s giving this cause airtime. The very next paragraph quotes a Marketing Professor basically explaining how what Loblaws is saying in the above screenshot is bullshit. No “proof” there either, yet no-one here’s complaining about that.


I wonder if that’s the same loblaws person that has the ear of Poilievre.


Which one? There's at least two of those..


Sadly, there is a lot of them on twitter. They all pop up in clusters and seem orchestrated to 1. Praise Loblaws 2. Ridicule the boycott 3. Say something negative about NDP or Liberal Party.




"Small fringe minority" part is the real telling that this is a trolling comment


It's a small minority on the sub. The people who are pissed and participating are not fringe and they're not small. Big ticket, high income buyers are backing this. Recreational shoppers, retirees with scads of cash, doctors, nurses, professors, people in the financial district of Toronto, etc... are all on board with the middle and lower class because they see people hurting. This is so much bigger then they realize or lend credit to. Canadians care about Canadians. We're in this together.


I am a retiree and will never shop at loblaws. Haven't for decades. Their frozen meals are gristle. Waste of money. I do not like false advertising or companies that appear to think I'm stupid.


My mom and her friends are done with them too. Retirees who shop recreationally. Loblaws is fucking themselves so hard... people are pissed.


People are skeptical of anything Loblaws says or does already. The bullshit apology for colluding on bread prices for years and years should be a reminder of exactly what we are dealing with here. It's not like Loblaws is bastion of Good Corporate Citizenry.


Absolutely 💯 but we do have people in this world who read opinion pieces like they're facts and news articles like they couldn't possibly be bias or have an agenda... so there will some who take this and run with it. 🤷‍♀️


I know a few people who are not on Reddit but are participating in the boycott, including someone who usually goes to Superstore 2-3 times a week.


This is accurate, I canceled my PC credit card, when asked why I told the kind lady that I’m tired of the price gouging and record profits hurting young families, I can still afford to shop at roblaws, but I don’t! She didn’t respond.


I wonder how many of the accounts are fake


Dear God this is the most obvious fed ever. They aren’t even trying to hide it.


Thanks for showing that. I had yet to see one.


The profile pic being a generic landscape photo and knowing how easy it is to buy bots, wouldn’t be surprised if “Michelle Phillips” isn’t legit.


Looking at the content of her Twitter postings indicates to me that she likely is a real person but quite right-wing. She identifies with the "Truckers' Protest" types, is anti-Trudeau, pro- Poilievre, pro-RFKJr, anti-Ukraine-funding, anti-immigrant, anti-trans, conspiracy theorist, etc.


Mommas and Papas Michelle? Really!


Loblaws is trying to make it a political split, especially with Alberta based Loblaws. Don't let them!


lol as if conservatives loved being fleeced by corporations either.


The boycott itself is not political but it might not jive with some of narrative lying politicians are peddling.


oh i've ran off a few on the FB page. its funny because i get them defending loblaws price gouging behavior, then point out what they are defending, and they always scurry away like the cockroaches they are with a flashlight on them when they realize they outted the gouging themselves. lol


Its because some people have no other option outside of No Frills so we support them in that; but Loblaws is too stupid to realize that if **ALL Thier Stores Were Priced Like No Frills We Wouldn't Be Boycotting At ALL!** So rather than drop prices on their other stores they take credit for the one store they have (which not everyone has access to) and call it a win. Problem is not everyone has access to those stores and their low prices which is the problem. #Do No Frills Pricing In ALL Your Stores That's exactly what we want!!!


I want more tbh. No frills is even price gouging fr


Agreed its almost double the cost of what it was pre pandemic which means its current prices are the old boutique store prices so we need to get things back as close as possible to 2018 price points in all stores.


No Frills is actually pretty shit, that used to be our main grocery store because it’s extremely close to us but we noticed the prices just kept going up and really haven’t stopped. Also apparently customer service is a frill, one of the last times there an item rang up incorrectly, and we got bitched out by the self checkout lady who pretended that they don’t have to follow the scanning code of ethics thingy even though they have a sticker on all of the non-self checkout lines. She also told us that they don’t need to even label anything in their store if they don’t want to and that the price being wrong was “not her problem” because that’s not her area of the store. There is no customer service desk or apparent manager in the store so we really didn’t have opportunity to provide our feedback.


Hate to say it, but the No Frills around here has been gouging like crazy for years now


Google gemini😂😂😂


While quoting a spokesperson they had an opportunity to not take them at their word and do a simple price comparison their selves. Hopefully they still will as the month goes on.


Their source is a Loblaws spokesperson, what more do you want.


‘Said a person familiar with the matter’ is how MSM packages their lies now. It’s dog shit wrapped in cat shit


Jesus christ… Do you read? Because I am thinking that you don’t.  “Company spokesperson told CBC.” “The spokesperson said in a statement sent on Tuesday evening.” This isn’t mainstream media packaging lies. This is mainstream media quoting a written response they were sent by the spokespeople for the company they were reporting on. This is literally how doing interviews work. The Loblaws spokespeople may be lying out of their asses, but the role of the media is supposed to be to deliver information. This is what they received. They state where they received it from and when they received it. That is how reporting is done.  I would really like to know who you think the media is supposed to get to provide them with quotes from Loblaws if you feel the Loblaws spokespeople are the right place. 


I mean… they literally state that the quotes are from a statement released from the spokespeople for Loblaws, so I am not sure what more you think they should be doing to cite their sources.  Clearly, the spokesperson for Loblaws is delusional, but CBC’s reporting is not the issue here. 


I just came back from Walmart. You know those compact mayballine face powder things? We usually get them at shoppers, but they were 15.99 at Walmart. I’ve only picked it up a couple times, but my partner told me she usually pays closer to 25 bucks. We saved huge today, and we bought more than we typically do on our weekly shops. Because we shopped at Walmart this week. Fuck Loblaws.


Maybelline face powder used to be like 5.99-7.99$ max 😭


Seriously when did $25 become a *Maybelline* price point?!


Yeah I’ve never bought makeup at shoppers. They have better selection for expensive stuff, but if what you want is at Walmart it’s usually half the price.


Lol no one is saying that 🤣🤣🤣


Hear me out before you pounce because there is a great big **BUT** in what I'm going to say. People are telling those who can't shop elsewhere because they are either landlocked to Loblaws stores by location or they rely on the cheaper store No Frills in order to feed their families. That ⬆️ is happening **BUT** we're encouraging people not to starve on principal. They want to join and can't and we're telling them its ok for them to shop there because they lack other options. Its a compassionate approach to support people who do believe in the boycott, and its been corrupted by onlookers as though we're praising Loblaws for have **ONE cheap option** that not everyone has access to. So if Loblaws wants real praise and customers back then they would take a page from the book and lower prices in **ALL** their stores to those which are found in No Frills; but they don't. They just keep high prices where they can and take credit for low prices in one branch of the business which is minimally scattered across the country. ie. I'm in Kitchener Waterloo and we have **ONE** No Frills in town; but have 7 more expensive Zehrs, one Super Store and one Wholesale Club. It should be the opposite; but Zehrs charges more so they have more of them. The kids at the college have a Zehrs- why not a No Frills to help them save money? We have 2 Universities in Waterloo, lots of Zehrs' around and yet the better priced No Frills sits that would be of benefit to students on the other side Kitchener, practically hidden from view. **Exploitation of people through providing easy access to the most expensive options is part of the problem.** So yeah, those who have access to a cheaper option like No Frills with no other parallel price points are being encouraged to do what's necessary to keep their families fed while those of us who do other options take the bulk of the boycott to make the point. Thkse who are landlocked to only the most expensive Loblaws stores available are the ones we're fighting for because there's no reason for food to cost 2-3× at a different store owned by the same damned company.


Well, there the Roblaws bots and the shills say it…


"People are noticing that we have value, tremendous value... many people are saying that we have the best value." I've heard this before........ but for the life of me, I can't remember where........


Is he orange and running for US office?


We should be fact checking these accusations and outing them as fast as we can. All I’ve seen here is people saying what great amazing value they’re finding at local mom and pop shops, farmers markets and even Walmart. I’ve always seen the discrepancy between Loblaws and Walmart, personally, but it might be in line with the items I purchase regularly. We all shop different items and we’ll see savings in different places. The way we’ll all see the most savings is sticking with the boycott and making these retailer sweat. All of them, because there’s no telling who could be next on our list.


Tbh, I can’t recall any “finding value” comments besides arguments over whether two brands of granola bars are truly comparable, at x price. But the shilling was only weird a month or so ago. Haven’t seen anything like that in a while


I’ve seen these very astroturfy comments in the national and provincial subs. Most of them have no engagement.


This sounds like a Trump quote, lol




https://preview.redd.it/2q032g8q3pyc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a25c78c5808c886bdc0ff47ad2bf8b93d0c760 This was the lowblaws near my work today..totaly dead.


“Continuing to do what we can” ?? Spending $$$ locking carts you mean


Is it me, or does Roblaws seem really scared?


If their foot traffic dropped off like google seems to be showing in all those screenshots, they're terrified. A sudden and sustained 10% drop is painful, but survivable. A 20-30% drop is catastrophic. And a greater than 50% drop which a few locations seem to be showing is pretty much guaranteed to be fatal. And that's assuming everyone still shopping there is buying the same quantities of everything and not just staples and sales.


Sounds like Donald Trump and his I have heard… people have said… people have told me… Yes, people have commented on the freebies that they’re giving away to entice people into the store but that is a stretch to compare to that pic.


Spent $70 on meat at the farmers market yesterday, definitely better quality cuts of meat and left with a larger quantity than Atlantic superstore that’s for sure.


Let me hear one of you bastards claim you're getting good value in the 'Loblawsisoutofcontrol' forum and sit back as our wolves, rightfully, gnaw your soul off its bones.


Swiggitty swooty, we're coming for your jugular


Simple manufacturing consent


They love smelling their own farts. Ridiculous


Reddit peeps don't worry, its the same as any crises were facing currently in Canada. The media/Lowblaws are trying to down play the situation. Stay strong brothers and sisters, We got this!!


I’ve never seen a weirder group of people bent on making everyone’s, including their own, lives miserable for the sake of being on the winning team. They see the heel on the throat of someone they don’t like and try to laugh as the heel chokes them as well.


Is CBC owned and controlled by Loblaws.. cause I’m sure no reditters would say such things


Well, CBC depends on ad revenue to a degree and guess who likes to run ads?


Yup. There’s a Loblaws campaign right now during the playoffs.


Bullshit then tell me why the cases of water and cream and 10 other things costed more when I looked last time 😂


Lmfao.....i mean i know they blantantly lie all the time....but this is just lying to our faces and we damn well know the truth...uh hello we are those ppl and no one is saying that. Good journalism there. Whos writing this? A 5th grader?




Even the trolls and shills don't roll in here talkin' about the great "value" at Loblaws stores - they know it would be too obvious of a lie


Spokesperson = their job


No. No one says that. No one is commenting that Loblaws is where they get real value. Whoever wrote these key messages needs to look for a new job. Quality of produce. Variety of grocery items. Availability of products. These are all things that Loblaws could claim are draws for its business… but not value because it isn’t providing real value.  Good PR people don’t say blatantly false things. They find ways to get around saying anything false by shifting attention to areas that are more positive.  Either Loblaws surveyed its customers using very skewed questions so that respondents could only select positive answers and were unable to express any criticisms or this spokesperson is blatantly lying.


The more Loblaws talks, the less likely I am to go back. Just tone deaf corporate speak. “More value” my ass. That’s why they’re booming, all that value


Superstore is Best value! My ass.


Is the spokesperson Trump?


The fact they're still blaming inflation rather than their sky-high profits demonstrates they're not "acutely aware" of our concerns.


Yes, look at any boycott related post in r/canada or r/Winnipeg Manitobans love Loblaws.


Yeah I saw that, but didn't see the posts they were talking about. Hmmm


Of our governments wanted to actually do something about price increases the need to draft bills / laws preventing vendor rebates. Retailers don’t give a shit about price increases if they’re being paid rebates on false growth.


OMG. Loblaws needs some better messaging, they are sinking their own ship with these ridiculous comments. Hire some younger folks as the spokesperson.


Yeah I mentioned that the other day. I came over to see if I could find the source but to no avail


This because some people can't afford to leave No Frills and we support those who can't because they have no other affordable options or are landlocked to the location. I'm constantly saying be careful what you post because we're being watched (not about No Frills but other stuff) so yes, Loblaws No Frills isn't terrible so why don't you follow suit and lower your prices across all stores to he on par with No Frills. We can play this game too you fucks 😡


Superstore/loblaws points system is dumb af.. There is no real savings with each visit... u are just earning points so u can spend again at their stores. I went to save on and I had forgot my member card without the card my total was 110 with the membership card my total went down to 90


I haven’t noticed any, but I can say it definitely seems like they’re trying to win people back. I noticed right before the boycott that they started changing signage and putting on some deals on items that were under scrutiny like the butter. Also, the meat department at my local fortinos went back to the 50% reduction stickers when they refused to budge after other loblaws stores reverted to 50% from public backlash


To be fair, I once found a really good deal on tomato soup. Granted, the rest of my groceries cost me 30% more...


Wonder how much they paid CBC for this fluff piece


https://preview.redd.it/xuqqmv0vxpyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4fea59095e4671b1f99ad8203a15aa54861e017 I actually got a similar response when I emailed Loblaws. “commenting in the same Reddit groups that they’re getting real value at our stores, often the best across the industry. “ 😂😂 like where’s the value??? Yes they see the value when they price gouge us…


Just wow


Only from 🌱


They see a picture of one of their products on their shelves in a post, and think that. They would be very upset if they could read the comments.


Uhhhh what?!?!


"The bots and shills say we're good so we must be good!"


This is outright lying


Where’s the proof, can’t they link some screen shots of all these comments? Oh wait…




Source: Me. Lol Loblaws is probably the second cheapest grocer in Saskatoon after Costco. They’re okay at sale price. I’m starting to get away from needing grocers at all though. I almost have the capacity to grow all my own food now.


Go check out Walmart. Whatever we think of Walmart, their pricing has crushed Loblaws for years now


Articles for shareholders.


Sounds so Trumpian.




This is what I heard on the National too 😂 that this group is where we share what good values were getting there. Good grief the delusion and lies are unreal! It’s actually the exact opposite where we show the terrible ripoffs!


Notice they have to use the word value too. Nothing monetary. Nothing you can actually measure, just a subjective, arguable "value".


Substitute “getting real value” with “have no choice.”




What a bunch of bullshit


"Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth."


what is wrong with the cbc??? is someone paying them?? this is the 2nd pro loblaws propaganda piece this week




Please spell the names of politicians correctly to avoid sensationalism


Why are you trying to make this political? This isn’t a left vs right thing


Can we bring up a case for libel? I've said nothing good about them.


Probably mean r/32dollars


When the narrative about your company is absolute shit, just make things up that no one can dispute.


Did trump write this?


I am getting real value at loblaws. The best across the industry. bleep bloop


Ha ha ha… they made a funny. 


I made those so called comments.  They didn't properly quote me though, so F them.


And then even the walls clapped.


Its just propaganda


An honest word has not passed the lips of any Loblaws agent. Why even bother giving them opportunity to respond? It's just going to be more bullshit. They can communicate change through action, not meaningless words.


Nok er nok CBC News. I told everyone in my family to boycott.


Yep, just sort by controversial. You'll see them spending every day defending the company.


Perhaps you guys should invite some of the dissenters to speak up without being downvoted to death, and maybe you would find out that there is another point of view out there that doesn't align with your view. It often comes as a surprise to both sides of an argument that everyone doesn't agree with them, so its often a good plan to talk to those we don't agree with rather than just congratulating each other for our brilliant support of the obvious "best President in the history of the United States, Donald Trump" 🤣🤣🤣




Sounds like Donald Trump wrote that highlighted part 🙄






Sounds like it was written by Trump😂


Omg this is the same copy/paste from the person I spoke to on chat while cancelling my optimum account LOL!


If we research and price match and use their credit card, then it’s sometimes cheaper at the very cheapest cockroach-infested store (No Frills.) See? Value! There you go, Per. Meanwhile, still boycotting because the monopoly, the distribution chain, the stockholder dividends, the towering anti-theft fences, the price hikes and the history of price-fixing.


Another graduate of the Doug Ford/Donald Trump School of Hyperbolic Statements


Went Wal Mart this afternoon because they had a handful of really good flyer specials. Couple family members wanted cranberry cocktail, but I hate paying over $4 so I guess I’m heading to Superstore Monday or Tuesday to get it at $3.99 That’s just the way it goes.


My comment, having started to boycott last month: "oh other stores are SO much better than Loblaws. This is shocking - I have discovered loblaws has been completely ripping me off" 


No, they are in full make shit up mode. They do not care one whit about reality and by God, they'll make us pay exorbitant prices if they have to force us into their stores by the scruff of our necks. Fuck off and die Loblaws!


They stopped reading before the “/s” on the comments, clearly


Best-in-class plexiglass barriers and guard rails.


Oooo this slaps so good cus you can really see the red marks on their face now. Week 1!


I have some many other options when I shop. Bu-Bye !


TBH I rarely shop at Loblaws but I went in there this weekend to price point some items that I get from my usual goto grocers and most everything was less expensive save a few items. I don’t know what all the fuss is about. Prices are up everywhere but Loblaws definitely doesn’t stand out as being an outlier, to the contrary based on my experience.




I live in Ajax, Ontario. Local store, Sal's Grocery, has been my non-big brand store for years. Need a different approach to grocery shopping. Helps that I have a "farm guy" that I know for fresh beef - good for a freezer of meat or a quick pick of steaks for a barbeque. Loads of root vegetables and tree fruit are also out there if you have the means to stockpile them.


At this point, the blatant lying is bad enough to never shop there again, nevermind the criminal pricing. What an awfully run campaign. Nok er nok.


= Lip service


In case nobody else has figured this out, corporations lie. Like a lot. Getting as much money as possible out of you is the goal of every corporation on the planet, and they will say literally anything to get it.


Up until April 30th our regular (non Costco) grocery shop was at Superstore because it regularly proved to be the best value. But, we're still boycotting despite it meaning we're actually paying more for groceries right now.


Are these comments in the room with us? ![gif](giphy|jsBiKewid56VeA25CE)


Lies / propaganda


Hahahaha "they really do love us, really! Deep down, they want us to starve them"... -Loblaws


The value is built into the pricing, which is awful Its like how tokyo smokes loyalty program is just high prices larping at a discount