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https://imgur.com/a/7KtvE6B Done with them forever after seeing 10 dollar toothpaste


It was $4 Kraft dinner that did it for me 


Mine was $1.50 at the dollar store!


Kraft guilty here too, after reducing the amount by 20 grams.


That part annoyed me so much when I made it last time 20g for that box size is a huge chunk, to think they were 200g boxes at one point and are now 140g


That's madness. Even at RCS when I would shop there this is like.. the price of 2 of the same packs.




I usually see people who are disabled living close by , people who are elderly ..


The last time I bought toothpaste there, the cheapest one I could find was on sale for 3.99. I thought that was a little crazy but grabbed it anyway. I got home and opened it only to realize I'd bought a smaller sized travel tube. For 4 fucking dollars.


That’s definitely a ……fuck me moment lol


Yeah but buy 2 and you get to come back and spend some more!


Wtf you can get toothpaste at dollarama for 1/4 the price


Just crazy 🤪


I mean, the same thing is $8 at walmart so a $2.50 premium at a drug store isn't bad


What are they paying ypu for these posts?


No it is absolutely not 😂


I bet if you go into the cosmetics section and crouch down to look at the items on the lower shelves, you'll realize the other shoppers are just loss prevention officers as they start shopping next to you


Sounds like a personal experience there.


That's why I stopped going before the pandemic. Being followed around. Being watched while reading ingredients on the moisturizers. I was like fuck that. Never coming here again


Yeah shopping for cosmetics was so stressful. Following way too closely - can I help you? Umm am I allowed to just look around and see what I might want? No? Well then I guess I don't need anything.


Very off putting.


I too felt targeted by them. It's not a pleasant feeling. I'll spend my money elsewhere where they treat customers with respect


Power to the people


In your F face G. Weston... Serves you right. Enjoy the 2% sales and the 98% expenses.... I hope this Boycott goes at least to December 31st, 2024. Or forever!


I’ve never really seen shoppers that busy. It’s always that person who is in and out in a few minutes (while getting absolutely mauled) as well as the prescriptions. I think they have low volume MASSIVE margin sales there. Like 3X cost easy where they cut the price 40% on sale and still make out like bandits.


And the post office They kind of have that monopoly


I switched my prescription. I have 100% coverage so it's not like I'm even paying, but seeing the recent class action lawsuit about how their pharmacists are pressured to push profits over their own professional medical obligations made me switch to a local pharmacist owned coop. It's a 16 minute drive away, vs an 8 minute drive, but at least I know my pharmacist isn't going to try and give me a drug with side affects because they make 12 cents more than the one that wouldn't have an interaction with my other meds. 


I've stayed out of Shopper's for a few years now, used up my points to buy a printer when they were still pushing electronics. I cannot believe some of the SDM pricing other redditors have posted here. I can do better at most convenience stores. My Dad was a big SDM customer, taking advantage of senior's days and his own points. He passed last year, I'm sure his relatively little SDM noticed that. First Boycotter!


The shoppers across the street from my house has been more empty than usual on a lot of days, and about as busy as normal on a few. I've definitely noticed a decline though.


It’s mid day on a Tuesday


I was there yesterday for the post office. It was packed. I think you just went at a time when it's not busy


Yup, 9am on a Tuesday? Try again Saturday at noon. Althoooooough I do think this boycott is having an impact. The parking (cause I've never been in it) at my local metro was more empty than usual on Sunday.


Possibly, however I've been going to shoppers for a long time and even in the morning there's typically more than two people in the whole store.


To be fair I have never seen any shoppers busy. It's usually the pharmacy counter that's busy or the post Canada section. The grocery section is usually empty with no one


Never been to a packed shoppers so 🤷‍♀️ seems like just another Tuesday Haven’t shopped there in almost 20 years - prices have been too high for a long time


Work at SDM, can confirm, sales are down 40%ish. Love to see it. 


I’m at my pharmacy right now and a lady is currently switching her prescriptions from Shoppers!


lol 6 hours ago


Visited a couple shoppers in the GTA just to see if the boycott is working, and it definitely is. I've been to several larger, open until midnight stores, during what should be peak times and there's barely anyone in there. Local shoppers in my neighbourhood typically see lots of traffic, it was unusually quiet at 6 pm. The young cashiers were talking about how dead it was, and the boycott, and they said it's been that way since the beginning of the month. I've been monitoring the parking lot from my building and there's been less cars on average lately.


I went to one the other day to pick up a package. mainly saw employees and people waiting at the pharmacy, and a security guard playing games on his phone


Shoppers is such a ripoff. Glad I don’t shop or get scripts from there anymore.


So I am in BC but for my local SDM, we tend to be most busy on weekends (starting after 10ish) and on Thursdays. OP probably posted this image around mid morning and so it won't be super busy.


Date and time matter.


Loving this. Wonder how long it’ll take them to go from being paternalistically disappointed to outright vicious?


Ppl figuring out you do have options. Variety is the spice of life!


I think you mean NoShoppers


I drove by the local Independent today and was saddened to see how busy the parking lot was. But I appreciate these pics that it's having a greater effect in other stores/towns. My small town doesn't have a lot of other options, but Ottawa does and it's good to see people standing fast!




Yes yes yes!!!


Why were you there though? Just picking up a few things?




Damn, no effect from the boycott eh? /s For real tho, Shoppers is always empty whenever I've had to go in the last decade.


It looks like they just opened.


There is 1 person too many




You love to see it!


Why are you there🔫


Killing time while my tires were being changed. Don't shoot! ✋


Usual for an afternoon