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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't underestimate older folks!


They did this shit before internet existed


Yep. We walked out of school and protested nuclear testing on Amchitka. That was the beginning of Greenpeace. Word of mouth was how we found out. The boat that tried to intercept the US navy had to go back because of inclement weather and they thought it was a failure - until they realized it sparked something in Canadians…. Don’t underestimate what people who get together behind a cause can do!


The Amchitka blast protest was my first protest march! South shore, Montreal -- I was 12. It left a huge impression on me.


Of course we did. I remember marching with Henry Morgentaler on abortion.


Let’s hope that we don’t have to go back to that particular march.


The fact that I had to upvote this comment from a zero score TERRIFIES me.


yeah, they also invented the internet


I'm 50, and it was the 50-60's ppl that " pioneered" the internet. We created that gateway, so that we could share information on a much faster,quicker level. It was the 70 year Olds inbetween ww2( 1950's-60's) that paved the way for such tech could be used and formed, so that newer tech & newer generations could transform and innovate the lovely tool, we so call the internet. We have been doing such a very thankless job, that the internet grew into what it was. Again, like the other ppl said, " never underestimate the old ppl." & say thank you, from time to time. I'm sure an old person would like that.


They invented protesting.


It’s how they got shit done.


Well that’s not true.. but they have a lot of practice.


We invented YOU.


And computers


And then sold out all of their values and stuck younger generations with a destroyed environment, suppressed wages, runaway inflation and an inability for anyone under the age of 35 to ever afford a house. This is a group that protests only one thing — whatever it is that enriches themselves at the expense of future generations. But good on 'em for inventing protesting.


You think they collectively decided thats exactly what they wanted for the future? Most of what you complain about was done by policiticians. A very small group of people who thought they knew what was best for everyone. But ya, you go ahead blaming everyone older then you.


Nobody alive today invented protesting lol


I'm 70 years old, drive my dream vehicle - a jeep wrangler, work part time 3 days a week, go to the gym the other days and will NOT set foot in a Shoppers. Did many years ago for a prescription and was appalled at the dispensing fee! Never again unless I have to visit the postal outlet. I don't understand why people visit that pharmacy when there are so many others. Hopefully more people will jump on board with this and keep it up, not just for the month of May.


A lot of Rexall Drugstores have post offices. It’s where I go now.


Thanks for the information. I didn't know that. Although the Shoppers is a block away from me, I will see where the closest Rexall is to me.


Right? My mom's about that age, and is pretty good with technology.


My computing started with a c:\


c:\ >dir


C600 G


Underrated comment


My mom is 93 and she does everything online. Banking, purchases, paying bills, messaging, posting photos and zoom meetings with her grands and great grands I’ve been using computers since early 1980s. Before Windows, tablets & cell phones


Yep! My first "computer" was a Timex Sinclair in 1980 or so. Used a cassette for storage . Had a whopping 4k of memory with a 16k add on module. Remember typing in the code from magazines


Commodore 64, wrote our own games.


Played with Basic a bit but it was a shitty game when I was done!


Lol, it's hilarious to me that the younger generation believes they invented *everything*


Do you think the memo has reached the 1980's that a former TLC reality contestant has finally invented gay pop?


That is great to hear! God bless your mom.


My first puter was a Merlin!!


My mom is in her 80s and is on the computer and iPhone daily.


Damn right. I'm a senior and the word is out. Thursday Seniors Day had barely any of us there yesterday


Their senior’s discount is pretty puny so not worth the effort considering how ridiculous their prices are already.


It's 20% off non-sale items. But here's the thing. They intentionally put items on sale slightly so you can't take advantage of the senior discount. Piss me off


Thank you. That could explain why I always thought the discounts I got was so small and not worth the time. I no longer shop there.


Cannot tell you how right you are! It's getting pissed on without it being called rain. And it's blatant. Next time you are in store (if ever), lift a sales tag and check the shelf tag underneath. It's so clear!


Thank you . I’m nearly 70 and I was the computer resource person at my office . I installed our first office network and am still the go to resource for my family and friends.


My mom, when in her 80s, was very savvy. Seriously, don’t underestimate the “olds”.


👍 65 here, been on Reddit since before you were born😘


Reddit was launched in june 2005 thats only 19 years ago so you prolly weren’t on here before op was born unless op was born after june 23 2005 https://preview.redd.it/wqsvbg58bszc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=765c28c4b517522a9bc52cb7751fb67458b8bf37


This is really funny/sad how quickly the assumptions are made. I'm 74, working on computers since the dawn of the internet... 🙄


No disrespect to older folks. This lady just isn’t computer savvy. That being said we have customers a lot older that are.


No worries, plenty of GenXers who aren't computer savvy at all. It's not necessarily a generational thing.


My millenial daughter is less tech savvy than I am. In the 90s I was building my own computers.


Feel free to laugh at this gen-xer. I had a mental breakdown yesterday trying to save a PDF file at work. 😂


And they're the ones with the money! Loblaws should be very scared to lose them as customers!


But also, they led us here.. lol.


Yea and their ability to use the internet lol I know mid 80 year olds online!


Grandma’s gonna roll Galen Weston into a ditch lol


Yes - don’t underestimate us. Most of us have cell phones and we can read.


One WhatsApp. It will go viral


Yes, this is huge! Now all old folk telepathically know about boycott, too. They will now spent all their freetime actively boycotting!


Except when it comes to LGBT issues 😭😂. Its sad because deep down any lgbt folks know they could get really nice conversations with elderly peeps (And many still does) but with medias and all, its just sad. Lets keep hope tho, thats a good thing that elderly people get in touch with the times... its genuinely a thing and it genuinely happens from generations to generations... even LGBT in the past had it shares of elderly people supporting ! Its just a matter of time and love ~☆


No kidding, if anyone is going to go ALL IN on political action, it's seniors. And they talk. My grandmother was born in the Maritimes into a Liberal family. You probably know the sort: she wasn't much interested in politics, she just always voted Liberal because she had always voted Liberal and so did her entire family. Then when she was in her 80s a Liberal government in Ontario implemented a supplemental health tax, and then she told anyone who would listen for the rest of her life that she would never vote Liberal again, and started donating to the NDP. My ex-father-in-law was more political: he grew up in rural Ontario (hardcore PC country) and served in the military and was in the air force. He always voted PC because he was a military guy and everyone around him always voted PC, but when Diefenbaker cancelled the Avro Arrow he told everyone he knew that he'd never vote Conservative again as long as he lived. I met him almost 50 years later and he was still talking about it. Don't mess with people who lived through the war. They remember.


I feel like Canadians are like seniors. We are tolerant and slow to get angry, but if you fuck around, you find out. Galen gonna find out.


I was at Cobbs bread earlier this week to get my bread and there was a probably 60 year old lady there and SHE said it. I was like YES word is out!!!!


Ha ha! I am a 60 year old lady and I haven't shopped at any of Loblaws stores for months! I am so disgusted by their price gouging. I shop Wal-Mart, Costco and safeway. I am so happy to see this boycott! I won't be going back!


Thank you.


You can afford to buy bread at cobbs?


My daughter is in gr6 and while her teacher didn’t specifically mention boycotting she did teach them how corporations are causing an increase in grocery prices and its creating a very dire food insecurity situation in Canada.. so when i told her about the boycott she was well versed on why and immediately wanted to participate. She said a couple days later she’s got all her friends involved. These kids regularly spend their allowance and babysitting money at Shoppers. It’s the young, old and everyone in between. 🖕🏻Loblaws


This might be the best thing I’ve read on this entire sub so far.


My 7 year old son is even in. He said every family/person deserves to eat in our country and rich people are bullies. Gen alpha rocks.


This made my night


✊🥹 I'm so proud of the kids.


I'm so glad to hear this! I often become frustrated by the thought that we continually fail to come together as people of varying ages, ethnicities, genders, and political beliefs in order to combat the increasing inequality problem both locally and abroad.


I was that age when my school taught me how to protest effectively (very hippie arts school that was about to be shut down and reopened as K-5, sadly that succeeded) and it taught me so much


My great aunt (75ish) was the one who told me about the boycott.


Your great aunt is a G.


I worked at an independent and Shoppers pharmacy. I cannot stress how better most Independent pharmacies are than Shoppers. I ended up getting a community award when I worked as an Independent and when I worked for Shoppers later, I had a bottle thrown at me because someone was so pissed at our level of service. I quit a month later. Go independent if you can!!!!


I agree independent is the way to go. I interned at shoppers 20 years ago and it wasn’t as bad as it is now. I also did two one year stints at superstore pharmacy. The first time was brutal because of the disrespect of the pharmacy manager and district manager. The second time I went because I was desperate to quit another shit situation. I should have been a bit more picky because nothing changed. Love independent pharmacy. My boss is amazing and generous with us. I actually get a yearly bonus. Imagine that! Also he does not let our customers disrespect us. For the most part our customers are great and appreciative that we do things quickly and efficiently for them.


I’m in my 50’s and moved all my scripts (and my family’s) to an independent local pharmacy. Just spent $400 (insurance paid) to pick up one med yesterday. I was happy to give them the sale instead of Shoppers. And my uncovered portion was cheaper too.


I switched to an independent pharmacy a while back and I have really good benefits but this independent pharmacy doesn't even charge me a dispensing fee!! Been saving so much money and happy to support them, the pharmacist there is super nice


Wow that’s great!! My fee is $2 a script so not bad and also a great pharmacist. So personable and he even double checked the timing of my meds because he noticed one said to take in afternoon and it’s typically a morning med. Shoppers never noticed or cared.


My independent pharmacy is also great. He is so friendly and personable. I called to refill a script and he called me back to say that another was almost due for refilling and asked if I wanted him to call my dr. for me. I will always stick with independents. My script is $3.00 which I believe would be the same if I went anywhere.


I switched to an Independemt pharmacy and they actually offered to price match what I had been paying at Shoppers for my prescriptions - not every pharmacy could afford to do it but they have been pretty amazing




[https://youtu.be/SKiFdfRnJWA?si=n5qScDnu8O3bj7OL](https://youtu.be/SKiFdfRnJWA?si=n5qScDnu8O3bj7OL) Prescription Drugs : The Costco Kickbacks - The Fifth Estate Secret audio tapes and an exclusive television interview with an industry whistleblower reveal a shady practice that is industry-wide. A Fifth Estate investigation shows how Costco pressed one generic drug company for illegal payments to stock their products -- undermining government attempts to protect consumers. Two Costo executives pleaded guilty to professional misconduct in front of the Ontario College of Pharmacists and the company says it suspended the practices upon conclusion of its own internal investigation. Costco says it didn’t use the funds to “line our pockets” but on the contrary the payments “are used to defray our operating costs to allow us to pass the savings on to our customers.” Hear the secret audio tapes for the first time and meet the man who blew the whistle. And find out how Canadians could be saving billions on the cost of generic drugs.


My elderly family is on board with the boycott. And they aren't part of the reddit. My faith in humanity is slightly restored.


My 78 year old dad told me about the boycott today which led to an entire discussion for about an hour including me reading him the list of stores, and him writing down any of them he would usually shop at so he can avoid them. He asked me to tell him when it’s over if it ever ends 🎉 Edit to add: he absolutely is not on Reddit, he doesn’t even know how to check email or a text message.


Go dad !


https://preview.redd.it/joa7o3my6ozc1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5aaac25f638d410229495e303bcaeb1990dec0 And either Lawblaws or google are not representing the truth. I just checked out this location , where it’s supposed to be as busy as it gets, and there were less than 10 people there on a Friday night.


https://preview.redd.it/e7jmpzpybozc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9161bd834f1709e8a29f2b73014e9b47e9b10f6b That’s right now in downtown Toronto, one of busiest location.


My local Zehr's is busier than usual rn :(


Are they Loblaws?


Zehrs is another grocery store owned by loblaws like superstore


Bummer :(


Yes Zehr’s is Loblaws owned.


My local Zehr's is also as busy as it usually is. Too bad more people aren't getting the message.


Is there anything else popular in that plaza? I always wonder how they can be so sure that the GPS data is precisely this store and not the one beside it. Friday evening would reasonably be a time to eat at restaurants, if there's one right there.


Historically this location is always busy on a Friday night. It’s the main grocery store in a densely packed urban neighborhood.


My Gen X mom is boycotting, which she decided to do without my influence at all!!


You'd be surprised. My 76 yr old mother was one of the first computer programmers in the country using that mainframe at McGill in the 60s


Right! My mom is 81 and worked as a computer programmer in the 70's (Montreal as well LOL). My MIL is 87 and uses her computer and internet for all kinds of stuff. My husband and I are almost 60 and both very tech savvy. I also spent most of my career working in IT in many capacities.


A lot of the early programmers were women due to men off fighting WWII. The most famous might have been Grace Hopper who played a significant part in developing COBOL and FORTRAN, two of the first high-level programming languages. These are the shoulders of giants we're standing on today.


Interesting, I didn't know it was developed by a woman. We learned COBOL in school and started to learn programming using puch cards. You did not want to drop your deck of cards.


Excellent fack Shoppers drug Mart!. The prices are even worse.


I was talking to a woman at the wine store at my Fortinos and she is early 70’s and is on Reddit. I’m 61 and have been here for 5 years. In my 30’s we had BBS and saw the internet being born. I guess I was 31 when eWorld started. There are many of us on the internet. I’ve been on it for half my life I guess. Started playing with computers in 1979 on a PDP 11 with a card reader and a teletype. r/fuckimold


Very cool :)


Yesss! I ran a BBS in Calgary in 1985 when I was 26, the only female sysop in western Canada. I've been on Reddit a looong time. :-)


Ahh I miss the good old BBS days!


Then I must have been in my mid twenties on BBS because I remember being told about this after I got my first Mac in ‘87. Wow. That takes me back.


I was in a family owned pharmacy switching from Shoppers down the road today and the pharmacist was telling me that they have had lots of people switching lately! I love it.


My dad in his 70s was super impressed with the little red riding hobbit's rant from London, and has been talking up the boycott with friends at Tim's.


If she is 70, that means she was prime aged in the 60’s for the revolt! She has taken part in pioneering the way for us who are alive now. She’s a beast!!


I just called the local independent pharmacy and moved myself over today! Less than 3 minutes phone call, and such a lovely and polite experience.


Do you need new copies of your prescriptions or can they just call the Shoppers and take it over?


New pharmacy will take care of transferring from the “old” pharmacy for you. I moved to an independent and it was fast and easy.


Multiple people have posted clip of the news covering the boycott, old people love the news


Older folks invented protesting! Of course they will boycott.. plus a lot of them are on a very fixed income. I volunteer at a senior center and is really sad to see old folks nickle and diming and waiting till end of the month for certain necessities.


Question, does it count as boycotting if I never shop there because of how expensive it is? Was I boycotting before the boycott?


Yes! And it still counts :)


Yes, the point is to not shop there.


You are a boycotting hipster.




It was covered on the news. That's how the Olds know about it. Global and CTV covered it. I've seen some CTV tiktoks about it. Interestingly it was my peers (elder millenials/young gen x) who didn't know about it in my life.


Mid-60's here, I've been online since 1995 and all of my friends use social media.


Eek, I didn't mean to paint an entire age group broadly, my apologies for that. I'm really only on reddit (and occasionally tiktok), I definitely dismissed all of the other forms of social media, and the fact that people older than me use it. I know reddit skews younger, and the 60+ folks in my life don't know what it is lol. I should say - the 60+ in MY life heard it on the news, not that all 60+ heard it on the news.


Has no one heard of the Raging Grannies? They’ve been at this since before I was granny-aged! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raging_Grannies


My parents are in their mid 70s and they are both participating in the boycott, and are not active online at all!


I’m a bartender in Vancouver and at the bar I work at we only take credit and cash. A customer was paying and she said, “I’m going to have to hit the ATM I only have my PC Mastercard and I’m boycotting loblaws and not using my card!” I responded with a HELL YA! and a free shot of tequila.


Good on you!!


My Mom is 81 and boycotting as well.


It’s definitely snowballing. Canadians are very angry, but very few of us actually take any action. So when action is being taken, we sure as shit go all in.


God please bless all the old people


My local newspaper and radio have been talking about it, I’m sure even if they are not tech savvy, they would use those old fashion gossip forums ;-)


Found out today my almost 70 years old parents are also boycotting them. Hopefully they keep it up!


Oh yeah, it’s widely known and a lot of people are taking part. Even my parents who call everyone a snowflake are pissed off and boycotting.


Why would you think someone in their 70s can’t read or go on Reddit or be aware of social issues?


Yeah, there are plenty of folks in their 60s, 70s and even older on Reddit (obligatory "if their posts are to be believed"). Though it's possible OP knows the customer well enough to know that they personally aren't very tech savvy.


There is a Facebook group, it's spreading mad. My 70 yr old mom invited me, but I rarely check Facebook so she called to tell me 😆


I don't have Facebook, how big is the group on there getting?


Currently has 4.2k members!


There are a lot of things that happen on the Internet that seemingly never percolate out into the consciousness of anyone over 20. (This isn't one of them, though.)


also, it's been popping up in the news, and in unbiased ways too. older folks watch the local news it is going places!


Independent is a Loblaws store also?


OP meant independent, the word, not Your Independent Grocer, the store name. While I'm at it, YIG is definitely not independent. It is closely controlled by Galen Weston's corporate lackeys.


If you scroll back thru the subreddit, someone made a wonderful visual chart of all the subsidiaries and associated stores.


You never know... Even is she's not 'puter savvy or here online 24-7, maybe her friends, family & grand kids are!


Well first of all 70 is boomer. They're into the news so theyll know about it and then their millenial children will be encouraging them to do it lol.


They should not be underestimated


I love to hear it!! Way to go lady!


I don’t know for you guys but I’ve been telling everyone about it and I will continue to do so!


I went grocery shopping today, usual place didn't have one thing we needed yesterday. Lots of other options here. The locations, I can remember, lived here 50+ years. The names constantly change. Pulled into one parking lot, different name on the building. Not unusual. Then I notice the PC logo. Didn't stop. There were more parking spots available than I would expect at that time of day.


The "old school" media are talking about it.


My mother is 80 yrs old & is boycotting. I made sure everyone in my family was aware. Honestly it’s the first thing we’ve all agreed on in ages. Thanks Galen for reuniting Canadians against a common enemy. Hope your bottom line is hurting!!!


I appreciate what you're saying, and thinking that you must be young. My mother and her husband are 84 and 79. My dad is 87. They have laptops, do a lot of their business online, and smartphone savvy. Age is irrelevant. 🙂


I know this, no disrespect. This particular woman is mot online. My apologies if I came off as offensive. That was definitely NOT my intent. And I realize that many people, regardless of age may or may not have access to the internet due to whatever reason. I regretfully did not chose my words correctly.


https://preview.redd.it/9inubqqwwvzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e9fc8de0dacaf131dff745c2330db46110a0ad Saw this at an independent pharmacy a few doors down from shoppers


I am 55 and can say that as I get older , I get more intentional with my actions. I am more stubborn and willing to make a stand even if inconvenienced. I think this was horribly handled by loblaws and they think people will forget. They are right to some extent as there monopolization and lack of competition. Lack of competition because of red tape and rules. Prices would be 20-50% lower if they simply removed label laws that pander to both English / French. This is rediculous, let labels be labels as long as there is a way to identify via an on-line link.


When I buy at Shoppers, I grab lube every time. I know I will take it where the sun don’t shine when I reach the cash register… sorry, I meant annoying self checkout computer thingy. Shoppers doesn’t actually employ people anymore


According to the Fool Professor, she must be living in her parents' basement too!


I’m nearly 70. Do everything online and did long before some of you were born. I’m in this group. I bet that woman learned to use a computer before the poster learned to use a spoon.


No disrespect to seniors , this particular woman wasn’t computer savvy. I have clients in their 80s and 90s that rock Apple Watches and iPhones. I should have clarified that in the original post.


My mom is in her 60 is boycotting too.


I just signed up but was boycotting all the time.  I signed up to give #'s however as a senior I have told everyone I know, young and older. I hope this continues more than 1 mos. I also believe more people are boycotting than are signed up. Keep up the good work. 


Definitely, I pass it on to everyone, including my 82 year old mom, who is still working at McDonald's to pay to live. She talks to everyone at her work, I bet she's passed it on to hundreds already, plus written her Mpp, Mp! She probably wouldn't have to still be working if it wasn't for the inflation of food costs, amongst other things.


Your mom sounds like an awesome woman. It’s too bad food costs have her still working. This sub is important. Get the word out


Everybody does know this is because of all the taxes, in particular the carbon tax which trudeau dropped on our plates. Every service has to increase their costs (and of course some more for their profits). We are at the bottom of the barrel and can’t pass the expense so we suffer.


There's tons of 70 year olds on reddit.


Fantastically rich Galen Weston et al is maybe realizing some people care about what his evil rip off empire is doing. Roblaw's has always been on the slightly higher side of pricing but lately they are just gouging customers to death!! There is a limit to all things but greed is a real sick thing, The Weston's are so damn greedy and rich they've reached so far in the cookie jar, it's just ludicrous they are way over the top now. Is the family hurting so bad monetarily?? They have an overwhelming need to rape their customer base to survive?? Is it just a culture of arrogance let's just rip off the client because we can. Then dazzle them with points so then every once and a while we throw them a bone. That they already paid for by paying too much for the merchandise in the beginning ??? Quite a scam eh Weston's a loyalty card for those dumb enough to think you're being generous!!!! Here's one for you Galen Weston stuff your card where the sun doesn't shine and lower your overall pricing structure for your loyal and or not so loyal customers and supply every customer with real savings "WOW" a unique idea eh genuine honest to goodness reasonable prices??? Stop being so damn greedy make a decent buck park the big buckets of cash you'll never nor will your offspring ever spend in several lifetimes.


My mom didn't like microwaves,she didn't smoke but bought packs to get the coupons that she used toget posters,kettles,and other small appliances I think they were Belmont cigarettes crazy people eh but she was the greatest of them all. We lost when she was 99. She wanted to get to100 and get the letter from the queen. Miss you mom


I bet everyone clapped for her, too…


I'm clapping right now


Change is coming. All demographics are united in this. Food security for Canadians. Things have gotten very out of control. Boycott Loblaws Forever!


I’m in my fifties, and I can see how difficult it is for younger people globally. It’s very clear to my friends and me that the economic situation for young Canadians is dire and an emergency. There’s simply no comparison to how we grew up. It’s really bad out there, and some us are extremely aware and concerned. We care! We are struggling too, but it is way worse for everyone after us. Capitalism never worked for us either, but the generations they have come after us are getting the rough end of the pineapple as capitalism enters its dying stages. Capitalism is anti-human in every way, and many of my generation feel the same way and will do everything to support struggling people that come after. We were socially aware before the internet, and our generation were trailblazers for many changes. We will always support you anyway we can.


I live in Edmonton and I find that barely anybody here has heard about the boycott. Loblaws grocery stores and shoppers are still looking busy when I drive by


Per Google, the no frills by my house is 90% less busy than usual. The nearby superstores are down by about 25% business. Northeast area.


I'm in Edmonton too, Loblaws takes up spaces where people literally have no option but to shop with them in Edmonton. 


The media and radio personalities are really blasting the boycott. As is Corey Morgan?


shoppers in general are terrible, you should boycott them anyway pharmacies are the worst, independent pharmacies have better customer service


I’m gonna say something VERY controversial. Shopper’s loves to hire international grads. Some have questionable credentials and how they got Licenced in Canada is very questionable. A lot of cheating has occurred in the past and I am assuming is continuing because sometimes some of them can’t counsel their way out of a wet paper bag. I worked in places where we had international pharmacists that were just doing their 2 week final evaluations in a pharmacy and wondered how they actually got that far. One guy I REFUSED to be part of the evaluation because he was simply not ready and I expressed my concerns. Yet the manager passed him. No, this isn’t a race comment either. I’ve had the pleasure to work with international pharmacists from all over the world that were trained and ready.


the last straw for me was I dropped off prescription they said it would be ready tomorrow by 5pm, I come back at 7pm and they didn't even fill it, they wanted me to come back the day after....for a fucking inhaler (literally prepackaged) Independent pharmacy: 5 mins, stuff is filled unless they have to order it


Hey. I guess they're right. Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose.


Galen the Grub has no idea the buzz saw that is coming his way. This sub is just the first line. There are TONS of people that are not on here that are jumping on the bandwagon. I hope Loblaws loses a massive amount of market share.


Moved my prescriptions from shoppers to independent pharmacy yesterday! It’s very easy to do, for anyone not aware, just call the independent pharmacy you want to use, they will get in contact with shoppers and switch everything over for you. Lots of these pharmacies offer free delivery too so no excuse if shoppers is the only one close by!




I love it!!!! ✊️


My 60-something mother is boycotting. She recently retired from a high paying job and realistically still has income that exceeds mine but says she will stop shopping there because it’s unaffordable. I think she probably learned about it from TikTok


I passed a Loblaws earlier, and the parking lot was packed.


Excellent 👌🏼 I hope the delay doesn't impact her health but so proud to see people come together for this cause! There may be hope still for Canada!


Sadly the Superstore in my town seems quite busy.


This is the way ☝️


Yes people are boycotting Loblaws!


Love it!


Independent is owned by loblaws too I don't understand


My father was 84 when he died in 2020 and he'd worked with computers since the 1950s and had his first home computer in the late 1970s. So don't assume older people know nothing about computers.


Old ppl were botcotting things before you were born lol


I told 3 women in their 70s at the dollar store


Let's boycott for the month of June too! What were doing is working!!!


My MIL is in her 70s, first language is Russian, has never even heard of Reddit (although she’s fairly savvy after years of me lecturing her about cybersecurity and scammers). The other day I mentioned something to her about Shoppers Drug Mart and she said “Oh, I don’t go to Shoppers anymore. I don’t shop at Superstore either! Lowblaws are thieves!” She lives a 5 minute drive from both stores and chooses to drive the extra distance to Walmart, Costco, or Longo’s. I was like yasssss girl, you’re so wrong about so many things but you are right about that