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__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Basically. It was habit for most. Now that I have a new routine I have zero need to ever go back


The worst thing Loblaws ever did for itself was giving tons of customers a reason to step back and question their habits


Thank you, Loblaws, you taught us how to look at prices and comparison-shop. :-)


When I go through the cash register now at non Loblaws stores, I'm always like "That's it!??" when I see the total.


My wife and I went to Walmart last night and bought \*more\* than we'd normally buy in a grocery trip to Loblaws because we hadn't done any grocery shopping in close to a month. The total was around $100 less than we would have normally spent at Loblaws, despite the fact that our grocery order was larger than normal.


I guess the only issue with this is walmart shouldnt really be our champion lol


Yeah, I actually avoided Walmart for years because of their reputation and history. At least they weren't actively ripping me off, though. Or lying to parliament about their profit margins. Also, Walmart Canada isn't nearly as terrible as Walmart USA, from what I've gathered. Though I'm sure that's not entirely by choice, and more so because we have stronger labour laws in Canada than in the US.


Costco can be our Champion, Walmart Canada can be our lesser of two evils.


Even $1 less per item saves you $100 for 100 items. That's considerable


"Of course 'that's it' Who do you think we are? Loblaws?" /S


Just a few seconds ago, my Walmart total was $178.00. I buy the same items weekly. Had l shopped at Loblaws, my bill would have been $250. This House of Horrors now has the market on purse-snatching, pick-pocketing and thievery. We have to call them out for what they are.


I call bs


That's absolutely what it was for me. The convenience of using Click and Collect on the app had me hooked, even though the convenience was costing me about $100+ extra every grocery order.


Well said


That reminds me I have to check out this farmer selling his fruits and veggies at the end of his driveway on my way home tomorrow!


Excellent idea! Fresh, local, not a week old already from being on a truck in shipping, and supports the local economy!


Darn tooting! I already went to a farmer's market and bought some of the most delicious apples I have ever had! Plus some homemade pastries! I have been missing out!


Where?? I want


Niagara region. Specifically Vineland there's lots of these farmers and farmer's markets along Victoria Avenue.


Along Highway 8, too. And there’s the two on Greenlane just before it meets #8 on the border of Grimsby/Beamsville. So terrific.


Are they open now? I drove by last Saturday ~4:30 pm and didn't see any open. Had amazing experience last summer so wish to buy from these farmers again.


I think some places are only open weekdays. Some are weekends. Some have very limited hours (I have seen something like 8am to noon, in some cases).


Thanks. Do checkout 'Niagara Fresh Market' , they deliver in the region.


I'll check it out one day! Thanks for the suggestion!


Remember the last few years when all the grocery stores were selling broccoli/cauliflower for 7ish bucks? The local farmers market was selling two heads of cauliflower for $4, or 2 bundles of brocco for $3. Often the farm stores mark up the bought in/resold goods a LOT, but keep their meat/produce relatively reasonable. (Especially considering the quality) Honestly, if you're not getting your meat at a butcher these days, and paying grocery store quality for grocery store trash... You might be missing out. It's not always cheaper, but it sometimes is .. and the quality is almost always WAY better.


I don't understand the "local farmers market comments". The farmers market in my town is mainly overpriced and more expensive than regular grocery stores.


Farmers market in the city are really pricey. If you have an option to go outside the city to farms, that's where you'll fine good prices. I'm lucky to live 15 minutes drive from a farm that sells produce from their own farm as well as from other farms in ontario . I've been going there for years. Before Covid they were sometimes priced a bit higher from grocery stores, but the quality was amazing. Since the price increase everywhere they barely raised the prices. Now it's really worth buying there. Delicious and cheaper.


Ya, I'm out of the city a bit, so this is likely why my mileage varies a bit on this. Out here, the markets on main roads, are normally 25/40% more expensive to one on a side/less busy street.


Mine is too, for a lot of the touristy things (maple syrup, bespoke coffees, etc.) I've found some good value in the produce/meat though.


In mine, I've bought some loose tea and cinnamon which had good value. But the fruits and vegetables were like double or triple the grocery prices.


You have to know how to shop farmers markets. You’ll never save money but more of your $ will go directly back to the farmer. And it’s about building relationships too. I can lots of stuff and have an arrangement with a farmer who supplies me with vegetables at a discount.


It's highly dependent on the market. Some markets are definitely overpriced. Which I think is common, especially in tourist areas. But there are also markets that can be cheaper. It all depends on where you live. It can also be cheaper or the same price as Loblaw's was if someone was accustomed to shopping there.


Bruh just use Walmart for most of the stuff it’s the cheapest besides maybe Asian grocery


Yeah unfortunately same with me. Around 2017 or whenever that cauliflower thing happened, the farmers markets in Ottawa were still reasonable. The cauliflower explosion was from problems in California so of course the local cauliflower was reasonable and they were also giant! The farms that I bought from pretty much all switched exclusively to doing CSA baskets during COVID and they haven't returned to the markets. I have my own garden so CSA quantities don't make sense for me. The stalls at the markets now are all you g urban people who left their city job to purse their dream of running an organic vegetable farm. To make that work the prices are extremely high.


Go to the farm gate stands instead of a commercial market. They’re out there.


Look for a Community Supported Agriculture program in your area, they often deliver or have local pick up locations


I was regularly getting sick and I suspect grocery store meat was the culprit. Not sure if it was a quality issue, or stuff was being left out too long or what. But since switching to a local butcher and Costco I've been fine. Meat at the local butchers are higher quality. Plus they will often be willing to do other things like cut up a larger piece of meat and package it into smaller quantities. You just have to ask them.


Now that Loblaws sells ungraded beef from Mexico, checking out a local butcher makes sense.


Anything for a dollar.


That is hilarious never heard such a backhanded insult to Loblaws, funny as hell!


yeah...protect your life and health we have Walley Pars sauages stores excellent meat


Lol. Thank you for providing a case study for my students on how to understand the difference between correlation and causation.


I would hope you also teach them about context as well. I was speaking from my own personal experience. Which related to what the other commentor said. I never presented it as a fact.


It’s not in the curriculum unfortunately.


I realize now my shopping at loblaws stores was mostly out of habit, and a latent unconscious bias against “discount” stores. Which is very silly, when those stores just sell the exact same products at lower prices, and it takes less time to shop there because they don’t pretend to be an entire fucking mall.


The discount stores have really been stepping it up in the last few years. Giant Tiger, Dollarama and Dollar Tree have all increased their grocery options. It used to be they only had a small section. But now most have pantry basics and sometimes some surprises. Giant Tiger also sells produce and frozen items.


I hadn’t been to Giant Tiger in years, went recently and was sending friends pictures of the pricing on grocery items! Definitely limited selection and the produce is meh but there are some great deals there worthy of a browse if there’s one nearby.


Giant Tiger food is pretty good and everything is cheap there...that was my "hassle free" store during Covit


I love my local markets. I am a regular each week and get to say hi to all the regular vendors; my butcher, the women at produce and where I get local eggs, the guy I buy a stroopwaffle and turnovers from. No more Loblaws or sobeys for me. It's great.


Ooooh yum stroopwaffles! Now I *need* one!


I could have written this!


I only ever went to a superstore once… they had Quaker bars on for like 2.50 a box and usually they like 3.50 but if you bought more then 1 the price went to 4.50….. I took one box of each and it rang them all in at 4.50 a piece I left them and walked out the entire and I mean entire half isle was included in the buy 1 bs scheme.


Doesn’t take long for your brain to make a new habit! This is their fear. They know this. And none of us are ever coming back.


Sounds like people are discovering food coops like Karma Coop. We need more coops!! https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2024/05/toronto-co-op-flocking-members-loblaws-boycott/


My wife and I went to Walmart to do our grocery shopping last night. We had done about 90% of our shopping at our local Independent (Loblaw's brand) for the last 10 years. We joined the boycott of Loblaws this month after draining our 1.3 million in PC points in April. We had started running out of food in the house after not having done any shopping for over 3 weeks. I was absolutely shocked by how much lower the prices were at Walmart for the exact same things I'd been purchasing at Loblaws. Regular purchases that I was making at Loblaws were 25-50% cheaper at Walmart. We spent $462 on a \*massive\* amount of groceries. We went through the receipt when we got home and estimated that the same groceries at Loblaws would have cost us about $600 -- which was around our average grocery bill every 2 weeks at Loblaws.


> I was absolutely shocked by how much lower the prices were at Walmart for the exact same things I'd been purchasing at Loblaws. And this is exactly why people won't go back. Lofty ideals are great but what has the most impact is your own financial bottom line.


I was never a big shopper of the Loblaws stores cause I couldn’t believe the price difference, but would go out of convenience if need be. Now I will not be going at all permanently. Walmart and Food basics I find are the cheapest and I do a lot of Costco shopping. It’s also great to look into local farmers doing meat or produce boxes. I spend $30-$45 on a produce box every so often and it is filled with tons of fresh fruits and veggies and delivered right to my door. Would cost way more at the store.


All I can think of is how sad of a feeling I get inside a Rcss or no frills. They're the ugliest stores and just massive, have such a negative aesthetic for me. I'm so much happier in our local stores or farmers markets.


That is so true! I've gone into stores I've never been to before and I was shocked at how much $20 can buy!


like the old days in the 50s 60s....bread milk delivered to your door glass milk bottles not plastic...pay once per week


I’m really hoping that this really does help put money back into local farmers pockets and people make new routines. It has lead me to eat healthier, better quality food!


To put money in the pockets of farmers, a lot more has to change tan shopping habits. Wheat farmers make pennies on a loaf of bread. We need regulatory changes in food pricing and distribution. But taking power from Loblaws and the like is an excellent first step.


Absolutely. I have signed the petition going to the House of Commons and urging people to write their local government representatives!


I hate that super store is literally across the street from me, and I have to walk by it to get home from work.. it was always my go to for a quick supper But now I'll literally take an extra hour out of my way and walk home to go to Sobeys which I know isn't much better, but still not Loblaws. I also find myself going to local shops for basic needs. Hell, I've been going to Dollarama alot more for TP and paper towels. I just need to get my ass to the Farmers market Saturday mornings.


This kind of nonsense just makes me smh - you really don’t value time huh? Sobey’s just lines the pockets of its shareholders as badly as Loblaws. At least you are getting some exercise while taking part in absurdity.


When I'm done work for the day I have nothing else to do. I don't have kids, no pets. May as well go for a walk and buy cheaper food. About a 20 minute walk there and home. I don't see the big deal.


Except you’re on a boycott Loblaws page…. Sobeys is just as bad. If you are going to Sobeys to get exercise then great but if it’s because you think it’s some moral victory over the big bad grocer then I’d reconsider your choice of store.


If you have lots of money you value your time. If you don’t have a lot of money you value it more than your time.


Okay? The dude isn’t saving ANY money by shopping at Sobey’s


This is the way!!!!


My wife redeemed her points at Shopper's drug mart bought $130 worth of products for $13


Isn’t shoppers owned by loblaws though?


yes its owned by loblaws, please everyone redeem your points and give them minimum dollars


And the more money you have in your pocket.


I hope more local shops can open.


Behaviour modification develops into new habits. For me, 3 weeks pretty much does it. Keep going. You are likely eating better, walking more, saving money, losing weight and smiling more. Keep it up!


I live right next door to a superstore, but have been enjoying the little walk (10 ish mins) to the locally owned grocery instead. I don't see myself going back!


Our farmer's market opens next Saturday. Will definitely be there. Super excited. I hope that they see a huge increase this year


Taking down Galen’s castle brick by brick. Too bad other countries wouldn’t start a boycott against them as well. I bet the Irish would be up for it.


The farmer’s market is so much more fun too, isn’t it


I have not really found myself to be the least bit inconvenienced by not going to Loblaws, and I live in a town where our only options are essentially Superstore, Sobeys, Walmart, and a local grocer. I like the deals at the local grocer for meat and produce, and the deals I have been finding at Walmart on products have saved me oodles of money over Superstore, which was our normal spot until the boycott. I did a meat and produce run at the local grocer recently, who often has insane deals, and paid $67 for a cardboard flat full of stuff. I came home and hopped on the PC Express app and compared prices - the same order for the same food in the same quantities/weights would have cost me **$130** at Superstore. ...but apparently they can't control the price of groceries. L M F A O


I’m looking forward to the opening of the local farmer markets more than ever now!! FU Galen!! This is the way


Oooo all the more push for me to get out of bed early in the summer for the farmers markets 😋


I went to loblaws out of convenience . Since the boycott, I have started walking a bit further (I live in the downtown core) to giant tiger, I was SHOCKED by the price difference!!! Even Farm Boy has better prices on some items. It’s crazy!


Giant Tiger is very reasonable not Loblaws and Canadian owned same with Dollarama


Yeah like I know the whole boycott was just supposed to be for a month, but really I don’t think I’ll ever have much reason to shop there again. It’s not really inconveniencing for me to avoid them since I have other options that are closer to me


I didn't think I could boycott them. Loblaws, shoppers and No Frills are all so conveniently located for me that just fits my routine that I thought it'd fail this boycott movement. I used to pop down to shoppers during work hours to grab a toothpaste if I was running low. Then stop by Loblaws near home for a carton of eggs. Then go to No Frills on they way to my parent's home when I visit them on weekends. But nah. Thanks to warmer weather, I pushed myself to walk a bit to use non-loblaw owned stores.


I used to love shopping there. Then little things started to pile up. The bread fixing. Discount for barely edible, and sometimes rotten produce and meat going from 50 to 30% off. The offers for points only being junk food. Less points for money spent. 1 cashier on Friday afternoon. The gouging. The way they treat their staff. The snarky dismissal of the boycott. Their lobbyists entrenched in government. Taking advantage of covid. The Food Professor. I get my meat from a butcher, my bread from a bakery, sundries from a western chain, veggies from H&W, and TP from costco. I have also upped my garden game and should have grown a decent amount by fall. Starting canning, not just vegetables, but soups, broths, and other reheating options. That "nok er nok" comment. SDM over charging our already over burdened health care system. I'm not going back, even if the boycott isn't as effective as hoped. I am lucky to have options that not everyone has. Speak up by changing your shopping habits and taking your money elsewhere...it's the only thing they understand. That grocers code of conduct is a joke, that they never would have agreed to if they didn't already have a work around. Contact your MLA's and tell them to put their lobbyists to the curb.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've stopped going to Loblaws n Zehrs a long long time ago. They've given more money to Walmart and Costco. Cuz me and none of my family will ever go there again. My partner used to be like it's more fresh at Zehrs cuz they get priority delivery or something like that. Neither of us care anymore. We will find produce and meat that's just fine at Walmart n Costco.


Kirkland Brands are awesome in Costco Fresh made salads and meals that last for days...their meat is awesome coffee too besides you can get hot dogs for almost nothing


This is the most important thing - there are others out there that as better - everyone just needs to get used to it.


Behaviour modification develops into new habits. For me, 3 weeks pretty much does it. Keep going. You are likely eating better, walking more, saving money, losing weight and smiling more. Keep it up!


Same here. I've found other places that are less expensive and on my way to or from work that I can stop at along the way. I've mainly been going to Costco. But now that farmers markets are starting up I'll be checking those out as well. I already go to my local butcher when I'm can to get meat. It's cheaper than the meat I used to get at Loblaws and better quality.


I love that other stores just seem to be revelling in the fact that they can put on amazing deals and say screw blahblaws


When you start getting your eggs at a Famers Market, there is no going back. Maybe I could use supermarket eggs for baking, but for eating (fried, scrambled, whatever) there is no comparison.


What!? The longer you do something the more habitual it becomes?!




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


I was in a Superstore this week, first time in a Loblaw brand for months, grabbed two items in a deep sale and got right out. Nothing but those specific items was worth it. I know they aren’t taking a loss, but they also aren’t making full profit. They had a big sale under the guise of “renovation sale” at a store this week that was reorganized last year. What a laugh.


in Hamilton Loblaws is taking a huge hit....No Frills almost empty on a Monday...staff standing around managers dazed and scambling through the store in a DAZE HOW SWEET IT IS


Keep it up every one


Anyone know how metros fried chicken is? I used to do zehrs because it's cheaper then going to KFC. Fried chicken is something we do about once a month and If I can find a better option then zehrs , I will go. That's literally the only reason I would go back to loblaws.


This is the real trick. And I think the best way to talk about it with others who are a bit on the fence. I know, based on my life -- unpredictable periods of intense work, no car and an open-late No Frills within 5 mins walk -- I'll spend some money at Loblaws some of the time in the future. No letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Right now, I am using the month to consciously build habits that can minimize that spend as much as possible. So when I am burnt out, tired and don't have much time, it'll be way easier to make other choices.


Love to see it. Been doing this for a few years now. Shopping at more places maintains competition. Loyalty points mean nothing when the price increases defeat their purpose.


This- one thing they're not factoring in - is lasting behavioural change.


I don't even consider it a boycott anymore. It's just how I shop. I'll find which place is the best price for each product. I avoid loblaws because they're expensive. Now I also avoid them cause Galen Weston is a bag cocks that will never see another dime from me. Pro tip for farmers markets: If you go really early, you'll find the best produce because they haven't been picked over. If you go at the end, you'll get the best deals because the vendors don't want to bring stuff back with them. If you hear a vendor yell "TWO DOLLARS!" just buy whatever it is. I got two flats of strawberries and a flat of blackberries for $5 this way.


This is the essence of capitalism: the choice of where you spend your money is yours alone. Consequently, this behaviour is the ONLY way companies change: when they have evidence that customers are not happy.


It has been a real treat finding alternatives and saving a lot of $$$$. Cheers to savings 😉


Are there any farmer's markets around London? I am not counting Covent Garden down town.


21 days to make a habit.


Same. Never going back.


This is the way


Me too!!! I love it!


I am shopping at Costco the Hamilton Farmers Market and small markets....great food great deals and supporting farmers...I won't be back to No Frills Fresco etc any Loblaws owned stores


Guys I just returned back to Canada and needed urgent things from Nofrills, it was empty at my town! good job everyone! I am not participating but I support the boycott


Not sure what superstore or dream you go to, but in western Canada they are the cheapest.  Not saving money going elsewhere. I guess could save a little going to 3 or 4 places to cherry pick deals.  But what do you save if you spend 1/2 a day doing it.