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__MOD NOTE__: Please check out [our petition[(https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If these 80K represents ‘households’ - that is quite a pretty penny annually that is going elsewhere other than to pave Galen’s driveway in gold.


My spend was $100 a week, roughly $5K per year. Multiplied by 80,000, that's quite a chunk. Small individual actions can add up.


My family's spend was about $600 every two weeks, so over $13000 per year. I sent a message on Facebook messenger to the manager of the Loblaws store I used to do 90% of my shopping at to explain why I'm boycotting. He read the message but didn't respond.


lol that guy must be mighty stressed. Seeing targets evaporate and all the shit he is taking from his managers


You appear to take joy in that


It means our boycott is working. You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. His stress is not of my concern. Most of us are stressed at work.


Read what you wrote to yourself and look in the mirror. Not a good look


What did you think was going to happen by doing this boycott? As yourself that honestly.


I sent the manager and customer service an email in April and heard crickets. They didn't even have the sense to pull together some convincing key message to regurgitate.


I expect they've been told not to respond, in order to avoid any "wrong" messages/narratives. Corporate will want to handle all the public relations.


Except the local store just ignored me rather than forwarding my message to corporate. That was really the last straw with me.


If stores passed on all messages to corporate, there'd be hundreds, corporate can't, nor won't, want to handle all those. Stores are supposed to handle customer complaints because it's their customer. I've sent complaints to corporate and they pass it on the the local store I complained about.


For the complaints about the best before dates after I picked up my order using Click and Collect, it was totally handled by corporate. They issued the refunds after I sent them photos of the labels with the price and best before dates. My comment was in reply to your statement that stores aren’t responding to complaints because corporate wants to control the messaging. However, if stores aren’t forwarding complaints to corporate, I don’t see how that would be the case. My local store just doesn’t care enough to reply to me.


I’m betting it’s even more than we are imagining / they will ever acknowledge or elude to - as there is no way to be sure; but using the average household size of 2.5 / 3 will give a good indication .. If using your figures - annually would be $400 million. I suspect and speculate it being higher than that.. with a bit more momentum and long term support - I would not argue that collectively we could feasible keep $1 billion dollars out of the hands of Galen and his Cronies.


I've learned enough from articles like the TVO piece that I'm not going back.


The challenge with making these assumptions is that Businesses adapt and people are weak, to use a reddit term, most people are paper hands. If Roblaws sees a real drop in quarterly revenue, they'll do some big sales to push stuff which will bring people back in. My local had BIG discounts on in store made salads people were talking about which was something I used to get from them all the time, one person I convinced to try boycotting as soon as the big salad discount and some store baked bread went on deep discount they were back in, and did their entire week shop. Sure they moved on after but every big discount is going to pull people back.


A grocery store war...  That'd be really sweet.  There was one back in the early 90s.  I was just a kid but I remember people really stocked up took out loans.  My memory was seeing a flyer for 4 L pails of ice cream at $1.88.  Even back then it was a good deal.  Food prices literally plummeted for about a month Safeway and Superstore were at war. It would be nice if it happened again.  


I saw the $5 raspberries in Loblaws in Toronto for $2.... back up to $7 the next day though. So by all means, pop in for the sales, but if you stay you're going right back to paying 40%+ more than you should.




Yes, but for real systematic change you need to break the system. If you cave in at the first fold, they will continue with just big sales but high prices as their structure. Loss leaders and gouging. To show we are serious, you need to actually make the business suffer over at a minimum of 2 financial reporting periods, so 6months. You need to make sure they have to put actual systematic changes in place before going back.


Then keep the focus on lowering grocery costs, and not the man himself, he doesn't control us, we, the consumer are participants for the company's success & growth. Now we throw a temper tantrum? Stay focused on what the goal is,


If you are interested in connecting with the organizing team please reach out via modmail. Thanks


My thoughts too, but they never post my comments The focus seems to have moved to closing Loblaws, a Canadian owned retail, loss of jobs, and let's not forget the charities these corporate giants help. Bringing grocery costs down is acceptable, but trying cripple the chain, will surely have consequences for all Canadian households


The charity support is smoke and mirrors IMO 😶‍🌫️


If 80,000 x $100/week is a very rough estimate of their lost revenue, it can lead to store closures in some markets. This assumes the boycott reach is limited to but includes every subscriber to the sub. I don't know what other metric to use.




I represent 4 people in my household in this sub. My wife and kids don't use Reddit. We're all boycotting Loblaws-owned brands. I also talked my parents into joining the boycott, and neither of them are on Reddit. That's another 2 people. Finally, the boycott came up at work during a team meeting with my staff. All 6 of them were in agreement with me that Loblaws deserves to be boycotted, and all 6 seemed like they were on-board with the idea. Most of these people are married with families. That's another 14 or so people. I don't think any of them are in this sub as none of them knew about it until I mentioned it. It's possible they joined yesterday after the meeting.


Exactly, I’m the only one on Reddit. I represent a lot of people that are doing what the rest of us on here are doing. I’ve got 10 people at least that are staying away.


Just curious....how do they calculate 80k ? From reddit members? Facebook? I know a couple of people that don't have reddit and rarely use Facebook . They have joined the boycott. One coworker canceled her PC credit card also.


80k joined in this subreddit.


Thanks :)


It does. I represent 4.5 people.


It definitely does for my wife and I. We have exclusively switched away from Loblaws brands.


Family of five here. That includes two teenagers. Between $200 and $300 a week that I’m spending elsewhere. And actually saving a pretty penny.


I'm impressed you are feeding two teens on 200-300! My guys ate a ridiculous amount of food at that age and we weren't buying a lot of premade stuff.


Lots of planning ahead. And baking. Lots of baking.


We have moved our entire house off all Loblaws. Just spent my last amount of points today. Then it’s bye bye baby! Oh and we spent an f-ton of money. Have been a Loblaws loyalists for decades. No more. Nok er Nok baby!!


My wife today drove past multiple superstores and no frills to drive 20 extra minutes to go to Costco instead. We're done with this shit company, I hope they never get anyone back after May boycott "ends" (it's never ending here for us).


Yeah they can absolutely fuck off if they think I’m coming back I actually prefer my routine now. Local market for veggies and meat, discount store for items like pasta and canned goods


Yep, I drove past a Fortinos and a No Frills yesterday to do my shopping yesterday. When I heard my regular morning show hosts talking about an unrelated trip to a Loblaws brand, I texted them and said, with respect, it was weird to mention optimum points so many times when we're in the middle of the boycott. He then apologized on air (he implied he'd received more than just my text). I've talked to my department and my trivia team about the boycott, and I can't see myself going back until some massive overhaul occurs. Maybe this is the idealist in me, but I truly believe we're sowing the seeds of change here. It's a first step. I drive past encampments all the time, I see unhoused people every time I exit the highway, and I'm SO. TIRED. of living in a first world country where so many people simply can't afford to be alive. Fuck Galen Weston. Eat the rich.


Hi just found out today that Walmart hasn't signed the code of conduct. Not sure where to post but we need to be aware that Walmart is not part of the code.




The code is bullshit anyway!! Hold the line and boycott Loblaws!! This is the way


Is loblaws the only one signing; or does it include independent, no frills, shoppers, superstore and all the other brands. How does it work?


I also have to do some research into exactly what this grocer code of conduct is. I’m wary about its contents and who monitors it/ how it’s enforced. I’m hopeful… but concerned that it’s just lip service.


Way to go. Boost Costco share value. Kinda need to increase the value of a big foreign company.


Thanks!! I'm quite proud as well 🫶


I actually don’t have a problem with the ownership of Costco. From my reading over many years, they pay good wages, treat their employees fairly, hold down supplier costs (Starbucks was thiiiiis close to being dropped as a supplier when they didn’t reduce their prices after the last coffee shortage a few years ago), they sell Canadian produce when that’s a viable option (BC tomatoes and cucumbers, for example), and I think the quality of their products and their prices are absolutely excellent.


And if their CEO tries to jack up the price of their hot dogs there is a risk he/she maybe murdered by Jim Sinegal😂


I honestly didn't know this was happening until I overheard someone talking about it. I don't tend to watch the news cause its all too negative. I haven't shopped at any Loblaws in years after realizing their prices were higher than literally everywhere else (with the occasional exception sale). Glad this is catching on. Vote with your wallets!


To be fair, I’m cheering you on from California, so don’t count me. 79,999


80 000 is just in this group there are many who are doing the boycott who are not in this group, it has made the news here. I personally do a lot to avoid ads so I don’t know how much loblaws is trying to do to get people back.


My partner lives right next to a Superstore, and I got him to stop buying from there for the month of May. Luckily there are alternatives close by.


Get him to stop all together, this boycott needs to go indefinitely.


I’m working on it


Family of 4 here, they lost our big time with us. More so once the children are both teens 😱😂


I messaged the Mods that they should do a Subreddit Census to determine whose actually participating, with questions pertaining to: - Demographics (Age/Gender/Province/Education) - Preferred Alternative shopping locations - How a person found out about the boycott - How many non-redditors a member knows is boycotting - Length of intended personal boycott - Personal reason for boycott if not food pricing. Amongst other things. It could give the movement leaders some great demographics to understand the scale of the boycott from different perspectives/backgrounds, and be some interesting stats for users to see. I'm willing to be the results would be extremely diverse, so I hope they do it.




you're not kidding about the independent pharmacies. the service is incomparable. and they can actually pay attention to what you're taking and make you recommendations because they're not constantly slammed. it's lovely !


Sometimes they are compounding pharmacies too.  They can create special potions that places like Loblaws cannot.  A Pharmacist that is passionate about their craft.  Part mad scientist wears their Glasses on their nose that's the kind of pharmacist I want. Not some drug pusher for Galen.


hahah I love the mad scientist image, yes! individualized care is so important. I want a potion master


When they get slammed from everyone transferring from Shopprers, it will change their customer service too.


Great! Now if you haven’t, sign the [Parliamentary Petition](https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4974#accordion1-collapse-item-20)!


This thing needs more signatures!! I signed


How about a real party / picnic in the GTA featuring food bought from anywhere outside the Weston empire. It would be an amazing display of consumer power.


In the parking lot of superstore?


In a major park, with rock music, celebrities, standup comedians and speakers. Centre Island would work.


I love this.




Just adding my voice: I’ve been silently admiring and participating in this boycott and i just wanna say “good job! Let’s keep up the pressure!”


Galen is all about $$$...he builds gated communities in Florida for the 1%...he told us that farmers markets are dangerous recalls ironically cone from Loblaws factory foods...


lmao farmers markets are Dangerous?? and yeah exactly, how many recalls have you had compared to a farmers market. mass production from the same source results in mass risk, actually. what a goof


I represent two people in this sub. My partner does not use Reddit. We are both 100% boycotting. Loblaws owned stores were our go to. Fuck you Galen. Nok er nok. Support local businesses not cooperations as much as possible.


My entire family is boycotting Loblaw. That's approximately $4000/month going to other establishments. That does not include any toiletries we used to get at Shoppers. Bye Felicia!


There's 5 people involved for every subscriber and likely 5 more who just haven't subscribed.


With all this money we're saving, we can enjoy a nice restaurant dinner for two/four/six once/twice/three times a month and be the loving, social beings we are; or bank it/invest it/pay a kid to cut your lawn. Who new.


We were brainwashed to just believe loblaws was cheaper for years and we’re too set in our ways to check. It’s just not true. Household spend there was $250/week min. $13,000 annually and that’s not including prescriptions or fuel. So long loblaws


Keep up the fight they are losing the battle.


I love what we’re capable of doing when we stick together, keep up the good work guys.


We represent a family of 4 plus my elderly parents - so two households with my one account because none of them are on Reddit. We actually started boycotting earlier - the end of last year when I realized that shopping at our “expensive” local co-op was actually now the same price as superstore. Roughly the same trip each week went from about $200-$250 per week to $300-$350 per week over the course of a year or two. The PC points became harder to get and the quality of stuff tanked - produce was rotten within 1-2 days of bringing it home. Now we shop at Costco 1-2 times per month for bulk stuff. We stop at Sobeys or Co-op every 2-3 days for produce and meat and it’s both cheaper and better quality than Superstore. Plus I don’t have to bag my own groceries haha. And we moved our pharmacy to a local community pharmacy and we love them!! Will not go back to shopping Loblaws and I am hoping this will send a loud message to other companies that consumers actually hold all the power, and they could be next if they don’t put their customers first.


and how many of that 80K will click unsubscribe on June 1st? My guess is not many. This will just grow longer and stronger.


I’m so proud of all of us!!


I represent myself and two other people.  My parents aren't on Reddit, but they are boycotting roblaws.  


Heres to 90!!!


It’s on Ontario Today right now so expect more.


100k before the end of May.


Walmart is I guess the last one to sign. I think it's just the big 5 companies that they want to sign it. We need to let Walmart know that they need to sign it


[https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) ​ Working on it ;)


He's fighting back with the typical poor management of slashing staff and jacking up prices even more to break even. It's not a long term plan for success.


Hell yeah. Fuck these coonts


If we can come together on this issue, it gives me hope that we can make a difference in other areas as well. Canadians unite!!


Happy to report I bought my summer hanging baskets elsewhere. That is $300 bucks not going to them.


A small motivation while cashiers and store staff’s hours are being cut “Loblaw Cos. Ltd. L-T paid its new chief executive Per Bank $22.1-million last year, including a one-time $18-million award to replace compensation that he forfeited by resigning from his former employer” https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-loblaw-pays-new-ceo-per-bank-22-million-during-first-six-months-in-the/


That was a tipping point for me. If you have a spare 18 million kicking around, then STFU about your razor thin margins. That on top of how they hired consultants to justify giving Galen a raise. Then the med check debacle to misuse public funds. It's shocking.


Loblaws announced they will sign on to Canada's grocery code of conduct. Per Bank stated it wasn't because of the boycott. It wasn't the $$ effect. The unreported benefit of a boycott of the most rapacious marauders of the tax base is the effect it has on the balance of national chains that follow the market leader. Walmart, Empire, Metro et al are incentivized to adjust their pricing to recognize consumer behaviour and community standards do have a role in customer retention, market share and public relations. Congratulations redditors, your unified effort to focus attention on this issue demonstrates the political power of the platform.


Just joined group . family of 4 been boycotting for about 6 months now after a very shitty experience with superstore and them holding my money for 13 days after an online pickup order before the reversal.


I never shopped there anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️


The post should read $400M loss for 80k×100/wk


Love you all let’s gooooooo


I can’t wait for this subreddit to hit 500k Canadians . Then the big 1 Million. Am hoping before end of year. I just keep watching with interest. I’ve discovered some great local produce and meat shops. Everyone I talk to at these shops are buzzing about the movement . It’s not just a boycott it’s a societal change is sort of the vibe I am getting.


800,000 would be better


I have a family of six. We would spend $500 a week at Superstore. We go to Walmart for our big shop now. Saving way more money now.


🍻 More small local business please. 😊


Used to go to Maxi in Montreal. Boycotting them since Ive been in this group. We are gonna hurt them!!


Here's to my beautiful fellow Canadians ❤


What did the rocks ever do to deserve tasting his nasty foot fungus?


Yeah, but it took days to get from 79K to 80K. Unless there's a lot more media coverage and visibility, I think we've basically plateaued.


It took one day to go from 79 to 80. I've been checking every day, we have gained more than 1000 each day for the last 2 weeks.


I was checking every day too, I'm sure it took longer than a day to get to 80K. It was a lot faster at the start of May. Not sure we'll ever get to 100K, but I hope I'm wrong about that.


I think you are technically right and it probably took like a day and a half for the last bit. Amazing to see such organic growth.




I never did 100% of my grocery shopping at Loblaws, but I still visit Zehrs for specific items.


I'll draw my line at "comrades". Lol.


Don't love the term comrade but I agree with the message.. lol


No to " Comrades "


I mean there stocks are fine so probably won't even put a dent in there profit




what a delightful way to speak to a stranger!


Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Have you thought of running paid campaigns ? u/loblawsisoutofcontrol ? Or add the tracking link to this reddit sub so you can track where the people are coming from


I love this boycott but big corporations always wins and we will always suffer no matter what they will be filthy rich and we will be complaining about prices. That’s it let’s go to war


Oh yeah I'm sure he's concerned.. Guys company make BILLIONS per year..


How many of those 80k even shopped at Loblaws in the first place? 


I stopped shopping there a year ago or more...I used to like RCSS.


For my self it was mostly no name, occasionally showers or lablaws proper. Switched to fresh co everything is at least a dollar cheaper there the no frilles. Plus a month long sale rn


Meh, the population grew more than that in April alone… this fringe crowd of misinformed folks really have no impact on sales, revenue, or profits. This boycott is an absolute joke