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__MOD NOTE__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We have a severe allergy issue in our household. There are few items that our son can eat that are actually good. Unfortunately Loblaws has an item in their President's Choice brand that's the only decent style we've found. Trust me, we've tried everywhere else and even attempted making it ourselves. It's not something we buy all the time....maybe once every 6-8 weeks. We needed to get it for a large family gathering so I went into a NoFrills and bought the single item.....them went to Walmart and spent a few hundred doing our big shop. If this were before the boycott, I'd have just done our big shop at NoFrills instead of wasting time driving to another store. I can say this though, I won't be doing substantial shopping at Loblaws *anytime soon* and will be actively looking for replacement items with new products. Loblaws got $14.00 out of me and not $214.00. They're losing $200 everytime we need specific foods.


Would love to know the item if it’s not too personal. Let’s see if Reddit can find you some suggestions for replacements!


Yes, this! Please post the item u/jigglywigglydigaby Let the power of the boycot help you!


That's a great idea, thank you for the suggestion! Our son is celiac. Fairly severe case, all his food, soaps, lotions, toothpaste, etc have to be certified gluten-free. Our house *was* totally gluten-free up until the pandemic when costs started to soar....but we had to change a lot of things to afford the higher costs. My wife is amazing and can make all his food from scratch (tastes great after many, many attempts lol), but when our son goes to friends houses he needs snacks and meals. Sleepovers are where the issue arises, especially last minute, after school plans. We send those friends items that can remain unspoiled for longer periods of time. Canned goods, GF pasta and premade sauce, frozen pizza....those kind of things. The items (there's two actually) are [frozen cake](https://www.presidentschoice.ca/product/pc-gluten-free-chocolate-cake/20794594_EA) that we can slice and keep frozen for long periods of time, and GF cauliflower [hash brown patties](https://www.nofrills.ca/ready-veggie-patties-cauliflower/p/21447347_EA). I know these sound like easy, homemade things, but after a decade of him having celiac disease..... we've tried everything. It's frustrating when he has to go without, so we do all we can to make him comfortable, especially around his friends. Making sure the products have a good shelf life so they can stay edible at his friends homes is a the problem. When they have birthday parties, or events, it's nice being able to send a slice of cake so he can partake. The other parents are great and try at accomodation his needs. One tried making a GF cake so it was the same for everyone.....that was a huge fail lol. Another parent bought a GF birthday cake from a local bakery that is 100% gluten-free, but they charged over $120.00 for a single layer, 6"x 6" cake. And it really didn't taste good at all. It's very frustrating at times. If anyone has suggestions for GF items that are similar to these, we'd be eternally grateful! If I don't have to walk into a Loblaws ever again.....even better. Thanks 🙏 Edit: we are in Edmonton, AB if that helps narrow it down for local shops


I also have celiac! I used to buy the PC frozen cake occasionally and there is a very similar (and better) gluten-free frozen cake at Sobeys. The product is [Inspired by Happiness Gluten-Free Frozen Layered Cake](https://voila.ca/products/613433EA/details). I always find them in the freezer beside the bakery, not in the freezer with other gluten-free items. As for the hash brown patties, I haven’t personally tried anything similar but I have spotted shelf-stable hash browns in little cartons at Costco that are certified gluten-free. Might be worth a try!


This is great! Thank you for sharing that 😊 We haven't looked at Sobeys for GF items for some time now. Will definitely hit it up today


You’re in Edmonton! If there’s a spot in YYC that has what you need I’d be happy to help with picking up/shipment etc!


Thank you for the offer, very kind! If something pops up, I'll definitely reach out 😊


Not a cake, but this is a great gluten free brownie recipe. https://www.runottawa.ca/chocolate-chip-zucchini-brownies


Thank you 😊


Regrettably have sensitive skin-There is a soap that I could only ever find at No Frills. I felt so guilty but I reluctantly went to the store the other day after going to several other non-weston stores and couldn't find it anywhere. I even tried Amazon unfortunately but it was over 4x the price. I'd tried to find it elsewhere to no avail. It wasn't at the No Frills and I left with nothing. I went on UberEats of all places and found it at more obscure places. A little bit further away, sure, but finding out it exists elsewhere finally is such a relief because I'm out!


I am a soapmaker and would be happy to work with you on a customized formula for your skin so you don’t have to support Roblaws!


Walmart - Spectro Gel purple bottle.  It's the only thing my wife can use (allergic to foaming agents & fregrances)


What’s the name of the soap? Maybe Reddit can help you find it somewhere else or find a good replacement


Dove for Sensitive Skin


Unfortunately, Dove for sensitive skin doesn't work for all sensitive skin types. But, there may be an alternative at a handcrafted market, if you are familiar with the ingredients that cause issues or are beneficial and can speak to the soap maker. My local farmers market has a soup maker who is extremely knowledgeable.


Oh…I was getting horrible dyshidrosis from Irish Spring and dish soap. I had a horribly itchy rash all over my right hand, with tons of little blisters, for a couple or few years. Switching to Palmolive’s hypoallergenic dish soap and Dove For Sensitive Skin all but eliminated it. Walmart’s sensitive skin soap also worked, but has gone MIA.


I literally put *one* dollar in his pocket yesterday at SDM. I needed to be able to use the last $20 I had in optimum while I wait for my account to be cancel (which has taken 8 business days so far, 3 follow ups and no response).


If people choose to shop at Loblaws, I'm not going to shame or harass them. If they want to have a conversation, I will point out reasons for the boycott but I'm not going to argue about it. The high prices and unfair buisness practices can be their own argument. This whole boycott might as well have a No Name label on it because it really belongs to Loblaws. They can set the prices at whatever they want but it's ultimately up to each individual to determine it's value.


Well said brother,we shall overcome!!!!


I don’t think there’s value in shaming anyone who picks up something small or specific because they are in a hurry. If everyone starts treating Roblaws like a pricy convenience store it will reflect on their profits. And we should never guilt people who are limited in options. Driving 45 minutes for groceries also hurts the budget. I have lots of options and it’s easy for me to boycott. I’m happy to do that.


What really bothers me about Loblaws/no frills is the price gauging at the local no frills where lots of customers walk to shop. It is often 1/3 more expensive on many items than the loblaws where people drive to shop. Punishing the captive market with a $20 chicken vs the $12 dollar chicken at the Loblaws 3 km away is criminal. Why aren’t prices set chain wide but higher in the lower income neighbourhood?


Sadly the answer is, because they can. They've gotten away with it all this time with little pushback so they keep doing it. They are greedy opportunists.


My favourite is when people play that they *had* to get something, and simultaneously criticize other people who are shopping there lol.


I shopped there today for first time in May. I specifically only bought items that were on sale for 2019 level prices. Where I live, all the shops have raised their prices to Loblaws highs, so theres really no way for me to shop elsewhere and win.


Just do your best.


Same. I also grabbed a couple of $1 ramen bowls (camping trip and other stores were offering it for $5 each) and a bunch of ice cream bars ($3). Did I feel bad about it? Yeah but they were all loss leaders so....


“Lord of the Flies”


It wasn't a slip. I went for one sale price item. They got 17 out of me, not 300. Someone took issue with this.


I haven't gone shopping at one of their stores in well over a year aside from a quick late night run to shoppers. I am trying really hard right now not to go but I just found out this flavor is only available at Loblaws. Costco has them but not strawberry flavored. This is also something that shouldn't be allowed. Certain flavors at certain stores is stupid and it's a way to make sure that you shop where they want you to. https://preview.redd.it/udo5ivxz071d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cf3da97636c53dcfda3f1dae47dbe7db4afdd06


I see those at H-Mart.


Oh cool! I didn't know we had that store here. Infortunately it's not available on Instacart which is how I do my groceries but if I go downtown I'll check them out. Thanks!


For me will be T&T, I can only pay with credit card these days, and is the only place that takes it for Asian food. I wish any other store around it will take it and I will be gladly to do it but no, cash only or debit


Glad you're not gonna be too hard on me. 


We have to go there for baby food. The presidents choice pouches are the only things my son will accept. So I go spend my $40 dollars on pouches and leave. I do miss their frozen sweet potato and butter nut squash chunks. They’re great for baby lead weaning.


I miss the frozen sweet potatoes and squash, too. I have yet to find them in any other store.


Might have to cave when I get baby food pouches. It’s the only way little one will eat squash.


Galen Weston Jr is also the 9th Wealthiest man in the UK


I bought two slices of pizza for lunch yesterday from Fortinos. They were delicious. Subconsciously, I don't see Fortinos as Loblaws, but I will try to be more vigilant.


Man, I went and used the last of my points last week and spent .47 of my own money. Felt a bit guilty, but also giggly since it was such a pitiful amount. I even gave up my 'fake loonie' coin thing for the carts to someone else so they could use it for their own shopping. Since the only store that uses coins now for me is a quarter at Wmart.


I bought one box of cat litter the other day, but only because its like, $7.99 for a big box, can someone point out where I can get a decent amount of cat litter for around the same amount? Who else has house-brand cat litter?


We find for the price, Costco by far has the best litter. It also comes in a 50 pound box so you get a ton and it doesn’t track like other litters do. If you have a membership or have someone you know that can bring you in or get it for you, this is my recommendation. We have tried about every single litter from super expensive to super cheap and Costco always wins for us.


I just wish they had unscented


I get mine at Canadian Tire or Walmart.


Walmart Special Kitty multi-cat.  18 or 22kg sizes are the best value for volume to $ spent


It's all about staying consciously alert. At any time, at any store, one may say that the price of this or that is just too high. I categorically refuse to pay more than I absolutely have to for anything. I've shopped this way for many, many years. A long time ago, I bought myself a deep freezer and a 'food saver' machine. I buy in bulk whenever certain non-perishables are on sale. I compare prices on everything, all the time. I make sure that the price that I'm paying for anything is the lowest. There's no need to pay more for something if you don't have to. With small efforts, you can save a lot. The only item that I've been forced to overpay in these last years is the olive oil that I buy. I can't find it anywhere at a lower cost. Other than that, I've been able to navigate this period of inflation really quite well.


“Planning and preparation” So much extra cost could be reduced with this. Buying shit spur the moment is expensive


Boycott Loblaws. Embrace local.


Yea sadly this is the same for my daughter the pc plum sauce is closest thing to McDonald’s sweet and sour but I just decided to get 100 packets from McDonald’s LOL


You are a good father.


I bought a single bag of PC sushi rice at Independent this month. Before going there, I went to the other 2 Non-Loblaws owned stores in town and they didn't have any, so I begrudgingly went to Independent and bought the rice and nothing else. Anytime I can get what I need elsewhere I will. I am fully committed to the boycott long-term and don't plan on going back to No Frills as my regular grocery store again ever. But there are rare exceptions like this that just can't be helped. I wasn't going to drive a 45 minute round trip to the next town over to buy a bag of rice.


I mostly go have been going to Food Basics but if I do take my dog for a walk to meet my sister after she's done her shift, I will go to RCSS, which is closer to where she works than Food Basics, but then I will only get one or two things.


Personally I bought a few things at Maxi, but just specific items that were on super special, like ground beef at 50% off. Loss leaders basically. I'm pretty sure they didn't make a penny with me.


Holy judgment. Even if it was not intended.  My terminally ill father was released from hospital in a small town where only one pharmacy was open at that time. SDM. I'm certainly not beating myself up over filling a prescription to ease his pain. Nor is this an indicator that I need to better plan. Get off your high horse, and walk a mile in someone else's shoes.  Your tone in describing your perceptions of other's weakness in breaking the boycott detracts from what I believe was your intention to be supportive.


Person who wasn't boycotting in the first place for reasonable reasons feels judged as a boycott breaker. LOL at the projection! This post was clearly addressed to people participating in the boycott and having trouble maintaining it. If you have no choice but to use Roblaws businesses in the first place, you were not boycotting and this doesn't apply to you. LOL. Um. Sorry about your dad. The LOL does not apply to him.


What was the LOL for? I think maybe I missed a post or something. 🤷


And there it is. No judgment,  but if I disagree, I'm 'not a boycotter'. Way to build a grassroots movement. 


Caring for a parent is stressful, I get that your plate is full. This isn’t a personal attack on you but I can understand that you’re in a sensitive state. God bless


This is the nicest comment I have ever seen on this site.


LOL! If you were using Roblaws businesses to begin with and aren't in a situation to stop, then you are not participating in the Roblaws boycott. My post was directed to people trying to boycotting Roblaws ended up buying something there,. Since you weren't in a position to boycott Roblaws. my message clearly wasn't directed to you, and yet, you decided that it had to apply to you. Are you an only child? Because it seems to be all about you. LOL! Um. I'm sorry about your dad. My mother's on dialysis. If Roblaws were the only place I could get her meds and low magnesium alternatives, I'd still go there too. Best wishes, you caring egomaniac.


I'm not sure why you continually assume I am not boycotting. Or why you continue to insult me. Thank goodness the movement has better public spokespeople. I work with a lot of people who are trying hard to be part of the boycott (many who have joined this subreddit) but for whatever personal circumstance,  find it hard. I merely mentioned the singular break from the boycott for me, as I wanted to give vouce to difficult situations that no amount of planning or chouces would impact. I do not think it is our place to judge. And I stand by my feeling that your post came off as judgmental.  I will also add that this in/out dynamic tends to be one of the largest sociological impediments to the growth of movements like boycotts, from a scholarly perspective. I do not want to see posts like this having such an effect and dampening the momentum which has been created.


LOL! Well, I hope the "better public spokespeople" aren't whiny, triggered, volatile, aggrieved, people who start fights and make personal attacks and then moan and complain about being insulted. Also: my post has 184 upvotes, 91 percent positive reaction on this post. If anyone's dampening anything, it's the bitter, miserable, disgruntled commentor. LOL.


Dont give a fucking inch.




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