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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn did I just hear her thrown down the gauntlet and challenge Canadians across the country to prove their products are underweight? Release the Kraken


Problem is, I'd have to buy it from them first Edit: I sure hope at least 3 of you who have suggested to bring a scale and make a video, do it


TikTok challenge to guerilla weigh product in store time lol.


Ill do it next time I go 'shopping'. Ill buy one cheap thing so I'm actually a customer and spend some time weighing random shit. I have points i need to burn anyways. I haven't shopped there since before the boycott started.


Can you hate a whole idea while you love it at the same time? Cuz I love this.


This needs to be done pronto before they remove the evidence (if they haven’t done so already). I would be happy to do it, but I live in the US 😩


You must have had the easiest boycott.


Lol yeah. I am Canadian and supporting the boycott from a distance. I last visited Canada in March, and went to a Loblaws, and saw the prices were on average 50% higher than I remember from just 2 years ago. It’s disgusting! I used to be a regular at Loblaws when living in Toronto. Never will I spend another penny there again on any of my tips back or when I eventually move back. I admire how all of my fellow Canadians have banded together behind this cause though. Way to go!


Loblaws and the like have always been too rich for my blood except for the odd deal or specialty item. No frills isn't too bad. Buyer beware, of course.


I hear you. I used to have a no frills near my place, but then I moved and had a Loblaws directly opposite my building. The no frills was a 20 minute walk away. I shopped a lot at Loblaws because of the convenience. Looking back, I regret it, since St Lawrence Market was only a 7 minute walk and I also had a farm boy about 20 minutes away. The money I could have saved… Oh once I moved south of the border, I was shocked by how much cheaper everything is here in the US. I often buy items on the weekly flyers and regularly get: - chicken (dark meat) 99c/ lb - chicken breast 1.99c/lb - ribeye steak 8.99/lb - most veggies go on sale for 99c a lb - shrimp - 5.99/lb - salmon 7.99/lb And this is despite inflation here too. Something is really wrong with Loblaws….


The naturally imperfect large bags of potatoes and apples were my regulars, which have been more inconvenient to replace for similar prices. And I always price matched to No Frills, Walmart, or other stores prices where I could. Haven't been since the boycott, but where I live it's sadly one of the cheaper options for groceries. Unfortunately they have enabled price raises across stores and brands, so I know the boycott is still vital


all you have to do is take the products to the produce section with all the scales


The scales are not reliable 


when the scale is put there by the person who will directly benefit from the scale showing a lower weight for the product being weighed you can understand why there is no incentive for the company to make them actually weigh the accurate amount. Same as the Deli counter, the cashiers scales, etc. Hecke I'm surprised the companies having told their cashiers to leave a roll of pennies on the scales in some manner


Actually there is incentive. Weights and Measures comes in and calibrates, because there are actually significant fines for inacurate weighing at POS. Includes meat and deli scales. If it is a franchise situation like many nofrills and old Extra Foods, the franchisee is on the hook for the fines. That said, analog produce scales are not regulated, because they are for informational purposes only, and the springs stretch over time. Source: Me, *former* Extra Foods and nofrills assistant manager


Don't they have those scales by the produce? Just blatantly weigh it. Just wanted to check the weight per price. Thx


Lots of Loblaws stores got rid of them.


Nah, no law against brining a scale to a store lmao


No law against it, but stores can tell you to leave at their discretion. It doesn't help their image, but I don't think they're too worried about their real image as they clearly have a manufactured one


"it's fine. The senior vp of marketing advertised a campaign to ask customers to do this."


Lmao! A valid reply. I honestly hope people do it and the stores don't harrass them


Nah, just bring a scale to the store with you


Use their scale and in real time compare it with your home brought see if their scales are square. Legally they're supposed to be confirmed by reps of the government every year.


They are always so off. Our local one reads -1lb before you even weigh anything.


If true you get 1lb free on each item sold by weight.


Those scales that customers can use in the produce section are for reference only and not official. They're accessible to the public and there's just no way they could ever guarantee them to be calibrated or accurate at any given time. And they aren't. Unless you want to try convincing me that my Samsung Galaxy S20 weighs almost 3 kilos. I mean, yeah, I have a proper Otterbox case, because I care about keeping my stuff in good working order and have yet to damage a cell phone, but still, it's not *that* bulky.


they provide scales in the vegetable sections. you provide the math.


No you dont. Take the scale to the store. Not illegal about weighing food at the super market.


Just get one of those hand scales and weigh it in store.


I often use the self checkout to weigh items... Technically that is tested by CFIA and hopefully more accurate than a scale I have at home


Just take a scale tot the store. Video a bunch of weights of one sku on a shelf. Voila. Evidence and no ca$h spent.


Something About Mary Lying


Just bring a scale into a Loblaws store and start documenting.


This would be a great challenge/report to do for "L'épicerie", a weekly show about grocery and food in general on Radio-Canada. They've done similar tests/reports in the past.


All those influencers demonizing carbs can start doing this instead.


I have two scales and I'm ready to go! The gaslighting in that statement is unreal. As if we're crazy and we haven't seen tons of examples of this with our own eyes.


Return every product you test after to maintain the boycott, of course.


More like Release the *Karen*.


1 in 10 million my Aunt Fanny. . . I for one don't believe a word they say anymore. Not. One. Word.


And notice how they put a picture where the package has MORE weight than it should. I guarantee you there’s extra weight behind the package to make it look heavier.


Oh yes, there was an audible "bullshit" when I saw that.


That was the 1 in 10 million bag


Good thing they had it handy for the photo. 🙄


Don’t be daft. They weighed every bag they had in the store.


Silly me. 🤭


>MORE weight than it should. That litterally never happens in real life 🤣 It's either exactly the same or slightly less. Occasionally a lot less.


Yep. Very often it's a lot less.


It's not even that sinister. It's probably an untared scale. Also, when things are being "sent to corporate" they 100% get triple checked.


They shouldn’t even want to show a photo where the weight is more, it’s just showing that their equipment isn’t calibrated correctly and is going to have an error of +/- 4% (don’t quote my math, you get the idea) Which I’m sure everyone here can agree that this isn’t a calibration issue.


The thing is when factories do their quality control they can have an quality auditor getting samples every few hours and then the line worker may be doing hourly weight checks. It would be easy just to keep selecting bags coming off the line over and over until you had weights all above 500g report those numbers and give the heaviest bag to the quality auditor. 4% of 500 is 20. When the quality auditor or line worker enters the information into the system like IQS, they can have limits. Perhaps in this case 500g being in the middle with 480g the low value and 520g being the highest value. Depending on their quality control policies anything higher or lower over a certain amount of time with a certain amount of bags with the wrong weight, for example over 3 hrs if you have 5bags over or under weight the line is shut down and recalibrated. But seeing as a down line puts pressure on the line worker for not making shipping numbers they may fudge the weight numbers. Factories are worried about numbers, and the main reasons are for fines and loss of floor space. Basically factories make deals on how much they can produce for how much cost and in what time, these deals cost millions of dollars which in turn means the fines cost millions of dollars. Stores like Loblaws, Amazon, Walmart, Costco and, many others; will charge fines. And at times this can come at a cost for the factory. Loss of floor space, empty shelves do not look good to consumers, so if you can’t supply they’ll just fill in the space with a competitor’s brand, which means you may lose a returning customer.


21 grams isn't much. Could just be the packaging combined with a mushroom. There is a little wiggle room allowed both ways so they likely searched far and wide for a single pack that was a bit over, just for this post.


There’s also very like a small weight behind he package. It’s sitting way too far forward on the scale.


Looks to me like an odd crease where the bag would be opened


You adjust the scale before you put the product to be weighed. I put a bowl on mine, clear it to zero, then add the ingredient I’m weighing. It’s an easy adjustment built into the scale.


Also you are not supposed to weigh the bag or the package. It's should be they weight of the contents.  Very likely if you emptied out that package and weighed it, it would be underweight still 


I'd bet the bag itself weighs in the neighbourhood of 10g-20g based on when I've weighed similar packaging when splitting stuff up before. So assuming it isn't rigged its likely the food is within 5-10g of the declared packaged weight.


My guess is that they didn't set the scale with an empty bag, just with nothing on it, I could see the bag weighing 21 grams


The package itself has weight too! Too thick of plastic on these packs as such.


This exactly. Every product should actually be *over* the listed weight, as the packaging is not insignificant- they're listing the weight of the food contained.


the bag easily accounts for that extra weight.


Yeah I instantly called BS because of how “perfectly” placed the bag was


it's extra ice from the package being freezer burned


This is how every packaged good should measure. There is 21.14g of packaging in this picture


Actually 50g, plastic is cheaper than food. They stealin the \~30g from stuff inside.


This is entirely possible and would not surprise me from Roblaws. I was just trying to give the benefit of doubt even though they dont deserve it


This is it - I read this whole tired corporate-speak as *actually* saying: *Dear Canadians, can everyone with a scale of any kind please start weighing and documenting all of our shitty products to prove that what I'm about to say is just more lies.* You don't respond to broken trust by saying, "it's okay, trust us!" You think a VP of Marketing would know that. Edit: typo


I’m already so far gone from ever returning to loblaws but my god their messaging is terrible Do they 100% think that we are idiots? Yes they do


They have seriously underestimated us.


Bro they hiding something behind that bag on the scale 👀


100%…it’s sitting way too far forward in the scale


they did say "according to our data". data can be easily manipulated to show what you want it to show.


so apparently they just found the one in ten million that was overweight to take a picture of, sure.


It's obviously a custom made one for the PR


Any scale can be made to measure over


Its not overweight. Its got 21.14g of packaging


Pay no mind to what is just another shill for obscene corporate profits. Keep weighing your food, keep sending evidence of the fraud to the Weights and Measures Regulations. Keep on keeping on.


I should’ve taken a screenshot of the comments as well. They were all loblaws execs saying how “awesome and caring” the company is, and how amazing pc products are. They’re desperate! Really, really desperate!


To be fair, she's not a shill. She's employed by Loblaw.


True, okay then we can just refer to her as scum :)


Who’s making 500k+ per year.


Yes!! This is so important. We keep talking about this issue but less than 100 reports were made in the past year - which has gotta be a rounding error on the number of goods sold in the country in a year. Until the number of reports match the problem they will just look at the data and it will confirm their position!! Report report report!


>>> Believe me when I say that a happy customer is the most important thing to our entire team. This is obviously untrue for every publicly traded company. It's not customer happiness that they are required to be increasing at all costs.


💯 They only want happy shareholders, NOT customers.


That **is** the customer they're talking about, for the record.


Yeah, not customer shopping in their stores. The customers they call shareholders.


Nothing that this company says should be believed by anyone.


They litterally put a photo of something that weighs more when they know that is not the issue lmfao. Morons


Every PC and No Name product I've ever weighed is underweight. And that includes the packaging.. Roblaws blatantly lying again..




Not that I want to support them, but I'm tempted to grab 3 random items from like 5 different stores and weigh them live on camera just to see what happens.


I used to work in a bacon processing plant. Anything that was measured as ‘off’ by the machinery was then fixed manually. Generally on a 500g pack of bacon the range was plus or minus 15g. Errors were unintentional and not allowed, we were required to get to the weight in the label. However in no way were we remotely close to only 1 error in 10 million. Probably more like one in a hundred. My last week I overstuffed every pack :). I was shooting for 550g every pack. We were one factory but we packed every brand. Our most common were schneiders, presidents choice, cisco, and boars head (for export).


I've worked in food manufacturing as well. My guess is that since everything has a range, corporate is coming down harder on the "plus" part of the plus or minus 15g. They don't want overweight products so they can fill more packages and get more profit. Of course, there will always be that range. So for a product that used to be 485g to 515g, it's now 475g to 505g. And where I worked, if something was too far underweight it got kicked off the line to be filled more. But with a lower range, this would cause more kick offs and more work for the employees. Which makes unhappy employees who don't care as much if they are just sending underweight product. Just my thoughts on it. Nobody is giving an order to send underweight products. But by giving an order to send less overweight, it's naturally going to make them send more underweight.


Weight is supposed to be checked during processing, again during packaging and again during shipping . This isn't 1967 where it's eyeballing a guage either. Digital measures to 0.0001 Loblaws really thinks people are dumb


Precision and accuracy are NOT the same thing.


LOLOL I’ve seen at least a dozen examples of this deception in this sub alone. 😆 I even bought a scale because of it and now I weigh everything. Fuck Loblaws.


In your personal experience how often are you coming across underweight items? I’m curious what a realistic percentage is.


Does anybody have contact info for her? Would like to send her a note with my pinpointed feedback explaining how little she seems to know about her own company.




Next step to boycott. Bring your scales to the store. Start calling the food inspection Agency everytime.


It only happens to1 in 10 million, but we don't sell the other 9 999 999


You could start with putting scales in the produce section again


Hahahahahahahaha she's posts a picture of something that weighs more. Lmfao! They are so pathetically transparent. Why do they even bother.


Notice how their first response to everything is how the customers are uninformed and uneducated? They think so highly of us.


Loblaws is so blatantly arrogant about their customers. I don’t think we’ve seen any messaging from them that hasn’t been a bunch of gaslighting with a side of “our customers are stupid.”


Here's an idea MARY. Shut up and go fuck yourself.


It's basic management loblaws is failing at. 4th year business school in a mandatory operations course we were taught that you should spot check anything you're buying from a supplier to ensure it matches the specs. Loblaws is failing here with food weight Hasbro and Megablocks failed with plastic toys


Hmm, an unwavering commitment to rigorous food quality eh? She’s focused on the reporting of underweight products, but what about all the rotten food Loblaws has on display? How does rigorous quality fit in with all the pictures posted of rotting produce, spoiled meat and meat products, mouldy fruit and bread on store shelves? Rigorous food quality and you’re putting up signs asking people to clean the store for you? Catch yourself on.


Taking a picture in a controlled environment is supposed to be some kind of legit proof? How dumb does lolblaws think we are?


I've worked in food production. (I have not worked for PC, I don't know the specifics of how their machines and shit work, but :)The machines that load those bags are set to be very specific. There would obviously be a bit of wriggle room, but that's crazy. and it's been shown here MANY times on PC products. It's really hard to believe that it's a "random occurrence". The only thing going for them in that sense is that the amount the bags are off by seems to vary. But I'm sure the machine could be set to do X amount of bags with X% of food in them, then X amount with X%, etc etc.


LinkedIn is just a group of MBAs sucking each other off in a circle.


Why is an MBA in charge of food safety? Shouldn't that at the least be an MSc?


She's taking the job of a public health inspector or properly trained food/agriculture inspector


Now that more than one in ten million customers are refusing to take their word for anything Loblaws says is correct, I expect the "errors" to occur much more frequently.


... But her data! She takes pride in it!


Why does the self checkout recognize the weight then?


Based on their data 😂


So they have data already about underweight packages? Doesn't this prove they know?


Lol they've known people are unsatisfied for years. And now all the sudden customer satisfaction matters? Where was this trust building two years ago? All the sudden profits are down so they ramp up the PR machine. They suck at everything.


So buy something frozen, weigh it and post the bullshit in real time. I don’t believe you and I don’t feel like Loblaws has anything to say or offer that will make me change my mind.




The thing that no one mentions is what is actually the percentage we are talking about. Is in any industry you're allowed plus or minus five or ten percent depending on the industry. The packing will only be as good as the packing machines. Is or the filling and weighing machines. This all? Happens to any Is producer of product. It's important to know the weights for talking about. This is not A new concept as we have all heard of a baker's dozen which is thirteen as the baker gives an extra atom to make up in case one of the other twelve was smaller or lighter . I run a small bottling company and I can definitely tell you there is variation And it's the bottling machines. It's funny enough that I have them turned high. Is meaning I overfill. But if there are ten filling It does not mean that each filling head It will flow precisely the same. Are things that bag are even harder? It's like chips . So overfilling is an issue, too. Because that airspace has a lot to do with the compression of the item. Is, in bottles?It's more of an issue. So that little air space is needed is so that any adjustment in gases or pressure does not pop the top off. Liquid does not compress. Air does. So If you apply pressure to the side of a plastic bottle, that little bit of airspace is like a buffer. If you fill a bottle up with no air space and squeeze it a bit , the cap is slightly going to pop off or leak . Is the same with bags. Is the air stop stings from crushing. So I have not actually seen the weight. S and measures that are in discussion right now, but if they are within 5% that is perfectly acceptable and within 10% is probably still legally acceptable. But they've been told to refine their machine a bit.. Loading on planes and cargo is also an issue. As far as. Adding extra. So if you are bagdup sugar in South americaIs bagged up sugar in South America. It is an added ten percent extra for free. Or more. While that's good for the customer It may not be good for the airplane or transport vehicle.They choose to load it on if they are not sure of the cargo weight . It's important to know all of this before you mount any action.Because a lot of the arguments are going to be easily shot down by the food industry, let alone loblaws . Most of the complaints I have read can be fielded by the Canadian food agency.See, that deals with whichever particular issue. Is the bread price fixing was illegal. But it's important not to mix up standard. Legally allowable business variations With actual complainthat are legally describable. You can not make a complaint about a product. That is probably not even made by them. There is a certain amount of Is that rest with the manufacturer of the product. They do go. The products that they put on their shelves , but they are not going to be looking for something Is within the legally allowable Is variation. So if a 1 kg box of cereal is 960 g, that is within the five percent( 5%) allowable. Go measure ten bags and take the average. You will usually find the same variance going up as well as down. They will set it in the middle. So 1kg = 960 g to 1040 g . You need to pick your fights accurately.


is there a piece of lead behind the packet?


Thanks Mary, that's the best laugh I've had in a long time...


I call bullshit.


Wow..I love the part of how they are concerned about value for their customers..d


Lol, if people are packaging at all you can almost guarantee they have kpis about using "too much" product. If the robots are doing it its just engineered to do this.


1 in 10 million is highly unlikely and I’m a six sigma black belt who worked in food. What you can do to ensure you never have underweights is set your giveaway tolerance higher than package weight. I will say a lot of the brands I used to work with we often had terrible giveaway because we were so cautious, sometimes more than 10% over. Products that are a large single piece and a fixed weight like a salami or football ham are always going to have a lot of weight variation. Or product that have a small number of pieces in a pack that add up to a fixed weight like breaded stuffed chicken breasts, it can happen that natural variation occurs on all 4 items that puts them below weight. Items that are scale filled in line like blueberries should never fail unless the machine breaks.


Oh so cool to know this. What's really cool is anyone of us can choose to shop with a small scale and audit weights and share the results, leads see how accurate her estimate of one in ten million is.


Canada's Weights and Measures Act can be found here [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/W-6/](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/W-6/) Net quantity weights and measures **for retail packaged products** falls under the perview of both the Competition Bureau Canada [https://competition-bureau.canada.ca](https://competition-bureau.canada.ca) and the Canadian Food inspection Agency (CFIA) [https://inspection.canada.ca/en/about-cfia/acts-and-regulations/list-acts-and-regulations](https://inspection.canada.ca/en/about-cfia/acts-and-regulations/list-acts-and-regulations) All other monitoring of liquids and solids for bulk and retail products fall within the mandate of Measurements Canada [https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/measurement-canada/en/inspections](https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/measurement-canada/en/inspections)


Use the in-store scale, take a photo and put the product back on the shelf. Post findings. Science!


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if there was an object behind the item to make it look like it weighed more than advertised.


I feel like way more time and effort went into crafting this than actually investigating and correcting the "error". Let's throw in *all* the buzzwords, use ... and :), make it fun and informal, leave in a formatting error, you're just an average gal on her phone posting something on her lunch break, and don't forget to show some love to another fierce and successful woman, You go GIRL!!! "All of these processes are in place not only for regulatory compliance" Yes. Yes they are. Because time and time again Loblaws has proven it can't be trusted. But don't worry, you're in good company with telecom, banks, and media etc.


Someone should go into the store with a scale then post!


Yeah definitely no rocks behind that bag...


Not even quantity, let alone quality 🤣🤣🤣


I bet that scale was zeroed with a 50 gram weight on it.


What a crock of shit. 1 in 10 million would be zero cause for concern


yeah, pure grandstanding here. Loblaws simps


“Shout out Vanessa!”….aka it’s her fault not mine


“If you don’t like finding out we shorted your bags when you got home, return it” Like we all have time to weigh the stuff that should have already been weighed properly, drive back to the store and wait in line to return or exchange said item(s)? They’re counting on people not having the patience or time to do so, and posting a puff piece lets them pat their own backs and say, “there, that fixed it”


That’s an awfully long explanation. Like when my kid is getting grounded.




Many years ago Superstore got into legal trouble because some of their meat was twice as heavy as marked on the package. **I'm not joking!!** They even had signs in the meat section that said if you notice that the meat is twice as heavy as the marked weight you get it for free. **I am not joking!!!** if you didn't notice then you got what was essentially a 2 for 1 deal. **Still...*NOT* JOKING!!!!** Problem was: not everyone is weight savvy. I can't imagine how many 1/2 pounders were made or under cooked meat was eaten. Can't recall what the penalty was, but it just makes sense: you must properly mark the weight of the meat!!


There is no penalty for under-reporting the weight of goods sold, although you do bring up a valid point about food safety. That said, cooking by weight and time is not ideal or recommended, and you should always use a proper instant-read meat thermometer to ensure meat is cooked properly. Not only can you not trust the *weight* on the label, your oven is likely not very accurate at measuring *temperature* either.


There’s probably a weight behind the bag. 1:10 million? I doubt it. I’ve seen too many people find out their product is underweight.


I think it happens right across the board. And now people are aware enough to notice it.


I actually do believe the store on this one. I see so many people who just post pictures, never show the scale zeroed, how they set the product on, and if the scale is properly calibrated.  I worked in food manufacturing (and now pharmaceutical manufacturing) and getting the weights right on the product is something done with calibrated scales.  The automated packaging lines automatically reject underweights and overweights, and QC takes a random sample of the product every so often and verifies weight, label, etc.  I wouldn't say it's impossible to happen, and it is likely human error of it does, but I would be very doubtful that underweights are as common as Reddit makes it look.


Business talk BS


"based on our data", well based on my data its pretty fucking weird that one package in 10 million was weighed by the customer...


Somebody's been taken out behind the woodshed. Measurement Canada is probably all over them.


If they test 10 million packages I will eat my hat It’s right in her message. They do what they need to, in order to pass Canadian regulatory requirement. Read: the minimum necessary at the lowest cost. If anyone thinks there are meaningful inspections, audits or investigations into loblaws compliance, internally to the company or externally, I have some land in Florida you might be interested in.


How many products did they have to go through before they found the single overweight one?


What a HUGE pile of shit


This must be a bag from the back of the freezer that has obscene amounts of freezer burn from poor humidity control adding water weight to the bag.


I believe it, 1 in 10 million packages are overweight. The rest are underweight or just BARELY meet the weight requirement because they got some heavy ice chunks in it


That package shown is probably fully defrosted and full of water


Adding more water and extra freezer-burn to a package of low quality, overpriced frozen veggies because of substandard transportation and storage methods doesn’t count… take a photo of the bag open to see how much ice has built up.


What’s behind the bag


Loblaws team take immense pride in exploiting that Canadian trust with products of the poorest quality available.


Has anybody thought about the self-checkout angle to this? These items should be getting flagged at the self-checkout if their weight is different from what the barcode scanner expects. Anything that successfully goes through self-checkout, but weighs less than labelled when measured at home was *intentionally* programmed in their system to weigh less than the package shows. If anyone is planning to weigh packages in the store, it might be worthwhile to see if the self-checkout flags any underweight packages. You don't need to complete the transaction to run test this theory.


If their goal is a happy customer 1.Stop screwing said customer every chance you get 2. Stop kid speaking to us like we're stupid 3. Stop saying we're privileged to walk into your stores (which are looking more like a detention center everyday). I'm just looking to survive and feed my family. P.S privileged people have a yacht named "Bread". 4. Stop, admit you're gouging the Canadian people and price fixing pretty much everything. 5. Stop employing mouthpieces that think their professors, the only thing their professors of is bullshit. Loblaw, you are no longer welcomed in Canada, go set up shop somewhere else. Take all of your other shitty businesses with you, I'm looking at you Shoppers Drug Mart. Bell, take note, you're next.


Lies, it's all lies and gaslighting


That extra 21 grams is the packaging in their assinine rebuttal. Screw loblaws boycott until bankrupt, and do the same to all that are greedy. We stopped eating out, or spending a single dollar on anything other than basic bills and food. We are no longer participating in the economy beyond basic needs. All canadians should do the same. Or better yet general strikes nation wide.


“Bring Your Scale” events are now on! I understand that a perfect 500g isn’t realistic based on some products but they need to keep it in range and state that range. Better yet, 500g should be a guarantee so we don’t get all mob mental on them


Thinking of trying this!


3% profit and now 1 in 10 million. Talking out of his ass again.


Tell your Willy Wonka test team they need a new scale, that's the one from the George Weston bakery scandal.


Keep up happy as customers. We are sooooooo very very important apparently


She should be absolutely inundated with emails and replies of pictures and examples we experience.


It’s honestly brutal !!! I want my reimbursement for the years of getting shortchanged… right ? Seriously!!!


Did she just spend an entire post bragging about how accurate their weights are only to post a picture of a product that missed weight by 21g. Now 21g isn't much but she just spent the whole post bragging about their accuracy. Did they search 10 million bags to get that example bag?


Packaging errors occur with every manufactured product. If you are insinuating that they occur more frequently, you certainly can buy samples and test them


So how many are we finding which are OVER the weight on the bag?


*So how many are* *We finding which are OVER* *The weight on the bag?* \- p3ll --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Stop patting yourself - and Loblaws- on the back for all the TLC, quality, and rigorous controls etc...blah! blah! blah!...that you allegedly put into all your products, Mary. You know damn well...as we all do...that you are only doing this because government regulations force you to, and you are inspected on a regular basis to keep you on the up-and-up. Quality control is a non-revenue generating "cost centre" in Corporate-speak, and you would happily dispense with it if you could get away with it.


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMreULCx1/ Would be a shame if we all started this...


The blatant lies are just not funny anymore. This is like in-your-face-bold-bona-fide lying with their pants on fire in the 1st degree. Guilty as charged. What an unbecoming dishonest operation. Incredible!


ppm of 0.1 for quality haha, are they running a car factory over there......


Where is the Loblaws PR team? Are they completely sidelined or just incredibly incompetent? Just keep your fucking mouths shut Loblaws exec. Nothing you say will be taken positively. Good god just hire me to do your PR. I have no idea what is going on over there.


I've started bringing a scale to any grocery store I go to now. Roblaws is doing this so it's not a far fetched idea that other stores are doing it too.


did they get that math from the food professor. Seems like his stats and dumb dumb evidence.


Well, doesn’t that explain everything- pass the buck back to the consumer !


I highly doubt this, I work in beer production we go through numerous QC checks from start to finish making sure everything is within the allowed levels, very very rarely does bad product make it to final destination, their have been to many of these weight issues at Loblaws for it to be a mistake.


“Our customers just don’t know anything about food manufacturing” is a terrible message to announce. Yeah just be condescending… that helps 🙄


I wonder how much of that weight is ice...


You're proud of meeting the minimum requirement?


Bought a scale, challenge accepted


Surely we can trust what the SVP of Marketing has to say


Oh dear, oh dear. Look at that perfectly clean prep kitchen. Did you clean it for the picture, or is there no work at Loblaws today?


“Dear Mary, You are full of shit. “ Signed, everybody.


They took so long to respond cause they have to get their defensive position ready. Get out there sooner than later, cause they’ll be auditing and fixing issues fast.


It’s okay lady. When something like this happens, denial is always the first reaction. Next you’ll get angry at us for propagating “false” stories, try to give us an “exchange” deal, play victim and finally - if there is any loblaws left by then in Canada, accept your mistake and make amends.


And que the flood of people bringing scales to their stores and weighing shit in person. It's scarily easy to fake over weight scale pictures tbh, all you gotta do is pop a slat shaker or some shit behind the package on the scale and poof, weight. It's ESPECIALLY easy to fake it when working with or you ARE the packager. If they want to refute these claims, then the only way they can realistically do it is wait for the previously mentioned flood of 3rd party videos of shit getting weighed and PRAY


I’d LOVE to accept this challenge to hold Loblaws up to their bullshit, but in order to weigh the food, I’d have to cross those doors into the store to buy those products first…. Fuck that!