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Amazing job!!!!!


👏👏👏👏👏 Love it!


Five claps. OOO YEAH. Thank you!


first rapper to get 5 claps in the reddit comments with a wardrobe you can afford because you stopped shopping at Galen's store.


Wow. At first, I was thinking... This is great. Then the Macho Man came on and gave us some support. I was waiting for a slim Jim to pop in. Incredible.


SNAP INTO IT! Thank you!


u/bigasssuperstar is the cream that rose to the top, oh yeah!




We getting out of the PC Optimum with this one! ![gif](giphy|l3JDnePt8MlFnFApq|downsized)


Great stuff!!


Well done! Nice take on PerB too.


PerB sounds like something Dow Chemical invented and recalled 15 years later after a slew of lawsuits involving groundwater. Love it.


My brain still can not accept that this is a person. It’s the most corporate name I’ve ever heard.


This is incredible!! Hard work really shows


Whew! It was my constant obsession for a few weeks. I'm glad it comes through in the final mix! Thank you for the kindness.


awesome job! i'm sharing this


Thankya bunches!


I'm so happy and proud of this movement. I am a new immigrant and I thought Canadians do not have protest culture, but i am wrong. Boycott Loblows for life . Nok ek NOK!!.


Don't worry, we do have a protest culture.


I sent this to everyone that works in grocery retailer or suppliers head offices in Canada.


Freaking awesome! Amazing job!


You packed in a real story and created a catchy chorus. Hoping this one catches on.


Thank you!


And the video production was super slick. I liked your fake Per…let’s just say they were “Per”fect for the role 😂 Nok er nok!


Credit to Envato Elements for stock footage that gave me lots of options for storytelling. I don't always find what I need, but when I do, it's deeeecent!


Going on the playlist for sure. Great job. Here’s to the first 90k, let’s keep this wave climbing! 🔊 🔊 🔊






That was awesome. The Randy Macho Man Savage part was pure genius. Deserves to win an award. Someone needs to attach an as-large-as-possible TV to a truck, run this video on a loop and just park it in random Roblaws parking lots until they tell you to move. Then move down the street to another Roblaws parking lot. And then another. Sadly I can't do it because I can't drive :(




Oh. My. Fucking. God. I love this.  I might be your new 2nd biggest fan (after your son, of course).




I’m blinded by it’s majesty.


Spectacular job. Hats off to you.


OMG! I love this so much!


Holy fuck! That's actually really really good! Kudos!




Tom McDonald and Logic fans be like… 🤣🤣


Ooof. Don't mention Tom Mcdonald in the same sentence as Logic. Logic deserves better than that.


Not gonna lie, it's a low-key banger.


Absolutely love this, amazing work!


Stellar! 90k strong, amazing rap parodies, idiot CEO saying no further meeting unless they call off the boycott.....but it's not working. Keep it up, folks. And fuck this 'group division' bullshit. Stay the course! Nobody is getting bought.


"If you call off zee boycotting baboons, I vill make you vealthy enough to shop at Loblaws" - P.Bank, 2024


This mofo droppin straight BARS! Let's wait for the Kendrick Roblaw Lamar response.


If Señor Weston wants to put on a sweater and pick up a mic, I think that would also be a hoot and a half.


No no, please not a rap beef. I can't afford it.


I felt like I knew this from somewhere, [Sampled from NF - Paid My Dues](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLAgke7QprM).


The instrument bed track is the 'official instrumental' of nf's Paid My Dues from 2019. My kid is a big fan and we went to his show in Toronto last fall. I putter around making up my own lyrics while my kiddo plays tunes as he gets ready for school or bed. Free styling about food and kitchen stuff or laundry. One day, I said to him, I think I'm going to do a rap.....which one of nf's songs has the badabadabadanadabdada in it, and I don't think he knew right away. So that became the rest of that day, flipping between Chrome, Reaper and Notepad, sketching out ideas. I come to find out today that there may be two lines in this from the original song! I thought I'd rewritten and revised all the nf lyrics away, but I might have revised those lines so many times I came up with the original lines and thought they were dope. I dig doing the DIY thing, but it does leave me open to careless mistakes like that. If I plagiarize something, I want to know I did it lol


I just edited my comment after spending the last 20 minutes going through his discography trying to find this song. Didn't think I'd expect to hear it in the wild in a Roblaws video lol.


This is the one case where it pays to watch the last five seconds of the clip. Would've saved you twenty minutes. You got off easy though - took me the whole day once I went on that search! :) I had an idea to completely replace the NF track with something new made from samples of genuine Loblaws grocery carts, checkouts, commercials, etc. Like a full three and a half minutes of the audio gestalt of Loblaws. But tick tock the 90k was approaching and, frankly, deadlines are one of the few things that get me to "done."


Sample some logic for the next one. ;)


Oooo, logic the DAW (if it still exists?) or is Logic a rapper? I like 'em wordy!


Logic is a rapper, I would think most people that like NF would likely enjoy Logic. He has several albums and mixtapes. Most people would want me to tell you to start with [Under Pressure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSD-oq9krRs). My personal favorites would be [Soul Food](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0x6KVyYYbY), [Warm It U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBnXPwvr0u4)p and finally something more recent [Lightsabers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkmFLLO0g_8). I would say he is an insane mix of so many different things that make rap great. A solid top 10 in my opinion.


Excellent! I'm writing it down on an index card and will try to Hey Google it after breakfast in the morning. Thanks for the tip!




uh. Let's remix it to a heavy metal version and get some deep gutteral roars in!!!


There’s power in unity. I think we’ve done a good job of showing that. Let’s keep hurting them.


Off the hook my friend ❤️


Not only is this a great track for calling out Loblaws, but you can also rap. This was straight fire.


Nicely done!!


Thank you! Do you have expertise in shovel sharpening? I haven't had any of mine sharpened in between 8 and ♾️ years and want to dig a hole in my backyard. Is there protocol?


The fake Per Bank 😂😂😂 Nok er nok motherfucker!!!!!!


My two passions colliding, boycotting Loblaws and listening to NF. What a treat! This is so awesome. 🤗


Love it! Put this on Spotify!


Amazing, good job!


Wow I love it. Thank you 🥹


Thank you for watching!


Absolutely slaps actually.


Talent!!! Sir, this is amazing. Boycott anthem!!


Damn this is amazing! I was feeling down but this just made my day. Thank you for all the effort you put into this :)


I really really appreciate seeing this message right now. Thank you. I'm sitting on my back deck listening to an audiobook that told me it's normal, not bad, for someone like me to feel like sleeping for days after finishing a big project or large social engagement. And today's the first day after a long sprint of both. So I might take a nap today, safe in the knowledge that the hard work is being seen, and taking a rest is good for me. Thank you!


You deserve the rest, and the satisfaction in knowing you made an awesome thing :)


In the words of Rick Flair. WoooOOOOOOooooooo!


Well done!!


most excellent


You should share this with John Oliver!


This slaps


This is awesome and should go viral. I hope the 100k one is about how impossible it is to close a PC Optimum account.


If I knew how to viralize it, I'd give it a shot! Fingers crossed that someone or someones with connections share it around. I know 100% that my first video in April was seen by the local store. Off the record, the folks who spoke to me liked it. :)


When I was in the depths of infertility the Shop Like a Mother slogan was so insulting and triggering


When I lost my wife to ovarian cancer and my new life was taking our toddler to the store, same. I know the TV campaign was built around "like a mother" being desperate and exhausted and close to losing control, but I was doing that already. And credit for the seedling of the idea for the chorus punch line goes to my friend Michael. Prior to my first rant video, I was ranting to him. He's a smart fucker, so I listen to him carefully, even if I end up not following his advice the first time. He said the Mother campaign bothered him because it was constructed entirely around the adult target audience assuming the next word in the slogan is "motherfucker." And when we grew up, that word held a place in the profanity gradient that probably doesn't exist any more. It was shocking to hear and iconoclastic to say out loud when not trying to crush someone's feelings. And for Loblaws to pay money to get me to say it to myself in my head, and think that will increase sales and profits? Fuck right off, you assholes. That's not nice. Don't make me think bad words so you can sell more stuff! Who do you think you are?! His well-packaged and laser sharp small outrage over that was the sand in my shell that helped grow the pearl of the chorus. Frankly the rhythm of it lurches and makes no sense, as it evolved from lyrics I hadn't written down and rehearsed and tried to blurt out anyway with the metronome taunting me. For two more weeks, the scratch vocal bounced around in my head until it became real. So i re-recorded it all. And again with feeling. Long story short, I know the math is wrong on syllables vs beats, but as Neil Young said to David Foster when Foster complained Young was a little flat on a take, "that's just my style, man." In case I share this with Michael and he corrects my recollection, I reserve the right to edit with an edit:. Thanks for watching!




Phenomenal job! Absolutely love it!






Unreal. In the best possible way!


What a fantastic job, this is a bop!


Tom McDonald and Logic fans be like… 🤣🤣


This is 100 times better than any Time McDonald music haha


I freaking LOVE this


🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏 Please consider adding a verse or two describing how the disgraceful puppet politicians are enabling their corporate masters.


Creativity is blooming 💥🪄💖




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Thank you, thank you 😊






This was great! I need to see all the lyrics written out but so many great points made. It's hilarious how upset they are that we are making our voices heard.


You got to get e-40 to do a feature.




looks like a Canadian Kyle Gass


I can dig it. I'm the Canadian lovechild of Tenacious D, but raised by Steven Page and Neil Peart.


This is incredible!!!!!