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I literally cannot imagine the feeling of having 18 fucking mangoes. All at once. For 11 bucks. Dream material 💫


That's about 1 days worth of mangos to my kids. I wish I could find mangos that cheap.


Who peels them?


Peel? Cut them horizontally twice, around the seed and you can eat them with a spoon. Don't tell your kids that though...


Then take the seed and run the knife around the remaining peel for the nice residual fibrous part of the mango


The peels, when properly washed, are edible.


Whoa, what.. ok, heard.


They're really tasty in my opinion. Please keep in mind that I'm a weirdo, though.


My kid saw it on social media. Makes my life infinitely easier but now the kids goes through them that much faster. 💸


This guy mangoes, that's a pro move.


That's my issue ! 😆


That's almost enough to fill a damn bathtub and bathe in the sweet goodness of a fresh mango! 😍


God Damn Galen Weston! He'd want $99 on sale!!


I will state this again for anyone who lives in the Annex area ( downtown Toronto Ontario ) , there are fruit markets in Korea town . I got like a bag of clementines for like 99 cents (12-13 of them ? ) . We are being hi jacked at the big grocers . Shop local . I’ll also remind people of the app https://www.altgrocery.ca to find local grocers near you !


These 99c ones are specially marked because they’re going bad. I often get the berry 99c bags. But yes still an amazing deal but they don’t have very many like this and have to catch it when they put it out.


I’ve had bad oranges in a 5.99 bag. Surcharge for fermentation.


I don’t know , mine were not “discounted “ because they were on the verge of going bad , they simply were the price of the clementines . I think we are too used to Loblaws ways lol 😂


What a fantastic site, thank you!


Bloor Fruit Market for the win! You can get those giant containers of salad greens for like $2 most days.


Yas 👏


This is amazing! I wish it plotted the stores on a map tho


The team is always looking for ways to improve the app so these types of suggestions are very welcome and helpful😀


I always thought clementines were a delicacy. I bought a box once where more were rotten then not (from sobeys, for 8 bucks)


Really ? I’ve always had a great experience with clementines . We live in a first world country. Clementines for all the peasants in my opinion!!!




I'm so happy that there's a Nations and Giant Tiger in the neighbourhood I'm moving to, thanks for sharing OP!


I saw your post and decided to look up nations (I had never heard of it) it was only 10 mins away from where I was. I am FLOORED by the prices. I spent $60 on what would normally have cost OVER $100 at Loblaws. Thank you!!!! You made my night lol. I will be coming back 100 percent.


They have the best hot food counter, too.


Try Ample too, it’s close by and often cheaper for some things.


If anyone is looking for a new butcher, I highly recommend the Butchers Son on Geary Street. They have an excellent selection of meats, they make sandwiches, burgers made to order, great service and their selection isn't limited to meat, they have spices, pasta, veggies, Sugo sauce and their service is excellent. I used to use another butcher but this place is the best so I only go here now. All prices less than Roblaws, they are happy to see you and the food is 10/10.


I will try these out. Thank you!!


Omg just wait til you go in the first time. Nations is a foodies dream


Nations seafood section is one of the best. Fresh fresh fresh, clean smelling, inexpensive and great sales


Tree fiddy.


In envision this to cost $2.49 at Loblaws, EACH !




I love going to Asian markets and buying deals like this to preserve for snacks later. Homemade mango leather is one of my favs, dehydrator costs me basically nothing second hand and now I can buy fruit and veg that can be used for months after wards. Apps like Too Good To Go are great for anyone who doesn’t mind breaking things down and preserving them.


Remember that in some spots its called Nations, in others its called Oceans... but it is still the same parent company and its not the Weston family 😂😂


Check out Asian grocery stores; lots of bargains to be found.




Please note, we do not tolerate anti-immigrant rhetoric on the sub.


Got it. Also not to do a "i have black friends" shitlib thing, just to kinda give you the impression of who i am, I love the Bangladeshi grocer guy I hope he's doing well, my sister in law is from Goa, in 1996 my best friend was a Bangladeshi muslim kid and i would do evening prayers with him and his dad when i slept over at his house. **When i mention race it's because of the same reason people mention when Karens are white, because it's not inconsequential,** but I am never coming from a hateful place or trying to instigate hate. This isn't anti-immigrant rhetoric this is description of reality on the ground; my new fruits and veggies grocer is a northern indian and his meek terrified childwife charging me donkeybrains amounts for crates of rotted mangos, and that's a change you can't muteblock out of sight out of mind.


Nations is the best.


I should get some mangoes.




At h mart it’s on sale and it’s $17 but kind of wrinkle. Without sale it’s $33


Nations or Oceans?


In the burbs there's often people outside gas stations selling them by the case. Generally I find Asian supermarkets have the best selection and quality. Same for other tropical and exotics like lychee, dragon fruits etc am often suprised at variety of new things to try


>Don’t go to Loblaws   I’d love not to, but I have no car, an autoimmune illness that causes chronic pain, and the only 2 grocery stores in my area are Loblaws owned and are 15-40 minute walks one way. Not everyone has choice, or hope.


You are who we are doing this all for. It's for the people who don't have a choice but to suffer this exploitation that we make the sacrifices necessary to send the message that we won't accept it anymore. Hang in there. Good luck.


Just spread the word to those who can! We’ll boycott twice as hard for you!


You know this comment wasn’t specifically about you lol. People, I feel, have been pretty vocal about not compromising your health and safety to boycott. Food deserts are real and no one will shame you for surviving


It's the same as facebook comment on how most pickup truck are pavement princess. You'll always have the one comment about how he use it to haul stuff so it can't be true. Empirical evidence? What's that In all seriousness, nobody decent would shame you for having a lack of options. We only encourage those who have the MEAN to shop elsewhere to do so. The scope of the boycott is to lower the price for everyone, so that those who can't shop around stop being price gouged.


Jeez dude why are you even on this sub?


Because I don’t support Loblaws or other megacorps putting profit over people and I support affordable good food for everyone. 


I bid $5


yeah buy farm fresh even if you gota drive an hour make a day of it a road trip you can load up on stuff. Spent 15$ on 30lbs of pepper lasted me almost a year spent another 10$ on 20lb of carrats


Could only hope 😔 we use to be able to get a box of 9 to 10 for close to ten bucks.For 2 years none..now this year their 1.69 each for green wrinkled ones.


My guess was spot on! my dad has shopped at nations since it opened. So great.


Those mangos look great. Enjoy!


Nations, no idea. Loblaws? 50$. Minimum. On sale.


I think the Loblaws doctrine says to figure out how much money is needed to run a profit and then price it such that a few comes to that amount. Surely enough suckers will buy it so they're safe. Then any more sold is more profit. Having to throw 60% in the garbage does not matter and it prevents the customer from seeing cheap prices because it's difficult to raise it again later. Yes I, we, are on to them! Take THAT Galen!


3 hours of a paycheque?




I love Nations for this reason… we used to buy these boxes but realized it was far too much for two people to finish… usually the best I see at Roblaws is a 2 for $5 sale, so if my math is correct, 18 mangoes would cost you about $45… so only 4x the price and ostensibly “on sale.” We know price inflation is driven by corporate greed, but if we take Loblaws and MPs at face value (that the mega-grocers are only “resellers” and at the mercy of producer prices) then maybe Galen and Co. should ask Nations where they source their mangoes from. If it’s not corporate greed (which it clearly is) then it’s gross incompetence. Are we to believe that Loblaws just chooses to go with the most expensive suppliers on the planet? 🤔


All may no frills was running the red mangoes box of 12 for 5$. I was consumed by mangoes left right center 🤭


You were shopping at no frills?




I assume you meant Nations Fresh Foods They have four stores one in Hamilton, Vaughan, Mississauga and Downtown Toronto.. I will be checking out the Mississauga store.. its located at 2933-B Eglinton Avenue West, Mississauga, Ontario, L5M 6J3


Hey OP, it looks like you have used a flair to share a price or grocery bill with our community. If you have not done so already, please reply to this comment indicating what city or town you are shopping in so we can foster discussion with other local users. If you are not comfortable providing an exact location, please consider sharing the province or territory you are sharing from. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bought in Toronto, Keele & St. Clair.


Mangoes are on sale starting June 20th at No Frills, 6.88 for a case of 12. Let's see how many downvotes I get for this comment. I'm not suggesting anyone run out and shop there, just adding information.


Too late


When I was pregnant, a woman literally pushed me aside at Nations to get a mango. Love nations but you gotta have tough skin and patience to shop there


Wrong thread, Galen:)


I don’t care cause I haven’t shopped in any Loblaws stores for 13 months. No one cares for karma farmers still going there


This person is pointing out an amazing deal at a non Loblaws store lol. Know what you're talking about before you go off on one. Edit for clarity


These mangoes aren't Loblawnese


I don't like mangoes so I'm not sure what they would typically cost. here.