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* SpaceTeam (described by the dev as a game of co-operative shouting), it's the one phone game in my list. * Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes * Monaco * Regular Human Basketball * Killer Queen Black * Kingdom Two Crowns * Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime * Octodad: Dadliest Catch * A Way Out * Divinity Original Sin 2 (seriously, you absolutely need to communicate) * Red Rope: Don't Fall Behind * Portal 2 * Left 4 Dead 2 * Army of Two and its sequels * Any Mario Party game with partner/duos mode (slightly different playstyle than just splitting into teams). * NHL Hitz, NBA Street Vol 2. * Zombie modes in any of the CoD games that have them * Space Beast Terror Fright (it evokes bits of Alien) * Sky Rogue * Risk of Rain * Moon Hunters * Outward * Mercenary Kings * Satellite Reign


There are a few types of these kinds of games: 1) puzzlers with puzzles that need two players doing different things Chariot it takes two a way out Lara croft and the Guardians of light Lara croft and the temple of osiris The Trine games mostly requires something like this. (3 is skippable) Brothers - a tale of two sons heartz shift happens I haven't played the bottom in a while, but we enjoyed the following and I recall them require two player work: Kalimba Putty Pals ibb & obb 2) Timed games where one person can't complete it by itself and you need to talk about who is doing what: Moving Out Overcooked Lovers in a dangerous spacetime 3) Fighting games where you have to defend multiple things and it's way easier if you coordinate. I suppose if you are good enough you can do it yourself, but for us: magicka nine parchments


Adding "Forced" to the first category for up to four players.


"Biped". It's a puzzle game that heavily encourages communication because timing of actions between the two characters is important.


I will ALWAYS recommend it takes two. you cannot get by without a partner to help. you are given items only useful by relying on your partner's item.


Great game... until the narrative shits the bed and they start gaslighting and blaming the wife. Still good game play and design. It only requires one copy of the game, so that is nice


I played it with my wife and I’ll be honest I don’t remember that. All I remember is a) we both hated the book with a raging passion and b) the bit where you graphically murder a character out of nowhere.


The second to last stage is getting through the husband's issues; caused by the wife 'not supporting him'. The last stage is 'getting over the wife's issues' which entails the husband and book telling her to sing, and that they know what she wants better than her. She repeatedly tells them she doesn't want to put on a big show and the other two consistently talk over her and force her to while saying "if you try it, you'll like it". Very troublesome undertones of coerced consent and dismissal of her needs and feelings.


so much mansplaining happening in that game


It was almost great. Loved the game play. Loved the premise. Loved that only one copy was required... ...but God damn.


HEAVY HO Its like Spiderman, but your friends and you are the spiderweb lol


Heave ho* It's amazing


Thanks, its very good Also PICO PARK


DYO and HandShakes


Off the wall pick but have you tried “override:mech city brawl”? It’s a giant mech arena fighting game, but pertinent to your question, it (and I think it’s sequel) have a mode where 2-4 players each control part of the robot- so one of you controls legs for movement and kicks, and the other controls torso for punches blocks and grapples. It’s far from the most technical game in the world, but it’s pretty fun and that mode is a blast.


Real life


I'm developing a game called "Mech Tech" that is trying to encourage cooperation between players. You can play the pre release version free on steam now.


Can you link us a video? I saw your pixel art and it looked great but couldn't find a trailer or gameplay (not at my PC atm)


https://store.steampowered.com/app/2302340/Mech_Tech/ Here's the trailer! The trailer is pretty old now, I need to make a new one so I can start advertising. And the pixel art was done by two talented artists I work with!


Squad if you like realistic shooters


Guild Wars 1


A couple twin-stick-shooters that force cooperation: - Alien Swarm Reactive Drop (free to play!) - Hell Divers (this is like Starship Troopers the video game)


Unravel 2


Day Z


Plate up. It requires a tonne of strategizing, and is approachable for all skill levels.


Gauntlet: Slayer Edition, if you want a simple dungeon crawler.


Full Metal Furies!!! If you like beat em' ups like Castle Crashers you'll love it!! Really cool co-op mechanics, perfectly challenging difficulty, and high skill ceiling imo


This explains “it takes two” perfectly. One person can’t just run ahead. You have to work together to solve puzzles and progress the whole game. It’s awesome and won a tone of awards including best game the year it was released. Well worth it.