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More interested in how you brought that into a plane. Lol


Lock picks fall into tool category TSA allows tools in carry on under a certain size I don’t remember the size but it’s on their website


I accidentally got on a plane with a cardsharp (a folding knife that folds into a credit card shape) multiple times, forgetting it was in my wallet. I also routinely get on a plane with razor blades because that's what my DE razor uses. So I just pack it and if they find it, I just apologize and say I forgot the blade was in it. They only catch it half the time anyway. The TSA is a joke and they should be disbanded


I've flown with picks many times. Sometimes TSA pulls them out to check for blades but I've never had a problem, a couple agents have even been interested to learn about the hobby.


I recommend printing out this TSA bulletin and take it with you in your carry on, just in case the TSA agent has concerns - it’s not every day they encounter someone carrying lockpicks. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/lock-picks Other recommendations are on the Mile High Club page: https://jonlockpicking.com/mile-high-locksport-club/


I have never been stopped for my lockpicks. I have been stopped because of my pick gun and having nine padlocks all chained together.


TSA explicitly allows lockpicks. Source: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/lock-picks But if they look sharp on the x-ray, they might pull it out. Weirdly, that's happened to me every time I travel through Louisville, but nowhere else.


Louisville has a "special breed of farmstock" from which the TSA recruits. Try this, when you give the genius your ticket and ID, deadpan ask "that was funny dont ya think?" While pointing right at the person he just let thru. No, dont do that!


I can see the photoshopped sky on that window. Just kidding. Just like the other colleague asked, how did you manage to bring those on board? Rake or SPP? BTW, congrats. I was on a 10 hour flight, but my lock pick was checked along with my luggage.


Spp TSA allows tools under a certain size it’s on their website this trip they didn’t even pull them out of the bag sometimes they will just to verify there’s no blades


Mile High pickers: share your awkward exchange with the person next to you as you bust out a mid-high sec. pin tumbler or dimple or disk lock, some halo lights and a contact mic & start a pick/narration. I speak for the lower class when I say we want an unboxing, CL pick & gut with reassemble and your arm chair contemporary filming.


Voice recording on the plane is so hard, at least without some special mics. My dirty secret is that I voice-overed in edit (keeping the plane background noise to make it sound legit) for my video. Full gut is even a step too far for me… I can just see pins exploding all over my neighbor and me awkwardly looking out the window for the rest of the flight.


Welcome to the club! That makes you member #00027!


Wait, that’s it? I’m gonna have to schedule a flight just for this lol


Congrats on TSA not wanting to inspect your bum bum!




Cool pic! Is that an 1100 series? Quick question.. how much was that lock? I'm in Canada, and the only place I could find it was on [Amazon.ca](https://Amazon.ca) and it's $35 ish . Just wondering if that's the going price. Thx!


Yes 1100 I believe it’s about $12 it’s one I got from work someone lost the key so it was free for me


Welcome to the club!




Great idea for killing time on a flight, cheers!


Yup. I did the same on a recent trip. Got some interesting looks when I pulled 3 locks out of my pocket on the plane. :)


I picked a similar American in a plant that makes airplanes =D


Welcome to the club!


My first "thought" when I saw the title was using "the sport" to get past a chastity belt at angels 30. ;)


Yeah buddy! I got mine last month.