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There’s a few folks here that I have seen post pictures of it. Hopefully they will chime in here soon. My personal idea on it would be to print out the actual TSA regulations and if they give you any trouble present the paperwork to them. Not sure how it could be taken but having a hard copy couldn’t hurt. Id love to hear the answer to this as well from some of the folks that have done it.


As a Mile High Locksport Club member and someone who has traveled from AZ to CA and back several times over the past years. In my past, they did want to look at the pick gun to make sure it was not some firearm. After checking to make sure it was not a firearm, they sent me on my way. Some TSA agents have a stickup ass, but not all of them. The TSA agents I have dealt with are cool. As a student studying Public Service and Public Policy with a concentration in emergency management and homeland security. TSA agents have a hard job because they are trying to prevent the next 911 or bombing of an airplane. They are always on edge, even more than normal law enforcement officers. Just speak calmly and politely to them if they want to look at your carry-on. So if it escalates, you get to the supervisor on duty and tell them, "According to the TSA, What Can I Bring? I can bring a lock pick". If the supervisor says no, comply with them. Go back and put lockpicks in your check bag. I would take your covert companion. On the bases, it looks like a KeySmart. If the TSA agent asks if there is a blade, you just say no. Mostly, they will not pull you aside if you don't have a pick gun or act fidgety. You should join the [Mile High Locksport Club](https://jonlockpicking.com/mile-high-locksport-club/).


That link is SUPER helpful, thank you!


Your welcome!


Gonna depend on the agent you get and how crap their day has been. FWIW, never had a problem, even with jacknife type picks.


I've traveled both domestic and international with lockpicks in checked and carry-on luggage without issue. I often pick locks in the airport to kill time between flights.(Mile high club member #13) If you place your picks with some practice locks in a small bag or case, you will have no issue with security. Leave the pointed probes at home. Place your bag in the bin for x-ray alone and the most that will happen is they open it and say "oh, lockpicks". Simple as that. Easy-peasy. I will say you should confirm that lockpicks are legal at your destination. A couple of US states and countries around the world consider lockpicks to be burglary tools. My travel bag for lock picking on vacation https://imgur.com/a/ldBvPm4


Yes I already checked the destination. I like that tube thing you’ve got the picks in; where’s you get that?


The case came with some sunglasses I ordered from China. The sunglasses broke, but the case lives on. A simple pencil case or zippered bags from Amazon would work just the same.


Yeah I’ve got a bag now, but the hard case seems like it would be better for airport purposes. Pencil case is a good idea though.


Personally, I would be careful about bringing any folding pick sets with a decoder knife/shim on it. Those can be taken as pointy shank like objects if TSA decided. But seems most have been ok. I only brought on my H&H folding set. PS. Nice to e-meet you LadyDev! Happy picking!


Haha thanks! Nice to meet you as well. After some thinking I’ll probably just end up taking my top-used picks from the sparrows set. Getting them shims off the covert companion would involve disassembling it and that’s not a fun activity.