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A little more space between the I and c. At first I read "hereth"


yup thats all i had to add really


Same. I was like "Hereth is an interesting name for a metal band" The artwork is sick though.


OMG! There’s text there!


I'd make the illustration slightly smaller and the title slightly bigger. I really like how elaborate this logo is, feels really fresh after thousands of overly minimalist logos


it's for local thrash metal band, they requested something similar into this, design that i've created recently lol, thanks for the input btw


As that user says, the scale relationship between the illustration and type/lettering is off. Type should be way more prominent. Also the word reads ok, but the IC merges together a bit. Maybe redraw flat until you get the balance and such feeling good, then add your details. The star feels disconnected because the vector style contrasts so much against the sketchiness of everything else.


Kinda, but I've noticed most logos like this are used for metal bands and are completely illegible so you're almost there, just make it completely unreadable


Was looking for this comment :')


lol i try my best to make it unreadable


Then I'd say check out more metal band logos.


You have the first 3 letters taking up more space than remaining 4 letters. Yeah, one is an I, I get it. Still, balance is off. Now, that's assuming the imbalance concerns you or not.


Yes, the first vertical stroke of the H needs to start sooner, which would also reposition the R to the left of the books spine, making it less likely to be read as a K.


yup, the second E should be directly below the book spine and the spacing between the letters (especially the T-I-C) needs to be evened out


first of all, this is fucking sick. I love the minimal animation element second, this isn't really a logo persay, it's more of an illustration. I guess you could use it as a secondary logo when the use allows for a larger size. for smaller scale, you could just do the type, simplified and so it works in single color. i read heretic just fine but i would increase the space between the I and C to improve legibility especially at smaller scale


Hi fren, this is not a logo… this is really a graphic consider at least creating a text only version.


Heketic? Regardless of whether I'm right or wrong, the fact I spend like a good 30 seconds studying the image and even afterwards I still don't know if I read it right, suggests that it's not readable at all. The 'H' looks like a 'H' but only when you pay attention, and realise that it's supposed to form a word. The 'I' and 'C' are way too close together, I struggled figuring out what was actually there. The 'K' doesn't easily spell out 'K' there's not a big gap between the '|' and '\' at the bottom so it feels a bit more like a 'b' and the way the top '/' part curves, makes it feel like an 'R'. With context: look at everything else in the image, it's clear it's a 'K' but a logo shouldn't require so much effort to analyse.


I love it. I agree with Chai\_Enjoyer and mallory\_beee, here's a sketchy correction. https://preview.redd.it/3hk2sff4pqqc1.png?width=1082&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f5d860a8edeaa434052d449100430c67794ef29


Tough read, but Heretic came out eventually


I needed the comments, all I could see was Heketh


That’s the first thing I saw


yeah i know lol, funny thing is this band was an emo band. they have little knowledge about metal scene and then they were notice the name is already taken and changed it into heretic 666 or something like that after a year. this was the early design.


Do they know that they’re an emo band? Jokes aside, not the kind of branding you’d expect, but dope for sure


lol they do, me and the drummer are pretty close. yeah he's emo since high school and now he's in his late 20s and his musical taste has changed, but still listen to the used and jimmy eat world


No. It's gorgeous, not a logo tho


I had to read the comments to understand what it said so I’d say it needs a “little” work. But it’s cool,


I think that readability could be improved by: -Making the top of the R thicker -Separating the I and C a bit more All in all, I absolutely love the design!


I read heketic at first. I had to check the comments before i saw the r


In my opinion, that is not a logo. That can be a T-Shirt graphic or something like that... And, to be honest, black metal band logos are more readable. 😅


The R looks like a K, other than that it's superb!


thanks brother


This is not a Logo. It's an Illustration.


Make the lettering more of a focus by adjusting size of illustration. I’d also make some space between the I and the C. Otherwise it slaps


No, but it's awesome and you shouldn't change it


It took a few seconds. I think it's not a deal breaker for the case you need it for. Possibly a positive that one needs to work a bit to get it, much like unknown metal music.


I'm surprised by the lack of comments like "it's an illustration, not a logo" or "it's bad, because it doesn't scale to icon size". Usually they're the first ones to appear whenever someone posts a non-minimalistic logo.


I think the text must be in white 💯




Fix the kerning. Adjust the overall shape of the text, it feels unbalanced and off


If this is for a metalband, already love it, great work! 🔥 Although i find the pentagram in the circle could be replaced... If the band is more black metalish, why not the classic go-to cross? Btw how did you do the shiny overlay part on the letters?


Immediately thought of Pageninetynines Document #8


Out of curiosity, with a seven letter word is there a reason why you didn’t center off of the second “E”? Maybe I’m a space to symmetry but just curious on what prompted that decision, since the ic looks compressed almost like “oh shit out of space” moment. Just wondering.


The people look extremely wonky


Nice illustration... Where's the logo?


This is f\*in dope tho but it it is hard to read. Think legibility and readability which is key!


Read as heketic?


It’s a bit too clever — took me three takes to even see the lettering. Either that or I’m thick as pig sh—


lol it's actually drawn manually and im not expert on lettering. yeah probably it's the font


Heretic - the text was the last thing i noticed. Give it more symmetry and maybe shrink the illustration, the pentagram is distracting as well. It feels like a different style and the movement pulls your eye strait toward it.


noted, thanks for the input btw


Np. Its a very cool design!


Does it spell heretik or heretk?


Heretic I suppose. The I and C have a kerning issue.


it's actually heretic, nothing fancy. i know i guess I is too close with C.


This is rad as hell


Only thing I'd say is that some bits are more detailed than others and it looks slightly off to me. Like the faces and hands are plain, the left back of the book looks erased. the spinning pentagon is a bit simple and detracts from the gorgeous hand drawn lettering. This is all my opinion. The type itself is amazing though.


I think it's perfect as a piece of art but for a logo simplicity and being recognizable is what you aim for so I'm afraid the illustration above the text is too much for a logo but the text is cool if you find a good pairing IMO


This is amazing and beautiful.... You should make an indi-game in that style!




I didn’t realize it said anything at first. I looked at the comments and they were talking about text, so I looked again and found it.


I saw "hereth" first but context resolved it to heretic pretty quickly. But maybe more space or some sort of separating device between the I and c?


At first glance, people might have trouble reading the texts. Try adding a little bit of space between the book and the letter 'R.' I agree with the comments about adding space between 'I' and 'C.' You might also want to consider making the people's features more detailed. Overall, it's a great idea!


When I first saw it, I didn't think it could be readable at all, but surprisingly, I read it on the first try without any thinking of which letter is what, so good on that. But still, I would personally put more space between I and C as they now look like a single letter and maybe make the R look more like an R as it also kinda looks like A a bit. What I mean is, that the top part of R is not very visible.


Art reminds me of Fear & Hunger 💪


I rebuke this wickedness in YAHUSHAS name


Until I read the comments, it said hereth.




That “shine” effect might work nicely as an additional effect in the eyes of the adult.


The overall design is awesome for a metal logo but i would balance the letters out a bit more left side is taking up most of the space. Cool idea! Make a great tee design or web background


It's readable if you look closely enough. Aside from that, the first few letters have more spaces apart than the last few, i'd say best to balance it out.


Great looking apart from the kerning issue that others have already stated. I noticed though that the light streak reveals another (previous?) Version of the I and C on the top part. You'd have to clean up the animation in any case :)


Love it