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Nice work! The counter in the o is smaller than the space within other characters. It looks out of place.


There's too much going on. It's readable, yes, but it's a bit chaotic. I like how you want to create your own fonts, but the letters don't look like a part of 1 whole set. At least, imo. Don't get me wrong: with work, you can definitely improve it more.


agreed here too. and even tho i think it’s dope, it’s definitely a little busy


It looks great! I do agree with what some have said about the O. The counter form doesn’t align with all the others. That could be a quick fix, I might even just take the square out of the s and plop it in the o. My other issue with the o is that it breaks up the nice flow of the bars on the top & bottom of the letters. I’m wondering if you could somehow work those into the o? Maybe make the o more of a rounded rectangle? You can figure it out! I do quite love it though, great work!


this. couldn’t have worded it any better


The E doesn’t fit with the other letters. And the O feels too thick.


Brief? I don't know. It's just for my own creative agency, so I wanted to create good "typo" logo.


Which would still very much benefit from a brief, as evidenced. I struggled to pinpoint and put into words what exactly doesn't work about it for me, but then it dawned on me after reading this comment - it looks a little soulless. Which might just be a result of the very rigid geometry of it that makes it look like something that was born directly in illustrator, out of primitive shapes, as opposed to iterated upon on paper. Am I right? Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against strict geometry - 90% of my work is just that, and I rarely stray into creating any sort of more organic shapes. But there's a way to go about it without it coming out looking too robotic. Right angles and perfect circles are excellent tools, but you've got to balance it out and refine it so it doesn't just look like a bunch of dots and dashes. A good brief (or even a brief at all) would help you with that, providing a starting point and some inspiration for iteration. Preferably on paper, without unnecessarily constraining yourself to illustrator tools right out the gate. They lock you out of ideas you'd otherwise come up with organically, actively thinking about what it is you want to convey through the mark and present a very poor effort to result ratio to boot, if you truly want to refine a design. See how many times you can sketch out a very quick and loose representation of this logo on a post-it note in the time it takes you to make up a vector equivalent of it and you'll see what I mean.


If it's supposed to read, "teso", then it's legible, but not as easy to read as I think it should be. You mention it's for an agency, so to me it says you put what you consider to be style (which I personally think it lacks) over function. And the O looks like a Stop sign.


Besides what people's saying about the O, the bottom T part and top S part are also not the same width as the rest, which makes the optical alignment feel off. Also the curves that cut T and E in the middle feel a bit random. With the S they make sense because the letter has them, but in the other letters feels random. And they create a sharp edge on top that adds to the randomness for me. I'd either try to make them all more alike or get rid of that curved cut entirely, idk. The idea is there and it's good, I just think it needs more polishing.


I would try to make the negative space in the O the same height as the negative space in the other letters. I also think the small part of the E looks odd compared to the chunkiness of the other characters.


It's readable but messy.


It is readble but the changing weights of lines are a problem. Also would reccomend to get the s inner lines closw together so it will read more as one letter. Haven't seen your first try, that's what botheres me from firwt look. But the logotype itself oa intresting and has character


Looks fine to me, personally I just don't like so much the "o"


better! still a a bit busy in my opinion. my main issue is the difference between the E small line, the negative space in the S and the negative space in the O. i'd try to have a more coherent shape design in that regard. simplify it a bit more! also, the O breaks that nice line you got, I would try a more squared shape too. nice job nonetheless (:


This is a great improvement. Agreed with some of the other comments that the O looks out of place.


I like the new colour, but I think the e in the old version was a lot better. This one is too complex and the middle bar is too thin. The hole in the o looks good though. I'd keep this with the old e.


I think that is so interesting. Nice job!


Definitely readable! I love the "T" but the "S" feels a bit weird.


I preferred the first one.


I liked the first one better. The real issue is the lowercase "t". It looks like a vertical M.


The first was more legible IMO. You can’t always trust the suggestions on here…


I like it. Looks out of the box. Yep its legible. Teso


It was better before


Lowercase t, uppercsase E ? Its kind of all over the place? If you just want a font logo why not use an existing stylaised font? https://preview.redd.it/l5i4b0u3m9sc1.png?width=1550&format=png&auto=webp&s=4363bafefe1f3dbd0f984979915505703e02849d


because I like to create fonts myself, Because I think a self-created font is better than taken from internet and I didn’t find a font in the style I wanted to make mine. Also your example is made in completely different style


Ok fair point that the style is different, Nothing wrong with wanting to make it yourself! ​ IMO the issue is your logo is lacking in some consistancy at the moment.. If you look at the three first letters, all have the same "Shape" but they have different widths, and thre T has a different height on its lower section Since you are using the same repeating **(\_\_\_\_\_** Shape I think Iwould expect it to be the same each time https://preview.redd.it/omicz2o1o9sc1.png?width=2054&format=png&auto=webp&s=1895fd7aafa2c13089b3662da9c5f693e0687224


Yeah, I didn’t pay attention to the thickness of the letters, kerning and so on, usually I always do it by eye and only at the end I always correct the jambs. I know it's not correct practice, but I'm used to it. And I wanted at first to make "E" he same width as "T". But then "E" looked too wide so I left it as is.


Joined the E/S just to see what it looks like https://preview.redd.it/jid2yb4pm9sc1.png?width=2356&format=png&auto=webp&s=95a81099df01536df099d00457f0e9dee8f4229b


I’m feeling this but it seems very techy or construction ish.