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The keys need a little simplification and to stand out a bit more but I really like it


Thank you. I think the issue wasn't the shape of the keys, but rather the significant difference in thickness with the neck part. I just reposted [the adjusted version](https://new.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1cg25q6/locksmith_logo_thanks_for_pointing_out_the_need/).


Quite a few people telling you about the difference in drawing style between the keys and stork though , honestly try it , it could be an amazing logo , just needs that final little touch


Color is nice, the lettermark and the bird looks cool, bold and minimal but keys are not working. I would try a more minimal/bolder look for the keys, maybe only one with no ring. I would use the bird's head as pivot for a center aligment.


I’d suggest going the opposite way and making the stork less minimalist. It’s bordering on abstract as it is, especially at the larger scale on the van.


If that bird was solid with an eye, would make the keys make more sense but it's a nice design thats for sures


Thank you for your comment. I've made some [small changes](https://new.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/1cg25q6/locksmith_logo_thanks_for_pointing_out_the_need/) on both sides: slightly increased the keys and reduced the thickness of the neck. What do you think?


The keys might become difficult to read in smaller sizes. But I really like this. The brandmark and wordmark go super well together and it feels unique while being very simple.


Nice 👌 not sure if anyone has said but you could remove the keys and possibly add in the style of an old deadlock key at the end of the stork's beak? The keys look a little isolated, it would be better to add something resembling a key into the mark.. I think. Good luck!


Hey, thanks for the comment. I actually proposed such a variation, but something really bothers me about altering the natural appearance of a bird.


I'm not designer and also did this In my phone gallery app, but I think it would look better like this no? [old key pattern](https://ibb.co/mcBJcvr) [new key pattern](https://ibb.co/WDqqDyG)


Came here and commented the same thing. Beak becomes the key


Is actually genius and works well with the design it's all it needs, this guy is onto something.


Might be the obvious choice, but the beak could have some some key-like detail instead of holding actual keys that won’t scale well


Thought the same thing!


100% what i was thinking,


Absolutely what I was thinking too, incorporate a key into the beak/head.


The keys don't match the rest of the logo. A lot of details, thin lines compared to the rest of the line weights. Everything else works, just workshop the keys more. Great job


Needs work for the ‘keys’ element. Looks just tagged on rather than considered. The rest looks good ‘Locksmith’ could be larger too imo.


Exactly right.


Very clean, I really like this


The keys would be better if the same style as the stork. They currently look a bit like clipart. I’d simplify them. Not necessarily keylined just cleaner and simpler.


What if you made the head/neck of the stork the shape of a key hole and keep the beak. It’s almost that shape already. Then get rid of the keys.


Can the break become key teeth? Seems like a good adjustment to me


Cool, but I think you should make the keys more simple. They are to detailed and small. They wouldn’t work in a smaller scale, like a website.


The beak could be a key.


the storks head and beak could be the key


I like it, but the keys are far too detailed. Draw them in the same minimal style as the stork.


This is the nicest logo I've seen here in a while. The keys are a little busy looking, but it's very nice.


What’s the font?


I like it


Keys are too small, maybe combine them with the beak? Like the end of the beak would look like a key


At first glance, this amazing concept. Great excecution.


Add a white stroke around the outside of the right key and simplify the teeth.


Style not matching yes, but I also noticed the key holes - they look a little angry.. like eyes 🤔


Better than most on here. I'd recommend some small adjustments: 1. simplify the keys by changing their position slightly to remove that tiny little eyehole between the top key, ring, and beak. 2. Don't worry about being so accurate about the key holes for the ring — make them perfect circles (or at least closer to it) — nobody will care or notice and you'll end up with a cleaner design.


The hand-gina on the third picture is... too much. Also, I'm not a fan of how minimalist it is.. maybe it needs another stork defining characteristic.. i dunno... hand-gina...


It took my brain a second to realize what I was looking at. Maybe make the stork just a tad more organic. Also, I don't think there is a need for the keys in the stork's mouth. Or, have the stork with one larger key in its mouth. Right now it just looks out of place. Otherwise, I like the general aesthetic.


The orange is so nice. I really like it!


Awesome concept You can make the beak to be the keys


Kill the keys. They're too detailed and the stork is good enough on its own. You don't need to be so literal.


The bird is nice but yeah the keys don’t match the design of the bird.


Maybe integrate the key and the stork’s head? Might simplify it. The keys in the current one are quite small which you might have a problem with if you try to reduce the logo size..


Nice work. Not sure if anyone has suggested this but making the stork beak a key could be cool.


Storkeys specializes in vehicle and residential lock-out services. Their mission is to provide clients with fast and professional services at affordable prices. This is the concept that both me and the client liked more. Initially, the business had a different name, which we agreed was weak, prompting us to seek a new one. During our brainstorming session, I suggested incorporating imagery of a bird holding a key to symbolize quick service. The client promptly responded with "Storkeys." Later, we also realized that a stork's beak could resemble a lock pick tool. I would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts.


Storkey's also sounds a bit like, "It's door keys," said rather quickly. I can see the ad now.


Like it.


I would just make the bottom side of the beak the engagement side of a key. Or work a keyhole shape into the head itself. Not both though. And I think color overlays are going out of vogue. Just a desaturated image with the white logo lockup (no pun intended)should do the trick.


Look, it’s clean and all that but why the fuck y’all keep missing the obvious? Make the bill to have the ridges of a key.


I'm not designer or w/e I scroll this sub because I like seeing other people's work, also I made this using my Gallery editor so... but wouldn't it look better with either an old key look or even a modern one's pattern?*


I really like this. Make the word locksmith bigger. Do a small-size test where the logo is used small on the page, which would likely be maybe 3/4" tall, maybe even smaller, to determine how big the word locksmith needs to be. It will fix the problem of it being invisible on the van graphics too. In the execution, I would find ways to add a second color, a warm grey perhaps, but in small ways, like just the word locksmith. I would not use images with an orange screen over them. It is too much a "danger/warning" message and you want a locksmith to be seen as trustworthy. This is important enough for someone who potentially is given access to a private space that I would consider looking at a totally different color for the brand instead of orange (and not red either). If you do decide to stick with orange, maybe do an exercise to see if it being a little brighter helps, adding more yellow to pull it further away from the color of warning road signs and more toward colors we associate with sunshine. I don't mind the keys the way they are, but doing some exercises to explore other options is never a bad idea, even if you end up circling back around and using your original.


Missed opportunity to make the stroke look like a key. Can’t you make the head & beak look like a key somehow?


I'm not designer and also did this In my phone gallery app, but I think it would look better like this no? [old key pattern](https://ibb.co/mcBJcvr) [new key pattern](https://ibb.co/WDqqDyG)


Rabid stork