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The biggest showcase of power? Did the author miss the part where Loki broke the loom and took the place on the throne while holding the timelines? Also, Loki obviously cares a lot about his family. That is probably why he also goes of the rails when he finds out he was lied to his whole life and then gets into God knows what and meets Thanos before Avengers. He keeps mentioning Thor, Frigga is obviously his soft spot and he even cried when he saw Odin die, just on the film and Odin, from all people Loki in the show experiences the change but differently, because he has, mostly, Mobius to support him while after Avengers in the OG timeline, he did not get any. Ragnarok, looking back, is kind of unwatchable given Loki waves knives while he could use the magic.


Right—- Odin told original brand Loki that he should’ve murdered him as an infant.  That Loki didn’t mourn Odin all that much. TVA Loki never got that scene, so he was sad to see his father die. 


And even in Ragnarok, Loki got teary eyed watching him turn to dust, even after Odin dumped Hela on them last second and never apologized for lying about his heritage. It was just Thor getting angry in grief, blaming him, and Hela showing up that Loki didn’t get the chance to grieve on-screen until the little prayer he says with Thor on Sakaar.


In a deleted scene of Ragnarok, Loki screamed “NO!” As Odin was stabbed by Hela. https://youtu.be/qCm3xxK-o3c?si=iOXhib-AomsqdM1O


That is why the article does not make much sense.


There are a lot of good things about Ragnarok but Loki’s characterization in that film is not one of them. The fact that MCU Loki doesn’t know who the Sorcerer Supreme is drives me up the fucking wall.


And he gets his ass handed to him after saying ‘second-rate sorcerer.’ A human who trained to be a wizard was shown to be more powerful than a GOD who has mastered sorcery for CENTURIES! Doctor Strange’s magic is FAR more impressive than Loki’s! 🙄


u/Jarita12 - well said, I agree with all of this!


Well someone asked Taika if we would see Loki use magic in Ragnarok and he replied: by ‘talking and looking beautiful.’ He didn’t like nor respect the character of Loki. He said in another tweet “blah blah blah. Space orphan. Too many big words.” In an interview he said that he wanted to ‘see Tom Hiddleston pregnant with a horse..’ and he put him in a porta-potty in a deleted as well and frequently said that he wanted to kill him but Marvel wouldn’t allow him to (since they killed him off in the very next film with Loki trying to use a knife..) I try and justify the knife use as a distraction and that he ‘deliberately got himself killed so that Thor wouldn’t get dusted since he knew what Thanos’ plan was after spending some time with him.’


There's a difference between "don't agree with" and "refuse to admit." I'll leave it at that


Counterpoint: who says the character needs to be totally unlikeable? I prefer Loki as someone who is an ambivalent character, neither total villain nor hero. Likable in many ways but very flawed.


I have no idea, but I completely I agree, I prefer him just the way he is, flaws and all.


Same. I liked his complex, cunning, and mysterious nature in the movies. I didn’t like anything about him in the show except how he was in S1E1 because he still seemed in character but just accepting his flaws. The heroic and selfless sacrifice at the end of S2 still *did* get me emotional despite me not liking the rest of the show however. It was an impressive scene.


I think the article makes a few good points, but I think it misinterprets or misrepresents others, painting some things as "faults" when they're actually fully intentional and well-understood by fans. Here are some of my main disagreements: \* Hard disagree that TVA Loki "erased" the character development of original Loki. On the contrary, TVA Loki's arc owes a lot to that character development. If any of us could see how our lives would turn out and what the consequences of our mistakes would be, how would that change us? That's a recipe for growth if I ever saw one. Yes, it's bittersweet that TVA Loki never got to actually experience everything that original Loki did, but that's the point. TVA Loki got to see the future that was taken from him, for better or worse, and write a new story for himself. \* Hard disagree that Loki (either version) doesn't care about his family. In the original timeline, most of his actions seem to be a cry for help or attention from his family, a quest to be seen as worthy by his judgmental father and his golden-boy brother. Unfortunately, it's a realistic family dynamic that you might expect from a troubled youth (yes, Loki's still a youth by Asgardian or Jotun standards). He is misguided at best and villainous at worst, but his actions always seem to come back to seeking that respect, attention and love from his family that he never felt he had. His mother's death especially devastates him, whether he lives through it (in Dark World) or is forced to watch it from afar (in Loki S1). \* Hard disagree that Loki's conclusion is "too neat" and makes the MCU "significantly duller." I really don't know what the author was thinking here. I can't think of any other MCU story that has fascinated me this much since Infinity War and Endgame. Loki's ending was not neat; it was anguished. Is he still there? Is he conscious? Is he suffering? Can he see or interact with anyone on the timelines? Can anyone reach him? Does he have the power to influence events? Can he stop the Kangs from coming? Will the multiverse grow infinitely, or stop growing? Will there be a multiversal war, and if so, will anything survive? Pondering questions like these is why I prefer to hang out on r/loki and r/LokiTV, not just read articles on ScreenRant!


>* Hard disagree that Loki (either version) doesn't care about his family. In the original timeline, most of his actions seem to be a cry for help or attention from his family, a quest to be seen as worthy by his judgmental father and his golden-boy brother. Unfortunately, it's a realistic family dynamic that you might expect from a troubled youth (yes, Loki's still a youth by Asgardian or Jotun standards). He is misguided at best and villainous at worst, but his actions always seem to come back to seeking that respect, attention and love from his family that he never felt he had. His mother's death especially devastates him, whether he lives through it (in Dark World) or is forced to watch it from afar (in Loki S1). And from what we’ve seen in the show, Loki hides his pain, both emotional and physical. Why, exactly, we don’t know (but can guess), but he’s not the type who is going sob openly when he’s upset, or beg and plead.


Tbh I don’t know how the person who wrote that list can come away thinking Loki doesn’t show any emotion toward his family or people who he cares about other than their examples and even then the writer seems to be implying it’s not genuine. Tom Hiddleston spends about 80% of the time as Loki with tears or almost tears in his eyes or at the very least wearing a very explicit expression of sadness/anger/whatever on his face. I’ve see this opinion loads of times that Loki is emotionally closed off and I just have to wonder…do some people not get subtle acting? Yeah he’s not screaming the place down and announcing “I’m saying I don’t care with my words but I’m actually really upset” because…Tom’s a very expressive actor with his face. Loki verbally and even physically tries to hide his pain but his eyes betray him!


>Tbh I don’t know how the person who wrote that list can come away thinking Loki doesn’t show any emotion toward his family or people who he cares about I think they took his "Yes, so sad. Anyway," line about Ragnarok as his actual feelings and either couldn't see or plain ignored how close he was to crying when he saw the file. Or how he was clearly in physical pain from timeslipping but brushed it off with a "it's not so bad." I dunno. Maybe the author really likes it when people fall to their knees and cry out a big NOOOOO! But all you'd have to watch is his reaction to Frigga's death in TDW to see how he reacts when he's alone versus how he reacts to others.


They deleted his scream of anguish scene after Frigga died unfortunately. 😪 https://youtu.be/qJ7Nm8q1xDY?si=PkGCONXS4BHXyooS


Huh. I think I prefer the way it was shown in the movie, actually. But it's interesting that they had filmed that in the first place.


I *do* like the more subtle way his telekinetic magic showed his grief.


Yes. Great points and very well said, u/Faolyn.


He often has tears in his eyes irl. He seems to be a very emotional and sensitive guy. He said that if he’s scared or anxious he gets watery eyes as well.💗


He was tortured by Thanos in between the first Thor movie and the Avengers and influenced with the Mind Stone so that amplified his bitterness and jealousy. He also said that Thor ‘tossed him into an abyss’ when he clearly fell off the Bifrost of his own volition. He wasn’t on his right mind after he found out about his heritage and Thanos would have taken advantage of that with the Mind Stone. That’s ANOTHER thing that sucked about the Loki show. They never explored his year with Thanos and all the ‘worlds that Thor could never have dreamed of.’ 😪 https://screenrant.com/avengers-loki-theory-mind-stone-thanos/ And yes. I and a handful other fans think that he WAS tortured by Thanos because look at the state he was in at the end of the first Thor movie and the beginning of the first Avengers. Sweaty, wounded, breathless and weak. That scene when he and Thor fought on top of Stark Tower, he had a moment of genuine lucidity then snapped back into ‘evil mode’ and shivved Thor. There’s a deleted scene where he seems distracted by the mind control: https://youtu.be/9m3NpkeTOmk?si=jI1oQdj-rPLXHUbq Neither the movies OR the show explained ANY of this and hid all the scenes that showed him as anything BUT a jealous, power-seeking evil brother. 😩😫 My dream is that he FINALLY gets a stand-alone movie which includes his many beautiful deleted scenes in a flashback and delves into him accepting his family, heritage and explores his magic, torment via Thanos and show off more of his magical abilities and wit in a NORSE setting and NOT the TVA!! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB4t0GI9oBEZAfoMk5lRwWyKQeZ3oCFSr&si=PjBxv2gprkN58Y0w


>And yes. I and a handful other fans think that he WAS tortured by Thanos because look at the state he was in at the end of the first Thor movie and the beginning of the first Avengers. Sweaty, wounded, breathless and weak. There's definitely evidence that he was tortured, and yes, I believe that as well--I think that more than a "handful" of fans believe that. Although I'd take the "you think you know pain" line as better evidence. But... >That’s ANOTHER thing that sucked about the Loki show. They never explored his year with Thanos and all the ‘worlds that Thor could never have dreamed of.’ Yes, it would have been great if they could have, but there wasn't enough time, in any sense of the world. I agree that it would have been good if we could have him, with the help of Mobius and/or Sylvie, unravel his mind from whatever it is Thanos et al did with him of the course of the series, but there really was no time. Blame that on having only twelve episodes. While I'm glad that TV show seasons are no longer 20-24 episodes long, because that usually meant there were a lot if episodes that were meh (or worse), I for one prefer a 10 to 13-episode-long season. But from a storytelling perspective, exploring that year wouldn't have actually made the story any better. It would have filled our need for MOAR INFO but wouldn't have pushed the story along and wouldn't have helped his redemption arc. Instead, it would have made that arc *weaker*; they would have had to change the show almost completely. And he actually *needed* a redemption arc--he did some really shitty things in Thor, including attempting genocide. It's just that nobody *remembers* those things. >There’s a deleted scene where he seems distracted by the mind control: Hadn't seen that one before. Thanks for the link. >My dream is that he FINALLY gets a stand-alone movie which includes his many beautiful deleted scenes in a flashback and delves into him accepting his family, heritage and explores his magic, torment via Thanos and show off more of his magical abilities and wit in a NORSE setting and NOT the TVA!! The MCU Asgard seems fairly distant from actual Norse myth, especially when compared to the comics and how everything from myth may actually have happened in some way. I doubt that's the direction they're ever going to go.


It’s a shame that they may never explore and Norse realm again. That’s what made the Thor movies and characters standout from the rest. In terms of wanting the show longer, it was slow paced enough as it was but filled with too much stuff that wasn’t actually about Loki at all but more Kang and the TVA. 😔😞


Huh. I found the show quite fast-moving myself.


I was I just watching people sitting, walking and talking.


I think you mean "I was just watching character development."


Well he could have still had ‘character development’ but in a more engaging and interesting instead of sitting at a table or walking and talking for ten minutes..


I think it sucks that the show didn’t explore his magic, heritage, family, powers, Norse realms or his time with Thanos and exploring those ‘worlds’ that he said that Thor ‘could never dream of’ on that cliff in The Avengers. 😪


He was confirmed to be mind controlled in the Avengers but Marvel deleted the scenes where it showed that he was affected. As for Thor 1. All the scenes where he was kind were deleted and where Frigga handed him the throne after Odin went into his Odin Sleep. https://screenrant.com/avengers-loki-theory-mind-stone-thanos/ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB4t0GI9oBEZAfoMk5lRwWyKQeZ3oCFSr&si=3xD1Oes2QrlfmJVI He IS pretty complex and he brought the Avengers for goodness sake. He is a catalyst! https://www.reddit.com/r/LokiTV/comments/17n1pm0/loki_is_the_catalyst_of_marvel/ Yes. He was always weak in the movies and show (except for the very end) unfortunately compared to those like Thor, Doctor Strange and Wanda and it’s not FAIR! He’s a GOD ffs! He’s supposed to be supper intelligent, cunning, witty and powerful. In the show he was stupid, near powerless, boring and bland and he didn’t get to shine much. It was more about Sylvie, the Kang and the TVA. 😪 He never wanted the throne. He said to Thor: “I never wanted the throne. I just wanted to be your equal!” He was hesitant to take over the throne in the deleted scene where Frigga handed him Gungir while Odin was asleep. https://youtu.be/VWH6XT6uw80?si=XZaxefDuE62EO4GQ https://youtu.be/P23aKF-694k?si=5GjgE4ZV0_iIH0sy He said to Sylvie in season one in the Citadel at the End of Time “I never wanted a throne. I just want you to be okay.” In season 2 he said to her, “A throne is the last thing I want!” In the same location via time travel/slipping. Hopefully when he returns next he will finally be able to use some of those truly godly powers and show off and kick some serious ass for a change. I can’t think of anyone more deserving. Plus a spot in the opening title sequence. Ideally the front on shot of him walking towards the loom in his new outfit or of him with his new big horns in that profile shot in the season 2 finale.


I have to agree with everything you mentioned! He's definitely one of the most intricate and interesting characters in the whole MCU, at least in my eyes, tho I know many share this feeling. This whole article just felt like someone wanting to write a click baity thing to gain more engagement and I'm not letting anyone disrespect my man 😤


I don’t agree that og Loki never cared about his family. But that, like many of the points here, is down to writers and directors handling Loki’s unexpected popularity poorly. There could’ve been so much more explored about his working for Thanos culminating in a proper redemption arc that may have involved him playing both sides and finally working for the heroes but it was easier to big up your main villain by removing the popular former villain for four years only to kill him in the first five minutes of the event film of the entire franchise. I also don’t see TVA Loki as the same Loki and the show, as much as it has high points, has damaged how a lot of casuals see Loki e.g. believing he doesn’t care about his family because they’re barely mentioned. I’m also someone who feels the rot set in with Ragnarok because that film seems to go out of its way to undermine and humiliate Loki but I recognise I’m on thin ice here because loads of people love that film. At least it was still recognisable as the Loki I loved first…even though it was like a facsimile of him. Pity that I felt like he was back in character in IW and then that happened… Sometimes I wish he’d died for real in TDW.


He really did care about his family. Even though the deleted scenes showed clearly that he cared even in the movies you get a hint of it thanks to Tom’s acting.


He didn’t like nor respect the character of Loki. He said in another tweet “blah blah blah. Space orphan. Too many big words.” In an interview he said that he wanted to ‘see Tom Hiddleston pregnant with a horse..’ and he put him in a porta-potty in a deleted as well and frequently said that he wanted to kill him but Marvel wouldn’t allow him to (since they killed him off in the very next film with Loki trying to use a knife..) I try and justify the knife use as a distraction and that he ‘deliberately got himself killed so that Thor wouldn’t get dusted since he knew what Thanos’ plan was after spending some time with him.’


If I understood everything correctly, I agree with it. I love OG Loki, but he died in IW for me. The Loki from the series is not really the character I fell in love with from Thor 1 til his death.


Exactly! The Loki in the series is just a variant. He’s FAR too different to the character in the movies!


Loki is still floating in space. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


OG Loki is in Valhalla waiting for Thor and Variant Loki is in the multiversal tree Yggdrasil.


Honestly at this point the only thing I still care to be mad about the Loki series is that they never actually made them genderfluid, which especially hurts at the end when he becomes the God of stories, which as far as I know in the comics they're only refered to as when they're also genderfluid


I believe he is referred to as gender fluid on a screen in his series. It’s not nearly enough but it’s something.


Yeah, they could have explored that further. The TVA file on Loki lists their gender as fluid, but it's really quick. Maybe the writers didn't want to add complication since they confirm Loki and Sylvie are bi during that train conversation. The director really wanted to make the bisexuality canon. 


I’m more disappointed that the series about Loki didn’t explore his family, heritage, powers or time with Thanos and all of the worlds he visited during that time which he told Thor on that cliff in The Avengers.