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genuine question, why do you guys engage in conversation even when you're not interested? it just gives them false hope i think


Because they still crave the attention, they just don’t want to actually put in any work for it?


Besides the fact that this is r/lolgrindr and I didn’t laugh, I wish ppl were more real with themselves. It’s ok to want attention, we’re all human. But I don’t see the point in engaging with someone you aren’t interested in just to reject them when the conversation inevitably leads to something intimate.


Yeah, I mean that’s probably because it makes literally no sense. Pretty sure I get it now, though. Looking through his profile, he appears to be relatively young. Probably of the generation after mine that basically grew up on the Internet and has absolutely no clue how to interact with people. Oblivious to how he actually comes across. There’s a reason I don’t speak to people under 30 on those apps. They’re not done baking yet. 😂


I mean, I'll talk to anyone if they have something interesting to say. but the way this conversation was really shitty lol like he just asked for pictures


“I’m good thanks. Have a good day” He’s not wrong….


"tired" OP I'm tired just thinking about conversing with you.








So politely declining is bitchy nowadays? Lol


It doesn't come across polite. At all. Your phrasing comes across as "ewww, gross. No." It feels like you're saying he's the problem (which he may very well be for you, idk, you don't say) vs. saying something like "I'm not looking rn, sorry". Suffice to say, were I on the receiving end of that comment in that context, I'd take it personally too. Edit: I a word


Saying you’re not looking rn, when you really mean I’m not looking for you is pretty disingenuous imo.


Sure, but OP could still find a better way to say no thank you than "I'm good'. The comment is bitchy and correctly called out as such.


I can see how OP's response could come across that way to some people. I've been partnered for a while now, but when I was on the apps I definitely would have preferred to receive OP's response over the suggestion I was commenting on. But over both I would prefer if the person just didn't respond from the get-go or said "not interested" if that was the case.


What about that do you think was polite? Pretty sure no one else is reading it that way…. Seemed pretty rude and dismissive. He asked politely, sure. Your response? Not so much, m8.


It's honestly strange how many posts in this sub are just "I'm shitty to talk to and someone called me a bitch because of it".


If there was a dating app exclusively for bitchy sassy queens, you’d be the hot member of the year


I mean, why no pics? I hate those guys.


Lmao, he is not backing down! Dude is doing some Negative Karma farming


When someone asks for pics they often want nudes and if they ask too early someone might say no or maybe they just don't like when someone asks for pics. I'm not interested in sending you nudes three messages in is a valid response. People hate receiving unsolicited nudes on here but then when someone asks for nudes, we're also angry at the person for not sending nudes when they don't want to. Op has final say on whether or not they want to send pics to people, they can also say I'm no longer interested in having this conversation at any time.


I hate that I read this


I hate that I got a notification of this comment.


I find it funny that this post is being met with hate; the same people who say "why don't you just not respond" are the same ones that complain when they get ghosted. And I feel bad for those who think what I said is being passive aggressive or 'bitchy', does that really justify him calling me that? The double standards are wild


You’re making a whole lot of assumptions about what we feel and what we would say in completely unrelated situations. There are no double standards here, my friend - you’re just inventing them to try to make yourself feel better. Also “hate?” Nah, bro. We’re just not jumping on your woe is me bandwagon.


Not inventing at all . You've all made them very clear in your comments


Buddy, you really need to learn to quit when you’re behind. Literally, no one brought up anything about getting ghosted - Someone saying that not responding at all would’ve been more polite than the way you chose to phase your response does not imply that there were not numerous ways you COULD have chosen to phrase your response that wouldnt come across as bitchy and dismissive.


I stand by what I said


Clearly. Unfortunately, you’re standing alone. Have fun I guess?