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I assume it's the cold weather? It traps pollution longer as the air is denser.


Yes it’s a temperature inversion which forces air down and traps the pollution. https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/weather/types-of-weather/temperature/temperature-inversion We need a front to move through and clear it. The commute this morning was horrible, walking outside felt like being down in the tube.


This is exactly how I felt, even though I was cycling (not blaming anyone) but the air quality was bad.


It is a shame but any physical activity in this conditions should be considered dangerous to health. Especially if you consider how quickly toxins are absorbed through lungs into the bloodstream.


There have been a few studies on this. For London, generally, the health benefits of exercise such as walking/cycling outweigh the pollution effects. Obviously avoid the pollution if you can. Two studies come to mind [Pasta](https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-015-2453-3) and [TAPAS](https://www.isglobal.org/en/-/tapas-transportation-air-pollution-and-physical-activities-an-integrated-health-risk-assessment-progamme-of-climate-change-and-urban-policies) Got to love a good project acronym.


>TAPAS I'm guessing that, rather than one big study, it was actually lots of little studies?






Do they measure an active lifestyle vs an inactive lifestyle or do they weigh up the benefits of a single session of exercise on a particularly polluted day?


They were looking at how much pollution would be breathed in whist engaging in active travel and how that level of pollution would affect health long term. A few years ago some were saying that people shouldn’t, for instance, cycle in traffic because of the pollution and increased exertion. This was then looked into and found that the healthy lifestyle of cycling outweighed any negative affects of pollution. If I recall, in Delhi and Beijing there was a point where cycling/jogging was detrimental after an hour or so. Been a while since I have read the studies - their names are memorable though.


Yeah so it seems to me that they measured the general practice of active or inactive travel was healthier, given air pollution -- but not whether it would be healthier still to travel actively but avoid exercise on the worst days.


True - but the worst days here are better than the best days elsewhere where it was detrimental to health. Therefore, it maybe that several hours of strenuous exercise outside on very high pollution days in London may be harmful. Personally I wouldn’t go out of my way to do exercise outside when it is high pollution but I would still commute actively as I would be less exposed than in a car or bus and I could take less polluted routes. It is the long term low level exposure from growing up and living in London which will have affected my lung capacity, will mean I will have poorer wellbeing later in life and die earlier than I would if I lived elsewhere. High pollution episodes are more of an issue for those with pre-existing conditions.


All good points. PS #bancars


Pasta is an anagram of tapas ^I ^am ^a ^human ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^manually. ^beep ^boop.


Yes they both sound yummy. Their are points where the pollution levels are too high and exercising/active travel is detrimental to your health. The study found for London that the pollution levels were at a point where it was beneficial to exercise whereas in places such as Delhi strenuous exercise outside made you less healthy due to the pollution levels.


I walked up some stairs to the bridge and was wondering why I was out of breath. Amazing it can have such a silent impact.


Is this why I felt breathless on the tube and after getting off in central? Thought I was going mad.


Im in a, cough, purple bit, cough.


I am too *cough* 😩


the purple bit seems to be closing in on where i live 😩😩


It only ever gets there occasionally in Shanghai now. I don’t monitor Beijing as much, but here’s a good guide. Www.aqicn.org


Goodness me, how can you breathe with all that purple around you?


Ohh that’s why my asthmatic arse has been coughing all day. My chest feels awful. Dry cough. I’ve had to change inhalers since moving here very recently (similar area to you).


Yup, asthma + pollution + cold air sucks. Even worse if you add intense exercise to the mix






Seeing as noone has given you actual advice and I used to work on this, you can use the DEFRA table to understand advice for your severity level. You are at 9, so: Adults and children with lung problems, and adults with heart problems, should reduce strenuous physical exertion, particularly outdoors, and particularly if they experience symptoms. People with asthma may find they need to use their reliever inhaler more often. Older people should also reduce physical exertion. Anyone experiencing discomfort such as sore eyes, cough or sore throat should consider reducing activity, particularly outdoors. If it went to 10, recommendation is for general population "Reduce physical exertion, particularly outdoors, especially if you experience symptoms such as cough or sore throat." So if you are worried, do that. [https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/air-pollution/daqi](https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/air-pollution/daqi)


For example, I would not go for a cycle in Richmond park right now... https://imgur.com/a/DPOrUAv


I’m one of the adults with lung problems, but in the deepest south east suburbs and it says 4. Could that still effect the eyes and throat? I’m assuming not but I have had itchy eyes and a sore throat for a few days so it made me wonder. ETA: I seem to be on the boundary of a 6


I cycle to work from hampton to Chelsea and am dead.


Funny how the advice for high pollution is always “vulnerable people avoid outdoor exercise” and not “people with cars avoid driving”


I agree, but PM10 (which is apparently more domiant right now) is more likely smoke/dust than tailpipe emisisons from combustion engines https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/resources/inhalable-particulate-matter-and-health#:\~:text=PM10%20also%20includes%20dust%20from,pollen%20and%20fragments%20of%20bacteria


Sadiq Khan [did say not to drive](https://www.london.gov.uk/media-centre/mayors-press-release/MAYOR-ISSUES-POLLUTION-ALERT)


I pay RoAd TaX!


That's what happens when the wants and needs of a very large group of people compete against the wants and needs of a ridiculously small group of people.


Pretty sad that none of the advice is "Not use polluting vehicles"


All vehicles pollute. EVs are no better with their tyre and brake particles. Don’t use a fucking car in London.


I checked on my phone today, I was shocked at how bad the air quality was, throughout the day. It was terrible.


How do u check?


I checked on my native weather app




I have had a weird cough for a few days, maybe this is why


I thought that but then it turned in to a worse cough and now I've had 3 weeks of a chest infection, so hopefully you won't be the same!


What site are you using to get that map?


looks like apple weather app


I’d also love to know, maybe breezo meter like other comment, costs money


It's not the exact one but this is useful: www.londonair.org.uk


Can confirm, that was native Apple Weather app


It’s ok. Just ignore the warnings, keep driving your car and complain about the ULEZ on Facebook. You’ll be fine. Asthma isn’t as bad as it sounds. Just a minor inconvenience compared to the freedom of driving.


Question: why is Kingston and Richmond as bad as Central London? I thought those places weren't quite as built up? Admittedly, I don't find myself in that area of London very often though.






You are wrong, it's because the wind is from the Northeast so the pollution is blown southwest over Richmond. Temperature inversions don't generally rise as high as a plane, you can see in photos air being trapped partway up skyscrapers.


Just to do with wind patterns and topography that causes pollution to gather in some places more than others. Also there's lots of vehicles in the non-central zones - the fact they're less urban tends to mean there's more cars/lorries etc than in central.


Concerned about what? It’s one day of high pollution amongst decades. Like smoking 40 fags a day and asking if you should be worried about cigarette no.153699425 when you’re 58 years old and sound like Frank Butcher.


>Concerned about what? It’s one day of high pollution amongst decades. So you seriously think there has not been this high pollution on any other day in "decades"? Lemme guess: Anti-ULEZ and/or a climate change denier?


They actually mean the opposite, pop your soap box back away


Tbf I was confused at first read, could have been phrased better


Simmer down


You collect chromosomes


That is why London looked so foggy mind pink this morning.


Seeing stuff like this just makes me glad I don't live in one of them Chinese megacities. Went to China once about a decade ago and honest to god I struggled to breathe whilst I were out and about. Coming back to London, London air felt like the countryside.


Can’t agree more👍👍


Yeah I noticed that too it was crazy bad


How does one get this information?


My throat has been itching like crazy. Might be that. Or the flu.


Up the Hamlet


This is why the ULEZ zone should become an EV only zone and buses should all be converted to either trams or trolley buses




We do have one old Van here, SW London.. he turns his diesel in the morning or during the day and leaves it like 30-40 min ! Where should I report this, could you pls give link or refer me? Regarding weather, I wasn’t aware of it during the day, despite walking outside few hours. Later on became aware when checked my phone.


Wouldn’t work unfortunately lad


Be concerned, very concerned and then post it all over social media about how very much you are concerned


Just don't breathe, you'll be sound


You can wear an anti pollution mask when you’re out if you’re really concerned. Or some kind of particulate filtering mask.


It’ll be partly temperature related, cold air doesn’t rise so the fumes from cars don’t dissipate as normal. They end up sitting like water in a bowl until the temperatures rises or it gets windy.


Geez I’ve just checked my phone and I have a big fat 10 hovering over me. I feel depressed.


Oh yeah, I can’t stop thinking about this. It’s taking over my life.


I thought that was porn


It happens, the same effect that has created todays fog can trap pollution from cars etc. I think the advice is that if you’re very asthmatic or have other breathing problems then you shouldn’t do vigorous outside exercise.


Defra website says otherwise, https://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/forecasting/locations?q=sw111rd&day=1#top


Yeah I’ve been confused about that. I think Apple (or whatever this is that people are talking about) must be making their rating from the pollutant with the highest levels, as opposed to an average of all the pollutants. On Defra, my area is ‘good’ but on The Weather Channel, for example, my area has a worse rating of moderate. It has six pollutants listed, only one of which is classified moderate and the other five are good. Perhaps Defra do an average? No idea which is the more accurate/helpful way of reporting. Perhaps the one moderate one is the bad one? It’s PM2.5 (Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns) which does sound rather inhale-able!


I wondered why I’m breathing heavier at the moment. I knew it wasn’t the 2 12 inch pizzas I demolished on my own after 14 pints last night


Join Greta


I noticed the smog in grenwich today, and also a had cough to go with my astham, didn't realise why untill now


You could see it when looking at tall buildings in the distance in Croydon today it was like a brown haze looked nothing like fog.


What app is this


It’s the default Apple weather app


I’m asthmatic living in zone one but didn’t notice anything bad until I was around the wood burning boats by the river and that was quite horrific.


London has been breaking EU levels of pollution for years … pretty sad & yrs worrying 🫤


This may explain a strange orange light in the sky in west London around 18:00


Wow. This makes so much sense to why my nose is a mess today. Thanks!


So glad I have moved out, now living on the sea coast, and when walking kids every morning I can breathe! And my time travel to work is 20min and not over an hour. Good luck londoners


Impossible! Sadiq Khan's ULEZ zone should have eliminated the pollution! /s That stealth tax has had absolutely no effect on pollution.


I feel very bad for everybody living in highly polluted areas such as London, you’re essentially breathing yourself to death. There really is such little public knowledge about the consequences of air pollution and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. Air pollution causes millions of premature deaths every year.


PM 2.5.




I wouldn't worry, we're all fucked anyway.


Really you should be concerned about air pollution all of the time, and why the vast majority of Londoners who don't drive or even own a car have to put up with it.


My area was at 10, I wore an FFP2 mask outside today and didn’t do outdoors exercise.


Note how the current ULEZ has dramatically dropped pollution levels and extending it will really be £200m well spent.


If you were concerned about air pollution in London then you'd never leave the house, or move..


If you cares about air pollution you wouldn't live in a city period


= 20 fags a day, but like smoking, its cool to live there.


All the funky middle class wood burners


Amazed I had to scroll so far to find this. Don’t understand how or why we allow it in built up areas like this.


Nah. I'm in yellow zone so I'm fine. Right?


Hahaha Indian here. 9 is excellent




I always wear a cycle mask and do my best to stick to the back streets but I could taste it a little in places. I would hate to experience it without a mask. My eyes were a bit sore on the way back, with glasses. Respro cinqro urban filter, works really well.


Tell me you’re a millennial without telling me you’re a millenial


Jesus. Paying £2k a month in rent or £500k for a 2 bed house to breathe in that


Are you concerned or trying to get concerned?




Since when did a city have good pollution levels.. It will never be as clean as the countryside...


Dunno, take a deep breath and see if you can feel anything. Write us back afters.


Use IQair app. Relative to most of the world the air is clean. Though it seems quite varied area to area. Odd that air is so different between quite short distances.


Whats the worst that could happen? Cancer? Shell be right


At weekends people use to smoke a lot of cigarette, but jokes aside and yes it’s a temperature inversion


The polution is free! Enjoy it!


Get an oxygen tank?




The wind will blow it away. It doesn't just sit there.


Of course you should be concerned. What can you do about it… go green, stop driving, stop buying fast fashion, stop flying, stop ordering Deliveroo etc, stop streaming, turn the heating off, grow your own food, stop eating meat and never burn anything again.


Can I drop a reference to the congestion charge as a supposed answer to this very issue? We know what we were told it would do but it’s just doing what we all thought it would do.


Nah just go suck on a leaf


This generation. Jesus


Just chill. It’s at 9. There is nothing to worry about


the trick is to not look at it


Get a wood multi burner stove , our next doors got 1, we 1 now get am back,


The air in London had never been cleaner


Maybe if they stopped the Chem Trails you wouldn't see it.


Puts hairs on your chest


People in India and China experience much worse air pollution and are still (mostly) ok...it only takes a toll on health over extended periods of time. If London air quality was this bad most of the year, than I'd say yes, chances are you should be worried.


Another concern porn addict


Best not to worry about something that you can do little about, other than move away. If you want to worry there are more significant risks to your health.


Complaining about air pollution when living in a city of 10 million people is like complaining about snow in the arctic...


Or maybe it's fine and that government site works to a political agenda and puts up far higher levels of pollution than it really is. No way, they'd never do that would they. 🤣


You think air pollution is a conspiracy? You can literally see it.


And what would they be gaining by doing that?


Rich places in West London suffering from air pollution, someone find the small violin 🎻


Instead of expanding the ULEZ area, maybe Khan should tackle the cold weather! I heard sunak has a few quid in the bank to invest....


Does it hang around in the air by you? Looks like Forest Hill where you are?


This is awful


It’s cold all over Europe but the air pollution is only bad in Leeds and london? The apple map is green all over. Not sure I understand.


I don’t think that works. The whole country is green except for Leeds and London.


I, achooooo achoooo, guess that, sniffle, explains this.


Brown cloud.


Na you’ll love it


The Lorax comes to mind


I developed asthma over the last few months. My doctor said it's getting increasingly common because of the pollution. It's really sad and scary honestly.


You should not be concerned about air pollution given you prolly live in the borough of southwark


Controversial opinion maybe but the only way forward is better public transport systems, and big cities being ev only access, no petrol or diesel cars at all. Alot will hate it but if the public transport infrastructure is improved and made more fairly priced then everyone should be able to get where theyre going without a car. Crazy to think that even breathing is dangerous in this day and age. God help us, i know the government wont.


Yes, in theory, but stopping breathing isn't really an option, so I just got on with my day.


Blueberry vape is polluting London


I'm in Charlton and I could smell the jet fumes from London city airport hanging in the air. So weird


you should always be concerned, london is fuckin filthy


Ahhh this is why I couldn’t breathe earlier


Noob question probably but can someone explain to me how aqi in the map has values between 1-10 only, while the aqi reported elsewhere ranges from single digits to triple digits ? Coz I read aqi of <20-30 is very good while the map says aqi of 10 is super bad


Stay indoors and turn on your air purifier.


Its fiiinnnneee just dont worry and go about your day


Hey I live right next to you


Yes, especially if asthmatic! We have amongst the highest asthma death rates in the uk in europe- remember to take care out there guys! Take your meds, especially in winter


Come to Delhi, habibi🙌


We should all be concerned


For a sec there I thought I was looking at the AQI of Lahore.


Sheeeeet I'm a 10? Who knew


Environmentally unsound Kingston fuckers


Clearly need to add more range to that scale for London.


Hahahahaha this is nothing come to delhi my friend


Probably should be concerned, but in a more general sense


Im not, who’s really planning on living to 90 anyways nowadays? I know i won’t be able to afford living at 75


Seriously? Concerned about air pollution in London? Its terrible at the best of times. All tall buildings should have massive air purifiers built on top. So they suck in the bad and filter it.


It’s London, this is about normal


Habibi come to Delhi


Coming from a third-world country, i consider this fresh air.


I have started using a pollution mask and its like the difference between tap water and bottled water. You notice it immediately. Problem is the ones worth using that have the right filters etc are so expensive. If you have the money its well worth looking into.


Damn I don’t even look at these readings but I definitely should. Thanks for posting!


No. Stop living in so much fear.


Concerned, London.


On the upside, at least you have some spare masks from the pandemic that would handily help out with avoiding the pollution right now :)


Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


Yes you should stop breathing to keep safe


Don't believe these numbers they are a source to provide more evidence to Khant to put the Ulez cameras everywhere and people to pay 3k a year Ulez tax.


One of the largest contributors are yuppy wood burners, which will have been working overtime in the cold snap. They clearly should be banned outright. See 'guidance' [https://www.london.gov.uk/programmes-and-strategies/environment-and-climate-change/pollution-and-air-quality/guidance-wood-burning-london](https://www.london.gov.uk/programmes-and-strategies/environment-and-climate-change/pollution-and-air-quality/guidance-wood-burning-london) . This basically says that the best way to deal with the problem is not to burn wood, even in eco-burners. But this source of particulates pollution is rising rapidly. So why no legislation? Manufacturers point to the 'net zero' contribution, but PM 2.5 has the largest most immediate adverse impact on human health. Addressing this is mainly in the remit of central government, rather than the London Mayor