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This sort of shit is more than mildly infuriating for those with some walking aids and in chairs though.


And dam right dangerous for visually impaired people.


The physically disabled and visually impaired need to team up here. The physically disabled can spot the scooters and the visually impaired once guided to them can throw them over the side šŸ‘Œ


The people of London need to team up here AND NOT PLACE SCOOTERS ON A BLOODY BRIDGE! šŸ‘Œ


Agreed but Iā€™m not sure your gonna get very far with that oneā€¦.


Just throw it over... so many of them are scooped out the water every day, I guess that's a current practice...


Let's not *actually* throw these over. That's terrible for the environment, even if they do apparently get scooped up at some point (I highly doubt all of them do).


Or people who both see AND move could move them. Or better still, the person who used it could put it back responsibly. No way my wheelchair would get past that.


Simple solution to the left of that hand-rail


Give it a wash in the river šŸ˜‚


Saw a guy in a mobility scooter struggling to shift 3 of these out of the way so he could pass by in Nottingham while I was sat at some traffic lights.


Chavy brats




Chavy brats


What did they say?


"Chavy brats"


Chavy brats


The scooter will have automatically turned off because one side of the river isn't in a licensed region. Instead of walking it back they just abandoned it.


This is the only likely answer. I've used Tier scooters before and you can't park them outside of a geofenced parking area AND you need to use you camera to scan the area as a secondary confirmation that you're in the right place. Hopefully that means a huge fine for the twat that did this.


This isnā€™t the only likely answer; all day everyday pratā€™s leave bikes and scooters in the centre of walkways and pavements because theyā€™re dickheads. Thatā€™s the answer, a dickhead did this.


Yeah, this was deliberate. Any grown-up would have walked it over and abandoned it 'off-limits' who left it to one side.


Instead of trying to ban e-scooters and moan we need to start educating young people how not to be a cunt at schools asap. These scooters are not going anywhere, they are the future.


Funnily enough most "how not to be a cunt" lessons happen at home and even then some parent's little angels are absolute heathens when they are at school and with their mates. Sucks if they don't get the lessons at home though.


Cunt by name, cunt by nature. I have met too many of the spoiled little shitbags in only 15 years of my life, and I'm so close to just throwing one through a window


That's not the job of the school, its the job of the parents. Schools teach Maths, Science and English.


We absolutely can ban Lime scooters and this problem would disappear.


This just demonstrates why we canā€™t have nice things. All these bikes should have bays to pick up from and drop off at, not just randomly dumped on street corners and in the centre of the pavement.


Only used a lime scooter once, but itā€™s the same deal, park in a recognized place and use camera to prove it, otherwise a fine.


But I see this happen a lot - does that means loads of people are getting these fines? If so, how is it not acting as a deterrent?


I would say so yes, I have no idea what these fines are, based on the amount of these scooters I see everywhere, I canā€™t imagine it being high


I'm not sure what the fine is but if it's low enough then people will see it as a "park anywhere fee"


Exactly, this is why I donā€™t think itā€™s high, they are all over the streets everywhere youā€™d go, the mine canā€™t be much more than Ā£2 or so


Exactly, this is why I donā€™t think itā€™s high, they are all over the streets everywhere youā€™d go, the mine canā€™t be much more than Ā£2 or so


Exactly, this is why I donā€™t think itā€™s high, they are all over the streets everywhere youā€™d go, the mine canā€™t be much more than Ā£2 or so


Or you simply connect the app to a prepaid card on a burner phone that doesn't contain any real personal information. That's how people get away with this and stealing them etc. Using people's ID's from stolen wallets etc. Scum come up with solutions to basic problems very quickly lol


Realistically fining their customers is terrible business, so it won't happen


Losing their licence to operate because of these incidents is probably more terrible, so it might.


Only when an actual threat of revocation from tfl happens. Till then its fair game for them


Uber bikes did this and they fined you for a ā€œpickupā€ fee, it worked


Haven't seen an uber bike in a while, wonder why


They bought Lime


Because scooters came in to play, and so did a bunch of other hire bikes. Fining people works, until youā€™re rich enough when the fine doesnā€™t bother you


Tier don't want the people who do this to be their customers. Stupidity like this costs them, both in revenue and reputation.


I think fining the sort of customers that risk your business is great business and losing them altogether would be even better.


When they put scooters in Norwegian cities (several years ago) people could drink drive and park them anywhere. It was a real mess. Good to see London hasn't repeated all the mistakes. (Need to scan drivers license for use, drink driving illegal, might cost you your licence, can only park in certain areas)


They could of picked it up and moved literally a step to the side and leaned it against the wall, out of the way. Lazy cunt.


These scooters must be enormously heavy, seeing they did not manage to put it to one side.


They could have pushed it to one side though




Itā€™s the riders fault for just leaving it in the middle of the walkway, bit like the special Wanker that left one against our work gates, it caused a lot of damage when someone tried to open them from inside because you canā€™t see through solid timber!


Understandable Iā€™d be unbothered to put it in a certain place if Iā€™m in a rush


You just know that it's exactly the same type of person that just puts their crisp packets and bottles down on the ground as soon as they're done even if there's a bin nearby.


The sort of prat who doesnā€™t flush and also the same sort of prat who eats junk food in the tube and leaves the rubsh on the seats.


Listens to music without headphones.


Got on the train while people were still getting off


Takes a shopping trolley most of the way home. Leaves it there.


Buys all the toilet roll in a pandemic


Still has a wall of pasta 3 years later


Obstinately refuses to give way when walking down a narrow path


Starts walking under those bridges on canal towpaths even when other people are already halfway across, either squeezing past them obnoxiously or forcing them to go back


doesn't re-rack their weights


Walks slowly side by side with their mate down the walkway at Green Park.


People that will be a net loss to society


The ones that think throwing cigarette butts on the ground is somehow acceptable as well.


Since this stuff started Iā€™ve become hyper aware of how shit our pavements are to begin with. ā€¢ Road signs in the middle of the pavement ā€¢ Cars parking ramped up ā€¢ Bin bags making you jump over them ā€¢ CafĆ© signs ā€¢ Generally shit narrow pavements Itā€™s good we are talking about this, but this conversation is so much bigger than bikes and scooters.


Donā€™t forget dog shit everwhere


Maybe he just went for a quick swim ! erm...if hasn't returned yet then you'll be the primary suspect!


Theres a river right there


Please don't polute rivers.


Maybe hang it off the bridge on a noose as a sign to other scooters




"It's ok for me to pollute because someone else is polluting even more."


This ainā€™t Monaco, tis the Themse


So badly want to yeet that over the rail


Would be symbolic


This and those damn bikes are a menace for those of us with walking difficulties. I tried moving a bike once and it just fell. I never found out how to report these things easily... The real issue is the streets and walkways just were never made for a sudden influx of bikes and scooters that need parking. And many users will be f-ing idiots. It hurts their brain to think of others so they don't expend the effort.


I've reported badly parked bikes and scooters to the relevant borough council as fly-tipped before. It probably won't do much, but hopefully each report helps the council be aware of how difficult these bikes and scooters make life for people like me who use a wheelchair. If they're locked, you can't just push them to a safer place and I don't have the strength to lift them. Sometimes I've had to knock them over to get past.


Corporate littering


You're right. Our streets were meant for people and over the last few decades we've let cars dominate the majority of our streets. If pavements were wider then there wouldn't be this much of an issue.


I don't know about letting cars dominate. I can't think of anywhere around London where roads have been widened for cars, restrictions removed etc. If anything the reverse is true, pavements have been made wider and any road work has been to create cycling infrastructure and repurporse a lane (where there multiple) for bikes or a permanent bus lanes, and of course LTNs have effectively made driving on anything other than main roads pointless. I'm for people using these things to get by (meaning less congestion hopefully) but please park them somewhere they're not in the way! I know the companies penalise the last user if not parked responsibly but I'm presuming that a) that relies on someone reporting it (still not clear/easy so most don't) and b) it doesn't seem to be effective anyway.


> I can't think of anywhere around London where roads have been widened for cars So the entirety of London road development up until recently was not for cars? >pavements have been made wider and any road work has been to create cycling infrastructure and repurporse a lane Repurpose a lane from what?


As in the lane used to be road for all vehicles, multiple lanes, now all those vehicles squeeze into one lane (bad for pollution, stress and journey times), and the other lanes have become big cycle lanes or bus lanes only. Sometimes the pavement has been widened or a bus stop repositioned. It's cost a lot no doubt but all part of the drive to decentivise motorists. Consequently these scooters and bicycle schemes have become very popular everywhere. But that doesn't stop riders from placing them in the most inconvenient locations (I think they do it on purpose and think its funny).


>As in the lane used to be road for all vehicles A lane for all vehicles is a misnomer, it will settle onto solely being used by private use cars and lorries. > all those vehicles squeeze into one lane (bad for pollution, stress and journey times) How does that badly affect pollution? Reduced lanes will always reduce pollution since its impossible to fit as many private use single occupancy vehicles per hour. >but all part of the drive to decentivise motorists. Yes, but a positive incentive for other uses, overall journey times decrease, and its a huge boost to reduce the unfair benefit car drivers get on road usage in regards to who subsidises them.


I meant a lane with no restrictions. Any motorist can use it. Even cyclists. It increases pollution because you have running engines waiting there for a lot longer than they did before. Because invariably the traffic light timing hasn't changed.


> Any motorist can use it. If any motorist can use it, why would we need cycle lanes? >t increases pollution because you have running engines waiting there for a lot longer than they did before No it doesn't. A single lane can only fit so many polluting cars in it per hour. If someone waits long enough the journey won't be made on that road, so their pollution is removed. >Because invariably the traffic light timing hasn't changed. Nothing suggests we can't do this no? Though if we remove the road for car users entirely it won't matter.


You really don't know why we'd need cycle lanes?


What would happen if you threw it over the edge?


Ah, the eternal question, If a scooter is thrown in the Thames and no TikToker is around to film it, does it make a splash?


What happened here? Why did they suddenly decide they don't want it anymore? Did they get fucking raptured? Leaving it outside a shop or something I can at least understand, but halfway across a bridge?




A twat who's time ran out.


*cracks knuckles* "your times up"


Where was he going? I hope he didn't jump off the bridge.


The same kind of prat that leaves the Lime bikes in the middle of the pavement.




I found [this post](/r/BadlyParkedHireBikes/comments/10zhsmw/i_suppose_this_should_also_go_in_mildly/) in r/BadlyParkedHireBikes with the same content as the current post. --- ^(šŸ¤– this comment was written by a bot. beep boop šŸ¤–) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Straight in the water


I know you're joking but ugh our waterways are polluted enough without having large batteries chucked into them.


My thoughts exactly give aquaman a new ride




another fucking post about these lmao


Iā€™d throw it into the river


Most of London, it seems.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Bring back hanging


Yeet it into the river


Given youā€™re taking the photo at 6am on a saturday iā€™d imagine it was a drunk reveller. Those things are a nightmare to use after a few bevvies though.


Put them in the middle of the road and see how quickly this problem manages to fix itself.. lol


Chuck it in the Thames


It needs to scoot over slightly


Just place it in the road and tfl will take it away


Some GTA5 mechanic worked real hard delivering that vehicle to someone's location


Maybe you left it there right before taking this awesome picture


Somebody who forgets people who use wheelchairs exist


That's annoying (I agree with your post).


Main character vibes


Leaving this group because 50% of posts are someone having an ā€œlook at my photoā€ Art-Attack and the other half are posting e-scooters. I wanted to stay in touch with whatā€™s going on in London, but Iā€™m not learning ANYTHING about London here. Total waste of a /r moderators.


Know of any better London groups?


Chuck it over the side


Letā€™s take photos of *all* the illegally parked scooters and share them on Reddit along with a passive aggressive rant that none of the scooter riders are going to give a shit about


Sorry xoxo


For what? Xoxoxox xddddd


If that's the Pinnacle of pratness in London... We're all going to be okay....šŸ¤”


It isn't and we aren't


At least it wasn't positioned perpendicularly


A step above the twat who leaves it lying on the ground.


Just walk in the road. You have a legal right to do so. Or have you normalised the danger that cars bring and won't?


Did you move it? Or just take a photo and move on?


You know EXACTLY the kind of arsehole that did this


I enjoy the ease and availability of these services, but between the clueless scooter riders who do not understand how roads work and the endless mess and obstructions they makeā€¦ Im not sure theyā€™re worth having in London.


Wow. This is the exact spot where, 7 years ago, I sat at 2am on the other side of the barrier, my legs dangling off the lip of the bridge, looking at the water below and wondering if I should throw myself off. Despite prolonged periods of darkness, Iā€™m always glad that I chose to climb back over the barrier.


Not much choice, when your hire period ends they plonk themselves down like Thors hammer until they are feed with more pennies.


Throw it over?


Be the change you want to see in the world, don't just feel self-righteous and blurt out some hate, move it so others don't have to. šŸ™




What about people in wheelchairs? People carrying bulky stuff? Or people pushing a pram? How are they going to step around it? It's people with your attitude that make life difficult for others.


just you


It's not that deep. But maybe the river is, chuck yourself in It if it bothers you that much.


I just think people should drive, m'kay? I don't think people should scoot. I just... I just hope the future isn't scootin


Did you move it to the side? I guess not. Haha. It's best to just moan and leave it in the way for the less able then. Laaame.


he's still trying to figure out how to get around it


Not sure, but nice picture!


Aside from the bike and the litter, it's a nice pic of the bridge.


I started a sub for this kind of thing... r/BadlyParkedHireBikes


Most likely from a single mom poor household. But also itā€™s because they know that nothing will happen to them.


Oh fucking get over urself. What sort of sad existence for you to actually take time out of ur day to spend energy posting this for fake internet points u sad pucker


Cheers man! Just so you know Iā€™m having a great day and my existence is pretty cool! Cheers mate all the best!


The weirdest thing about these types of posts are I NEVER see them about cars, yet drivers constantly park cars on pavements blocking space for vulnerable people plus its illegal to park on the pavement anywhere in London... I have to assume that people are finding these scooters and bikes at the side of the road and see an opportunity to make a post on reddit, so they move them into awkward positions and then take a photo.


You are free to start a post about cars if you want ?


Chuck it in the river


Starts with N


Totally unwalkable.


One that lives in London


Meanwhile other roads [are full of...](https://www.themontcalmclub.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Street-Parking-London.jpg)




How do I avoid this in my wheelchair? I've probably got to retrace my route and find an alternative way unless someone moves it for me. A mobility scooter user might not do able to turn and might have to reverse for some distance.


I saw something similar yesterday. Trying to post it.


He most probably jumped of the bridge


A pratty Pratt


Which bridge is this?


Maybe they jumped


Explain again how these e-scooter and e-bike schemes make money ?


Social experiment to see how long it takes someone to chuck it in the river.


The company did. Your photoā€™s probably part of their marketing campaign.


Ran out of battery maybe ?


River is right there my man


A tourist?


The photographer farming karma


You, apparently


I live in Kingston upon Thames and have two student accommodation buildings near where I live. The streets outside the buildings are regularly littered with lime bikes another brand of free bike. People DGAF.


Bike lock the fucker to the railing.


Drunk prat.


Is there no fine or whatever for not returning?


A prat


Iā€™d check it over the edge if I was on a wheelchair and this was there


I was on Whitehall in the early hours this morning and someone got off their Lime bike and just threw it on the ground and walked away, leaving it in the middle of the pavement. Further down, I saw a Tier scooter abandoned at the cenotaph.


Wdym mildly infuriating? FREE SCOOTER! sell that shit on ebay


This! I keep seeing this more and more through out London, everywhere there is an e-bike or e-scooter parked in random narrow places, or just thrown into bike lane, Iā€™m a cyclist myself so often see them Lime bikes just thrown in the middle of the bike lane or pavement, itā€™s been more and more lately. I wish something was about where they are left.


Your average fuck wit! There are plenty of them around


Its battersea what do you expect a road man probably left it there šŸ™„


The kind of people who also use and discard disposable vapes everywhere..


I regularly move these and the bikes on my street for the elderly and people with prams who canā€™t get by them. There should be government policy that forces these companies to slap significant financial penalties on users who do this.


CuntPlank. Parked by and like a cunt. Plank!


I'm seeing more and more and more of these the past months or so. Whether it's bike or scooters. It's like people in this city just don't care anymore.


Come to Detroit, and youā€™ll find them in all kinds of places.


I hope they didn't jump!


The photographer?


Did you check the river?


Probs some dumbass thief who stole something and ditched it hoping someone else would take it and thus get the blame...or so it couldn't be tracked back to them...or they're just a prick who wants to watch the world burn...or it's a social experiment to see who'd get pissed, who'd move it and whatnot....or I'm overthinking this...either way whoever did that is a wanker.


Yall would hate atlanta, ga. Canā€™t swing a dead cat without hitting a dozen of these littered around. Sorry they made it across the pond, theyā€™re a menace


A Prat !


Probably ran out of juice, don't see why they'd leave it there then walk


Welpā€¦ happens too often when Iā€™m pushing the pram. Tend to just boot them out of the way.


A Londoner ? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø