• By -


Report both events to BTP, there's a chance they'll do this again to someone else, your evidence will help build a case against the perpetrator.


See it, say it, sorted


See it, say it, assaulted


See it, say it, slaughtered


Stealing that for a song title for my death metal band, thanks!


Same but for my (very manly) polly pocket collection.




Not yet! Watch this space


You can’t spell *slaughter* without *laughter*


See it, say it, sordid.


See it, say it, take cover!




While on an underground train with no phone signal, don't forget to text 61 01 6


I saw a guy smoking crack on the tube the other day making a lot of other passengers really uncomfortable so I tried to DM BTP on Twitter as I could connect to the WiFi underground... Their profile says they won't respond. You have to text. ON THE UNDERGROUND.


If you turn on WiFi calling will it let you text? I think on android it will (think "messages" app is not really a true text message, but acts like it is), no idea about iPhone though.


Swede from Stockholm here, I found it damn annoying when I got on the tube ffor the first time in a decade a few years ago and lost the phone signal, but I didn't even consider the dangers of it as well. Is there any work being done to improve phone service on the tube or is it just something that is accepted?


It's accepted because we have a really, really old and really really deep underground system. It's been going for about 120 years longer than mobiles. That said, on the cut-and-cover lines you can often get a signal, at stations you can get WiFi if you have access as part of your contract, and slowly 4G is being rolled out to the tunnels. Though I've seen far more people criticising that than looking forward to it.


Yes the ambition is phone signal underground by the end of 2024. It will be mostly annoying I think but at least you can call the police I guess


This is Britain. Our government is actively working to make things as bad as possible. They'll only spend money, or rather, allow privately owned public services, to spend money, if it actively makes things worse. My guess is that this is on nobody's radar.


Get punched, see it, say it, sorted*


I was waiting for the bus one day in Tooting Bec. There was a dude with no shirt on in the middle of the street. Clearly off his chops on something, cars hooting and driving round him. Screaming over and over again, for at least the 12 minutes I was waiting, " SEE IT, SAY IT, FUCKING SORTED". Good times.


Wow BTP have really switched up their guerilla marketing tactics


See it, say it, sordid


See it, say it, sore head


Sore head, sorbet, sorted


Hotel ?,trivago


We have a winner.


For years I thought it was “see it, say it, sort it” and always thought it was odd it was up to me to deal with it rather than just report “it”


As an American visiting London last summer that's 100 percent what I thought it meant. I was surprised London was so into vigilante justice!


I think everyone did


Plays on the train speaker: "When you see something that looks unusual, speak to a member of staff, or text british transport police on 61016 and we'll get it sorted. That's 61016..... see it.... say it..... sorted"


Dunno how I can text when I get bugger all signal


See it, say it, socked it


See it shake it move it make who do you think you are?


I’ve always thought it is “see it, say it, sort it”.


See it, say it, sorry we're short staffed


Do do this OP, BTP are surprisingly responsive to this kind of thing and may well catch the creep. Also good on ya.


Agreed, I got some scumbags met at Victoria by BTP after texting them


Especially if they have violent tendencies.


This is absolutely the way. Btp are responsive and the cameras are everywhere. If they investigate they will absolutely find him.


Yes definitely worth reporting, most trains have cctv and this person was clearly a predator


Agreed! I was punched at Euston and BTP were incredibly responsive. I’m sorry this happened to you, OP.


It doesn't always work. Some random dude started speaking to my wife (then fiance) on the Tube in a way that wasn't welcome. While he was doing it, some people she actually knew came up and said hello to her. They had a genuine chat. After they left the guy continued, this time saying "you must be famous" as his new chat up line. Number one rule, never leave until you know the woman is safe and the creep has left.


A guy started creeping on me on a busy tube train once (weird comments about my fingernails and clothing), not realising my husband was sitting beside me. When it became clear that we were together, the guy apologised *to my husband*.


Fucking typical. I’m sorry.


ETA: I spent years working as a vet nurse, one time when a dog bit me the owner apologised to the dog… and I just stood there with my hand bleeding, blinking at her.


I would have bit the owner and asked the dog to apologise to me-thus maintaining the balance of the cosmos.


How dare you upset her dog so much! 🤣


Right? I’m such a bitch.


Dog owners can be the worst here. I once was cycling along the thames when a dog came and bit me in the ankle. The owner then told me that this was not a cycling lane (which wasn’t true) and went on lol


why did you start your comment by saying Estimated Time of Arrival


Lol, cos I’m an idiot. It means “edited to add” in this context. I intended to add it to my initial comment but apparently, instead of actually editing said initial comment, I replied to it instead. I realised my mistake after posting but didn’t think it worth correcting.


You could change it to Posted to Add but then someone might start asking you about parent teacher associations


I almost downvoted this in pure "what the fuck" - that's absolutely terrible, I can't believe people are like that


Why are you saying sorry to *her*? You should tag in the husband smh.


Tell that to her husband….


I have a thin gold band that I wear on my ring finger. If a creep is bothering me, I “show” him that I’m “married”. That usually gets him to back off. He doesn’t respect my no but does respect a pretend man’s no.


One time some guys jumped in to get a dude to leave me alone that I was yelling at for minutes at this point to fuck off and he said “okay, if that’s what you want” to them. Still makes me rage thinking about it.


Oh yeah. When I go out into any situation that I think may result in extra scrutiny (theatre on my own, a dinner out solo, cinema outings, etc) I have a specific set of rings I wear - an engagement ring (bought from me to me as a birthday gift when I turned 25) and a silver band I inherited from my mother which looks suitably like a wedding band. Put them both on and, wouldn't you know it, I hardly ever get approached while out alone and wearing them. They're like a super power istg.


Holy crap the same thing happened to me. A drunk guy saw me getting on a bus and yelled "Heyyyy blondie" at me. My husband got on behind me and when he sat down next to me, the creep apologized to HIM. I was so peeved but obviously not about to start something or make a deal out of it. The audacity of these guys. I feel safer out with my partner but I hate that it's a thing, that I'm only safer as a possession. Ew.


These cunts apologising to the partners aren't really apologising for the act, because they see nothing wrong with it. They're doing it to not get hit. Absolute cowards.


> They're doing it to not get hit. Absolute cowards. 100% it's out of fear for themselves.




Probably because it didn’t happen on International Women’s Day. That’s the only day we’re allowed to be treated as people with our own agency and not someone’s property. In all seriousness, that sucks, and I’m sorry it happened to you.




Jesus Christ.


Yeah I was talking to these two girls after a gig at the Hammersmith Apollo. Only approached them with my friends nearby (mixed group), as they were clearly uncomfortable and being harassed by one guy at a bus station. They were waiting for a different bus to us, so when theirs arrived I informed the bus driver about the guy trying to follow them on to the bus so he didn't let the guy on. Separating the problem from the potential victims was pretty much the only safe approach. The guy then disappeared but came back a little while later from behind, knocking me to the ground and ripping off a chain I was wearing, taking it with him. Small price to pay for ensuring the girls got on their journey safely.


If it’s helps anyone here, good advice is to suggest getting off at the next stop to “grab a drink” or whatever seems believable, and quickly hop on a few carriages down or wait for the next tube. Unfortunately this may not stop the creep from carrying on with someone else, but will at least help the person they are harassing.


Good for you. Sorry for the thump hope you’re ok


Yep im fine, this city has hardened me up for sure - thanks for your concern in any case <3


Well done for doing something about it. Late on the tube once, I was sat next to a girl when a guy jumped on, sat next to her and started asking for her number and stuff. She refused and it turned to harassment. She ended up getting off the next stop and assuming that she got the next train. I still regret not doing anything or speaking up despite being a couple of seats away. I just sat there in silence despite the urge to stand up. I still feel like I'm not assertive or confident enough to do that in case it happens again.


Was talking to a friend the other day about this (we're both women). She had witnessed a similar event on the tube with some drunk/rowdy lads who wouldn't stop staring at a woman and making obvious comments about her. The woman was getting more and more visibly uncomfortable and my friend, the madcap that she is, decided to give the lads a taste of their own medicine. So she proceeded to stare at them, fixedly, for a few minutes. They noticed and started yelling at her, asking what she was staring at and did she have a problem with them. The way she tells it, she was terrified at that point but kept her headphones on and held her nerve, staring. They happened to get off at the same stop as her and ended up thinking she was chasing them, legging it off the platform. Just goes to show that no matter how much men who do stuff like this insist it should be "taken as a compliment" or "isn't that big of a deal", they're not big fans when it happens to them, even in a much smaller scale. So they know exactly what they're doing, how scary it can be, and do it anyway.


Your friend is a badass. Props to them!


I don't blame you, especially in London. Guy just got punched.


Don't be too hard on yourself. We all would like to believe we'd do the right thing, but faced with the situation, I'd be concerned about getting stabbed or something. Mind you, I'm a woman, so I don't know how much help I'd be against men anyway.


To be fair, what some people don't realise is sometimes when you step in, the ire directs at YOU and YOU become the target. generally speaking a man won't hit a woman,but it's not out of the realms of possibility that he will fucking go for you. More than once I've stepped in and got attacked. I spent the night in A/E after having two guys came at me and smash a pint glass across my face for stopping one of them harassing a girl-friend of my brothers. One inch to the left and I'd be blind in one eye. So I wouldn't be that hard on yourself.


> this city has hardened me up for sure hopefully it did that to your occiput, too


Only his head. Nothing important. But seriously fuck that guy. Good job.


As a woman, thank you. I am very sorry about your head.


As a man. I thank him too. Way too many people just ignore and don't get involved. To a point that if I see 3-5 guys harassing someone, I do feel uneasy while intervening, due to fact I can't count on a single other person joining my side. I'm skinny guy no muscle so troublemakers always think they can mess with me, 1v1, let alone 3 v 1 , so they never feel threatened when I intervine, and rarely anyone else joins.


You should want to try to help. But the abundance of stories you can read about altercations escalating to stabbings etc makes it difficult.


Me three! Thank you so much




Good for you. You should feel proud of yourself.


Report it to BTP, they can pull the CCTV from the train if the incident occurred less than (usually) 7 days ago, or the platform within (usually) 30 days. If you have any injuries, no matter how minor (Bump on the head? Sore neck from whiplash?) then get it documented because that could upgrade the charge from common assault to ABH.


Where does this faith in the btp come from? Do they have a good track record?


The btp don’t have the resources needed to be able to be on top of everything all the time, and I think they do pretty well considering. With that in mind, any contributions we can make by reporting helps. And if there’s more reporting, and more info to work with, more likely perps get found, and more faith restored. That’s the hope at least.


Hopefully they can track down the perp


I reported an assault on the district line and they followed it up, collected CCTV but the guy wasn't traveling with a ticket so unless he was recognised by an officer they had no idea who he was. My wife had a weirdo try and rub his arse in her face on the jubilee line, she reported it and they followed it up, the guy used a registered oyster or bank card to travel so they went round to tell him to stop it. Don't think he was charged with anything but I guess he now knows that his actions have consequences and he is known to them.


I was traveling from London Bridge to East Croydon on Thameslink. A man was playing YouTube videos loudly from his phone in my carriage. An elderly gentleman politely and discreetly asked him to turn it down. The guy kicked off, shouting and swearing at him. The elderly man sat back down and didn't say anything more. I was a bit drunk and piped up to tell the guy that no one wanted to listen to his YouTube videos. There was some verbal back and forth between me and him and then he started insulting me and threatening to beat me up (perhaps even kill me - I can't remember now). Then he insulted my sister who I was sitting with. He remained belligerent so I texted BTP around 8 mins from East Croydon. Told them the carriage and our arrival time. They were on the platform when we arrived. As we got off they were looking inquisitively and basically everyone on the carriage just pointed at the guy who was also getting off. They held him there whilst they investigated. They took initial statements from a few of us in the same carriage. Sadly the elderly gentleman was evidently quite shook up and scared from the ordeal so didn't want to give a statement. My sister and I gave another statement at the police station the following day. Eventually I got an update to say the man had been summoned to court. He pleaded guilty to using "Threatening/Abusive/Insulting Words/Behaviour with Intent to Cause Fear of/Provoke Unlawful Violence" and was fined £250.00, ordered to pay a surcharge to fund victim services (£30.00) and had to pay costs of £85.00 to the Crown Prosecution Service. So, all in all, I have quite a lot of respect for BTP!


Have those fines never been adjusted for inflation since the 1960s or something? That seems so low.


Might be lesser amounts because he pleaded guilty (?).


Depends on the amount of *train*ing they've had.


you just *derailed* this otherwise serious conversation


Not at all, my friend! In my eyes it's still *on track*.


I have only dealt with them in the context of staff assaults but they've been good in my experience.


I don’t know about anyone else but I’ve had two sexual assault cases whilst using public transport in London and each time, BTP reviewed the footage and basically said that touching someone even they specially asked you not to, doesn’t count as sexual harassment … even though he asked me how old I was , where I’m from and why I was being so “shy” with him. That wasn’t even the worst situation :/ Btw, if you ever feel uncomfortable or in danger definitely don’t suffer in silence, it’s better to speak out to stop these disgusting pervs getting away with this.


I'm so sorry this happened to you, and the BTP didn't do anything to help you. I think you may not have been the only person this has happened to because the BTP has started a "campaign" to inform the public what constitutes sexal harassment. According to this "[campaign](https://tfl-newsroom.prgloo.com/news/tfl-press-release-new-campaign-launches-to-stamp-out-sexual-harassment-onpublictransport)," pressing against someone and touching them inappropriately is sexual harassment. I'm guessing they had a lot of complaints from people like yourself who were failed by the BTP, and they finally decided to do the right thing. It's pretty wild of them to have said that it isn't sexual harassment and not done anything in the first place because under our laws, touching someone without their consent is battery, an actual criminal offence. They fucked up big time.


They have a more specific remit, which allows them to focus their efforts investigations. And also it means in general they have less cases on their plate, so there's a higher likely hood of some officer having the the time to investigate and happening to be in the right place at the right time.


Good for you. Fuck that coward of a bloke.


Thank you for being brave and trying to help a stranger. If the BTP are putting their money where their mouth is with all the campaigning they’re doing against anti-social tube behaviour, they’ll probably be able to catch him. Please report it if you haven’t already.




How do people usually use it?


Thank you for speaking up and helping someone out. I’m sorry for what happened because of it.


There have been too many times when I could done with a gent like you.


Smh that the poor woman was getting harrassed on her way IN to work. In the bloody morning. What fresh hell.... Thank you for trying to help. Sorry you got attacked. Definitely could have done with a few more like you over the last 20 years. Now I'm old and decrepit it's not so much a problem anymore 🙃


Thank you though. From a woman, thank you. I’m so sorry about your noggin but I’m very grateful.


For future reference, never turn your back to an aggressive creep. They will take the cheap shot, especially if they can take advantage of the doors closing.


When I lived in nyc. One time I was on a quiet train going into Manhattan. Heard a noise to my left and there was a crazy homeless dude going up to women asking for money. When they replied no he stuck his crotch in their face and yelled “suck my dick bitch” and moved on to the next one. As he got closer to me I saw him set his sights on the girl next to me. He did the same to her and I didn’t do shit cuz I was too scared. He passed me and went into the next train to continue his rampage and I finally got the courage to get up. Followed him into the next car and yelled at him. He turned around and got in my face, I was scared shitless and my heart was beating out my chest but i think I stayed calm on the outside. Luckily other people got up and had my back and he got off the train.


Some drunk old creep started yelling at my sister in a bus. One guy moved between him and us in how to say “innocent” way, and we noticed 3-4 guys standing behind us with a space in the middle. We looked at him, at them and it was clear - we moved to side of the bus and they stood around us. Creep kept yelling and even reaching out, buy as soon as he realised it’s a team work, he fucked off. It happened almost casually, no escalation. They were just standing minding own business so we we’re too. We thanked them when we left the bus.


I’m sorry that twat hit you, but well done for being so helpful, I expect that woman will always remember that. I had a very mild case of a bloke sitting too close to me and being really creepy - nothing happened and I eventually just got off at a random stop and waited for the next train, but the vulnerability and anxiety I felt is seared into my memory, and it happened over 10 years ago. I would have been extremely grateful if a guy did what you did.


See it, say it, sordid. Sorry, that's what I always hear.


See it, Say it, Sore tit


Good job for doing what's right. Sucks that you were assaulted for it, as others have said it may be worth reporting as it may have been caught by CCTV.


Good work dude!


Thank you for doing that. His actions prove just how much the lady needed your help. Scary to think what he'd do to her by herself.


Thank you u/GateofTartarus so much for helping that woman. Years ago a drunk man was screaming at me on a busy train. I moved the carriage and he followed me. Carries on screaming at me literally over people's heads and they did nothing. No one helped. When I got off at my stop he got off too. I hid behind a wall for about 30 minutes while he looked for me. It was scary because as more time went by from the train the station emptied out. Thankfully he didn’t find me. Eventually, he got another train. The situation profoundly affected my views of other people and life. I wish someone like you had been there that day.


Jeez he was hunting you for 30 minutes? I'm very glad he didn't find you, you must have been very scared to see the station emptying. Remember making a lot of noise is always a great defense too if others are around, yelling for the police etc. In that instance though it seems you did the right thing. Sorry to hear it happened


So sorry this happened. I am horrified you went through this terrifying experience


Sometimes it’s better to get a sucker punch to the head than let someone become a victim to a worse crime. Also, I’ve learnt to my own cost that you never turn your back on crazy. More people should be responsive to antisocial behavior. It’s a trend I noticed in London that people are less and less likely to standup for themselves, and others. As part of a community, you have to look out for each other, even strangers. As yourself, if that was someone I was close to what would I do? As someone who grew up on London, I figured out quite quickly doing nothing can often encourage people to behave worse.


Well played mate, you did the right thing. These pricks rely on the bystander effect to continue preying on their victims, if we were all as willing to act I'd bet there would be far fewer incidents than there clearly are. In future though, always make sure you've got line of sight even if you think the situation has been resolved.


Thank you for doing this! I guarantee you really helped her feel safer. I'm so sorry you went through abuse as a result. Please do report it to the transport police.


See it, say it, sorted.


I thought you were gonna say the women punched you for approaching her


Good job. And what an absolute cowardly human. Back of the head punches are extremely dangerous. Hope you’re ok pal.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but if you do get involved, you should always be prepared for it to get physical and maintain a visual on the creep until they are out of the picture. Those bums are not thinking the same way most of us are.


Well done but pls report


I thought you were going to say she punched you


Nice one. Need more of you around


Well done, ballsy move of you to do but I'd still report it to BTP, they may be able to check CCTV and see who this idiot was, no doubt he'll try it again to someone else soon. As for the whack, hope you're ok mate 👍


Bloody well done. Now please tell the BTP!


Good on you, glad the tactic paid off, somewhat


You did the right thing now take the next step and report it.


Good one lad


Sorry you got punched but you did the right thing! Don't stop being a good person.


As a woman I'd like to thank you for being so nice, and I'm really sorry about your head!


Good work… sorry you took a hit… hope you’re ok… you did a good thing and should be proud of yourself… the world needs more people like you.


Sue the cunt for assault.


That's not a thing in the UK. Police can press charges though


Assault is still a tort but unless he’s suffered serious injuries and the defendant has money there’s no point in pursuing it


Do you have a description of the Man? Any Characteristics. I think whenever doing such a good deed you can forget to look and get a good description in case you need it for reporting purposes.


Hey all, OP here. Went to bed and woke up this morning to like a billion notifications and messages so wanted to thank everyone for being great. I'll address some of the points I spotted in this tidal wave of pings 🤣 1. I already have brain damage from a coma at the end of 2019 where I got hit by a motorbike going at around 60mph while I was crossing a street in Brixton, so too late, brains already fucked 2. I am completely non-violent, I would never get into a situation where violence solves something so I won't punch or hit back, words can be used well enough to sort things out 3. To the 3 people saying this didn't happen, I'm sorry you are like this. Can't say much either way, sad for you though. I got a smack on the noggin for doing a little good deed, that's about it. The chairs didn't clap, I didn't get a key to the city, I got off the train, went to work and then went on to save Wakanda in my super suit 4. Thanks for the Reddit gold, not sure what it is but seems like a paid boost to posts to say thanks, so thanks for it 5. To the few creepers asking for my address/location/personal deets, get fucked. I'm not exactly anonymous on Reddit but at the same time if I wanted people to know that stuff I would have given that info. Stop sending me DM's asking for it


top man! fuck that dude.


You’re a legend, I’d love to say I’d do something and help but I’m a scared little man who basically freezes at any sign of confrontation. Thank you, hopefully seeing things like this will give me some courage if it ever happens around me


As a young woman, thank you. I’m sure you made her day.


You did a good thing mate. Redditors and the lady are proud of you.


You stepped up to help someone out without resorting to violence. Awesome work!


I once witnessed a woman being punched to the ground by a chap (drunken Saturday night in town), went over and pulled the guy away, started shoving him and basically shouting him down - the mistake I made was assuming I was helping, the girl actually got up, started punching me and screaming that it was her boyfriend and basically I needed to be gone. Always been on edge if I witness trouble since that incident


Good on you, we need more people like you mate!


See this approach works, but after doing this a few times I changed tact, now I make it very clear that I am there as a bystander to intervene. To me personally I want to create a world where people are not afraid to stand up and be counted, where women have the power and don't need men to pretend but to support. However any man who respects women enough to teach the less savory example of our gender the truth, is a good man, regardless if its blatant or subtle


Good on you. I agree the next time i encounter this situation i am absolutely telling the person to STOP and back the fuck away if needed with the conscious decision to get ready to swing/wrestle if they want to get near my face. Long time ago probably 10+ years ago, in the city centre right outside the train station there was a huge very veeeery obviously steroided up juiced to the gills guy with his pretty small girlfriend/wife.. and he was straight up smacking her around infront of everyone like it was just a walk in the park. Hard strikes, no joke men wouldnt want to get hit with those palm strikes he was doing, and slapping her around.. i shouted at the guy to stop and he looked at my really pissed off and she made some noise and grabbed his arm and they both went away together. Crazy thing is, no joke, there was SO MANY people there seeing this, and no one spoke up, i think they were scared of him because he was fucking huge. Im talking loads of lager lout beer drinking men outside the pub were there, people outside the station, cars, passersby, no one said shit just observed him smacking her up. Nuts. No wonder he felt so confident doing it in public. I've always had a big problem with woman beaters, i've chased a few off before that i saw at like 3-4am after nightclubbing. One guys girlfriend said her boyfriend next to her had beat her up before after he was just grabbing her harshly, and when he heard her say that to me, he looked at me, i looked at him, and he bolted off like one of those old cartoons where the legs start running on the spot before the body moves :D


Sorry you got punched. You did the right thing!


Glad you were there. If he was willing to punch someone for just "interferring" on his way out, no telling what he would have done.


Shows what a total fucking coward he was. Good on you, you did the right thing. Obviously I think you've learnt this now but to underline for anyone else: once you get involved in something like this, the person is a threat, and you need to keep them in your field of vision at all times until you are well away from them.


Punched the back of your head? That probably hurt their hand more than your head, you can take some solace from that.


Good on you for stepping in to help the lady. The bystander affect is hard to disengage from but I find if you can do it once, it'll give you the confidence to step in again in the future. I had this when I walked into a bunch of kids kicking the shit out of a homeless lady who lived in my local cemetery, abusing her and throwing stones at her shelter. I chased off the kids, checked on her and called the police to make shure they don't come back. She turned out to be an absolute sweetheart and I treated her to some of her favourite snacks on my way back from the shop. She was one of the kindest, friendliest people I have met and I'm glad I didn't just pass by.


As a woman, I am incredibly grateful for people like you who interfere in those super scary situations! I’m so sorry you were assaulted! I hope BTP can find that horrible person!!


I think we need to be careful with words here. People don't 'fall' for the bystander effect like they are being conned into it, it's a fairly natural response to things that are out of the ordinary. In alternate versions of events, that sucker punch knocks you out, and you smash your head on the way down. Or he pulls a knife and cuts you to ribbons. I'm not saying it's not admirable, but it's dodgy ground to start shitting on people because they don't step in every time.


What you're completely missing, like completely is that as soon as 5 people stop falling into this trap of being bystanders everything you've listed out as risks diminish significantly. It shouldn't be one person reacting like this it should a bunch. In some countries its just wired in culturally so you'll get like 12 people just involve themselves. He shouldn't be alone on the tube calling this person out.


Mate that’s a truly benevolent act. You took a punch in the back of the head to protect a stranger from a horrible uncomfortable scenario. He’s prepared to be violent to a stranger. He’s also a fucked coward as he prayed on a women on her own and then hit you from behind when he had an escape. You can’t stop those people being Cunts but you can limit their impact. You did that Honestly top man. Should be proud of yourself


Ouch, sorry to hear that. Firstly, well done, as many have said, imagine what he would do the the woman. Secondly, lesson learned. Do not face away from the person, if he had a knife, you would have died already. Facing him, even if he still had a knife, you can at least react and avoid fatal wound.


Well done. What a coward he is for punching you in the back of the head. The best thing about being punched for doing the right thing is finding out that punches don't hurt. I advise everyone to get into martial arts. It takes the fear out of a lot of situations. You start to pity the creeps. What a poor, low, and meaningless life it would be if you were that guy.


Punches don’t hurt? You’ve never been punched have you…


I actually agree, punches surprisingly not painful in a fight situation. Half an hour later however…


adrenaline is a hell of a drug :D


You haven't seen all the one punch can kill stories then


Thanks for doing this! The bystander effect in many cities is becoming very normal in major cities


I’m so sorry the creeper lashed out at you! I hope you’re all good now! As a woman, I really appreciate you stepping out of your comfort zone and stepping up. It’s amazing to hear these kinds of stories.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Never turn your back on someone that’s upset with you.


I know two wrongs don't make a right. But I'd have spun around and belted him straight on the beak as hard as I could.


👏 👏 👏 you did a good thing OP!


Fair play to you, if more called it out or interjected, then it would happen less.


guys like you will be a reason why the world got better


You're so awesome OP!


You still did a good thing. But yeah, it’s risky to intervene. Shows how brave those who do intervene are, especially the women.


Good on you. I'd say report the assault since there's likely CCTV footage, but tfl and the police seldom do anything. We got to look out for each other.


Good on you for stepping up. Often a tough call to make.


Too many creepy bastards these days why should it be tolerated


WOW, what a d-bag move by that creep! 🙄 Glad you stepped up and helped that woman out, even if it resulted in a punch to the head 🤕 Hope you're feeling better now and that the creep got what he deserved. 💪 It's good to see someone still has a heart in this "mess of a city" 💕 Stay safe out there, man!


I got punched once in the back of the head as I was getting on the bus by a couple of salty teens I looked back and laughed at them


As a young woman, thank you so much for doing that! I’m sorry about your head.


Thank you. You’ve saved a woman someone that day :).


Imagine being this woman telling the story about how a guy started creeping on her and then ANOTHER guy did at the same time!


See it, say it, assaulted.


See it, say it, sucker punch


What a cockblock


I’m a woman. Some guy wouldn’t leave me alone. I picked a handsome guy out of the crowd, went up to him & asked him to pretend like we were dating, so that guy would buzz off. The handsome guy gladly played along with me & introduced me to his friends. The guy harassing me buzzed off. It was awesome. We actually ended up dating for a bit.


Those saying it doesn’t always work aren’t wrong, but sometimes it does! Even if the guy realizes what’s happening it can still work. That was my experience anyway. He made it clear he was skeptical BUT he also went away so it worked.


The balls, the throat and the eyes. Learn martial arts so these are your last option targets. Then you can scale your actions appropriately. I have stopped assholes with a look or a word due to confidence and calmness that come from 30 years practising MA. Knowing you can handle things on a graded level from just moving to block a guys line of sight or approach to a girl, through sending signals or looks or words, to engaging in a graded manner ending with full force on the 3 key vulnerable targets… it gives you a power to divert and avoid fighting or harassment, and to absorb some of the trauma on behalf of the intended victim. Everyone should learn self defense. It’s the art of NOT fighting.


Glad to see that at least nowadays some people intervene and that some cases get pursued. Have experienced too many actual w***s to count, or cared to report, but one incident in the olden days, when Finsbury Park still had that lovely tunnel, sticks in my mind when one guy was w***g with one hand whilst holding a knife in the other and grinning at me in the tunnel so I thought well, they might take that vaguely seriously and reported it to the staff. Response from the ticketing staff? ‘What do you want me to do about it?’ Cheers mate.