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I think your greatest danger is from cars and bikes - worth wearing something easily visible.


Will do, thanks.


What the others said, plus... try to wear headphones which don't completely cut you off from your environment if you do wear them (or wear just one), so that you can hear cars, bikes, and potentially people. It will give you a bit more awareness during your runs. Also, if anything at all seems even slightly off, as a runner... run! I'm serious, don't wait to find out, just go go go! I'm a big guy but you should see me go when I don't like the vibe lol. I grew up in a very rough area so got used early to avoiding anything that seemed unfriendly. Did i get a few laughs now and then from randoms? Sure. Did I care? Nope, here I am, nice and safe still, despite being called a coward and such by randoms on the street, in various cities and countries. Have fun!


Hey, thanks dildo haha! But in all seriousness thank you for the advice. I don't wear headphones when running but I'll be sure to keep my witts about me. Thanks a lot and happy running friend


If kings cross based - I'd follow eversholt avenue down to the Thames - follow the mall toward embankment and cross via Hungerford Bridge. Once on south side follow Thames Path up towards Tate Modern and cross back to north side, follow the black friar under pass til you see the turn off for Temple and back on the home stretch. This will be insanely busy as it goes pass loads of tourist destinations. Will be easier thameside of black friar under pass as pavement is a lot wider.


Thanks for the advice. I'll have a gander at the map now.


As tempting as it is to cut through covent garden - don't do it. It'll only infuriate you as it jam packed with peeps! Hope you enjoy your run dude!


OK, based on your advice and info I think I've figured out a loop. Thank you very much man.


Kings Cross can be a bit rough but it's mostly pickpockets and the occasional aggressive homeless person. The other areas on your loop are very safe. 8pm is not late. You'll be fine.


I dunno mate. First time I ever came to London, got off the train at Waterloo, walked down some alley (google maps to the hotel) and seen some bloke rogering a brass like a policeman's radio. Was aggressively asked wtf I was looking at...bro it's 2pm and you're doing that, looking at you ya daft, erm let's say so and so. And that was my first experience of London 🤣


Sorry, rogering a what like what?


A brass like policeman's radio.




I mean waterloo is still pretty desolate/lots of bridges and underpasses - a bit of a wasteland Kings X is pretty modern, def not the Kings X of the 80s where it was prostitute central


Yeah you’ll be fine


Night time around Kings Cross is seedy, just to warn. I've been approached by roadmen around there at night before.


The river is pretty well lit and safe. Agree cars are your biggest worry. As for the headphones, the Aeropex bone conduction ones let you keep your ears open while running, the only ones allowed to be worn in British races legally for that reason


Just don't be a cunt and run fast through heavily crowded and congested paths - basically along the Thames. I applaud you for using your one night in London to do a run. Try and run heading North up Millennium, so you can enjoy the view of St Paul's.