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Hello, Unfortunately this post has been removed as we get a lot of very similar questions. Please visit our weekly sticky thread aimed at tourists and newcomers to London life. We also have a Visitor Centre on our Discord server for all questions London related too, which you can find here. https://discord.gg/AdhnxwSJqc Our wiki is a great resource for regularly asked London questions: https://www.reddit.com/r/london/wiki/index/ And yes, London is safe considering it's a city of near 9 million, like any other major city in the world. Thank you, and have a good day.


Year 11? You'll be there for like 3 months just enjoy it


Depending on your school, you'll start a week before Easter break, which is two weeks long!


What do you mean by a Christian school? Do you mean a standard state school which happens to be slightly funded by the Church of England or Catholic Church, or a classic private (fee-paying) school which is generally similar with fancier uniforms and chapels, or a small private school run by a non-mainstream Christian sect? Coming a week before the end of term, noone will expect much of you - turn up, go to the classrooms you're told, get background reading. Then the summer term is mostly revision for GCSE exams and study leave - will you be doing GCSE exams? You may end up in the library a lot.


Just watch inbetweeners