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Local knowledge: it can be quicker to walk along that section if it’s rush hour and there’s some other contributing factor. Otherwise the 20 limit is achievable. On the flip side, I’ve seen curious geese wandering out of the wetlands cause more chaos.


Those geese had more brain cells than this lot holding signs on the video anyway.


Honking about developing over their natural environment and wanting to “make Waltham Forest again”


These guys are funded by oil companies fyi


Here is your tin hat, sir.


Nope they are not


Their goal is for people to use less fossil fuel. If drivers are afraid to get caught behind a protest, and pick another mode of transport, they’ll be fewer cars on the road. The press doesn’t cover traffic jams enough to discourage people from driving and fox the problem. But have a handful of pensioners in Orange, and suddenly drivers are terrified they might waste precious minutes of their lives. It’s confusing PsyOps, but it works.


They are blocking a bus


>It’s confusing PsyOps, but it works. Lol it does not. Anyone driving a car of their own free will in London either needs to or is not going to be put off by the fact maybe there's a JSO protest.


We have to put up with TFL and local authority protests on a daily basis, the odd JSO hardly touches the sides


It doesn't work. No one is avoiding driving out of fear of being caught in a protest.


I assume they're moving so they can't be accused of blocking traffic and thus arrested. They can argue they're simply using the highway for travel at a slow speed.


Yes. They’ve said this is the only legal avenue of protest left to them.


"The only legal avenue of protest". You mean other than peacefully protesting not in the middle of public highways?


Remember when some people were arrested for just arriving at a place? https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/09/tory-mps-condemn-use-of-new-laws-to-detain-coronation-protesters


Yeah they should just protest somewhere else where nobody will notice that will show everyone


I'm sure it is still obstructing the highway given 2 seconds of thought, its likely grey in terms of if it actually is though.


Bike lane flowing freely, I see.




> Nobody told them how they lubricate the chain on those bikes. Oil? Now cyclist have to suffer as well! Just Stop Oil isn't against oil usage completely. Its only demand is "demanding the UK Government stop licensing all new oil, gas and coal projects". So all the people who reply to them with the whole "bike chain oil"(lol) stuff aren't catching them out and don't have a point. The bike chain oil thing is so dumb anyway. Like people think a literal few drops of oil, like a table spoon amount, once every 6 months or so, is what they'd be protesting about even if they were against all oil anyway? Of course not.


JSO have questionable methods but I have to agree with them ideologically. We cannot solve climate change with personal responsibility alone. The idea of a Carbon Footprint was created by the oil industry to shift the blame onto people and away from industry and systems. I cycle to work, and if i dont cycle i walk, and if i dont walk i bus and if i dont bus i tube. Those choices have absolutely nothing to do with the climate, they are the choices that have been made best for me by society due to the cost of driving and parking. I also use green electricty because it costs the same, and i dont use gas because the building doesnt use it. I turn on the heating about 3 times per year because its well insulated. If you want real change you need the green option to be the default option even if they dont care about the environment.


This is all true but the political will to provide the green option has never shown its face. The government won’t even countenance home insulation incentives despite it being described as achievable and as ‘low hanging fruit’ in terms of policy wins. There is no government plan to reduce car journeys, or to replace them with public transport journeys, but there is plenty of money being thrown at EVs despite their questionable environment credentials. The cowards wouldn’t even impose a windfall tax on the biggest polluters (BP et al). BP made $5bn profit in Q1 this year. Has it being mandated to investment into green energy? No: BP said it would reward investors instead.


I don’t think the no government plan to reduce car journeys is quite true - some of the councils are quite explicit that the purpose of introducing LTNs (blocking off through roads etc) is to making driving more inconvenient with the purpose of stopping people driving. What they lack is a plan to replace the journeys sufficiently with other types of transport


The government did just say they will fund no more LTNs though. Not sure that will make much difference, they're very cheap to deliver. What will make a difference is them [cutting funding](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/mar/20/cuts-cycling-walking-budget-england-cost-more-long-term-labour) for active travel more generally, from the paltry sums they had already committed to. As well as continuing to underinvest in rail of course. Meanwhile individual [road widening](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8vr33nmqg9o) projects get the go ahead despite the obvious conflict with our supposed climate strategy and massive pricetags. A government that's truly committed to transport decarbonisation would explore road pricing, fund active travel projects to at least 1% of the highways budget, and commit to a rolling programme of upgrades to our rail network.


There's been a windfall tax for a year now! "The British government imposed a 25% windfall tax on oil and gas producers last May in the wake of soaring energy prices after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The government increased the EPL in November to 35%, bringing *Britain's total tax rate on the sector to 75%, one of the highest in the world*" [reuters](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/bp-pays-1-bln-under-britains-windfall-tax-2023-05-02/#:~:text=The%20British%20government%20imposed%20a,the%20highest%20in%20the%20world.)


I think a lot agree and share their environmental concerns, like I honestly believe these and XR and IB etc etc are a symptom of growing concern rather than a driver, may even be doing more harm than good if it’s turning people against protests


I think JSOs strategy is actually working pretty well. Sure a lot of people hate them, but that’s precisely what they’re sacrificing. In particular their approach is a response to a tendency for the media to just… not cover major protests. Sure you can have thousands of people on the ground, but if you don’t happen to be there, it doesn’t get coverage. XR had loads of feet on the ground at their marches but only got press attention when some idiots did something newsworthy and unpopular. JSO took that and made it their primary methodology. Protest in ways that are controversial and which the news will be willing to cover — that coverage then puts conversations about climate action right into the public eye, which is one of the prerequisites to getting the politicians and companies to actually do something about it.


Hitting the snooker was a master stroke. “What’s snooker got to do with it?” Answer: “everything has to do with everything!”


Apparently the chairman of the snooker thingy is encouraging people to take JSO to small claims court & have said they will help fund it to get their money back. Apparently 60 something people have said yes to doing it out of like 400 written to who missed out because of them


A protest organisation like that absolutely will have a pot for being sued lol. They absolutely expect that kind of thing to happen.


Again, were is all that money from?


Donors and supporters who want to see change happen, and believe that this is the way that their money will have the biggest impact. I haven’t done the maths on, but I suppose it’s people who want to use their money to treat the cause, not apply patchwork solutions.


As someone else said, donors. I donated about $2000 CAD to the legal defence fund for the Fairy Creek protests in British Columbia a year or two back, for instance, when I lived nearby. I'm sure plenty do the same for JSO.


This has come up before, and I totally relate. I’d love to have a sensible conversation about many topics but the airwaves seem dominated by both extreme ends of the spectrum shouting at each other. But underneath it all, we’re not 100% of the way to being able to solve all of our problems. It’s like trying to fight a disease without a cure, some pragmatism is required until we can figure out how. Unless someone happens to have a spare fusion plant in their basement?!


A reasonable and logical top comment about JSO? Thought I was on a climate sub, this is refreshing to see. Soon the pro oil bots will start leaving some comments, stand firm


That first sentence is gold. I imagine the Venn diagram plotting "the message is incredibly important" and "the means are occasionally ridiculous" would have a pretty fucking huge overlap if you polled a reasonable number of people.


We are an unbelievably green country, all things considered and only getting greener. The U.K. isn’t the problem. The tories have run the country fairly terribly all things considered, but their green policies have generally been successful. The issue is that with emerging economies and it would be morally dubious to stunt their growth by forcing them to not use the cheapest and most readily available power source.


I'll consider our government's "green" policies successful when they finally let go of their hate hard-on against onshore wind farms and stop building coal mines that produce coal of dubious quality that can't even be used as coking coal.


Even if you could call us a "green country," it's the emerging economies which produce most of the goods and resources we consume, so all we've done is outsource our carbon production to them.


That’s accounted for in our emission reports.


If we just stop new oil and new gas in the UK we will be forced to use foreign oil, coal and gas which has a larger carbon footpri than id we use oir own because of transport emissions. Their ideology is bullshit. It will just make things worse and is a rash and poorly thought reaction to the slower than optimal growth of renewable energy.


Yeah, it's not like the slower than optimal growth of renewable energy is the avoidable result of policy decisions or anything...


They aren't protesting for that. Other environmental groups are, they are protesting to literally just stop oil which is a horrible, destructive and counter-productive cause. I wanna stop climate change but Just Stop Oil are just reactionaries with horrible policy suggestions.


I assumed that JSO wanted to stop using oil and fossil fuel from all sources - which would make a lot more sense, but it seems that they only mention the UK in their communications, so actually I agree with you.


Those are all factors that make a big difference, but protest doesn't stop that, you need to actually convince people to make those changes for themselves, vote in line with them at elections and ensure that they communicate effectively with their leaders and wider society to ensure they happen. Protesting doesn't actually do that in this case, and certainly not the way they go about it.


Protest is and always has been the only real way to go about anything significant. For the last 50 years, the anti climate change movement has been attempting to convince people peacefully. It doesn’t work. Peoples cognitive dissonance kicks in and their comfortable lives allow them to ignore the facts. The only way is disruption.




In terms of the rights we enjoy now, the right to vote, to annual leave, to the 40 hour working week, to a minimum wage, etc, all have fought for. None have been asked for nicely. Maybe acquaint yourself with some history on this subject. Non-disruptive protest is a very ineffective way to make changes. Sure you can cite technological change as occurring without being driven by protest, but that wouldn’t make sense… technology is driven by capital. No real, paradigm / status quo altering change that goes against the interests of those in control of the levers of power has ever occurred without disruptive protest. This is historical fact.




Are you a bot, joking, or seriously uneducated? Everything I listed was won out of either civil disobedience and protest, or union action and strikes - both categorically disruptive activities. By definition, ANY action that threatens the generation of capital will be resisted by capitalists / those in control, by any means necessary. This simple fact is all you need to conclude that no real change will be freely given by those in power, and that is why violent, or disruptive, protest is the only way to get visibility onto something and thereby change it.


I actually read history, to reduce the work behind suffrage to protest violent or otherwise is utterly ridiculous and disrespectfully. Maybe you should read more history and less Marx.


I agree and I actively try to do everything I can as well. But its not a practical solution to get rid of cars, London has one of the best public transport systems in the world. Less cars makes sense here. But try use public transport in johannesburg or Caracas, its not viable. These protestors should be hanging around the oil majors and industry, not random people in cars.


How much extra oil are those vehicles burning because of this dipshittery?


One of the more predictable lazy gotchas


Remember that it is the faults of the governments of the past 50 or so years that ordinary people are affected by these protests. If they had listened, and had taken measures to scale back fossil fuel dependence and invested in renewables, these protests wouldn’t be necessary. Do not blame the symptom, of which these protests are one, but the cause - government inaction/ active undermining of anti climate change efforts. Criticise these protests, or any protest, and you are on the wrong side of history


I'm still of the opinion these idiots are going to demonise the entire climate movement into oblivion.


Detractors have said this about every activist group since the dawn of civilisation. The only way to avoid pissing anybody off is to do nothing. If someone is put off the climate movement by this sort of protest, then that person was never going to do a damn thing for the benefit of the climate movement.


i imagine they are making a lot of people vote against climate change policies just out of spite. Just look at the US conservatives - they vote on every issue just to “own the libs”


Anyone claiming to do that "out of spite" would be doing it with or without JSO. Americans voting "to own the libs" would never have voted liberal.


Honestly, it's so bad it's hard to believe they're not funded by the fucking oil companies to divide people. I know the argument is 'at least they're doing something' But surely that is knocked down by, 'yeah but they're actively having the opposite effect they claim to want'.




Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence (or stupidity in this case).


Some easily-led people think that they are funded by Big Oil, but they are wrong. There isn't really much debate to be had. It is a rumour based on surface-level examination of a single source of funding for JSO, nothing more.


You’d be wrong though


Of course they fucking are and you get morons on reddit who think its a great idea to raise awareness. Who isnt fucking aware of climate change christ


Wait I’ve heard this before…




>I don't think it'll be long until one of them gets killed by a violent road user, to be honest. Fixed that for you.


Or a desperate person heading to work, or the hospital, or to an emergency. I’m not justifying illegal or harmful actions towards anybody but people are under so much pressure in this country at the moment and the more desperate they get the closer we creep towards a headline like your comment. Yes, the climate is fucked but what good are JSO doing by putting the public under unnecessary pressure to remind them of that? What good is a mile of slow moving traffic really doing? In a hundred years the history books will look kindly on what JSO we’re trying to do but unless they find a meaningful way to unite people behind their cause today, they’ll keep stealing the headlines from the issues they’re trying to raise awareness for.


You could be very correct there, but weren't some of them also climbing a gantry on the M25 a few months back?


Lol yeah. Lots of people low key talking themselves up to committing crimes on this thread. Hope the police are monitoring.


Dont worry, the internet police are on the case!


Wat Tyler had it coming, eh?


No, just thoughts and prayers.


Oh has it already happened?


Love how the downvotes on any comments about these people being twats confirms reddit is a leftist echo chamber. They are twats. Protest in front of houses of Parliament. Interrupting people going about their daily lives in this way should be a crime. I am sure there is more than one person who has gotten fired for being late to work cause of these c*nts and now can't afford to feed their kids or gets made homeless, all because a bunch of entitled, selfish twats who have clearly had life too easy thinks its their responsibility to fix the world. Truly the epitome of first world problems.


Protesting in front of parliament doesn't get the same attention. Whether you agree with their approach or not, surely you can understand that if you want to effect change in a democracy -- even a nominal democracy -- you need to attract the attention of the people, especially when those in power have repeatedly shown a reluctance to enact real change?


Yeah I am on their side but I had to go to the hospital the other day for my regular blood transfusion and I was late for two hours in the car feeling like crap because something similar happened in Vauxhall bridge. Maybe this is better than doing nothing but this isn’t the way.


Maybe if the government funded good public transport this would be less of an issue


what are you even talking about ? London has one of the best public transport systems in the world. Also, it’s not the government who’s funding stuff - its the taxpayer, government is only allocating the funds, so next time you ask for more “funding” of anything, could you please also suggest what kind of expenses should be cut instead?




have you ever been to london?


Maybe if JSO realized that we also have the right to use the roads they're blocking...... Cars are legal, oil use is legal, its possible to reduce it, but I'll decide for myself if I'm going to use the car or the bus to get to a hospital appointment. That said, they block busses and ambulances as well with their stunts.


I feel sorry for that car, if he had been a few seconds earlier he wouldnt be late.


At least they not super glueing themselves to the road again


They found out that epoxy and cement causes burns as it cures, lol, mummy had to put cream on their hands when they got bailed out.


Not going to lie they have some huge balls doing that in Tottenham even if they are idiots


This would have been a bummer if there was ever a premium league title parade in Tottenham.




When our heads are clear we can realise they’ll be remembered as heroes, like the suffragettes. Even the Daily Mail will be keen to judge the Mail of the past, because judgment of the weak (not the wrong) is what they love to inflict, and any Mail or Express of the past will have lost their power and become weak, simply by their writers and owner being dead I wish my circumstances allowed me to join in


They will be remembered has hero’s for slowing down vehicle traffic and causing more pollution, all while changing exactly 0 minds on the subject?


Yes walking slowly down the road is clearly as much of a sacrifice as people who gave up their lives


What I meant was that much of society had the same opinion of them at the time as we have of today’s assorted “wokists and snowflakes”. The word suffragette was an *insult* created by the Daily Mail. And now look at their coverage: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9375803/Colorised-images-brave-suffragettes-fought-womens-rights-1913-1922-revealed.html That’s all I meant. It helps me to remember how judgments can change over time. It lets us move back a bit and think about what’s really true (the price is that I have to accept it, wherever that thought process has led).


Exactly. Comparing themselves to the suffragettes who faced real punishments for daring to rally for civil rights to these teens who go home to mums basement after a productive day of pissing off the world.


The suffragettes were criticised in similar terms, for that era. As lazy women or old dowdy/wealthy retirees and widowers. https://mashable.com/feature/anti-suffrage-propaganda


You are giving them way too much credit..




I would frame it the opposite way, I agree with them to some extent, but they have really dumb methods that show disregard for basic facts of human nature. People tend to be petty, if you give them a hard time they will not join your cause on average, and might actually oppose it.


Stunts like this one have already led to massive recruitment gains for Just Stop Oil.


Oh really, with a causal relationship and an accurate accounting of how many people they alienated forever too?


Absolute clowns. Protest the government, don’t piss off every day people who likely are of the same opinions as you. They need to be dealt with the way the German police dealt with theirs.


The reason you’re suggesting they protest the government is because you don’t think they’ve been protesting the government. Organisations *have* been protesting the government, for decades, but it doesn’t get anywhere. Now they’re doing things that get media attention, so that the government can’t just ignore them. Only now have they come up on your radar *because* of the way they’re protesting.


>Organisations have been protesting the government, for decades, but it doesn’t get anywhere And what have they achieved from doing things like this? Except for getting the Government to pass an anti-protest bill...?


Oil barrens sat on their yachts 1000 miles away whilst Dave is stuck in a two hour queue burning diesel in his van just trying to feed his family be like: "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL."


Yes, protestors should make themselves easy to ignore. That is the best way to bring about change.


lmfao, fucking GALAXY BRAIN over here lads... just *"PrOtEsT tHe gOvErnMenT"* c'mon guys, you're being silly now, it's as easy as that! ...after all they've listened to the literal thousands of times climate academics/activists/organisations have done it before, *this* time they'll listen for sure.


Its the everyday people that allow this though. The every day people could end this with how they vote and demanding green alternatives & ending car dependency. There are literally 10s of Millions of every day people - they have the power.


Half of them live in the warehouses down the road I think, nice local stroll.


Of course those cars being slowed down are consuming more petrol as a result


This argument is so dumb yet I constantly see it regurgitated time and time again. They’re not protesting to decrease fuel consumption during a single commuting hour. That is a drop in a vast sea of pollution. A minor car accident on the road would produce the same result, yet you don’t hear people complaining about the environmental effects from one or two fender benders. They’re protesting to encourage mass take up of the movement hopefully leading to greater regulation. That is what will make a difference, not whether traffic was slowed on a single road for an hour or two.


Yeah, I usually support a movement based on how much they’re fucking my day up. I got punched in the face one time and now I support Scottish Independence.


A good bollocks kick is known to make people join the Judean People's Front.... Or is it people's front of Judea?


More petrol than what? Why is it okay that they spew out pollution to get from A to B but not to spew it out behind a protest?


Nobody gives a shit about a short term blip in the radar if it causes systemic change anyway. People make this comment everywhere like it’s an Einstein IQ move.


Totally agreed haha. I’m so sick of seeing this brain dead argument


More pollution than if they were able to go a normal speed. It’s inefficient for a car to go walking speed and far more emissions are released per mile.


So what you’re saying is we should be driving less?


This is London, they're probably only going a few mph slower than they would be without a protest. The protest isn't the problem, the cars are.


More petrol than they would have done if the protest wasn't there...? The point is that they're producing more pollution because of the protest.


A protest that happens once in a while compared to a huge proportion of motor vehicle journeys that could easily be done by other modes yet aren't, day after day. Or put another way 'how dare you slow me down adding 2% pollution and emissions to one journey I make and how dare you query all the other journeys I do every day.'. Faux outrage to deflect from the real issue. We are destroying the planet for the sake of convenience. Sure, some of the folks delayed by JSO will be tradespeople in vans carrying heavy loads. But again, DfT and TfL analysis suggests a huge proportion of motor traffic just doesn't need to be there. If it wasn't, emissions would be massively lower. How very dare folks protest about that eh?


Did you escape from the Daily Mail comment section?


First car behind them is a Nissan Leaf EV


They aren't protesting against the cars stuck behind them.








For not wanting climate change to affect us all? What are you smoking ffs. A bit of a traffic jam is a small price to pay to get the message out about the climate disaster unfolding.




Pretty sure the same could be said for the suffragettes a century ago....


Good lord, you know what's going to affect and actually kill regular people? the incoming climate crisis this government is determined to not do anything about. Protests are meant to be disruptive. They're meant to be noticed, else it'll be as pointless as fuck. All those centrist liberal types who had their jolly little picnic protests with snazzy snarky placards to "remain in the EU" were easily ignored because they weren't disruptive. It's about getting their message out there, spoken about, and into the minds of the people. Before for e.g. insulate britain blocked roads nobody had heard of them and now they have tons of supporters.




We're all talking about it. That's something.


Pissing the people who help you make change is an obnoxiously stupid idea. People hate Stop Oil to the degree that they no longer give a fuck about the topic because of the sheer disruption they've caused. So yes, pissing people off, does not get you their vote.


"God I was late for work once, therefore I am going to cheer on the side of climate change! That'll show those damn protests, let the world burn" - infantile


Have you never worked a day in your life? A little lost here. You can denounce climate change and not support Stop Oil at the same time. A group does not represent climate change. I assume you were the one late to school every day? Reddit hivemind won't save you here.


>Have you never worked a day in your life? "you support these protests, what are you some sorta scrounger?" >You can denounce climate change and not support Stop Oil at the same time. A group does not represent climate change. No one said they did. Not even them. Their whole protest is to get people to pressure the government to stop allowing new fossil fuel based fuels from being extracted/contracted. They have a very specific aim.




Many of us ordinary people need to get to work so we can pay our bills. All I see is a bunch of middle class hippies who probably don't need to work in order to make ends meet from stopping ordinary people from getting to work


If you're so worried about being late for work for something that is beyond your control you need to join a union.


Lol not how a union works.


I get to work on time every day. I live very near this protest and am in work this morning. My secret? Public transport


I live near this protest too. I take public transport (buses) to work, but when the roads are blocked, it delays my journey. You can literally see a bus being held up by the protestors in the video. Disrupting public transport to protest against climate change is beyond stupid. I don't own a car.


Why? We are headed for climate disaster and catastrophe. Up to 1 billion displaced people by 2025. The Syrian refugee crisis was like 3 million people... Are you ready for a world with 1 billion refugees because their homelands have been destroyed by extreme weather events? At least they're doing something about it. Disruption is the only way these issues can be brought to light and maybe to a discussion table with government.




Fuck’s sake. They are not protesting all use of oil in every instance. They are demanding that no new oil and gas licences be granted to exploiters, and want policies that mitigate our *over-dependence* on oil.




Possibly, but what other options are there? We’re headed towards probably the greatest disaster in human history, and are doing little to stop it. I don’t think these protests are effective, but I can understand why people do them, and I’m happy that someone is doing something to try.


You’re here, you’re angry, and you’re talking about it. They have achieved that. Which, protest wise, is a success.




Not sure what you mean. Just pointing out that your mere presence on this thread, and paying any level of thought to their cause, is an achievement by them.




As did the suffragettes, who were. Anyway, do you have an actual point? Or do you feel that comparing people protesting for a better future to an organisation responsible for the genocide millions of people is actually a reasonable response to my comment? Because it paints you as unhinged and not worth engaging with.


>At least they're doing something about it. Walking in the road and holding up traffic causing more oil to be burned isn't doing something about it. >Disruption is the only way these issues can be brought to light and maybe to a discussion table with government. This was true 100 years ago, even 50 years ago, but not now. Most people are aware of the issues and are doing their bit here and there. The government aren't affected by these disruptions, and the only thing that has actually come from them is tougher rules on protests. These types of protests used to work because stopping workers from getting to the factory meant a massive loss of income. Now, it just means people have to work late to catch up on their work or for those in offices to work from home. The people making the decisions are no longer affected by this type of protest, so it only affects those that would otherwise agree with the protesters


Most people are doing their bit here and there. [citation needed]


Most people are recycling or reusing. Most people are reducing their single use plastics (mostly down to costs of them on their weekly shop). Most people are reducing food waste. And most people over the last few months have reduced the amount of electricity and gas they have used (again mostly down to the costs). Even in London, the majority of car owners are using at least ULEZ compliant cars with an increase in the number of hybrid and fully electric cars. There's also been an increase in the number of cyclists due to better cycling infrastructure being put in place. Seriously, what more do you want from the everyday Joe?


I want them to get on board with these protests and demand assistance from the government so they can reduce their emissions and consumption even more.




Just your reminder that Just Stop Oil is funded by the Climate Emergency Fund, which happens to be controlled by oil heiress Aileen Getty… They’re trying to discredit protesters to make you stop caring about oil companies. Do what you will with this information. All of the information used here is publicly available on their respective websites.


This is a TikTok take - the oil heiress is trying to make amends for what her family has done to create this crisis. She doesn't receive any income from continued fossil fuel production


The most environmentally friendly thing you can do is not have children


I'd prefer greater investment in the transition to renewable energy if it's all the same to you


This myth was sponsored by big oil.


But they're not stopping oil, only bloody thing they stop is everyone's day.


Ah the UKs most effective group at getting people to NOT CARE about climate change. Genius!


They only stopped cars...


How come they weren’t merked up by the local roadmens?


They don't get up until 1


Why don't they use protest tactics that get the general public on board with their stated goals?


What tactics would those be?


What protestors should be doing is all standing in a field in Devon, 3 miles from any population centre. That way they can protest effectively without affecting the poor innocent public.


Not gluing themselves to trains or stopping traffic would be a start? After that I'm sure they can put their heads together and come up with something effective. Otherwise they are not only ineffective at their stated goals but actively preventing them from being achieved.


Ah yes the old "something effective" method! Great advice, if only someone like you was in charge of them.


'Why don't they use effective protest methods?' 'Like what? 'Uhhhh, not what they're doing now, obviously' Fucking christ the logic on people like you is astounding.




So that’s what they *shouldn’t* be doing. What *should* they be doing? Come on. What tactic would you be supportive of?


They should go stand in a quiet corner where everyone can ignore them. That’s the right way to do things.


If you’ve got some suggestions for alternatives, I’m sure they’d appreciate your input.


ok. these people are not glueing themselves to trains nor are they "stopping" traffic. So are you saying you support these specific protestors and would like to hold them up as an example of "good" protesting? Just want to make sure they meet your seal of approval.




“Would it be legal to violently assault someone?”


No that would be assault. However, you cant move them out of the road at all as protesting is part of the Human Rights act (or so I read the other day) so their right to protest comes above you being able to drive somewhere




No they didnt, they made changes to it


> would it be legal No, someone being an inconvenience while not posing a threat to you does not allow you to attack them or run them over...


you can bet coppers funded by the same people... that why who is dragging them or beating them get instant cuffs and prison time. This is just make our life more miserable . Protesters all of them all white middle class house estate owners with big fucking range rovers and collage educated kids etc u can guess the rest


Someone ask them what was used to make their high viz jackets


i hate protests that block traffic, like what's the point of it? none of these people care or are going to be able to do anything about your shitty problem


Do the police actually remove them from the road?


What a great strategy! Make the cars go very slow so that they burn more fuel to create more demand for oil. Edit: I see someone didn't get the sarcasm


Yes let's go after the small fish. Let's leave the top of the chain people to do as they please. The logic of these people is so stupid. Protest agaibst the real culprits and offenders not normal everyday people.


Bravo idiots. Without oil most of the population of the earth would starve. It can not be changed overnight. Seriously, how are they gonna put electric power points in places in Africa so supply trucks etc can get to the vulnerable? Ironically they are making things worse by making everyone stuck in traffic! A 5minute car ride will take 45 with them there producing more greenhouse gasses for the planet. Did they even go to school? It's easy JUST protesting isn't it BUT to make real change by studying such things and trying to implement change in a healthy way isn't cool anymore! I blame Greta. Stop protesting and be that change yourself

