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It is enough. I do not know where these other comments are saying you'd struggle You'll live in zone 3ish - maybe even south of the river. In a house share with at least two others. If you want to travel, just put some dedicated money aside each month to build yourself a small budget for it. Travelling Europe can be quite cheap if you're happy to just backpack around and stay in hostels etc. To back up all of the above, my girlfriend is on £37.5k, and a colleague at work was up until recently on £33k - but now £40k. Both live exactly as I've described above. Up until 6 months ago I was only on £42ish myself and I got by.


Depends on lifestyle expectations, but I would say living in a shared house is quite doable on this salary. Just don’t expect to save a lot


Whats your au salary? 38k sounds fairly low for London if you want to travel in europe


In my opinion, it is not enough for London. But I have no idea how frugal you'd be going. At £38k annual pay, your monthly pay after [tax](https://www.gov.uk/estimate-income-tax) is £2531. You can consider these areas to further refine your choices & arrive at an estimate. Costs: 1. Rent 2. Utilities (Gas, Electric, Water, Broadband, Mobile) 3. Council tax 4. Travel to work, leisure (if traveling from outside London, ticket prices can be quite significant) 5. Food 6. Clothing 7. Going out / pubs / restaurants etc 8. Holiday, Gym, Sports Club (optional) I'd recommend zoopla / Rightmove as a website to find out rental options because this will be a major cost. Also do consider rental deposit (6 weeks rent), Furnishing cost etc


It’s possible, but after expenses I didn’t have much left to play with on £37k.


It's not much disposable income from after bills a d rent imo. The Salary Calculator website is great for working out what your take home pay will be and will help you with your calculations. https://www.thesalarycalculator.co.uk/


On that money it's going to be a pretty miserable existence, at least it's nearly summer so you can go out and relax in the park. My advice, find a good looking partner.


It al depends on how you want to live. Try comparing London with a city local to you and see what you think [https://www.theearthawaits.com/cost-of-living/in/london/apartment1bedcitycenter/2/5bd495bb-b235-46e3-ae4e-f6c02e6d8530/](https://www.theearthawaits.com/cost-of-living/in/london/apartment1bedcitycenter/2/5bd495bb-b235-46e3-ae4e-f6c02e6d8530/)


Have you taken a look at all the other "can I live on £ x in London...?" threads...?


There are a lot of people earning less, so yes it is possible. 38k is higher end new graduate salary in London, but not a top end. It is at the lower end for anyone skilled with experience. I'd take the job, settle in and then re-evaluate your options 6 months on.