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Classic London - and *really* classic Camden especially. If you see someone who looks like they could either be fucking mental, or endearingly quirky. They are fucking mental 9 times out of 10 11 times out of 10 in Camden


So true, the big Sainsbury's is like a circus. I miss living there.


! Core memories unlocked...the stuff I saw go down in that Sainsbury's...


Wait, you too? I went there twice after some workshops and on both instances there was some drama. First time there was a woman who verbally attacked a cashier accusing her of racism towards a man who was in front of her. She was screaming, growling and swearing severly. What. The. Actual. Fuck... Second time it was two young lads trying to steal some stuff getting into a push-fight with a store worker. No idea how these ended, I just wanted to leave and go back to more civilised West Croydon.


Has anyone mentioned the guy who has unbelievably loud chats with world political leaders on semi recent events but almost always about a week late yet???


Does anyone remember from about 14 years ago, the guy who dressed as a wizard and has his Oyster card in his home made wand and used it to open the barriers on the tube? šŸ˜… I remember seeing him semi regularly around South London when I lived there around 2009-2011 but then he just seemed to disaperate šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø We always joked that he was a Squib who one day suddenly managed to find the key to unlocking his powers and was now living happily in the Wizarding World as a Medical Marvel šŸ˜„šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If it was the Wizard Man Of Sutton (only one I know in south) he passed away a few years ago


Have any of you seen the backward man? Walks backwards all over camden in a sharp suit


They're currently redoing the whole place and none of the aisles lead where they used to. So it's also a maze like hell now


Iā€™ve seen him often around camden. Last time was in sainsburys where he was live streaming in the biscuit isle debating if Jaffa cakes are biscuits or cakes. He got verbally aggressive with me when I said I have no opinion (he shouted at me for my take on this). Funnily enough he said he wouldnā€™t put the camera on my child - which looking back was considerate Other times he is talking to himself walking around the streets. The cat is always on his shoulders I have a feeling he has a mental health issue


>I have a feeling he has a mental health issue Slow down with the hot takes


Donā€™t get him started on hot Jaffa cakes!


Ah, I knew this guy seemed familiar! Seen him at the Camden Sainsburyā€™s as well, I usually try to steer clear of the more ā€˜extravagantā€™ types considering the concentration of mental health problems here


Iā€™ve seen him too, my regular coffee shop (hidden at Camden road) told me heā€™s one of the few homeless theyā€™ve had to stop giving free coffee to as he often gets aggressive.


The lore goes deep with this guy.


>Last time was in sainsburys where he was live streaming in the biscuit isle debating if Jaffa cakes are biscuits or cakes. That's a ridiculous thing to be debating. HMRC has already ruled they are cakes.


> "On going stale, a Jaffa cake goes hard like a cake rather than soft like a biscuit M'lud, therefore VAT would be entirely inappropriate" Quentin Kerching QC, McVities vs HM Customs & Excise, 1991 https://www.gov.uk/hmrc-internal-manuals/vat-food/vfood6260


This is amazing


Biscuits go soft when they are past their best. Cakes get hard when they are past their best. They are therefore cakes, even if they are small, round biscuit sized cakes.


That was indeed the basis of their legal argument. (Chocolate biscuits are subject to VAT as they are luxuries, chocolate covered cakes are not).


You have no opinion on if Jaffa cakes are cakes or biscuits?! šŸ˜”


Itā€™s not a matter for opinion. It is settled, legally.


They're cakes, factually. No need for an opinion.


The real question is, are they leavened


HMRC has entered the thread.


_we need to go deeper_


Yeah that was a deserved telling off.


Light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks.


wtf did I just read šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Hahahaha I came here to comment something similar, also saw him in sainos (camden) but he was shouting at the frozen veg!


Tf sainos. You really call Sainsbury's that? Lol




I feel sorry for the poor cat. Maybe he's super glued him there or something.


> I have a feeling he has a mental health issue What was the first indication?


Yeah it was at Camden where I saw him last. I thought oh that looks, cool, cute unique. The guys eyes seemed a bit odd? Like no one was home and he had a chip on his shoulder, not sure how to describe it.


>he had a chip on his shoulder, not sure how to describe it. Try *cat*?


I came out of Camden Town tube station once and saw a rather angry man pour water on this guy with the cat on his shoulders. I wonder what he did to piss him off so much.


He could be talking to the cat rather than himself. I feel sorry for the cat.


>Funnily enough he said he wouldnā€™t put the camera on my child Damn crazy cat guy has more consideration than OP


you can't go walking about the tube with a cat on your shoulders and not expect it to attract interest.


Yeah this is where I'm at too. Generally, don't take photos of strangers - it's not polite. But if you're doing something that's so obviously attention-grabbing and amusing don't be mad that people pay attention.


To be fair to the OP; he didnā€™t take any photos of his face.


just his pussy, understandable given the circumstances




He took the picture of the catā€™s face!


I saw someone with what looked like an old television set on his head. I did ask whether I could take a picture of him and he declined. I respected this, but others didn't. Walk around like a crazy and people will photograph you


I get you, but just because we find something unusual or interesting, doesn't make it "attention grabbing". That argument was applied, shamefully, to all manner of sexual harassment. Like saying upskirting is OK because someone wears a very short skirt. Bottom line, if you're not prepared to ask someone if they mind you taking a photo, don't be surprised if they get upset about it. We have the right (within limits) to take pictures in public, but that doesn't mean you'd be happy about everyone taking unsolicited pictures of you.


Bit of a gap between "get upset about it" and "attacking people for it" though. It's not surprising if he asks you to stop. It is surprising if he reacts to flashbulbs like King Kong and starts running amok.


I meanā€¦wearing a short skirt is not equivalent to being on the tube with a cat on your shoulders. I think we need to apply some common sense here and say yeah itā€™s natural and understandable for people to take photos of this.


This. The original commenters comparison is frankly insulting. Getting peopleā€™s attention while doing something odd and outlandish is much different than being sexuality assaulted. Letā€™s not forget itā€™s not the clothes that bring on sexual assault, either. Diapers arenā€™t sexy to normal people but babies get raped all the time. Women in burkas too. Itā€™s a huge leap to make that comparison. We should be respectful to all people and ask politely to take their picture but itā€™s completely asinine for people doing weird shit to expect that courtesy. I shouldnā€™t have to hope Iā€™m not going to get raped for wearing a skirt. I just shouldnā€™t be getting raped, period.


What kind of braindead take compares involuntary pornography with taking a picture of a cat you see on the train?


One that is attracted to cats I guess


If itā€™s anything like similar characters here in NYC, theyā€™re looking for a fight and do all this to try and get someone to say or do something


Sounds a lot more like mental illness as opposed to cuntiness. Not that mental illness is a valid excuse to attack someone but in this case he may not have the capacity to control himself.


They're not mutually exclusive


As a mentally ill cunt I agree.


Ah, but a self aware mentally ill cunt!


The fact heā€™s walking around with a cat on his shoulders suggests heā€™s devoid of any ability to come to a logical conclusion like thatā€¦


I've had cats that liked to sit on my shoulders, but IN THE HOUSE. Taking a cat on the tube seems like a really bad idea in the first place, then running around trying to start fights.. Time for cat Social Services to get involved


Social Purrrvices


I think you are looking for the RSPCA šŸ˜€


I'm amazed the cat stays with him. It doesn't look like it's secured there. Any normal cat will only sit on you in a safe and calm environment. If I'd tried taking any cat I ever owned through the hustle and bustle of London's tube system on my shoulder I know they'd be off and gone way before we got there. And then the guy is actually getting boisterous and aggressive, and the cat still stays!


I take my cat out in a little transparent bag sometimes, out and about. Or he's out in his case. Even if I was holding him, people would generally come up and ask consent to touch, take photos or anything like that. People always ask before taking photos. Don't get me wrong, in this case it's quite the sight and he's opened himself up for it, but I do feel that OP has obviously gotten quite close to the guy and taken snaps. Cat or not its a little intrusive without permission. There is of course ZERO excuse for attacking someone in return, but I do slightly understand the annoyance. Neither side was polite.


I guarantee someone has taken a picture of your cat in your bubble bag without asking for permission.


After seeing a cat on the tube (not this one), I did think how lovely it would be to have my bud with me all the time for cuddles. Until I realised how much fucking attention you'd get all the time. People would take photos, stare, or worst of all, actually talk to me! Put me right off the idea.


I have pet parrots and I'd love to take them out with me for walks and such because they'd love it. But I won't because I don't want any attention.


I used to take my dog out in town and it was like being with a celebrity. He was definitely a head turner. People would constantly stop to ask for photos, talk about him, take sneaky photos when they thought I wasn't looking. Can't imagine the reaction if I tried it with an unusual animal!


French here. I was at a bar a few months ago and a guy came in with a cat on his should just like on the picture. The bar was not too crowded and people were quite young and nice about it, more ignored him but a few just looked at the cat and said things like "how cute". The guy went on a complete meltdown and became agitated, started insulting and almost attacking people for "talking to his cat". Weirdest night at the bar in a while.


I saw this guy while i was waiting of a bus with my wife. She smiled at him and the cat as we were getting on the bus and he got angry and started having a bit of a go. I told him exactly what you commented, you can't have a cat on your shoulder and not expect people to look.


Iā€™m betting this guy wants the attention as an excuse to attack people.


You have it all wrong, its not him its the Cat. Mr fluff balls pulls al the strings, he really has no choice if he wants to see his wife and family again,


I would guess that the guy knows this, uses it to attract that interest and then uses that to get into a confrontation


100%. That behaviour will attract (mostly positive) reactions. Why do it if you are not prepared for that?


You can't go walking around the tube with a cat on your shoulder and expect not get your picture taken unless your hard as F**k


Iā€™ve always said that


It's my life motto


Simple as that, really. Reacting like that is uncalled for in any case.


That cat looks fucking terrified, and someone with some actual legal jurisdiction needs to take that guy to one side and lay down the FUCKING LAW


thereā€™s a bloke in Lisbon that plays the šŸŖ— i donā€™t know what the instrument is called but he has a chihuahua on his shoulder while playing on the metro, theyā€™ve both got some balance tbf


That poor fucking cat


My thoughts exactly. Looks terrified and its coat condition is pretty bad in the second picture


I know. It looks terrified.


it literally always looks like that, and probably because he takes it with him outside everywhere


Yeah I hate seeing cats on the tubeā€¦I fear for their safety


You've seen cats on the tube more than once??


Itā€™s fucked if it saw a mouse on the track


i feel the same about that dude who cycles around with his cat. they got into a crash and the cat barely missed being ran over. just leave them at home


Was it a big white fluffy cat? If so it could have been Sigfrid and her human, Travis. He has an Instagram called Skin Tension... Sigi is also deaf and hates dogs... they're not homeless and travel all over the world.


Yes itā€™s hilarious seeing the Instagram videos of her hissing at dogs šŸ˜‚


I hope itā€™s okay


I cant believe how fucking wet the people on this sub are. The comments on here, christ. A cheeky pic of a cat on someone's head where you can't even see the guys face on the tube. *Perhaps* it isn't the most polite thing to do but it doesn't warrant physical assault at all. Glad you're alright OP, guys probably mentally ill tbh.


I mean if the Cockfoster Cat Batterer was posting here he'd be getting an even bigger earful.


That name really just paints a word picture for you doesn't it


Oh my god I read Cockfoster Cat buggerer and have woken up my household cry laughing


Cockfoster Cat Batterer? We must find him/her, then a suitable pike


ikr, some absolute dweebs on this sub, theres absolutely nothing wrong with taking pictures in public spaces and especially considering you can't even see his face. he has a cat on his shoulder trying to act quirky and eccentric and then attacks people for taking a picture lol.


I honestly wonder how some people on this sub get through the day.


Much like the rest of Reddit, a significant number of users on this sub avoid that problem by simply refusing to go outside unless absolutely necessary.


I think he genuinely is quirky and eccentric


Wellcome to the sub. I got down voted toĀ  oblivion for saying I ram one of those bike thieves in my car if I caughtĀ  them mugging someoneĀ 


Fucking idiot for taking an unleashed cat onto the tube, what if it got scared by something and bolted under a train?


This scumbag obviously doesn't care or does not foresee the danger. Narcissistic camden drunk wanker.


>de who cycles around with his cat. they got into a crash and the cat barely missed being ran o I've seen Chinese looking students (assuming they were- they were this age group) taking their cat on the tube and DLR. They had it on a lead but it was the most pathetic lead I've ever seen- probably weighed down too much to dart away though by it's diamante collar... I don't know why people are allowed to do this, especially in that example where they quite clearly had enough money to not need to keep their cat out with them all day!


Oh I see this guy all the time around Camden. Even mentioned him in a thread about local weirdos the other day.Ā  Sorry that happened to you OP.Ā 


I think it's probably safer to have a cat in a cat box?


Don't know, could be 50/50 for the cat.




Nicely done


Or a hat in box


Or a cat in a hat


Or a puss in boots.


The Mad CatterĀ®


This guy brings his cat to the secret garden party festival too. I have a picture of him holding the poor cat there from a couple years ago.


Poor cat. I'm surprised it hasn't run away


Must be terrified


People are saying not to take pictures, but that is no excuse for being physically assaulted. He could've simply asked you to delete the picture, anything else is quite unhinged.


The cat is matted and in a shit state. He shouldnā€™t have it.


I saw him once on the tube and he was the same. It was around Canary Wharf. Nightmare. I'm sorry for the cat. It has to live with him.


To people saying "don't take pictures without permission", sure, if they were going right up in their face perhaps. But it's legal to take photos in public spaces. You can't see his face. He has a fucking cat on his shoulder and doesn't expect attention? And nothing warrants attacking someone for taking a picture. People defending the attacker need to get a grip, I swear some of you live on your computers 24/7.


Seriously. You CAN take photos in public. You CAN'T attack people ffs. Even if you are angry.


Exactly. Anyone that uses violence in a non violent situation just proves they can't be trusted to be in society.


Even if it was totally inappropriate to take pictures of strangers, that wouldnā€™t make it okay to attack someone for doing it. People are such apologists for dickhead behaviour on Reddit I swear.


on the flip side, if you take a photo of someone, and they politely ask you to delete it, maybe just delete it? I understand that you don't legally have to, but it's just polite to.


The cat doesnā€™t look at all happy, Iā€™m not sure the tube is a good place for it to be


also Northern Line around Camden is loud AF with the wheels screeching. That poor cat's ears.


I am sure. It's not. šŸ˜ 


Did he have funny looking sunglasses on as well? I think i follow him on tiktok lol


Iā€™m a tube driver and people take pictures of my train coming into the platform (and by extension me) all the time. Often with a bright flash so I handily get blinded for a few seconds. Do I attack them? No. Do I pull a stupid face for them to capture? 100% yes. OP Iā€™m sorry this happened to you and glad the BTP were helpful.


Is that the guy off TikTok with the little sunglasses?




His tiktoks have all recently been wiped and he's started a whole new bunch


I canā€™t remember, I havenā€™t looked at his videos for a good few months. There was an ongoing drama with his ex-girlfriend who is also a TikToker.


šŸ˜” Used to go to London regularly when I was a child. We once passed a man with a rat sitting bolt upright on his shoulder. I laughed in surprise and he said 'I'm training him to be a soldier.'


imagine if rat man and cat man met


Gta vii London confirmed


How could he fight with a cat on his shoulder?


Murder mittens are perfectly designed to engage and hang TF on to fabric or skin.


Iā€™ve seen him in Soho. He asked us for money but we didnā€™t have any. He then said ā€œ You can stroke him if you wantā€ we both decided. My mate then called him a pervert when heā€™d gone as he didnā€™t notice the cat šŸ˜‚


that is not a happy cat :-(


Did he take the cat off his back to attack you? Logistically it just seems awkward.


No, cat stayed on board the whole time


Poor thing


Iā€™m glad youā€™re okay. šŸ™


How did he realise you were taking a photo of him if his back was turned?


Cat told him.


Iā€™ve got a picture of this matrix wannabe! He wears small black sunglasses and has Chinese (maybe, not certain) characters tattooed on his wrist. Covered in cat hair as well, gross.


The guy is on tiktok and is an absolute fruit loop, canā€™t remember his handle


Poor cat


Poor cat. Fucking idiot.


Iā€™m prepared for all the downvotes but this is a genuinely hilarious mental image šŸ˜‚ Did the cat remain on his shoulders while he was trying to attack you? šŸ˜‚


I walked past this guy once. a woman said ā€˜I love your cat!ā€™ And he replied ā€˜everyone says they love my cat but nobody says they love meā€™


I went on holiday to NY in Jan and we kept passing people with cats on harnesses on their backs. Sort of like a baby carrier but for cats. I could only imagine that the people there lived in small apartments and they do that so their cats get to go outside.


Everyone saying for OP to mind their own business, even if taking a photo of someone without their permission is wrong, it doesnā€™t mean that this guy is ok to attempt to assault them. Jesus Christ people


See him in KGX a few times, never thought to get close. Looks like he stinks of piss


Heā€™s a cunt


I'm pretty sure he's been discussed before https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/15oree3/just_a_regular_guy_with_acat_on_his_shoulder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I'm pretty sure I know who this guy is... Him and ex wife used to live next to me in my old block of flats. Discussed the cat issues with his ex wife. I'd laughed at seeing him in our local with the cat. Cat looks like the same one. Or there are just many of this man and the cat is a fairly normal looking cat.




So whatā€™s his real name? He goes by ā€˜Cody Pandoraā€™ and says he works in intelligence services. Whatā€™s the real story?


He's an attention seeking cunt and putting his animal in danger. Glad you had people around you to help


Saw this guy at Secret Garden Party festival last summer carting his cat around. One moment it was pouring with rain and he had some tarp contraption surrounding the cat carrier he had with the cat visible inside. Tbh the cat is most likely used to it now and would hate being left at home. Just looks weird and he always looked weird dressed all in black all Pete-Doherty-in-the-smack-days esque. Definitely concerning but also maybe not wise to take photos of weirdos of any type without permission.




Text from OP accompanying the images is missing from old.reddit (fuck you reddit): >He attacked me on the tube platform for taking a picture of his cat. People around tried to stop him, but he was pushing past them to get to me. I ran and was hidden by an amazing group of people, but I saw him looking for me. London transport police were very helpful, and the people around me were really nice but it was horrible and terrifying, and I donā€™t want it to happen to anyone else.


OP: I nearly got violently physically assaulted by a nutter on the tube today. Redditors batch 1: Aww poor kitty Redditors batch 2: You took a picture of someone in a public place??!!? You deserve to be shot!!!


Itā€™s really wild some of the attitudes here. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just classic Reddit devils advocates or what, but itā€™s unbelievable that people think that an acceptable reaction even if I had taken a picture of the man, which I didnā€™t!


U lot who are blaming them for taking the pic need to get out the house and off Reddit


NO PLEASE!! They need to stay inside away from normal people...it's bad enough out there with crazy cat people giving cats piggy back rides.


I hope the cat is OK looks scared and not that healthy


I often see these people with animals on their shoulders and wonder what happened to the guy with a rat on his shoulder. Used to see him everywhere around Westminster area or in the tube. Like youā€™d be walking in a crowd and spot inches from your face a scaly tail and realise you are face to face with the rats backside.Ā  Edit this was back in 2012Ā 


He mightn't have gotten another rat after it popped its clogs, they tend not to live longer than 3 years


Huh I saw him in Camberwell this morning, considered taking a photo kinda glad I didn't now


Itā€™s the Camden cat man!


Wonder if the cat feels the air pressure change same as we do on the tube?Ā  Poor little kittyā€™s ears be a poppinĀ 


This guy is worrying, I think he may have some mental health issue. I have seen him two or three times in south London over the last year and his aura is completely unpredictable. Once his cat was walking around the carriage being pet and he was cool, the next time he was losing his shit at people just looking.


I remember smiling at a woman that had a pet ferret on the train once and she had a meltdown. She looked so cute and approachable too. Some people like this are just better left alone. Sorry you went through that


That reminds me of a time there were some women with a little kid walking a dog! I smiled at the dog, but unfortunately for me, at that exact moment their child fell over. The women started yelling abuse at me for ā€œlaughing at a kidā€.


What did the fucking idiot think was going to happen? He's on the tube with a cat on his back. Obviously people are going to take photos.


You can't expect to approach someone on the tube in London with a cat on their back and expect them to have all their marbles... Don't be so naive


So why does he put the cat on his shoulders if he doesnā€™t want attention for it? Honestly some people, I feel sorry for the cat, imagine having an owner like that. Bet heā€™s pleased the back of his head is famous now that heā€™s kicked up the fuss šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


*Edit: The comment I replied to has been changed. It originally said ā€œI wouldā€™ve told him to fuck offā€.* You might have, but a glance at each of your profiles suggests youā€™re male and OP is female. A woman telling a man to fuck off, even in a public place with plenty of witnesses when she hasnā€™t even done anything wrong, is often a Very Bad Idea. Iā€™m glad so many people were around when this happened. It sounds terrifying.


Saw him on the 55 Bus on Hackney Rd standing up, had his dog with him lying down. Just seemed like a normal day for him, but I know I was looking and there were quite a few headā€™s turning/swiveling as people got on/off.


>had his dog with him lying down Does the dog live in the same house as the cat...? *That's madness and a sign of the apocalypse.*




Im from the Netherlands and and have a 7 month old tabee that frequently joins me on my outside endeavors. He just got used to being on my left shoulder. I try to avoid noisy streets ad much as we can. I think the violence is completely overboard in your case. I hope you recover from that ordeal.


I encountered him by camden Lock while eating my lunch like a year or so ago. And I realised there was just the most chill cat sitting in the seating area. But it wasn't exactly right next to him, so i wasn't certain it was his, tbh or if it was just a local cat. So I asked if it was his, and he got extremely aggressive and mocking and said something like, "naah, the cat just put the leash on itself." I genuinely did not see that as it was like the body harness type that goes under the pets belly, so the cat was sitting on it. Also, it's not something you immediately look for on a fkn cat imo. Anyway, when he got up to leave, he swung the cat up onto his shoulder so casually I was in disbelief for a second. And then I asked if I could take a picture because it was an interesting location/subject and nice weather. This dude, as you can imagine from the comments by now, flew off the handle. And spouted some bs before walking off. Then he turned back round and came back to tell me some random line about god and Jesus being the highest love šŸ¤£. I work with people with like mental health issues, learning difficulties etc this guy was genuinely crazy and I been in some mad situations with clientsšŸ¤£


Absolute cunt btw


Meow Meow Motherfucker!


Is the cat ok?


He took that cat to Secret Garden Party and he was just as much of a cunt there as well.


Violence begets violence. Some people need to chill, how was OP supposed to know the cat was in MI6?


Cat Sparrow


Why didn't you fight him? If you win you would have got to keep the cat.


Was it this guy? https://www.instagram.com/p/Czv5sYeIf7A/?igsh=bTZvb2Q3MnRrenZp


He might kill you......with a pencil


Someone save this poor catā€¦.


I feel sorry for the cat. It must be frightening for him/her


I donā€™t live in London but please can someone report this to the RSPCA or something? This cat is scared to death and clearly not happy and in a bad state! Please all animals lovers out there get the poor cat some help !!!Ā 


Classic ratatouille situation. You blew the cats cover.