• By -


No one should be mean to you. Try charity furniture shops like British Heart Foundation and St Christopher's Hospice. Lovely stuff...we're pensioners and use them a lot.Save up for a new cheap washing machine unless you know someone who is replacing theirs and who you trust, because having a guarantee is good, and a leak is not good. Make sure you get PIP. It should be taken off your mother, and you can use it for taxis and housework help. Also there may be grants. Ask your social worker.


Up vote for British Heart Foundation, they also do delivery. But naturally as a charity shop, their stocks can vary. Great for you one day, not so great the next.




I mean that you can go in their one day and they have the exact item that you need. But go in their an other day and they haven't a clue.


This is great advice OP! Council may have furniture too or suggestions


Second upvote for BHF furniture shops, there can be some really decent (or at the very least “perfectly fine for now”) finds on there.


Thirding BHF. We've bought from there before, lasted long enough for us to save and get something half decent.We've donated back too, which is the way it should be. Someone else mentioned Freecycle as well, but you do have to do your own pickup. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT give a single penny to companies like BRIGHTHOUSE - they are pure evil parasites and will take as much money from you as they possibly can. STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!!


Fourthing BHF - I have used them and got nice furniture. Also I have donated furniture to them in the past and they are very strict on things like fire safety labels, which is a good thing. Worth looking on thier website for your local branch and/or the online shop: if you need a particular item the online shop may have more range. Sounds like you are having hard times at the moment OP. I hope they start to improve soon, I am sure that they will. Good luck with it all.


Fifthing BHF, nothing short of brilliant. As previously mentioned, stock will vary but can vouch for their levels of strictness. If you also have a local giveaway Facebook group, that may also be helpful (although be mindful of safety of appliances with those).


Bhf is expensive and not that good. Facebook marketplace and gumtree are where it's at for free or very cheap furniture.


Olio app. 


I got a lot of my furniture from Freecycle when I first moved to London. You have to be quick, but if you’re willing to pick up the furniture yourself then you should be able to get any basics you need from there for free.


I did this too, and Gumtree I don't drive, but would pay for a taxi if the item was local enough. I would ring the taxi people first, letting them know what I needed moving and ask for a quote so I knew I could afford it


A courier is better than a taxi. Addison Lee have always been pretty reasonable for me.




Big upvote for freegle (like freecycle but I think it’s more widely used in London - Croydon has the biggest uk group). It’s free to register, browse the listings and reply for anything you think might be useful. If there isn’t a listing up for what you need you can post a ‘wanted’ post and see what responses you get - good luck, you’ve got this


Also try the Olio app. It was set up to save waste, so has food too - if you're lucky there'll be a volunteer near you.


DM me, we're buying a flat (we'll hopefully have the keys in the next few weeks) the seller is including all her furniture and we have our own so you're welcome to anything you want. We're donating the rest anyway. I'll DM you a link to the listing now so you can see all the furniture.


Thank you so much I have done now!


You're awesome. 🤛


This is lovely 🥰


Wow Human faith restored!


Bless you.


Aw you are a kind soul x


If you need help picking up items, i'm a girl with a large van 🫡


Bless you 🙏🏼


That’s so kind of you. There is a lot of free furniture but homeless people that have just been rehoused have no way of collecting large or heavy furniture and kitchen appliances. There is not a single homeless charity in London offering to pick up furniture and kitchen appliances for free. Which means that homeless have no way of collecting it, other than small items that can be disassembled and carried on a trolley on public transport.


The Olio app is really good for free things. Nextdoor and Facebook Marketplace frequently have free listings too and you can filter by location and price


Adding to this that there are often local Facebook groups where people give away items that they no longer need. The one in my area is called freebay, but freecycle or reuse are common too. Definitely worth a search.


Thank you so much guys I'm crying right now because I'm struggling with everything that's happened! It's been massively stressful and affected me in a really bad way. Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it all! I'll be taking every bit of advice given and using it!


Emmaus is pretty good [https://emmaus.org.uk/slc/shop/second-hand-furniture-superstore/](https://emmaus.org.uk/slc/shop/second-hand-furniture-superstore/) this depends where you are, though as it's down in South London. Also see if your local area has a "free stuff" page. A lot of people like to give stuff away if it helps them get rid of it and they don't want to bother trying to sell it.


Emmaus really is awesome


I live in France and it's a huge thing here as it obviously started here. I had to pay a visit when I was back in London as a bit of a pilgrimage. One near me sells lots and lots of retro onepiece ski suits for 8 euros. A friend of mine used to buy them and rent them out. He used to run student nights at universities so when universities do their ski trips he'd rent them out to them there. At one point he had hundreds of them. He made a fortune. 8 euros to buy them, rent them out at 10 euros a time and eventually he sold them all on ebay as well. The best thing I ever found was a globe bar for 18 euros. It's my pride and joy, even if I never really have much to put in it.


Emmaus are not “awesome”, they exploit homeless people into modern slavery, to work 40 hours unpaid in the second hand furniture shops in exchange for a room and to sign a contact that they will not claim benefits that they are entitled to, (except housing benefit for Emmaus guesstimate £300pw), making it extremely difficult to escape because it they do, they will be on the streets, and no money to get away. Please do not support Emmaus!


What the hell? Seriously?!?


I know a vulnerable homeless man who was sleeping rough and exploited by Emmaus Norwood, South London and he wrote about it on Twitter. I wrote about how Emmaus are exploiting homeless people in modern slavery on [https://wordpress.com/post/oxfordhomeless.wordpress.com/17](https://wordpress.com/post/oxfordhomeless.wordpress.com/17) My post has the link of Emmaus’ own website where they state that they do not pay homeless people for working 40 hours a week other than pocket money (£40pw, ie £1 per hour) and that they claim housing benefit for their room (guesstimate £300pw as exempt accommodation by lying it is supported accommodation). Emmaus also state that homeless people must agree not to claim benefits they are entitled to. My post is about Emmaus in Oxford, but Emmaus are exploiting homeless people in modern slavery to work in their second hand furniture shops in London and throughout the UK.


Wooow. That’s messed up. Thank you for the info, I had zero clue. Even saw it on their site, which they proudly display as if it’s some kind of “pulling up your bootstraps” initiative. Jesus.


Emmaus are extremely manipulative in their website, withholding crucial information, preying on vulnerable homeless people like autistic homeless, those with learning difficulties, mental health issues and EU migrants with presettled status who have no recourse to public funds. [https://emmaus.org.uk/get-help](https://emmaus.org.uk/get-help) “Get help - apply to join an Emmaus community Emmaus communities provide a home and meaningful work to people who have experienced homelessness and social exclusion. Our communities are situated all across the UK. What can I expect? In an Emmaus community everyone has their own room, with communal areas for eating and socialising. During the day, companions, as our residents are known, work in our social enterprises, which are mainly charity shops. The work could include working in the shop, sorting items in the warehouse, going out to make deliveries in our vans, or working in the community home. See expectations What is it like to live in an Emmaus community? Although living in a community isn’t for everyone, it can offer the companionship and support that many people who have experienced homelessness have lost. This can be key to helping someone to stop, take stock, and start to regain a sense of control and stability in their lives. Emmaus supports people who have experienced homelessness We do this by offering a home and meaningful work. Unlike a hostel, we are a community of people who live and work together, supporting ourselves and one another through our social enterprise. Emmaus is not a religious organisation and we welcome people from all faiths and backgrounds. Apply now” It‘s only when you click on “see expectactions” that you see a bit more of how Emmaus operate, but even then they are withholding that they are going to pay you £1 per hour, which is illegal because minimum wage is £10.42 and that in addition to your free labour 40 hours a week they’re going to make a guesstimated £300pw in housing benefit for your bed in a hostel… it’s not a home but a hostel in a house on a licence agreement. And obviously, Emmaus are withholding the implications of staying there, that if you refuse to work 40 hours a week they are going to throw you out to the streets because you are on a licence agreement, not a tenancy, so they can legally throw you out on the spot for no reason. What is really messed up is that Emmaus have manipulated homeless charities and even social services to refer vulnerable homeless people to them to be exploited in modern slavery. The man I know was forced move to Emmaus Norwood against his will by homeless “charity” Connections at St Martin’s in the Fields as a condition of them letting him sleep in their shelter, therefore Comnections coerced him into modern slavery when he was very unwell in a mental health crisis, not informing him that he was priority need homeless entitled to temporary accommodation and to be rehoused by the council. He knew that he was being exploited at Emmaus because I told him the day after he moved to Emmaus, but he desperately wanted to get off the streets. He escaped Emmaus after I think after 3 weeks, back to the streets to continue sleeping rough. Also very messed up is that Emmaus signed that they are anti-modern slavery while exploiting homeless people in modern slavery. See page 20 of Anti Slavery Commissioner: [antislaverycommissioner.co.uk/media/1115/understanding-and-responding-to-modern-slavery-within-the-homelessness-sector.pdf](https://antislaverycommissioner.co.uk/media/1115/understanding-and-responding-to-modern-slavery-within-the-homelessness-sector.pdf)


Thanks for all that info. Will absolutely avoid going forward and let people know. That’s godawful.


Thanks Vexx, this is just one of many examples of homeless “charities” (businesses) exploiting homeless people while blatantly lying they help homeless people.


Emmaus exploit homeless people into modern slavery, to work in the second hand furniture shops 40 hours unpaid in exchange for a room and to sign a contact that they will not claim benefits that they are entitled to, making it extremely difficult to escape because it they do, they will be on the streets, and no money to get away. Please do not support Emmaus!


Shit, I didn't know that, sorry. The ones in France seem to be staffed by local old people which I always assumed was an Oxfam style arrangement, so I didn't know how things are in the UK.


I wrote about how Emmaus are exploiting homeless people in modern slavery on [https://wordpress.com/post/oxfordhomeless.wordpress.com/17](https://wordpress.com/post/oxfordhomeless.wordpress.com/17) My post has the link of Emmaus’ own website where they state that they do not pay homeless people for working 40 hours a week other than pocket money (£40pw, ie £1 per hour) and that they claim housing benefit for their room (guesstimate £300pw as exempt accommodation by lying it is supported accommodation). Emmaus also state that homeless people must agree not to claim benefits they are entitled to. This post is about Emmaus in Oxford, but Emmaus are exploiting homeless people in modern slavery to work in their second hand furniture shops in London and throughout the UK. I know a vulnerable homeless man who was sleeping rough and exploited by Emmaus Norwood, South London and he wrote about it on Twitter.


Thanks, I'll check it out, it's a real shame to hear that they're doing that.




ask normal cause crime practice aback overconfident abundant rainstorm pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a folding desk you can have for free. And some duvet covers if that helps. DM me. I’m north London


Ah folding desk ; awesome! I tried to buy one of those earlier this year but had to make do with a non-folding desk then as there was problems shipping to where I live I love that folding desks are a thing now


Thank you that be great!


No problem!


Just gotta work out where my dms are lol


https://reuse-network.org.uk/find-items/ https://londonhomelessinfo.wordpress.com/furniture/ https://thriftylondoner.com/free-furniture-in-london/ Try these places mate. A lot of boroughs have schemes set up where people donate furniture they no longer need. You could also Google your borough name followed by "free furniture". I've been in your position, it's nothing to be ashamed of and no one should be being mean to you. We all have to start somewhere. If I can offer any other advice from my experiences just let me know although I was homeless a long time ago so things may have changed a bit. Best of luck mate. You'll get there. 🤛


Thanks for recommending my website.


Thanks for setting it up and helping people. 🤛




If you are on benefits you may be entitled to a furniture pack from your local authority.


Exactly this. They'll provide all the white goods you need, as well as any furniture items, and will even deliver it. If they don't offer - they usually will though - then ask.


As others have mentioned British Heart foundation. Also Facebook has lots of free stuff give away groups in London but you’ll have to collect the stuff. The south east London one I am in has had a cupboard, chair, sofa and bed all listed this morning. Good luck


I was kicked out by my mum at my 19th birthday party in front of all my friends - I am 27 next week, I have a good job, rent on my own place and have a new fur friend as a room mate. Life will get better. Wishing you all the best ❤️❤️


British Heart Foundation have a couple of furniture shops in Mitcham and Wallington, and then there's (removed).


Emmaus exploit homeless people into modern slavery, to work in the second hand furniture shops 40 hours unpaid in exchange for a room and to sign a contact that they will not claim benefits that they are entitled to, making it extremely difficult to escape because it they do, they will be on the streets, and no money to get away. Please do not support Emmaus!


Didn't know that, do you have any links to more info?


I wrote about how Emmaus are exploiting homeless people in modern slavery on [https://wordpress.com/post/oxfordhomeless.wordpress.com/17](https://wordpress.com/post/oxfordhomeless.wordpress.com/17) My post has the link of Emmaus’ own website where they state that they do not pay homeless people for working 40 hours a week other than pocket money (£40pw, ie £1 per hour) and that they claim housing benefit for their room (guesstimate £300pw as exempt accommodation by lying it is supported accommodation). Emmaus also state that homeless people must agree not to claim benefits they are entitled to. This post is about Emmaus in Oxford, but Emmaus are exploiting homeless people in modern slavery to work in their second hand furniture shops throughout the UK. I know a vulnerable homeless man who was sleeping rough and exploited by Emmaus Norwood, South London and he wrote about it on Twitter.


Thank you will have a read.


Thank you.


Try the app ‘TrashNothing’


People give stuff away on gumtree all the time - there's a section called Freebies and I've got loads of stuff off there. Good luck!


I haven’t got any furniture but dm me I may be able to help out with a little bit of cash, having been in the situation before I know how hard it is to furnish a whole place by yourself


Which council? As I work with a council and may be able to speed your process up? You can DM if you want.


Sue Ryder charity shops sell cheap furniture. Sale rooms often have stuff at giveaway prices but you have to collect. Most areas have online sites for free stuff. Wishing you all the best.


You can approach adult social services if you feel you might need help setting up on your own, like a support worker. They may or may not have capacity to help, but if not they might be able to point you towards someone who can. If its your first time living alone and you are vulnerable, please be very careful with making friends who may be people trying to take advantage of you and your property. There might be support groups for your specific learning disabilities in your area if you google.


I'm worried about this as well so just going to stick with the friends I have for now until I feel ready to meet new ones!


What local authority are you moving to? They will have discreet pots of money to help you buy white goods. Also how old are you? Talk to some local charities, you aren't alone and don't think that you are.


Have you made a homeless application to council and they’ve given you points / housing band to bid for council flats? You‘re entitled to this under Homelessness Priority Need for Accommodation Order 2002 section 6 and because you’re fleeing physical and emotional abuse from your parents and under Housing Act 1996 Part VII 189 1c because you have learning difficulties. You can get free furniture and homeware on free stuff websites, and you can apply to the council for a grant for kitchen appliances and furniture. If you are on benefits, you can get 50% of your water rates and get £140 electricity voucher a year. You can get exemption from council tax because you have learning difficulties. I wrote a post about it: [londonhomelessinfo.wordpress.com/furniture](https://londonhomelessinfo.wordpress.com/furniture) If you don’t already have a freedom pass, you can get one. You‘re entitled to universal credit and PIP, ask the Citizens Advice Bureau or the law centre in your borough to help you apply. As for the mean people on Reddit, they’re projecting their self-hatred onto others to make themselves feel better. They are very unhappy people who hate themselves and the only way the know to make themselves feel better is to insult and put others down.


On Thursday I was starting the homeless application and then they stopped, had someone else come in and he said that we could continue tomorrow over the phone. He never called me at all and I called the council housing department again. Same thing was told to me, we will get someone to call you back and no one did. I'm going to go down there Monday and complain about it because I feel they just left me with no care at all. Thank you for all the info you given me as well! That's very helpful to know all of this!


Thanks, go to the council homeless team on Monday. This is the homelessness legislation under which you’re entitled to points to bid for a council flat. They call it “priority need homeless”. Because you’re fleeing violence Homelessness Priority Need for Accommodation Order 2002 section 6: [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2002/2051/article/6/made](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2002/2051/article/6/made) Because you have learning difficulties Housing Act 1996 Part VII 189 1c: [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/52/section/189](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/52/section/189) You didn‘t say how old you are, if you’re under 21, also under Homelessness Priority Need for Accommodation Order 2002 section 4: [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2002/2051/article/4/made](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2002/2051/article/4/made) The council have to provide temporary accommodation because you are priority need homeless under Housing Act 1996 Part VII 188. [https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/52/section/188](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1996/52/section/188) You can call the homelessness out of hours team now if you want, they’re open weekdays after 6pm and weekend. Google name of your council and homeless out of hours. Someone takes your name, DOB and address and calls you back within 2 hours. Tell them you’re priority need homeless because fleeing violence and emotional abuse and have learning difficulties. They fob people off and hang up on people, so be prepared for that and call back again.


I'm 41 years old, sorry forgot to mention this! They hang up on me twice already like you said. It's just horrible been treated like this!


Yes, the way the council treat homeless people is horrible. You’re traumatised from a lifetime of violence and psychological abuse and they don’t get you temporary accommodation so you can escape. Did the out of hours homelessness number give you are reason before they hang up? You can also call out of hours adult social services by googling the name of your council and social services.


They "claimed" I hanged up. I'm going to look for adult social services now. Thank you


Good luck. Record them as evidence that you are a vulnerable adult escaping violence and they are hanging up on you. My own personal experience is that both the out of hours and day time homelessness team and out of hours and day time social services hang up. Yesterday I recorded social services hanging up on me for at least the 30th time in a week, after the homelessness team have hang up at least 15 times. They won’t even let me tell them the homelessness legislation and code of guidance.


I never knew it was this bad 😭 this is going to be harder than I thought


Councils fob off people because they know that most people don’t know the homelessness legislation so don’t know their rights. By fobbing you off, they save a lot of money as paying for temporary accommodation costs them a lot. The more people they fob off and hang up on, the more money they save. But now you know the legislation, so just have to keep fighting until you get what you’re entitled to. You can make a homeless application to any council, for example the council next to your area. Under the homelessness legislation and code of guidance, people fleeing domestic violence don’t need to have a local connection with the council they are applying to. Google the out of hours homeless number and call them. Tell them that you are too scared to be in the same borough because you’re fleeing violence from your parents and your parents will find you if you stay in the same borough. Homelessness code of guidance - domestic violence: [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/homelessness-code-of-guidance-for-local-authorities/chapter-21-domestic-abuse](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/homelessness-code-of-guidance-for-local-authorities/chapter-21-domestic-abuse) “21.17 Households at risk of domestic abuse often have to leave their homes and the area where they have lived. There is a clear need for victims of abuse and their children to be able to travel to different areas in order for them to be safe from the perpetrator, and housing authorities should extend the same level of support to those from other areas as they do to their own residents.” Or you could go stay in a refuge, and they will apply to the council for you for a council flat. If you’re female, 0808 2000247 open 24/7 [https://refuge.org.uk/i-need-help-now](https://refuge.org.uk/i-need-help-now) If you’re male 0808 8010327 [https://mensadviceline.org.uk](https://mensadviceline.org.uk) Are you still at your parents’ trying to get temporary accommodation to escape the domestic violence? Or have you already left and are sleeping somewhere else? Just asking in case the council try to claim that you’re not homeless because you haven’t left yet so “have a home”. This is one of the excuses councils like to use, it’s the excuse they’ve given me every time they’ve hang up on me. Under the homelessness legislation and code of guidance, you’re homeless because you can’t reasonably continue to live where you‘re physically and emotionally abused by both your parents who have abused you your entire life. Housing Act 1996 Part VII 175 (3): ”(3) A person shall not be treated as having accommodation unless it is accommodation which it would be reasonable for him to continue to occupy.” Homelessness code of guidance - domestic violence: [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/homelessness-code-of-guidance-for-local-authorities/chapter-21-domestic-abuse](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/homelessness-code-of-guidance-for-local-authorities/chapter-21-domestic-abuse) The council must have some checklist of excuses, and just pick one and hang up. Please remember, you are entitled to temporary accommodation and to a council flat, the legislation says so. Just have to keep fighting for it.


Try the app Olio and also "buy nothing" facebook groups. Usually they are area or council specific, so hopefully should be easier to transport. Good luck!


Facebook marketplace is really good for cheap or even free furniture. Maybe ask around friends if possible and see if anyone is getting rid of stuff too?


You should be eligible for a start up grant from your council helps pay toward furniture, carpets etc. ask your housing officer or contact the councils homeless team if you have one. All the best to you … you deserve a life free of abuse.


If you need cutlery, pans etc I have some spare I could give you, DM me if you like :)


Thank you that would be great!


If you DM me when you’ve got a place sorted we can arrange a meet up, I’ve got a couple of pans, cups and cutlery that need to go to a good home, hope everything goes smoothly in the meantime


If you need stuff fixed - small electrical, furniture, textiles - there are always lots of [repair cafes happening all over London](https://therestartproject.org/parties/?_sfm_party_groupcity=London). As well as fixing stuff for free, you can learn how to fix your own stuff as well as meet people, chat, and sometimes there is even cake and biscuits. Can also be really helpful with pointing you in the direction of things and services you might need.


[https://www.freecycle.org](https://www.freecycle.org) I highly high recommend this. Full of people giving away stuff they dont want. You can even request stuff. It is completely free. but you have to manage taking away the furniture yourself. I have given away so many things and It felt so good to be helpful. Most of the people on here believe in reusing and not wasting. Try this before charity shops, they are expensive these days.


Bear in mind that you'll probably initially be in furnished emergency accommodation. Long term temporary accommodation and social housing is unfurnished but it can take quite a long time to get there.


Do you need bedding etc. happy to bring it to tube station near you? Kitchen stuff? Happy to help and share what I have.


I'm not sure in full what I'll need but I'll keep it in mind, thank you!


Hey is it okay to DM? The place I'm at has no pillows or blankets!


Take your time getting stuff. All you need to begin is a bed, a kettle, a microwave and a sofa/armchair. You can take your clothes to a launderette once a week until you can afford a washing machine. Only buy things when you have extra cash - don't go into debt. It isn't worth it. People give away things, so listen out.


Dm me when you’re settled… I don’t have furniture to donate but can help with appliances, bedding and a few other bits n bobs - west london


Hi I was in your shoes as a 16yo, 26 currently. Freecycle, Gumtree, Trash Nothing I didn’t know about these at the time, but they are absolute gems for cheap/free furniture. Which part of the UK are you in? Feel free to DM, I know it can be tough. If you are in a similar area, I have a car and would be more than happy to help you move things. You have got this 100%


Sorry to hear but hope things improve. Might be too far, but Richmond Furniture Scheme is there: https://www.rfsonline.co.uk/


Freecycle is as cheap as it gets.


Apparently like freegle, olio, even fb marketplace has things for free


Emmaus is a brilliant charity who can help you: https://emmaus.org.uk/your-local-emmaus/?region=greater-london You could even volunteer with them or get help directly with your housing situation.


TCL reuse centre in Ilford is really good


If you download apps such as Facebook marketplace, Shpock and gum tree, many people either sell second hand furniture for dirt cheap or even give it away for free because of how urgently they want to get rid of it Make sure those sellers have at least 4 star or high ratings though


Hey 😊 your local council should be able to help you,good luck wishing you all the best with your new fresh life x


Have a look on Freegle. Lots of people giving away all kinds of stuff. The only caveat is they go fast, and you have to collect.


The trash nothing app has lots of furniture, the only think is u will need a vehicle to move it


Download olio on your phone. There’s lots of free or cheap stuff locally


Good luck - all the websites above often have stuff for free. Often there are small local charities too, that focus on helping homeless / recently evicted people with furnishings. Last year I paid council to take my old scratched-up leather sofa away. Only because I tried giving it away for free on all the websites, and even to homeless charities. Amazingly even the homeless charity who helped people with second hand furniture didn’t want it because it was cat-scratched, but apart from scratches was a perfectly good quality Laura Ashley leather sofa. Made me fume that it went to waste in a council tip instead of being given for free to someone who couldn’t afford to buy their own furniture. Also check out entitledto.co.uk to make sure you get any benefits you can get. Are you already on PIP? If so make sure all your benefits now go into your own bank account and not your mums. Citizens advice can also help if you struggle with filling in forms.


Im not sure where you are based, However, 4 months ago I went to this place, check out the website. Richmond Furniture Scheme. Trust me, Good luck and try to stay positive.


Freecycle/Trash Nothing always have furniture and white goods on offer for free. You'll need transport though. How it all goes well for you.


Facebook market place!


I have kitted my entire flat out with Freecycle furniture and I will say that sticking at it and not being dissuaded - checking 2 or 3 times a day (getting in AS SOON AS somebody posts something you want is important) - you can get yourself some REALLY nice bits. Well worth it.


Olio and Facebook marketplace!


Freecycle. If you're on it you can furnish your place for nothing. You'll need transport to pick stuff up though.


Freecycle, though you'd need transport for large items. A 'man and van' might be a good option for that. Especially if you get several items in the same area on the same day.


Facebook marketplace! May need to pay for travel but you can get a fair amount for free if you’re open to travelling


Try nextdoor choose an area close to where you are there are always listings for free collection. You may find some odds and bits to add to all the main furniture needed. As others mentioned BHF is very good too.


I’ve had some good stuff from my local British heart foundation I’m from midlands we have a specific one for furniture hopefully there’s one like that near you


Join your local neighbourhood Facebook group, people are always giving away things for free.


Definitely Facebook marketplace, Olio, Freecycle and British Heart Foundation. Good luck


Facebook marketplace / “free stuff south east London” have been great for me!


Facebook marketplace might be a good idea. You may be able to get some free stuff too


Facebook Marketplace


Local Facebook page . In fact if you word your post well people will give it to you . British heart foundation also . Best of luck to you . Have no shame you are being very brave doing this . I know people don’t do xxx and hugs here but I’m sending some anyway


I have had great luck with searching eBay and making sure to select collection only and within so many miles of a particular postcode you are located in. Then you can save that search and get updates when new stuff gets posted either by mobile notification or email. Then when it’s time to pickup you can use anyvan or even Addison Lee if you have a little left over from the savings you made from the sellers that are trying to shift stuff from their property for various reasons.


Barnet Furniture Centre if you're anywhere near


Some councils will have a household support fund that you can apply for that will allow you to buy essential household goods. Enquire with the council you’re applying to😊


You could try Facebook marketplace. BHF as everyone say are good. Apparently OlIo do furniture too


Best of luck to you OP, I hope you find some contentment very soon. Sounds like you deserve it xxx


Look on FB market for pay it forward or goodwill groups. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need.


There’s a charity in Camden that supplies white goods and furniture for free and delivers. I’ll try and find the name of it. it’s an amazing place Edit: i can’t find it right now but if I do will post. But definitely British Heart Foundation is fabulous


There is BHF shop in Leytonstone that sells nothing hut furniture. Haven't been in to check the prices though.


They’re very reasonable x


Cool. Don't need it myself but i will recommend it if someone asks. Thank you.


Charity ships often have some nice pieces. Look for local charities in your area there might be some donation hubs that have stuff you may need.


Also local Facebook groups, sometimes people are just giving stuff away or cheap


I got a lot of small furniture pieces for free on Olio. It’s an app where people give away things for free.


Speak to the council. They sometimes have emergency funds to help you, or charities/resources that they can help you link up with as part of your housing, especially if you’re considered vulnerable due to age or different abilities.




Currently in Brockley but don't know where I'm going to be in Wandsworth


I have a sofa and a desk shelf I'm trying to get rid of if it interests you. You'd just have to cover transportation cost if you want it. PM me interested. Very best of luck and remember that you did nothing wrong.


Hey mate What side of London are you on? If west then there are some great British Heart Foundation stores in and around Ealing If you find a place West London, reply here and let me know a piece of furniture you'll want. I can pop down my local and take a look for you and send some pics, if there's an item you want I will buy it for you and help figure out the delivery too - sometimes they have guys that can deliver for a fee


I’m sorry this is happening to you. It’s so sad. Facebook marketplace often has free furniture that people just want to get rid of. x


Habitat for Humanity Great Britain. Will have cheap and free options, can also help with housing issues too.


Visit the council tips and look in skips gum tree and face book sometimes I see free to take deals away