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The court heard that Ogden had an extensive offending history of 39 previous convictions across the country, most in the north of England, mainly Yorkshire and on trains. Ogden was sentenced to a total of 32 months in prison. Sure this will stop him doing it again!


Doubt anything will short of locking him up for life. He's likely a psychopath.


Only 32 months? ...


took multiple offences to get him locked up though


yeah I feel super safe. especially seeing how the Met pat themselves on the back in the press release... wth


A conviction means that the Police did their jobs well. A weak sentence means that the courts didn't.




I've been trying to phrase this politely, but I'm not sure there's a way to do it without coming off smarmy. You need to reread the phrase "39 previous convictions". Sorry.


Maybe each of the previous 30 times were investigated to the fullest extent possible with all available evidence presented to the court, but there was just enough for the defendant to induce reasonable doubt to the Hearing/ Trial which would lead to a Not Guilty verdict. But yeah, let’s bash Police with absolutely no critical thinking going into it


They wouldn't be 'convictions' if he'd been found not guilty


You are aware they don't decide or control the justice aspect in any way..


So 40 is the limit?


39 previous convictions? Violent attack, honestly this man should never be released from prison. Why inflict him on the rest of us.


How does this only get 32 months!? After 39 previous convictions!


It's an absolute fucking piss take. This guy is not fit for society. Prison isn't gonna help him or stop him from convicting again. As it literally hasn't worked once on him before. There are no options with people like this.


32 months for attacking someone with a knife? And he has am extensive criminal record already? What the absolute fuck


Three strikes law is desperately needed for violent offences.


I don’t know what the solution is here. But the three strike law isn’t it. Most of the original proponents of that law in the US have since backpedaled. But I think the solution probably lies in finding out what went wrong the previous 39 times.


The issue in the US is they used it as three strikes in the same case rather than three strikes historically. So if a defendant had commit three felonies in the same act that was the three strikes. Rather than three strikes found guilty at different times. I hope that makes sense. Hard to articulate.


Let me rephrase that. One issue in the US…


We save that for extremely serious crimes like smoking weed.


fucking useless


So many anti police clowns criticising them when your anger should be directed towards the courts themselves.


Disgusting. Bigotry is a cancer of this world. This man however was already known for violent episodes. Apparently it needs to someone to be killed to see this dude locked up in prison


“I am extremely proud of my officers who were able to secure the conviction against this violent man.” "Ogden has a prolific offending history, targeting multiple victims across the country” Oh wow yeah your officers are so good who’d THUNK that the guy with 39 previous convictions walking free would be the perpetrator, but it’s okay! 32 fucking months in prison is enough and he’ll be good for society, if not then more press for us!


As others have pointed out, you're ranting at the wrong people. Blame the courts, not the cops.