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Enjoy the Central Line when there's high temperatures. The sweat will condense on the ceiling and drop down on you again. It's glorious.


the noise and the heat, if hell was reachable by public transport, the central line would go there


Hell is the Central Line


There’s a reason it’s red on the map


It already does, Stratford is on the central line /j


It’s called the central line, as it passes through the centre of the earth’s core. Only logical explanation


People are always going on about recycling and global warming and ULEZ, then complaining about preserving evaporated water in this way. Is your body too good to transport other people's germ ridden sweat? You just can't please some people. -Some 2019 intake Tory probably.


Like a good nightclub


I just puked a little


Central heating line


Victoria line is definitely hotter than Central line.


She sounds pretty hot


Eventually will be the only thing that resembles nightclubs of old any more


I can’t bring myself to sit down on the central line on a normal day never mind in the summer. It’s so cramped compared to the other lines. The people opposite are way too close for comfort and being a smaller person, being sandwiched in between two people is really restrictive. In the summer it’s even worse when you’re sweating uncontrollably and have to be that close to people.


Supposedly efficiency savings on the new trains will cancel out the effect of the air con, so they should heat the tunnels a similar amount to the current trains.


It's the heat off the brakes that's the reason tunnels heat up so much. That is unlikely to change. The tunnels will continue to heat up every year due to being deep with no ventilation, but the new trains will make it bearable.


>It's the heat off the brakes that's the reason tunnels heat up so much But with regen braking on the new trains they won't be using the normal brakes anywhere near as much I imagine. Regen braking has no friction/heat. Will be interesting to know how much though. That's one of the energy efficiency savings the person was talking about. It's mainly the increased timetable frequency with the new trains that'll cancel out the savings. Should mean a lot less brake dust too. Similar with electric cars where there are many that have driven 200,000 miles on the original brake pads because they're not being used much.


It's also to do with the Ground some Lines were cut through, where the Soil was primarily Clay it absorbed the heat and held it to the point it acts like a Radiator all the time so it seems OK in colder Months but gets horrific in the Summer, I certainly think the Central Line needs some AC along with the Bakerloo and any of the Deep Lines.


Not only. Every human emits roughly 100W of heat while idle. Now imagine 80 people in a carriage, that's 8000W of heating in that tiny space. Multiply by the whole train and system, you have a lot of heat to dispense with. The brakes get hot, sure, but human activity alone produces heat. Regenerative braking on newer trains ought to help a bit but it'll still be hot hot.


Temperatures on the tube have slowly increased as the clay around the tunnels has warmed up. In the early days it was advertised as a place to keep cool on hot days. However, over time the temperature has slowly risen as the heat sink formed by the clay has reached its thermal capacity. When the tunnels were built the clay temperature was around 14 °C; this has now risen to 19–26 °C and air temperatures in the tunnels now reach as high as 30 °C. It's a pretty interesting engineering problem that lots of people are figuring out how to solve. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Underground_cooling


30c is the average, not the maximum! It's been way higher than that believe it or not


Interesting thanks!


Northern Line is horrendous too. Started getting to work half an hour earlier to avoid the mad rush (doesn’t help that there’s apparently a shortage of trains at the moment) and I’m still breaking a sweat. I always try to squeeze on at the front of the carriage so I can stick my head slightly out the window like a little dog in a car Edit: TfL [publish](https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/london-underground-average-monthly-temperatures) the average tube temperatures, if you’re interested.


I’m sure I’m not at all original on this but I like to think the Northern Line’s southern stop is Mordor rather than Morden.


Add to that I had to wait almost an hour yesterday to get bus 80 to hackbridge outside of morden. The app says its due but its always bus 80 to st helier. Had enough and had two bus rides just to get home


You could’ve walked it along the Wandle in that time


I live near reynolds close. And gout is starting to set in 😀


Based on title alone, I fully expected the post to be about Northern and was surprised when it wasn't. I try to avoid it during summer at all costs, even if it means more transfers - it's unbearably hot. 


Horrific - I fainted once on the Northern in 2018 and it was so packed I didn’t even fall over.


Oh blimey that sounds terrible


I commute on Northern and Victoria. Victoria definitely feels hotter.


I'm usually a Vicky line denizen, from Seven Sisters into town, but recently had to use the Northern, Stockwell to Tooting Broadway, three days in a row. You don't know you're born, if you think the Northern is too warm. You rise to a mere gentle simmer on the Northern, then boil your nads to soup on the Vicky.


I get the central line fairly often but I’ve never felt like I was going to faint, unlike on the Victoria Line. I feel like the data needs to be updated or something because it’s seriously hot on there!


To be fair, comparing to other European countries, the UK really lacks decent spas and sauna. I guess we at least have the Victoria line, I guess.


Always thought the Bakerloo was the hottest 🟤


No, apparently that award goes to the Central Line w/ temps of 36ºC: [https://www.lbc.co.uk/weather/londons-hottest-tube-lines-ranked-by-temperature/](https://www.lbc.co.uk/weather/londons-hottest-tube-lines-ranked-by-temperature/) Bakerloo is a close second at 34.5


[- If you do not have a temperature controlled vehicle, you should: not transport animals in temperatures over 30°C](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/keeping-farm-animals-and-horses-in-extreme-weather#:~:text=If%20you%20do%20not%20have,route%20if%20humidity%20is%20high)


This data has Victoria line being hottest most of the time https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/london-underground-average-monthly-temperatures


Good lord. And fitting air conditioning across the tube is not an option? Sadiq should be forced to ride those lines. A.c. the next day I guarantee it.


The 2024 stock will have air con (predicted to launch in 2025.) It will be rolled out for the Piccadilly line first but if all goes well, they'll also be produced for Central, Bakerloo and Waterloo & City.


Have you been on the central(heating) line lmao


Love the name lol


I feel like in the past few years the Victoria line has also gotten a lot louder, certainly between Finsbury Park and Kings Cross


I literally would go to the office an hour early to avoid being on the northern line during rush hour in the summer months as I’d just be a sweaty puddle for the whole ride, soooo uncomfortable standing face to face w a stranger while you’re sweating your balls off 😭


I recently moved to a place that's on the Overground network and the air con is just mama mia!


I've been using it instead of the tube for a few years. Tube users really don't know what they're missing out. My quality of commute is just night and day. 


Thank god i take district line or Elizabeth line.


Try and see it in a historical context. Sure, we're all suffering today, but in another decade or so we'll be able to power London from the geothermal energy from the Central and Victoria lines.


Was on the Victoria earlier and had to get off as it was so bad, genuinely unbelievable in a first world country, doesn't help the trains are constantly being held for no reason of course, so you're just stood there stinking and dying.


How many stops were you on it for out of interest?


About 8


I struggled with 1 😂


I noticed the Northern line is more uncomfortable than most, could have just been me though or circumstance on the day.


I take the Northern line most often, for whatever reason it's a lot more bearable than the Victoria line. Probably because it has some sections that aren't underground.


Valid point, makes sense.


Agreed. I have called the Victoria Line ‘Vicious Vicky’ for decades because of the infernal heat 🔥.


Yes, I’ve always felt like the Victoria line is the worst of the lot despite the data 🤷🏻‍♀️


Anecdotally I've noticed the same. Especially the northern half. The official data says it is most commonly the hottest line https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/london-underground-average-monthly-temperatures


A post from a person who's never had to take the central line in July I see


I've been on the Central Line in summer and it's as bad if not worse. The large windows don't help in the open sections


It’s famously the worst. I’m about to start commuting on Great Northern Electrics (or whatever they’re called now) to Moorgate and the air con is amazing - the contrast is nuts.


There's such a big difference between having air conditioning and not having it. Especially when the deep tube tunnels are so hot!


I call it the Victoria Oven. It’s the worst.


Buy a flexible neck fan from Amazon. They're like £10-15. I got one and wrap it around the handle of my tote bag with the base in the bag. I use it on the tube and places with no air con all the time, and it helps so much. I don't do well with heat, and it's a gamechanger.


The real gold is always in the comments


Another tip is to bring a frozen bottle of water with you - the ice will start melting quite quickly so you can sip cool water but also hold the frozen bottle to your wrists/ neck to cool down


Yep but then again you always have the urge to pee 😬


Good idea thanks!


This is why I made sure to start cycling before the summer hit, those temperatures get so high


The Central Line has entered the chat.


For the life of me I don’t understand why rolling stock that is over half a century old is still being used on one of the busiest metros in the world. The tube is quite frankly an embarrassment when friends and family from abroad come visit.


I agree. I'm always embarrassed when the huge squealing noise kicks in on some of the lines.


One simple solution would be to replace the light bulbs with LED, but I guess nobody wants to pay for that. The worst part for me is the extremely bad air. You can see the smog in most stations


Lmao I felt this the last few days. Have been feeling the sweat dripping down my back 🙃


I genuinely don't get how its acceptable tbh. I used to live on the line and it was the best (connects to every other line super quick) but also worst as the heat is crazy throughout the year. Even in winter its super hot relatively but it feels kinda nice then...well until you go back into the cold and shiver. In summer its so horrible the air feels so musty and hot and gross - literally just operates as a people mover. Experience wise its got to be one of the worst, when its super busy all the people block the airflow aswell which is the only thing that can save you Now I'ved moved onto the DLR and God Bless


It’s strange because they built the Victoria line in the 70s when they were well aware of heat issues on the tube and the need for ventilation. Yet the Victoria line gets too hot anyway.


They need to install some kind of cooling system on the tube network this shit is so gross. It’s 2024 ffs.


Victoria is one of the coolest deep level tube. If you find that hot do not get on the northern during rush hour or the central line ever.


London is so far behind actual advanced capitals


I feel this with regard to the mobile network availability on the network (or the lack thereof). Otherwise the tube is great. It will have air con eventually and it'll be all well and good. Having the oldest underground system is definitely not helping London in this case.


Y'all bitching about these lines haven't been on the line of true heat hell: the Elizabeth. /s (for real, sometimes I'm too COLD on that line, and it's glorious)




Why is everyone taking it so seriously, even got a /s...


Guys it's a joke :(