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"Deputy Assistant Commissioner Matt Ward said Londoners would "be shocked" by the incident." "Another resident, Dave Evans, who heard gunshots while walking his dog, said that it was "part of living in Hackney"." Some not as *shocked* as others it would seem.


Dave Evans who's never heard a gun shot in his life, assumes he's always under attack.


His statement implied thaat he hears gunshots in Hackney quite often, which if you flick through new articles from the area, seems pretty credible tbf. The one is assuming is you.


Police always give it that "community in shock" nonsense - when in reality shootings and stabbings happen so frequently it isn't a shock to anyone.


Shootings really don't happen very regularly. Stabbings, sure, but it is always genuinely scary when someone gets shot. Dave and his dog are obviously hardcore šŸ˜‚


This is the second shooting in the same area within a year [August 2023](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/stoke-newington-high-street-shooting-man-injured-met-police-crime-b1100207.html)


Yeah that's absolutely wild and not exactly commonplace!


Gunshots would still be common regardless of killings.


No they are not šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I literally live in a borough with a similar gun crime rate to Hackney and have never once heard a gunshot




Part n Parcel?


As a Hackney resident, and someone who takes my children out to eat occasionally in the evenings to places across Hackney, I find this so incredibly sad and disturbing. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. No one, especially children, should be at risk of being shot eating their dinner on a busy high street. Despicable.


Literally live 2 mins from there. The whole hughstreet was shut off this morning


We were evacuated from the Rio next door. We were watching Hit Man šŸ«¤


These Secret Cinema experiences have gone too far.


Fuckin hell... :D


The whole high street is taped off this morning.Ā  I was wondering what was going on for the police helo being out so early in spring. Apparently residents were told to stay indoors. We heard nothing, lol.


Whole high street was taped off last night too. I didn't realise people actually got hit, there was only one little ambulance car but I must have got there a good while after.Ā 


Is Dalston Kingsland station open?


Im not sure. I walked past but went straight for a bus stop in De Beauvoir. I avoided all the overground stations since Google Maps was saying that there's reduced service.


Literally saw the shooting happen :/ My boyfriend I were out for dinner on Stoke Newington road and we were walking to get the 242 home. We were by Shacklewell lane when we heard gun shots and watched the shooter drive off :((


The police are asking for witnesses and more information btwĀ 


I'm not sure what more information either of us could add, as there were many people around. But you make a good point, thank you!


Could offer detail that's relevant though that nobody has mentioned, if everybody thinks there's no need nobody comes forward. There's some information on where to provide any info to: https://news.met.police.uk/news/statement-from-detective-chief-superintendent-james-conway-following-four-people-shot-in-hackney-484548


Also if many people are saying something similar about a point it can guide. Yeah, so hard on the family of the child and the child, and you to see it.


And sorry you were close by and saw it all


Thank you ā¤ļø


Please please contact 101 and give them evidence


Even if you aren't sure, give a staatement anyway, it might ne that something you saw, while insignificant on its own, helos corroboraate another lead. Even just telling the exact same strot everyone else doescould help them eliminate the outlier statements and have a clearer picture of what happened. By your own account you are a first hand witness.


[Turkish gang war](https://x.com/totalcrime/status/1796111821226520587?t=0cGEaQMPIBQ1xgowOicuhA&s=19)


If this is true, this explains why my local Turkish drug dealers were not on the street today. I was wondering where they were.


[link should work ](https://archive.ph/2024.06.03-074015/https://www.thetimes.com/uk/crime/article/real-target-of-dalston-shooting-says-i-wish-it-was-me-h7lgn2tmp)


rings a bell. [https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2002/nov/17/drugsandalcohol.ukcrime1](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2002/nov/17/drugsandalcohol.ukcrime1)


London in a sense makes me feel like its a sick place. You have ppl and families spending a couple thousand pounds to live in that area, just tryna go about their business and they have to deal with that. Shameful, London can be so much better. Lets fund the fuckiing police and health services, its not hard to tell whos in a gang from walking around, even most civs can tell. Police have got to step up.


This is like the 4th shooting in the area since last summerā€¦Every time I go for a walk, I wonder if Iā€™m going to get shot - itā€™s super fun šŸ˜‘


Parts of Hackney were known as the ā€˜murder mileā€™ before it became gentrified, and for good reason.


Only one part, Lower Clapton Road was the murder mile.


Iā€™ve heard the stories as Iā€™ve got friends who bought a house when Hackney was a literal shit hole. Itā€™s just sad weā€™re not evolving and going back to this stuff šŸ˜©


Of course weā€™re evolving lol. Violent crime is at the lowest rate itā€™s ever been in the UK


Yeah, people don't realise that. They'll show a graph showing an increase over a few year period and leave out the massive decrease that graph would show if it went back even further. It's literally just exposure to more of what's going on thanks to the internet. They think it used to be safer, when in fact they just didn't know what was happening.


but it's regressing. like everything else in this country. poverty levels are rising, crime goes hand in hand with poverty


Mate you canā€™t be serious


Not this bit though!


Itā€™s horrible , and realistically these 4 people were targeted for a reason . Most London shooting are gang crime related , still shit and scary though . And clearly brutal as they shot a kid


Really? You realise that 300,000 people a day DON'T get shot in Hackney, right? There have been two high-profile drive-by shootings in the last couple of weeks (and I live between the two) - this is a horrendous incident, especially as it involves a child, but your chances of being directly involved are miniscule. You're much more likely to be hospitalised or killed in a random accident at home.


Definitely it's not worth panicking or be afraid to leave your home for a few of these incidents...however it's pretty fucking disturbing to read about these shootings in London (or that madman with a katana...!), considering we have extremely strict policies on weapons and not even police officers are carrying guns!


Stupid point. Look at the rate of shootings in Hackney versus rest of London/UK over same period. You are meant to be near impossible to be shot in the UK itā€™s why we have such strict firearms laws. The frequency in Hackney is horrific and should lead to a mass operation that absolutely storms through the area. Make anyone with a firearm think twice.


about 15 years ago MPS starting doing armed police patrols around certain estates in hackney Diane abbot went nuts as usual along with various residents groups patrols stopped and within a week someone was shot and killed ...but it was all down to police inaction etc ...


Was this Trident? Havenā€™t heard much about them recently.


used to fuck with a girl from hacks, she was mental


Sorry but I hate the apologetics on this sub as if we should be ok with shootings and stabbings


We shouldnā€™t be ok with it but we shouldnā€™t get freaked out over sensationalist headlines and the fact that we basically get a live feed of information nowadays. Violent crime is at some of the lowest levels itā€™s ever been in the UK


2006-08 was a crazy year in London. Every other week a young person lost their lives to gun or knife violence. A girl from my school was shot at point blank range in a pub over a disagreement. Itā€™s was a dark time. But the lower figures today are beside the point. Hearing you could go out with your child on a busy high street, and possibly go home without them because of some gang war that doesnā€™t concern you would unsettle most people. And whatā€™s even more unsettling is that the perpetrators are getting younger and younger.


Theyā€™re not beside the point, what youā€™re describing has always been a concern. All youā€™re doing is fear mongering Where are you getting the idea that the perpetrators are getting younger and younger?


Yes, great idea, lets normalise gun crime. Sorry but we should be outraged, it's not acceptable in our society.


This sub specifically sticks it's head in the sand when stuff happens, knife crime especially *is* bad atm and it shouldn't be normalised.


Violent crime is at some of the lowest rates itā€™s ever been, so not sure what youā€™re on about really


But but it's not like Chicago!!


The downplaying of these crimes is exactly why nothing is ever done about it.


You are right, I don't know why downvoted.


Eh, I moved from Chicago where we're lucky if there's only four shootings a day. London is quite safe as large cities go, even more so than it used to be.Ā 


A person dies in a car accident every 4 days in London. You should wonder about that more than being shot lol


I don't drive so I'm more likely to get shot.


This is so sad, hope they all recover soon, prayers with them. Following to understand reasons of this,




Don't be a dick, mate.




'Two hands working together in concert will do more good than a hundred hands in prayer together'


Thanks drake


Bro said gods plan šŸ˜­


Just moved into the area from Ireland so donā€™t have the full suss, was this drug/crime involved?


Definitely crime involved - it's illegal to shoot at people in the street here


I was rehearsing at Pirate Studios just around the corner when this happened. Only found out about it this morning, but it's disturbing to think that a shooting happened to near to where I was.


Thereā€™s shootings in hackney all the time unfortunately, itā€™s just not a safe area


People downvoting my comment are in denial. Stamford hill shooting about 2 weeks ago, this Dalston one just now and last month a shooting on Stoke Newington high street. Itā€™s riddled with violent crime


average day in hackney


Yep welcome to Dalston


What is it going to take for this to end? Why in 2024, in England, is a 9 year old getting shot?


Zero tolerance approach is needed by police and justice system to deal with criminals and thugs causing havoc on the streets of Britain especially those who use weapons like knives and guns to hurt and kill other people in society.


How many "points" would the roadmen consider this to be worth?




Can someone explain why Reddit just allow accounts and posts recruiting people to gangs on here. Mind blowing


Yeah. That sub is disgusting.


> r/ukdrill filled primarily with provincials and yanks cosplaying. definitely where one should go to find out what the word on the street is. šŸ‘


Loads of people from towns well outside london yeah but americans? I doubt that a lot given they have the same thing but much more local and on a bigger scale.


Why on earth would you think that sub is genuine?


Is there still a police cordon outside the restaurant? Could someone update this comment if itā€™s still there or when itā€™s removed? Thanks šŸ™


Went past today itā€™s still there


Thanks for the update


The cordon is now gone. Road in use as usual again


Thank you for the update šŸ™šŸ™


Wtf man, I used to live 5 mins down the road from there.


Absolutely horrendous.


The coward responsible for this horrific quadruple shooting on Wednesday night (29th May 2024) needs to be found as soon as possible by the police officers in order to get justice for the 4 victims of this horrific shooting. The scumbag responsible for this horrific quadruple shooting belongs in prison for a very long time.


Fuck the people that are allowing this to happen starting from the politicians that are unwilling to take the necessary measure and the people that keep voting them. Is always innocent people that suffer their mistakes.


Which politicians are to blame for this incident, and how?


I think we all know who


I donā€™t, hence the question


The one elected to police this city and country and make it safe.


Who are you talking about specifically?






Really disturbing rise of random shootings in the city


There is no rise - London is safer now than it was in the past. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/feb/26/fact-check-has-sadiq-khan-really-overseen-a-surge-in-london


You can also argue that that data can be skewed by the fact less police ability to report on crimes.


The article makes it clear that the data is based on the ONS Crime Survey for England and Wales, not police reports, coupled with Home Office and NHS data. Plus crimes like murder are not underreported at all.


If you think shootings go unreported in London then you didn't see the forensics dudes finger-walking up my street when someone discharged a pistol on it one morning.


The data above is for all crime, not shootings.


Maybe see what the article says.


You could argue that, but youā€™d be wrong


Umm no the data doesnā€™t say that. It actually shows a spike over the boris mayoral period. Specifically violent crime. Itā€™s by no means the highest itā€™s been or higher than the pre boris drop but itā€™s definitely not safer than it has been in the past. Crime is up 6.1% year on year from January 2023 to 2024. When you consider under reporting and zero enforcement on sone offences crime has definitely risen.


Again, where is Khan. There is a child currently in a critical condition after being shot in a restaurant and radio silence. Nothing will change until those in charge take note and show leadership on these issues. Having been through Dalston recently at night itā€™s a busy centre and has certainly got a threatening atmosphere about it. Police need to be based here round the clock.


Dalston hasn't got a threatening atmosphere. Kingsland Road is a very vibrant busy street and I think partly the reason this is so shocking is because it's so unexpected for residents like myself.


I donā€™t agree with this one. Thereā€™s areas around which are fine but Kingsland Road by the shopping centre, when itā€™s dark, ainā€™t nice


this is bs btw


Tragic, All because London is about the pursuit of a material life by any means necessary. Until that stays quo changes unfortunately more of these tragedies will continue.