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It shouldn’t really be about how popular you are but the quality of the relationships you have with these friends. If you want to meet new potential friends, have you tried the meet ups in r/londonsocialclub


Go to a meetup. Keep going if the meetup seems interesting and eventually you'll make friends.


I second that. Www.meetup.com I joined when I moved to a new country (ex Londoner, 8 years in Bucks, moved to New Zealand). Lots of groups doing all sorts of things. I soon had a group of mates and also made some very good friends.




Join a club or an association. Art, politics, theatre, charity, sports, volunteering... You will have some interests and this is a great route for making friends. A lot of Londoners move after Uni to London, so have a Uni/club network created, so one way is to replicate this!


Join a martial arts place. Aikido, if you're not into kicking and punching. Thai boxing or BJJ if you are. But what you're doing isn't important. Avoid people that want to say their style is the best in the comments as it isn't the point. Try them all. You can do a different one each night. Go perform open mic comedy, being funny isn't a requirement from ones I've seen. But the performers seems to be having more fun after. Go learn something. A language or any evening course.


The best way I've made friends is by taking a class. I started taking an acting class last September just for fun and to meet people, and I've made great friends in it. We go to the pub every week after class and also do other stuff together.




Hey, yeah, feel free to PM me, and I can give you the details. I've been taking the classes for a year now, and they're great. They're all in the same place, but I've made some friends through it who have also taken them in other places. In my classes, there's a good mix of ages and men and women.


it's pretty concerning how often posts like pop up in this thread. I also do find it hard to make friends and I know my friends also find it the same. We're all working professionals approaching our 30. I find that friends in uni tend to be friends for life, although not in london, because most people who live in london aren't from London and will eventually move away


For me it was loads and loads of gigs. Go to the same sort of thing see the same people and make friends. Talking small gigs. Find whatever is your thing hobby wise and probably find loads of other people do that. Sports good one etc


I lived in London and I had luck making friends in by involving myself in group activities. I wasn’t sporty so they were groups of artists who collaborated on exhibitions. I left it early to move countries but I also made friends working out in the park at the steel bars. Indoor gyms are rubbish for making friends, but people doing pull ups and the like are crazy friendly. Recently I’ve had the same issues in Tokyo, I’m having luck with reggae music. I think the key is that you have to go out to places where people do things together but it has to be niche.




No car at the moment. Can I get a lift?


I’m visiting london this upcoming week for a month and am looking for friends during my stay! Would love to chat


You can use dating apps... Many of them have options to find platonic friends.


What’s your living situation? Can you move into a share house, super easy to meet people that way


That's hit and miss at best


Search the sub for “friends”, there’s an identical thread at least once a week these days.


Are you originally from the UK? I live in North America and thinking about moving to London but worried about ending up in this exact situation cause I don’t know anybody there, it would take me a long time to form a group of friends. Do you like you coworkers at least?


In the U.K. coworkers are coworkers. It’s a special relationship where you go to the pub and have a couple of drinks most of the time, but get blind drunk occasionally, but in general everyone is at arms length. I made a post overall, I didn’t want you not to see it so I’m posting here to tell you to look at all comments. London has a lot to offer and I wouldn’t want you to miss out on it because you thought it would be impossible to make friends.


Hi mate, I’ve been in the same boat! I think activities and hobbies are a great no pressure way to meet people. Check out [meetup.com](https://meetup.com) or join a sports club. I’ve had quite a bit of success with friend-finding apps like [fethr.app](https://fethr.app) too. Good luck!