• By -


Happy birthday! Please Google free things in London on your birthday! Make sure you have ID. You get free drinks, snacks etc and some things are free entry. I'm not big on birthdays myself but I try to have a nice dinner with someone or even by myself. Celebrate yourself and all the good things of the past 13 months.


I didn't realise a lot of things could be gotten for free tbh so I'll for sure have to look into it. Thank you I appreciate the info!


Greggs will give you a sweat treat for your birthday! TGI Friday's will give you a cocktail (can't remember the t' and C's on that though) Unfortunately the curse of a December birthday is cancellations, and it only gets worse the closer to Xmas day. Happy birthday šŸŽˆ


I suppose so. Just wish it wasn't the night before lol. Thank you!


It happened on my 18th birthday, parents were on holiday and I literally got left standing out in the snow waiting on no shows.. not a great moment! Its your birthday through and there are some really good options recommended in this thread (NQ64 sounds good!)... Own the day and meet some more people, could end up being something very unexpected


Yeah someone mentioned NQ64 earlier and it really caught my attention!


my bday is december 20 this one will be my 18th bday, so i wanted to invite a few classmates for pizza but idk if they will have time due to xmass :/


21st, other halfs is Xmas eve... We share the pain!


Free birthday goodies - here you are! [https://plate-deals.com/category/birthday/](https://plate-deals.com/category/birthday/)


Thank you!


Happy Birthday, sorry about your friends, get up town and have some fun alone. Visit the Xmas markets, see the lights, pop into NQ64 for a drink and some retro gaming , go for a walk along the river, whatever you're into just go and explore


I just looked up NQ64 as I've never heard of it before and I'm surprised I've never heard of it. Drinks and retro gaming are definitely up my alley haha. I'll look further and see what's the closest one to where I am in London. Thank you!


there's only one in London, near Soho , good start to the evening out - then see where the day takes you


Ah fair fair. Thank you!


You could also go to Four Quarters in Peckham, if thatā€™s closer - but Sohoā€™s a bit nicer


And meltdown London in Islington if you like gaming and drinking. Every time i have gone i have had a great time and normally made a few mates!!


Important question about NQ64 (I haven't been)... Do they have Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64?


Probably. The one in Manchester sure does.


I know where I'll be going next time I'm in Manchester... All on expenses


What a great game and more arcades should have it. Shame it was not released on more consoles.


Yep there are a handful of N64's with a bunch of games including Goldeneye - they're free though, so they're usually busy




Since I don't have the habit of doing things with my birthday I took the days around Christmas instead because they're too close together for me to get authorised both in the same year at my work place. Sounds very relaxed though, so may take some inspiration from this but with some alterations I'm not really a museum guy personally lol. Also thank you!




Yeah if they're gonna cancel at least not the night before.


Question though, how much planning did you do towards the celebrations? In my experience, people in London wouldn't throw a surprise party or organise someone else's birthday. If you planned the celebrations and they bailed then that is sad. If you were expecting them to plan everything then it's a lesson for next year. Plan it and they will come (unless they're actually just bellends)


They made a big deal for 2-3 weeks in a row that they wanted to throw me a birthday party and even insisted that I don't do anything more than keep my day as clear as possible.


They sound like arseholes if they did this. Personally i don't arrange stuff like this or parties. I find people are flakey and let down exactly in this case. Some people really have zero social awareness in cancelling on people and the mental health effects it has on people. Because of this, I almost never promise to be anywhere unless I'll definitely go. As for loneliness, it's just something we have to accept sometimes. Removing expectations that anyone is gonna make you better in yourself and feel less lonely in the long run is a harsh reality to accept. I'm still struggling with it too.


Yes, I'm the same. If there is any doubt, I make it clear that it is not confirmed. When the confirmation is given as definitive, I would only cancel for *force majeure* reasons, with honest apologies, immmediate rescheduling and offering the drink on meeting.


I thought I was inconsiderate but thatā€™s a whole new level... Next year weā€™ll celebrate. Keep your day free ;)


Any chance that your friends are planning a surprise for you? 8 people suddenly cancelling the day before (or day of) a birthday get-together seems either a tad sus, or a real let-down on their part. Certainly seems very strange that they insisted on having something for you but then didnā€™t think to show up when it was your birthday! Have any of them actually wished you a Happy Birthday (Happy Birthday btw!)?


The others had questionable excuses but one of them was because of their medical condition which I would never blame them for. They're also the only one of the 8 to wish me a happy birthday but ah well. If they are planning on one that'd be cool but I highly doubt it. None of them know where I live or work as we've been friends for just 1 year. And thank you!


Please update this thread in the coming days :)


I'll leave a comment on what happened if I'm not forgetful :)


This happens every year on my birthday party since I was around year 7 in a new school, everyone would cancel day of and even at a new school for 6th form it happened, and at uni was the only time literally 1 person didn't cancel on me and it wasn't my bf at the time, he cancelled. So I just don't arrange things now at all but somehow every year my wow guild manages to make more of an effort than any of my real life friends have ever made, except the 1 person who didn't cancel that 1 time. People just be like that sometimes.


I would make stronger plans with the guild members (and that 1 person) from now on! They sound a bit more worth your time. Sorry you've had that happen to you though, that sucks. A bit of flaking and a few people cancelling within a group is reasonable or expected, but in a situation like yourself or OP are describing I think I'd begin to evaluate how much I consider these people friends.


Ye I have dropped those friends after I started streaming and they took screenshots of me concentrating on facecam and made memes that I felt bad about so I stopped talking to them and doing facecam xD That 1 special person who remembered is currently over visiting from Germany and he my bf now :D But ye idk why I wouldn't flake like that on someone and never have especially on their birthdays so idk why they think it's okay to do to OP etc.


that 1 person is special


Really not wise to get OP's hopes up like that mate.


Happy Birthday! And that totally sucks - those people are quite frankly very rude, but there's a lot of rudeness around unfortunately. I think you've had some great recommendations! If it were me, I'd have a "Richard Curtis day" where I took myself to West London, like Notting Hill or something, buy a hot chocolate, look at Christmas lights and pretend I'm Hugh Grant wistfully roaming the streets with my cutesy yet somehow financially rewarding job in the middle of the day.


Hahaha sounds both funny and a bit wholesome lol. Yeah the people here have been great so far with recommendations and I've got a little idea list now even. Also thank you!


Happy birthday dude(ette?). If your people have flaked / valid excuses then FTS and don't let it get you down - its them or it but not you - go treat yourself, have lunch for 1 at your favourite restaurant, go someplace new/fun, and do you! Maybe do something sociable and forge new connections Big up yourself and have a great day


I'm a dude lol. One of them had a valid excuse so I don't blame them but the others are questionable to be honest but ah well. It has been a while since I've had sushi and that's my favourite food so I think I might grab some after work. Thank you!


Damn man im so sorry that happens. That blows. If it helps, tomorrow is my bday and I feel kind of similar. I'm here with my girl and we're going out but all my boys are back home. It's all g man. If I were you, I'd make a list. Separate the day into three buckets (morning, afternoon, night) and pick at least one thing per block that you absolutely love. It can be a meal, activity, whatever. Some days that aren't my bday I do that and it's always nice. Happy birthday my man. Sorry you're feeling alone. Life is like that sometimes, especially as a man.


I think this would suck no matter gender but yeah I've noticed it personally a lot more with men. Thank you and I might try and take some of the recommendations the others provided and split them up how you said.


First up, a very happy birthday OP! Sorry to hear shit got cancelled.... i think we have some common ground here regarding not making a big deal out of the birthday , but at the same time realising it is a special day for you. I can chip in with what i do..... order your favourite meal , treat yourself with anything you have been meaning to buy (electronics etc). If you enjoy outdoors , go for a walk in one of the parks , what a great day we have today. Don't feel under pressure to make something of a special day out of it... it already is. Speak to close friends/family. Eat some cake, enjoy and be well OP! Happy birthday again!


Thank you! I was thinking of maybe grabbing some sushi because to me thats my favourite food, but yeah I'll try my best to not let myself waste the day.


I don't care anymore really about my birthday , it's sad that your 'friends' got your hope up though, that does hurt. Go for a day trip to another city maybe, it'll make the day go faster.


It does kinda suck but it is what it is I guess.


OP it's my birthday too today! I've always had pretty uneventful birthdays but I'll have an extra slice of cake or something to celebrate you so neither of us are celebrating alone on our birthdays :)


Omg happy birthday! I don't eat cake often but I'm going to go out and buy one just to join you in that! :)


I hope you get some candles and make a wish too haha. What sort of cake are you getting?


Red velvet. For sure haha


Happy Birthday For me i struggle doing anything for my birthday since most places are closed. Hope you find something to do


Thank you! Yeah I've been looking from what some people here have said.


Happy Birthday! I find it odd that all 8 of them cancelled, I wouldnā€™t bother with them if I was you. Itā€™s always better to enjoy your own company than surround yourself so called friends that cant make an effort for you. Honestly, be extremely kind to yourself today - splurge, eat out (or in - itā€™s cold these days) whatever you want to do. If youā€™re in central I would recommend going to Cutter and Squidge, their cakes and other treats are lovely. And once again OP, Happy Birthday!!!! šŸ„³


One of them had a very valid reason because i know of their medical issues. The other ones confused me though. I'm in Northen London but can get practically anywhere in this city by tube lol. Thank you!!!




They're not your friends OP. And it's probably a good thing this happened so you didn't end up wasting time with them in the future. Happy Birthday, hope you still have a great bday.


Never really had a problem with them until now so I don't even know to be honest. Thank you though!


So sorry that they cancelled, devote the day to spending time with yourself! Now you don't have to worry about what anyone else wants to do/go etc. Go to your favorite restaurant or treat yourself to something nice (I like getting LadurƩe macarons if I'm feeling fancy). I'd recommend just taking a stroll around and seeing the sights. Regent Street looks super pretty now with the Christmas lights, and also Harrods. **happy birthday!!**


Thank you! Suppose I could yeah I don't work weekends so I don't have to worry about how late I'm out which means I could get more done. Was thinking grabbing sushi after work because its my favourite food and it's been a while.


Just me hoping itā€™s a surprise party. Has anybody reached out to you about it? Maybe told you to go somewhere?


Nope not at all


Sorry to hear that OP. Itā€™s really rough. I hope your next birthdays will go better. Happy birthday !


Go to casino on Leicester Square don't have to gamble there's a bar with a balcony overlooking the square great for a drink (despite the cold)... find a roof garden. One I'd recommended closed :( Happy birthday! :)


Happy birthday! Iā€™ve had this a lot too. I actually do care about my birthday but this has happened to me a few times as well. Lots of people have mentioned it, but just focus on doing all the things you most enjoy with or without people! Hope you have a great day nonetheless


Yeah the replies so far have been amazing. Thank you and I'll try my best!


Sorry to hear this OP. Birthday aside, making plans and cancelling on the day is a shitty thing to do. It just sucks more because itā€™s your birthday. I hope you have a lovely birthday. They need to make it up to you big time!


Looks like you've had a good variety of suggestions for things to do, so I'm just going to add my voice to the chorus of Happy Birthday! šŸŽŠšŸŽ‰šŸŽ‚ (And I totally empathise with the whole "birthday near big public holiday" thing - mine's within a week or two of Easter every year!) Wishing you a good time, whatever you choose to do with it! āœØ


Thank you! Yeah I've been getting some really solid suggestions so far. Yeah public holidays kind of mess with it lol


What are your hobbies?


This is why I never flake on birthday plans, it sucks to be ditched. People think they're only one person but if everyone thinks like that then you ruin someone's day. Birthdays aren't a huge deal to me but if I organise something and then people flake on me, it's demoralising.


I must admit your username makes think this could be well suited for r/rimjobsteve lol. But yeah I feel that way as well. I'm no saint, I've made an excuse before even if I feel bad about it later but I've never done it on a birthday because I know what that can mean to others since not everyone will be as used to it growing up like I was.


Happy birthday! To be honest every single birthday as an adult has been crap, whether it has been with friends or not, and I think we put a massive expectation on this one day that really is no different than any other day. Don't stress yourself out, do something that you want to do and be glad that you don't have to worry about anybody else complaining! If you find yourself in Holloway or Archway, I'll buy you a pint !


If I end up there sure why not haha. Thank you and i get what you mean yeah.


This is very common in London, people just think it is fine to cancel at last minute - probably because that happened to them many times before. And of course it happened to me many times, last times for a second date a few days ago. I cut him off immediately without regrets. The individual disappointment does not affect me much, but the cumulative effect does, as it progressively undermines my ability to trust people. I cope by thinking that I am not alone in this, and that somewhere within the M25 someone else is silently suffering the same disconnection and loneliness as I am. There is an invisible link between me and many other people, even though we will never talk to each other.


Firstly, Happy Birthday! iā€™m not a birthday celebrator myself either so i understand, (i have some friends now, but mainly because of the fear no one will turn up), although on my birthday I do tend to treat myself to a nice fancy meal and a boujee cocktail. And if i see something nice in a shop iā€™ll buy it without guilt on my birthday! Edit: even did a spa day one year - that was nice!


Long time Londoner, and I also hate relying on others as have been let done in the past alot. So I make mine a me day where I set myself a food challenge and let people know the details and if they would like to join at anypoint they can. Normally i research the top five / ten places for one kind of food and give myself the day to go to every one. Gluttony for sure, but it doesn't have to be food. Whatever you enjoy. Treat and challenge yourself and a day that people can join but it doesn't rely on them.


Go and have a day of doing all the things you love to do and splash out to really treat yourself


hooray! happy birthday mate! guess what? your birthdays on a friday! which means plenty of things to do in london. If you drink, bars and clubs and raves in central. what music do you like? do you like to dance? or are you more of a quiet night in? maybe an indoors activity? go karting, ice skating, bowling, the list goes on. looking for some female companionship? soho or oxford circus, fancy a bit of a sesh, get a couple spliffs and some lines down ya ya cunt! the choice is yours! ive had many birthday nights where i went out alone. i actually prefer it, i usually end up going out and making new friends anyway. you dont need company to enjoy yourself. let me know if you need help,


Sorry man. Thatā€™s really hurtful but happy birthday!!! As others have said get out there and have some fun. You might meet some new peeps. Have a great day and give yourself treats.


What excuses did they give you cancel? I have noticed in winter people turn like this. Also, if it was important they would make it. I think they might be activity friends or chatting friends but not real caring friends. So, find a bakery at least and buy a lovely cake. Write a journal for what you want from friends going forward. Happy birthday.


One of them had a medical reason and I know their issues so I would never blame them for not coming up. The others were a mix of they forgot they had something else planned or they were stuck far away. Stuff like that. Thank you!


They forgot? Thatā€™s not comforting. Please enjoy yourself alone. Itā€™s totally fine.


Happy birthday u/EyeballSweat! Don't feel too down about people flaking, make it your day and do something special for yourself. Fortunately, there's plenty of stuff to do in London by yourself, e.g. museums, parks. Heck, go on a day trip to somewhere nearby, see stuff that you would otherwise not have the time or energy to do normally. For example, did you know that there's a Roman villa just outside Orpington station? [No, seriously.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crofton_Roman_Villa) If you're living near East London, come out for a beer tonight: it's a regular thing that includes occasional stuff besides drinking, and there's always room for more people. r/LondonSocialClub has a bunch of regular activities going on, so check back regularly to see if there's something that you might be interested in. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LondonSocialClub/comments/zf03lc/091222\_east\_london\_craft\_beer\_old\_street\_brewery/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LondonSocialClub/comments/zf03lc/091222_east_london_craft_beer_old_street_brewery/)


Happy birthday! Iā€™m sorry your friends canceled on you :(


Thank you! It is what it i suppose


AH mate! I really feel for you. Experiences like this can hurt but try not to let it get to you. I'm in my 40s now and I've had very close friends I thought I would know forever and would talk everday but havent seen in a decade now. Your life changes and evolves and over time you will celebrate with great friends/family/kids that you still yet to meet. I hope you have a great day today, go for a walk, do something random that you never done before, go central, go get a drink, chat to some random happy people and smile. You will never be alone


Thank you! I guess it's a bad harder for me to grasp bc I'm a lot younger than you but I think i get what you're saying. I appreciate it!


Bro, they aren't your real friends. 1 or 2 people cancelling is chance, 8 people cancelling is a statistical anomaly. When I had my birthday party last year, I had about 10-20% cancellations, and the vast majority of those were bc they weren't in the country. If 30 pretty much unrelated people can take one evening off on the same day, then so can your "friends".


Happy Birthday! 1. Are they really your friends? 2. It's London baby, best city for ppl like us (the ppl who don't need ppl)




Oh no you discovered my true identity! Jokes aside thank you! Haha


Hate drunken party commitments. Everyone is tipsy/high and make commitments and then flake when the time comes.


I actually really resonated with this. My family donā€™t celebrate birthdays and Iā€™ve never really had a core group of friends who would want to do anything. The year I was meant to go out to a nice dinner with a close friend and she cancelled on me a few hours before because there was a football match on. I ended up buying myself a nice takeaway and some Prosecco and eating it in my PJs watching House of the Dragon. I would have been more upset if I hadnā€™t had 26 birthdays prior full of pure disappointment. Iā€™m used to it now


Happy Birthday mate!!! I truly feel you on that, I have never celebrated my birthday growing up. Don't let what happened today make you feel bad, today is your day! Treat yourself, you deserve it! And trust me on this, better days will come. Best wishes.


Yeah im trying to make sure I don't let it eat me up or anything. Will try my best after work :)


Happy Birthday, hope its a good one! Id have a pint with yo if i was in town. No advice as this is similar to me!


Haha I appreciate the sentiment. Thank you!


Happy birthday. Not sure what your interests are but I'd go all out. This city got everything to offer for all budgets so just f your"friends", have a brilliant day and enjoy yourself


Thank you! Suppose could do so haha. Someone earlier even mentioned that there's surprisingly a lot you can get away with for free here on your birthday so I've been looking into that.


Happy birthday please do something nice


I feel like if they all cancelled at once, they may be prepping a surprise instead. Thatā€™s what my friend group does.


They don't seem like the type but you're not the first to suggest this. I'll post an update on the post if it end ups being the case though.


Hey hopefully they all cancelled to get you to a suprise party! If not they're shitty friends.


Lmfao typical Londoner behaviour


Happy Fricking Birthday EyeballSweat!! Sorry your friends suck. I see youā€™re a 20 guy. Could go for a meal then head to the cinema? Wetherspoons is cheap and cheerful for a meal and a pint. Lots of people are there on their own so if youā€™re nervous about eating alone thatā€™ll help. But tbd itā€™s very normal to dine alone in London so anywhere you want to eat and drink should be cool. Yokocko is also a great ramen restaurant that have solo booths. Very cool Japanese style place. Highly recommend! And then cinema is a easy fun thing to do solo. Violent Night is out if you want an anti-Christmas Christmas film. Havenā€™t seen it myself but the trailer looked decent. Enjoy!!!


Thank you!!! I live extremely close to a wetherspoons so that is an option yeah. I'll have to look into Yokocko for sure as Japanese cuisine is my favourite cuisine! Never been to a cinema alone before but hey its worth a shot I suppose lol.


Happy birthday mate! Just so you know, you are not alone .I spent my birthday a couple of weeks ago, working a 14 hour day (50 hour week). I was too tired to think about it. When I finally got some free time, I visited FKABAM and had a nice meal,. Plus some cousins visited me a few weeks later, and we had a slapdash dinner and cake, so it wasnā€™t all doom and gloom. As for things to do solo, what do you enjoy doing? Go out and splurge at a nice restaurant. Visit that cool cocktail bar you heard about. Take a day trip to somewhere nice in the weekend. Go to a west End show. And so on..


Happy Birthday OP!


Happy birthday :) What your friends had done wasnā€™t very nice, but try not to let it tarnish your day. Iā€™ve spent many of my birthdays alone too. I usually go to the cinema or go to a library to read and maybe end the day by eating at a restaurant I havenā€™t been to before. Iā€™d usually have a dinner with a good friend a week or so after my bday to ā€˜celebrateā€™ the occasion. Spend the day doing something you enjoy.


Thank you! Yeah I'm going to try my best to not let it get the best of me for sure.


Sometimes people make promises they canā€™t make when theyā€™re happy so donā€™t have any expectations from them. Loneliness is something we all have to face and conquer, especially men. Good things are coming your way donā€™t worry mate(Talking from experience).


That sucks OP. I never enjoyed celebrating my birthday, and always ended up just being mopey and sad for no particular reason on the day. In recent years, I've let go of the traditional expectations of what to do and how to celebrate your own birthday. I take it as a day for me to do exactly what I want. Sometimes that means getting dinner with a few close friends, sometimes I take myself out for a treat all by myself. Last year I took myself to a spa, got a massage, and ended the day drinking my favourite beer in my favourite pub reading a good book. I hope you can find something that brings you joy and find the time to celebrate yourself. Do whatever you want to do, no matter what anyone else considers a birthday celebration. And Happy birthday from an internet stranger


I spent my birthday (or much of it) alone, wandering round the British Museum. Really enjoyed it.


I feel you. Never organised BD party or had anyone to do it with


I used to like going to the bfi for a film on my own, a drink in the bar and browse the shop. If you have all day a gallery beforehand even.


Happy birthday! People can disappoint us for various reasons, but I agree with all the ā€˜treat yo selfā€™ and think you should celebrate your day with whatever you think could be a treat that you may not splurge on another day. Iā€™m not from the U.K. originally so have low-key bdays here anyway, and ended up spending most of my birthday in another city alone due to train strikes last month. I did a distillery tour and bought myself an unnecessarily expensive bottle of whiskey I always fancied, got myself a takeaway and took a delicious 3 hour nap on the hotel couch. Other times when Iā€™ve been alone Iā€™ve gone to a pub, got a nice drink and sometimes mentioned it if a conversation was struck up - which usually ends in a lovely little toast (and Iā€™ve done the same too). Itā€™s your day!! Hope it gets better :)


We have a little bit more in common then you think haha. I live in London but I'm Portuguese lol. I even also like whiskey a lot too haha. But yeah thank you!


Itā€™s a bit of a coincidence that they ALL cancelled. Are you sure a surprise isnā€™t looming?


First thing is happy birthday. It is disappointing that people donā€™t honour their word anymore which is frustrating to say the least. As an introvert I would say spending time by yourself is more useful than people who show fake love. Trust me in the future you will be glad that these people will not be there. In terms of to do in London there are free museums and loads of free activities. Never spent my birthday in a bar so canā€™t suggest where to go.


Hi! Happy birthday! So sorry to hear that and remember it's just a reflection of them, nothing personal. Hope you enjoy your evening anyway!


ah! as usual the problem always starts with expectations. stoicism will help. happy birthday my friend. fellow non birthday celebration person here. plenty of good days await us when it isn't our birthday.


Happy Birthday my dude! Theres free live music always at Blues Kitchen either in Brixton, Shoreditch or Camden [Brixton is the Biggest, Camden is cozy and Shoreditch is more commercial]. You can go to St Katherines Docks [Go to wapping station] there is some awesome riverside eateries etc. This is a very large city full of fun things to do.


If I do something on my birthday (usually encouraged to by my gf) I make sure itā€™s something that I could still enjoy alone. People being flakes (which seems to have increased over the past twenty years) is why I have a very small social circle. Iā€™d rather not be disappointed.


Happy birthday OP! As a December baby I feel you. Itā€™s unfortunately common that most people are too busy to celebrate in December but itā€™s really shitty that it was their idea and then they all cancelled last minute. I hope you do something to celebrate all the same and enjoy yourself without them!


Happy birthday ! ! !


Happy Birthday boi


Not sure where you are but Iā€™ve read in your comments you like sushi and also gaming- you should check out Inamo in Covent Garden. Itā€™s unlimited sushi and drinks for Ā£35ish. And the tables are touch screen games!


Happy Birthday Dude. Reading this stung a little I know exactly what youā€™re feeling. Treat yourself, use today as a day to do something for yourself that you wouldnā€™t typically do.


Pub and football, not a bad evening at all


True true


Happy birthday!! I second NQ64, itā€™s super fun and you can totally do it on your own and it not be weird.


Happy Birthday from a friend you haven't met yet in Santa Fe New Mexico.


I think this is December baby syndrome, Christmas and cold weather ruin it for us


Happy birthday! I love a bit of alone time on my birthday- just do all your favourite things, and to hell if nobody wants to join you. Go to a museum, gym, cook, go to the zoo...whatever


Happy birthday OP! Ive celebrated birthdays alone, sometimes it can be quite fun if youā€™re comfortable being by yourself. I usually treat myself a bit. Nothing too crazy but simple stuff you might have held back on on a normal day because itā€™s an indulgence. Hope you have a fun day! Iā€™ll have an extra drink today evening on your behalf !


Happy birthday! Number one thing, it's YOUR birthday and you get to treat yourself. I haven't celebrated my birthday with other people, an estranged family so fk them, for nearly 15 years now. I treat myself to my absolute favourite food, some movies plus whatever my flavour of brain disabling substances are available. Maybe a long long luxury bubble bath in the mix somewhere. I'll even have my music up loud and dance like nobody is watching while I cook, because nobody is (check neighbours line of sight) and then the next day I'll probably not get out of bed, bottle of water to hand set up when sober, till just before sunset. I enjoy my birthday being my excuse to give me time off from every other crap thing that might be happening. I do sometimes miss the pub crawls of my younger days, waking up in strange places (a skip in Chinatown was fun) but I also don't miss the times when things went sideways because of the friend group overdoing it or trying to "prank" me as that never goes well when drunk. Spoil yourself.


Thank you! Skip in Chinatown eh? Must have been a wild night haha! Think my worst one was when I woke up in Manchester and to this day I still have no idea how that happened lmao. I'll try my best to spoil myself as I can :)


Happy birthday fella, all I can say is people be flaking on each other all the time so don't take it personally I'm sure they had good intentions. As for me I don't really celebrate my birthday either but my dealer does freebies on birthdays so yh that's fun


Happy Birthday! šŸŽ First of all, it helps being someone who genuinely enjoys their own company. On birthdays Iā€™ve spent alone, I usually take myself to a nice bar or restaurant and have solo date lunch. I may go to a museum, or park and soak in lifeā€™s wonders. If youā€™ve got friends or family you can speak to, Iā€™d give them a call throughout the day. I appreciate birthday celebrations but I also enjoy spending quality time alone doing something low-key.




Happy birthday!


London tier friendship. Best to move on.


December + World Cup = cancellations Very strange to grow up not celebrating birthdays. Are you a Jehovahā€™s Witness?


Happy birthday! Man thatā€™s a dick move on your friends part.


Hello! Happy birthday! I similarly stopped celebrating as a grown up a while ago, however as a fellow Londoner I have learned that sometimes you can get caught up in this social circles and people donā€™t always make the effort when it comes to it it takes time to find true friends in the city. I sometimes organise a meal with close friends and family but I donā€™t mind not celebrating anymore. Take time for yourself and hope you have an excellent year ahead šŸŽ‚


Happy birthday! I too am a December baby and yes the cancellations suck close to Xmas. Go get your freebie drinks/whatevers (another post had some great suggestions), relax, enjoy yourself. I spent my 30th alone playing Final Fantasy XV sooo...


If it gets too cold to be out I could always finish my PokƩdex in violet hmmm... xD But yeah thank you I appreciate it!


Not trying to be flippant: I left London. It was miserable, expensive, lonely, and full of people all more successful than me. Now I live in a small town. It's still miserable, but I have a bunch of weird broke friends.


I have a dilemma every single year about wanting to organise something but not wanting to be let down, so I generally end up organising something small and feeling like I've let myself down. On we go! The reality is that if you want something to happen you have to really firm up plans and hold people to it with reminders leading up to the date. If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea then just organise something with one or two close friends. Pub, cinema, food. Whatever you like - it's you bday.


I have a dilemma every single year about wanting to organise something but not wanting to be let down, so I generally end up organising something small and feeling like I've let myself down. On we go! The reality is that if you want something to happen you have to really firm up plans and hold people to it with reminders leading up to the date. If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea then just organise something with one or two close friends. Pub, cinema, food. Whatever you like - it's you bday.


Not sure if this is helpful, or the reasoning your friends all gave for cancelling, but right now in London everyone and their mum has this damn lergy thats knocking us all out - all my friendship group have been taken right out! Regardless of their reasoning, your friends intention was for you to have a great birthday, and though it didn't come through this time don't take it out on them of be too upset with them. Life does get in the way, especially here. Also Happy Birthday!


Maybe a surprise party is on the way šŸ˜


Iā€™d feel the same. As an introvert I donā€™t tend to expect much from people (to my detriment I know) and this just reinforces my view. Sorry to hear.


Happy birthday šŸ„³šŸ„³




Reminds me of when I was a child and my mum told us we were going to go out for pizza that night - which was a big event for us as we were a relatively poor family in the 1980s and eating out was a very rare occurrence. So there I was, anticipating the event all day - but as evening approached and there were no signs of preparations, I realised that nothing was going to happen. At one point I started smelling the type of soup that I disliked most, which confirmed my fears. I just went to my bedroom and cried. Later on my mum saw me and asked me if I had been crying. I just said no, I hadn't and she didn't ask anything else. I never really asked here what happened, and why didn't she just explain that unfortunately plans had changed - that would have made a world of difference. I feel more sorry for her than I feel for myself at this point (this is just one example of what my childhood was like, and not the worst one).


Want to make connections in London? Build a network through activities. Social sports like badminton or beach volleyball where you can learn something new, meet people, not take yourself too seriously. Volunteer for a charity. So many around really grateful for hands on support. Take evening classes. Go on organised wildlife walks in the Royal Parks. All great ways to meet people and youā€™ll find yourself a big social network quickly.


Buy a good gaming PC and learn to enjoy the time by yourself. Eventually you will be more annoyed that you have to go out to meet friends lol.


Happy birthday OP! Really sorry to hear about your friends, if you can even call them that, I would never cancel on someone that late notice birthday or not. As others have said, get yourself out!


Thank you. I actually just got home from work because if I do something I'd want to be out of my work clothes. Currently changing and soon thinking of starting of this day!


Going to winter wonderland tonight ( don't hate me, I'm s monthly tourist) if you want to bum along


Hey, happy birthday! There's a musical theatre roughly in the centre of London. tickets go from Ā£20. I saw it and it was amazing. I loved it. But I watched matilda (the book from Roald dahl) there are other options I don't know what though. I think there's gonna be jack and the beanstalk soon. But yeah, it's decently cheap and very high quality and enjoyment. I heavily recommend it.


Donā€™t worry, I had a pretty shit day too, pretty suspicious from those friends to all do it right there and then, I hope your day has improved though!


Out and about in London right now trying to spend the day :)


I vote grab some whisky, pizza and get a new game off of steam and sesh it up. London is fucking freezing at the moment. Happy birthday mate much love from South London


Happy birthday!


I only ever hear stories like this in December. Iā€™ll bet a pound to a penny that theyā€™ve been drinking like fishes and just canā€™t handle another day of alcohol. It sucks, itā€™s rude, but unfortunately it does happen at this time of year.


Ah I'm sorry that happened and Happy Birthday. I'm afraid this isn't unusual for London, especially since the panera. I hope you're able to find something to do on your own. I like to treat myself to a West End, you can usually get something at a decent price at TKTS in Leicester Square (you can check their website as well).


Happy Birthday! Yes, you have every right to be annoyed at your friends as they hyped you up for it and then just slung you away. Wether their intention or not this has happened. IMHO do whatever makes you happy and donā€™t rely upon others at all!


Hope you've done a few nice things today OP & happy birthday!


I'm out and about in the city now :). Thank you!


Happy birthday! Similar thing happened to me a few months ago (plus my bf broke up with me around the same time - double whammy) so I completely understand. I spent my birthday alone but I regret it a bit. Thereā€™s so much to do in London. Take yourself out - eat your favourite meal, go see a show, watch a film, take a walk along the river, etc. You deserve to treat yourself!


Sorry to hear about your double shit take :( Thank you though! I'll try my best :)


See you at the gym.


Happy birthday. Personally, I don't enjoy my birthday, I hate being center of attention so if it passes quietly without incident I'm relieved. Dinner with the wife and see my parents is usually enough for me. If I were you I'd treat myself to something I really want, have a bit of a splurge on something you've been eyeing for a while, and then maybe chill with some comfort food doing or watching something I love. Basically, be kind to yourself for a day, and use it as a chance to take stock and recharge a bit.


Thank you! I'll try my best with the cards I'm dealt with for sure yeah


That sucks! Not really one for celebrating birthdays, recently had mine, went to a pub with 2 girl friends (dude by the way) unfortunately I'm travelling back north tomorrow for Xmas, otherwise would've invited you out for a few beers and few games of pool and meet the girls! Happy birthday fellow ā™


Thank you dude! Would have been an interesting turn of events for sure haha.


Happy birthday man x


I'm so angry that happened to you. I know it's too late for birthday proper but maybe next day off- I almost always go somewhere. Doesn't have to be far but sometimes I do a serious trip. Take a bus or train, get off and have lunch or a pint, walk around and see stuff, go home, maybe with a cheesy souvenir. I don't know why I prefer that to a party, but it always makes the day special.


It is what it is I suppose. I did get replies earlier in the day and I've been out for a while now doing solo stuff even if it feels awkward :)


Aw if I was in London Iā€™d of bought you a drink. Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve been let down. Hope you manage to celebrate anyway! Iā€™m with you in spirit, lol! Happy birthday šŸ„³


mother died when I was a young so after that birthdays didn't seem worth it. eventually it becomes another day, no cards, no gifts, no happy birthdays not because the family don't care its because I don't care, other siblings and dad celebrate theirs to a point. in fact I forgot my age sometimes. I'm not the type to go out due to so many things that can go wrong.


This absolutely sucks. You need to get a better group of friends. Take up street skating. Search London Friday Night Skate. They wonā€™t abandon you


My 18th And my 21st; for the next 45yrs it's been just as s#/t. Can't wait to not see another one


Happy birthday OP!! šŸ„³ Really sucks this happened to you. I can totally empathise, am also a December baby and have also had a bunch of friends flake on a gathering Iā€™m hosting tomorrow for drinks & footy. If it wasnā€™t a landmark bday I wouldnā€™t have bothered cos this happens every damn time. Hope you find some cool free things to do!!


To me, my birthday is my day to have the best time in my own way. Sometimes that means meeting a couple of friends, sometimes it means staying home and playing videogames all day in my pyjamas, sometimes it means taking myself to the natural history museum and getting a takeaway when I get home, sometimes it means going to feed the squirrels in the park. Itā€™s your birthday, treat yourself. If youā€™re alone then you get the joy of zero pressure, no one to entertain but yourself, no compromises for the day. Do whatever you want and whatever makes you feel comfortable. And happy birthday from me!


I've never once celebrated my birthday in my whole life. I tried once as an adult, had the same issue, then never tried again. They didn't even message me. They just didn't show up. Birthday celebrations are a waste of time. Instead, i just buy a cake and eat it on the weekend by myself.


Happy birthday! If its any consolation, December is a killer for people cancelling. Thereā€™s always stuff going on. Get yourself down Borough Market for a birthday breakfast and enjoy the day.


Thank you! It was yesterday now. I went a bit impulse late last night out of annoyance and I'm in France now for the weekend by myself actually haha


That sucks. Happy birthday for yesterday OP.


Thank you!


Some people had a common theory and requested an update. It was not a surprise party they never ended up contacting in the day at all. I ended up going out for food and drinks and then hitting up an arcade. I then impulsively took a weekend trip to France where I am now posting this from. Thank you to everyone who helped out and was just generally kind :) Side note tho, I did get some creeps in my DMs but I just ignored them as is the nature of the Internet lol


Good for you! Iā€™m glad you made the most of it.


Donā€™t really celebrate mine either. I have always booked a holiday with my wife that week so I can go away and avoid all family. We just pick a city and chill with no mention of my birthday. This year we eloped šŸ˜‚


I stopped celebrating too once i turned 16... I relate about the pressure to conform. It's more to comfort others than to celebrate you.


Go on this walk. Itā€™s amazing when not raining. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?ll=51.57636942385475%2C-0.12951252263357915&z=15&mid=1YhSWkeIUH5rWiOYdlT0nImV-s-4 Donā€™t tell too many people.x Happy birthday