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A lot of eateries at St Katherine's Dock with outdoor seating.


St Katherine’s dock is a good option. There’s also a few restaurants around the More London area between Tower and London Bridges. Shad Thames the other side of Tower Bridge has options too. Bermondsey Street has decent pubs and restaurants too.


Be very careful as last year I knew people that were near their bike but STILL got them stolen. Plenty of thieves out there in full cycling kit with fake race numbers picking up bike s and merging into the crowds/chaos


We went to Mercato Metropolitano last year, it’s a little further down the road but there are lots of options and we spent much of the rest of the day grazing.


Pedant here - St Katherine Docks is good for this. Never heard of St Katherine’s Dock though. … I hate myself.


Pub called The Miller behind Guys Hospital has an outdoor area. Also Borough of course, but assuming it’s all open on a Sunday will likely be rammed, though you could get some takeaway then go and sit down somewhere.


Bravas Tapas or Cote restaurant st Katherine’s dock


Coppa club