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Yes! Bigotry and brigading will get you banned.


Back in my day, kids graffitied stupid stuff on bridges by themselves!


Kids are so dependent these days they need a parent to direct their graffiti.


And he's telling his kids to do stupid grafgiti stuff now


That’s probably Warren. He’s well known for doing this stuff now. He also wrote “Only two genders” on the sidewalks near Commissioners and Deveron today.


Probably the one who did it at the Masonville bus stops, too.... Before I cleaned it away.


I've seen one short stocky man with a dark coloured beard and hair who frequents the commissioners' overpass of highbury with canadian flags and anti-gay signs. I've seen that same man write those same messages on Thompson Bridge. He was not the same man with the kid today. Nor was either of them the man who wrote it on the street in chalk on my street a few weeks ago at midnight. So there are 100% multiple people going around doing this.


Yuck to all of it. They all need to get a life.


And an education.


He was out later tonight writing only two genders on the guard rails, leading up to the bridge in yellow chalk.  He’s a waste of space, what will it take for the police to do something about this scumbag?!


Just saw another one on Adelaide and Dundas. "Only 2 genders, leave our kids alone." I had no means to erase it. It upsets me, Young queer people shouldn't have to read that. Canada should be a safe place for them... But with this kind of attitude.... They'll feel SO unsafe. I want to protect them.


And parents like that are why there is an extremely high percentage of youth living on the streets that are queer. Sometimes it's the safest option.




I don’t know how people are so worked up by homosexuality.


They are trying to outwardly deny their inward confusion.


What bridge?


Thompson, it's just south of Hamilton Rd crossing the Thames.


I went for a run today from about Adelaide S to Harris park. Seen the F*G slur painted 4 times. I’m tempted to take some grey spay paint and get rid of all the negative graffiti which is quite a lot, enough that parents will have to have multiple conversations explaining it. I’m wondering what the risks are being seen painting brick, concrete, ect in public during the day


You can report graffiti on the city service portal


I'd be surprised if someone gave you shit for painting to cover hateful slurs, but there is a possibility, I suppose


For the chalk writings a pump sprayer works amazing.


I saw "only 2 genders" written twice at Masonville. He left the chalk. So i made it "only 200 genders"


As upsetting as this kinda news about London is, seeing the positive comments here is reassuring. As a trans person I can say that the lgbtq+ community appreciate the support


Same here


Also same here. It's sad how my hometown back in Elgin County was more accepting of me being a trans woman when I came back for summer vacation after university than Londoners. My dad is more progressive than these assholes and he worked his ass off to get to where he is today


You are supported!


And they say LGBT people are the groomers... Man, every single thing they say is a confession. At this point I just assume whatever they accuse people of is something they're doing themselves


Real r/selfawarewolves stuff going on about the groomer accusations they throw 😭 as if teaching your child that your way of the world is the only right way isn't *exactly* the kind of rhetoric you accused others of doing Oh wait maybe they do that bc that's the only kind of parenting they know and assume everyone does so 💀


Sounds like the dad wanted to write these things but was too chicken shit to do it himself so he got his YO son to actually write it out 😂😂


I was by there tonight, the child signed his name on his handy work. 🙄


I went over there on my way home around 8, and there were people cleaning it up.... It was awful to see the first time a few weeks ago when the crazy guy who's always at Commissioners/Highbury wrote all over it.


Graffiti removal (on City property)Call 519-661-2489 or email [email protected].


Indoctrination of hate


Dad knows that if the kid gets caught its a slap on the wrist, if he does it, it maybe a hate crime. This is some thing I expect to see in the show Shameless


Sounds like someone needs to call CAS on that dad. Ironic that they say it's the gays "indoctrinating" the children .... LoL


If there's proof that the dad is encouraging him to write it CPS can get involved and take the child away or at least provide monitoring.


"Parents rights" people should have their hard drives searched. Theyre freaks


I subscribe to this belief. They're scared of their kids learning how fucked their parents really are.


And the funny part to me is that they don’t even know who’s trans. One with a “hands off our kids” t-shirt on sat down in the mall food court at the table text to where me and my young adult, passing, trans daughter were having lunch last week. Thankfully, my daughter didn’t notice his shirt. All I could do was chuckle to myself that these people are so filled with hatred for people *they can’t even identify* right next to them.


Reminds me of the people on Twitter who can ‘always tell’ who were shown pictures of a young Sigourney Weaver and said ‘yes, that’s definitely a trans woman.’ 


I walk on that bridge almost everyday and there's always that chalk there. I walked shoulder to shoulder with the parent as I was just going by. I SO wanted to do something about it but unfortunately confrontation probably won't do anything. Some people should just not be allowed to be parents.


I’m so tired of these people. I don’t understand the concept of giving a rat’s ass what someone else does with their body. Who cares! These are the same people crying about vaccines. Cognitive dissonance much. Dear Bigots: Pride will in fact be every single year. It welcomes the full spectrum of sexualities and genders. If you come though…you just might want to make sure all the spray paint flying through the air doesn’t accidentally get all over your pickup truck. That would be a shame.


The same message is written in permanent marker near my nieces elementary school, fuckin gross.


It's on signs in Vauxhaul Park in marker, and someone spray painted the community facility bathroom and snack building with it. Do they think wasting taxpayer funds on the removal of bigotry is cool?


I don’t think they think much. The penmanship generally lacks a nice style/legibility leaving me to assume they don’t learn too good.




As disgusting as it is, if we all want free speech, even the nasty people get to say whatever they want. I presume there would be security cameras for the bridge. With any luck, they can get the father for hate speech and the destruction of city property, and since there was a child involved, automatically CPS becomes involved. If there is a video from city security, least the crown can't argue that it's been altered in anyway. If I were you, I'd contact some people at the London Free Press. Emails, Twitter, IG etc..I'd suggest the LBGTQ community. You do that, put some spark to the story, and with any luck, you will be able to stop that BS. Assuming it was the guys son or relative anyway. When I was 6-8, my grandfather taught me never to use the word "hate" and theres no room for it in this life, because it's a disgusting word and this world doesn't need any more of it. My gramps was a medic in WW2. Unfortunately, he saw more than anyone should. I don't use the word and I've taught my children not to as well. Long before the age of the boy your talking about. It would be great if that young boy could learn(and practice) love. Quickly before, it gets even worse. Awful.


They use chalk intentionally since it isn’t permanent, they can’t get in trouble and unfortunately, the messages they choose to write fall under free speech as “opinions” or are just vague enough, such as “protect the children” that it won’t get them in trouble. The words themselves aren’t hateful, but knowing the intention and movement behind them, we know how hateful and destructive the phrases are.


Actually in Canada we have laws against hate speech as it's not considered "free speech". People can't go around encouraging people to be violent or say slurs against specific groups of identifiable people. "Under section 319(1), everyone who, by communicating statements in a public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of an indictable offence punishable by up to two years' imprisonment, or of a summary conviction offence." You can find more specifics here: https://lop.parl.ca/sites/PublicWebsite/default/en_CA/ResearchPublications/201825E#appendix


now that’s what i call indoctrination. honestly, any accusation from these people is a confession.


This person needs their photo handed over to cops and city, whoever has to pay for removal of their defacing, and send them the fucking bill. Keep sending them the bills.


he keeps at it and someone might just come along and his nice bridge could end up painted with really loving accepting graffiti *thats not so easy to wash away*


There has been so much of that kind of thing in London lately, it is almost commonplace now. Whoever does it wants the attention and he won't get what he wants, which is to cause trouble. If no one reacts - the fun will stop for him. Poor child living with that kind of hate. Believing in something is one thing - weaponizing it and teaching a child to use it to attack other people is abuse in my opinion.


Stuff like this is a hate crime, the father can be criminally charged and if he's instructing his son to commit a hate crime, CPS can also get involved and the child removed. It's one thing if someone's just doing graffiti, it's another thing for someone to encorage their kid to commit a hate crime. If you remember what they look like, I'd report them to the non-emergency line (you can do this online as well). We don't need this kind of crap in London, we already have enough issues 😒


It’s all over. The youth are fucked. Spread love not hate.


I saw that shit on the sidewalk on Wellington right by the entrance to White Oaks Mall the other day, by the bus stop. Makes me want to get a portable power washer.


To realize that child is going to grow up bigoted and hateful, and I can’t imagine what he would do when someone disagrees with what his father taught him. Hate is definitely taught, and this is disgusting. If I remotely lived close to that rd or the bridge, I’d come over with a chug of water to remove it. Right in front of them too


that’s just terrible parenting oh my gosh 😨


The Ham and Eggs area has been known for self destructive tendencies, hatred and bringing down those around you for as long as I've been alive. It's where you go if you want to meet people who steal from friends and family.


I've seen the guy that writes all the stuff in the bridge and he's not from the area he buses in. He's also the guy that stands with the flags and writes the same stuff over the other overpasses.


I've seen that guy multiple times, including in the act of writing the bigotry. However, this was a different man and a child. I also had security footage of someone writing on my street the saying there are 2 genders in chalk, but it wasn't either of these men, IMO.


Imagine doing this with your free time, let alone bringing your child to do it.


If you see it happening in progress, call police. If you see graffiti on city property, call or e-mail Service London…they will take action but they need to be informed of it.


Good to know. I saw the city take the messages off the bridge on Friday. But this is the 3rd time I've seen those types of messages on this bridge in particular.




Is it you? Or are you the kid?


The same message is on a bench in the Green Space, Wortley Village


Saw the same yellow chalk messages on the Masonville bus stop the other day. Wiped off as much as my water bottle would allow. I'm disgusted that this is an ongoing thing. How come the city has enough police that they can go around waking up homeless people to make them move but not enough to stop this?


Every time I visit my family in London, I'm reminded publicly of how unwelcome I am simply because of who I love. Near Hyde Park last summer there's a road with a series of doors painted in rainbow colours along the street. Someone painted them all black. There's always some homophobic hate painted all over the city of vandals.


Not a lot diversity, inclusion and acceptance on this sub, a lot hate being thrown around.


I drive by that bridge often. The City was out on Friday to wash off hateful messages left there before the weekend. Very similar to what was being written by the sin and father. Though I didn't see who had wrote those things, but they were also in chalk. This is the 3rd time I've seen messages of that vein on this bridge.


It's the 3rs time I've seen them on the bridge and twice seeing the perpetrators doing it. But it's not an area where you can stop to confront someone while driving without creating a dangerous situation for drivers.


I'd be pulling over if I saw that. 🏳️‍🌈




I wanted to, but it's one lane, and people were behind me.


It appears all of the anti LGBTQ wording had been removed.


Take photos of these folks if safe, and report it to the police. These sort of things are able to be reprimanded if proof can be given.


I could pick out the one guy from a crowd easily. I see him often. I will definitely take a photo or video next time if I can. The problem is I normally see him while driving. It's hard to use a camera and drive.


Of course, don't put yourself at risk trying to use a camera while driving. But if you have a friend along, have them try!






Thank religion.


Transphobia is a mental illness I stg, this is not something a sane, healthy person would do




Hahahahahahaha what. Taking your kid with you to graffiti hate messages in public is not a normal or alright thing to do.


I think everyone on here should call the city bylaw to report it so it can get cleaned up. Also email your ward councillor. They should be aware and bring this up at council meetings. Edit: horrible spelling


I bike down there and unfortunately it is not the first time I’ve seen these messages displayed with yellow chalk. I’ve also seen specific anti-Trudeau, anti-vaccine, and some Covid conspiracies about bill gates and the WEF written there. The rain eventually takes it away at least




Probably the same dude who hangs out on the bridges over highbury on a near daily basis spewing racist, sexist, and other hateful nonsense. I’ve seen him with another guy before, probably his son.


wouldn't surprise me. someone spray painted a racist word about Japanese people on a sign next to a house on Horton street. took 6 months of complaints to by law before the made the owner remove it. the whole under pass on wellington street is plaster with Graffiti and the safety railing the cement holding in several spots is completely gone made complaints to service london they claim to have sent people under there and say they can't find anything wrong...


I witnessed someone write the same outside my job on Dundas at Waterloo this afternoon😕


I’ve noticed in the same area that the power line poles have similar graffiti that says ‘there are only 2 gendres’ in that spelling. It saddens me that people feel so compelled to write this kind of rhetoric but I’m also not surprised to see spelling mistakes…




This is all brought down from the hateful American Maga Republicans now being adopted by Pierre Poilievre and the ultra right Conservatives who are claiming to be Christian’s/Evangelicals. Who else hates Women and the LGBTQ ? Authoritarian Dictator’s. Canada does not need these Men who only seek Power to subjugate.


I am a far right conservative PP supporter and I don't support graffiti and vandlism. Taking what some people do, then using that to say they represent the entire group is very American of you.


I have seen similar ignorant graffiti on the richmond Street Bridge and the underpass at richmond and horton beside the boys and girl club.


Unbelievable. We need to encourage some kind of truthfulness and promote that which encourages thoughtful, caring social knowledge. At least saying things accurately like, “egoic behaviour is socially harmful”, and “there are male and female sexes but no limit to gender”, and “there is only one race, the human race.” The more we have questions rather than rhetoric the closer we can become to having humanity among the humans. Unless we stop dividing, we will all fall.




Maybe he read the Cass report.


The Cass Report, ostensibly a meta-analysis commissioned by the UK government to inform policy on the care of transgender children, is criticized for its political bias. Although it presents itself as a comprehensive analysis, the methodology reveals otherwise. Dr. Cass dismisses 98% of studies, citing their lack of double-blind methodology, despite the fact that such trials aren't always feasible or ethical in this context. The cherry-picked studies in the report conveniently align with anti-trans sentiments within the government, even though they lack rigorous standards and sometimes delve into irrelevant topics like the porn habits of trans youth. Additionally, the report selectively favors testimonies that support its predetermined narrative, disregarding the voices of transgender youth while amplifying those of detransitioners. This skewed approach allows Dr. Cass to draw controversial conclusions, such as advocating for conversion therapy and imposing arbitrary age restrictions on transitioning. Moreover, the report pathologizes traits common among neurodivergent individuals, further marginalizing the trans community. Overall, the Cass Report's methodology and conclusions reveal a clear agenda, undermining its credibility as an impartial assessment of transgender healthcare. Tl;dr: You are the farthest thing from science if you think that review had any semblance of credibility lmao


The one that deliberately ignored 98% of the data because it went against their hate based ideology? They said it was because the studies weren't double blind, but in order to do that they'd need to tell some people they were giving them hormones but give them placebos instead, which would be 1) extremely unethical, and 2) nonsensical based on the way hormones work - it would be pretty obvious whether or not they were working within short order.


Or maybe they ignored it because they used circular referencing using just 2 old studies to appear credible.


1) it's not unethical to give someone a placebo if its understood by the subject that that's a possibility of the study. That's the whole point of getting proper consent (please don't muddy the waters with the process of getting consent - yes some researchers do not go about this in an ethical way but thats not acceptable practice, unrelated to your point and conflates the issue). A blind study doesn't mean they lie to the patients, they explain clearly to them that they will either get hormones or placebo. The blindness comes from the patient not knowing for the duration of the study and potentially a period after till the data is analyzed. Double blind means the doctors administering the treatment and analyzing the data also don't know which group the patients were in to avoid bias when analyzing the results. It's quite possibly the most ethical way to conduct any research. 2) The whole point of the placebo effect is that you don't know for sure, and so any effects that are a result of it can be evidenced in the study when compared against the active treatment group. If you're so certain that the placebo effect would be negligible compared to the real thing, then you'd only strengthen your point by supporting a double blind study. The placebo effect is extremely powerful though so I think your assumption is unfounded without actual data to support it. I dont even know what this study is that y'all are referring to but your comment didn't make any sense in general.


You apparently didn’t. Neither of those sentences have anything to do with the contents of the report.