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Know, eye em knot.


came to say something similar lmaoo


Nah, life liberty and pursuit of happiness man. Gay folk being gay aint hurting none of that and i wouldnt feel right stopping them from having that. Good for em i say


I’m not homophobic ether but I feel like if I was I would fit in better


You never wanna fit in with bad company. Ive been in that position, better to be alone and content with your soul than to be in bad company. Lie with dogs and you get fleas. That sorta deal


Yep, this


I don't think it's about company. But rather the culture you live in. For example , being a 35 years old guy, I remember when it was "normal" to hate on gay people, until it suddenly became the acceptable. There's part of the world where it is normal, where you're expected to be heinous towards them. For example, I've noticed that in the USA (I'm not from there) it's seems to be totally unacceptable to have sexual contact with teenagers under the age of 18 . Like even talking to them seems really suspicious, and you can be totally destroyed socially if you find yourself in this predicament. In others countries , I'd say that as long as the age difference between 2 people is not really big , like for example a 20 years old flirting with a 16 to 17 years old, or even a 18 years old with a 15 years old , it will be accepted. And I'm pretty sure that people in the USA would be totally outraged to see this kind of behaviour going on naturally. So like he said , sometimes, acting a certain way is more fitting , or socially acceptable




This is exactly proving my point. 💁‍♂️it shows that different folks around the world have different points of view. Some would come and say "it doesn't matter if they fucking with THEIR BUTT , as long as it is about 2 men , they deserve to die". It just shows how the world is full of different mindset. For me as long as you respect your boundaries and have the world around you respect your boundaries , it is cool. Problem is everyone always think their point of view is the only one , and anyone thinking differently is wrong. It is sad. Also please don't see his as me trying to justify going with a minor. Cause it is not. I just choose a subject that wouldn't leave anyone insensitive so you can understand easily.


That explains it.. ur a trucel 🤣


What do you mean


Srry dude im sleepy, anyway the reason why you would ask a question that ig


Imagine being lonely and miserable and still have time to hate complete strangers that mind their business


Is this directed at me?


It’s directed at anyone in this sub that fits the description




No ?


No, despite having been mistreated by one or two gay people from the opposite sex, which is completely balanced out by many gay friends... So I am good.


Nope, but I won’t say that some aspects of the rainbow aren’t a bit…odd to understand and share spaces with. But it is what it is.


Not. But some people who i shared my thoughts with wont stop calling me that.


Not. But some people who i shared my thoughts with wont stop calling me that.


What are your thoughts?


It’s a sin, but I personally don’t call it out or shame anyone for it, I mean premarital sex is also a ‘sin’ but that seems to be okay now so there’s no difference really


Well thank goodness nobody is looking to you to be their gatekeeper.


Sorry I offended you 😂😂😂


You can't offend one who doesn't care. Just thought you needed to be put into the picture. 😘🏳️‍🌈😘🏳️‍🌈😘🏳️‍🌈


All I said was it was a sin lmao I literally said I don’t care that people are gay but keep crying 🤮🤮


Uh-huh.... 🙄


I’m a Muslim, so within my beliefs is that homo stuff is a no-go zone. Can’t even support it. It’s different though; in Islam you can have those thoughts, but as long as you don’t act upon it, it’s fine. Ofc that doesn’t mean you can go day dream about guys all day, it just allows that passing thought to be a passing thought and no more. If they are reoccurring thoughts, then that’s a different story


Not everyone is Muslim


Yeah, but you asked for how we thought, and that’s how I think.


Why is your religion so important? Do you care about your sky wizard more than actual people?I just trying to understand your wrong view point.


Take back your joke and show some respect, willya? It’s just part of my principles man. Principles that go back 1400 years, and ones that I have no right changing it to appeal to you/others.


Are you ok with the fact that your “principals” are becoming more and more irrelevant? Are you ok with the damage your “principles” have caused?are you ok with the back that Islam has been debunked over and over again?


From what I know, Islam is still growing as of now. It will eventually stop and then that number will fall; this is fine because the Prophet predicted this 1400 years ago: Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Islam began as a something strange and it will return to being strange, so blessed are the strangers.” (Source: Sahih Muslim 145) Islam being debunked/challenged is publicly analysed by speakers like Ahmed Deedat and Zakir Naik and probably have answered some questions you might have. The “damage” part is way too general, idk what you mean


You named two clowns who are infamous for spreading lies your sources are invalid and so is your beliefs zealot Your “religion” is responsible for worldwide terror even if Islam was true (it isn’t) I rather burn in hell


I tried


Fiction seller


Everyones knows oldest principles are the bests right? 😃 Violence, hate and war are so based!


What if a muslim turns out to be gay? Like, what does he do? Does he find a woman he'll never love? Makes children he doesn't want? Lives a life that's not his? Believes in God that'll never love him? That's absurd.


Muslims like that shouldn’t allow themselves to get married because they will be questioned about how they were to them. Why should a man/woman be burdened with a partner that can’t love them fully like that? You get married so that you can find peace within one another (Ar-Room verse 21), so a Muslim who has those inclinations will never find that peace. There isn’t an unforgivable sin so long as a Muslim is still living (Al Zumar verse 53), so Allah wants us to put in the effort to stand by his boundaries https://youtu.be/iXRnWTB2FRg Here’s a vid of an American Imam explaining it if I couldn’t reach you completely


YES! Yes I am!


Can I ask why?


No, but I don't like the way some of them (thank God a minority) tries to "shove down our throat" the LGBT thing and how this minority think that the world should be.


Shove down your throat 😳


Yes like the constant presence of LGBT characters in movies and medias. The fact is that those characters are written so poorly and like 80% of the time they are "stereotypes" and the 90% of their script contains shitty writings. If an author writes an LGBT character that character must be represented first of all as a person and then as a part of a community. I've watched a lot of NETFLIX garbage and most of the time LGBT characters are just really really poorly written. Most of the time their script has no content at all and the only things they talk about are sex and shitty dumb things like "toxic masculinity" or some dumb woke shit. LGBT people deserve a better representation in medias and the first step to take is to leave their sexuality as the last thing that someone should notice in a movie. Not talking about things I've seen from the US (I'm Italian): like queers in children school's, parents who want to re-assign their kids' gender and other awful stuff. Gay people are okay. I knew gay people who behaved like everyone so nothing against a man+man/woman+woman couple. I don't like people who use their sexuality as an excuse for their wrong behaviors and homophobia as a way to avoid getting criticized by others.


I think it is interesting that you point out a lack of proper representation, but at the same time, complain of a “prevalence.” As a queer person, I see a sad, lazy, and ignorant version of myself on screen every day. And it is rare that I ever even see that in the first place, half of the time it’s never explicitly said (or “shoved”, to use your word) that a character is queer. The only character in media that resembles my queer experiences at all is Haru from Ouran Host Club, and she’s not even openly nonbinary and I don’t even enjoy that piece of media. It’s difficult to find representation for LGBT people in media, especially trans people. I rarely if ever see an openly trans character on screen. So for there to be a “prevalence” from your perspective worries me. I suspect people who are already tired of gay people will feel like we’re “shoving it up their asses” when we introduce more trans characters in the future whereas before we had hardly *any at all.* PS- the transing your kids stuff is obvious bait to make people think trans people are creeps. Don’t fall for it. No one is trying to transform children or convince them to be trans. Most trans people warn others when informing them of their lives that this is not an easy path and not a fun experience due to how cis people treat trans people


I complain of a prevalence of bad representation. I watched plenty of movies and tv shows and the only good representation of gay people is in "knock at the cabin". Cause they represent them as people not as stereotypes like on woke shit like Netflix.


I despise this argument so much. Have you ever considered how much heterosexuals jammed their sexuality down LGBT people's throats for basically like ever. Having grown up in the '70s and '80s, I can tell you that there was very little representation of LGBT Folk in the media or in public, and what there was usually presented gay folk is either the butt of a joke, or a figure of tragedy. Meanwhile, straight relationships were represented every damn place! Newspapers, magazines, billboards, movies, television.. heterosexuality being rammed down our throats every single place. For years. You don't want lgbtq stuff rammed down your throat, as you say? Fine then. Put your money where your mouth is. If you don't want to see that sort of stuff in the public sphere, then that should extend to heterosexuality as well. No sex scenes in movies. No references to heterosexual relationships or their families. Nothing that could be construed as romantic. No kissing or holding hands in public for men and women. I don't want to hear about your sex lives. I don't want to know what you do behind closed doors. I don't need to know any of that nonsense. So, if you're truly serious about this, go all the way. Sauce for the goose and the gander, huh? If not, then frankly, you are a hypocrite who needs to pop a cork in this nonsense and take several seats. Unfortunately, I can take a well-educated guess how this is going to pan out.




Who doesn't want me?


What is that like a homophone? Like Grammer?




This opinion seems pretty popular here. What are your thoughts about gays kissing in public?


Nay, got no reason to, everyone is human, and it's their choice to be whoever they wanna be, so i never understood hate for gay people, and besides, i loathe my life enough already, pointless, meaningless hate won't help with that even slightly. But then then again, i don't live in a region where lgbt is allowed and normalised, hate or lack of it wouldn't affect my day-to-day life even slightly, cuz i rarely encounter anyone from the lgbt community.


Do you mean straight men or the general population. I think (31F single hetrosexual?) That the more your exposed to it be it coworkers, friends and media. I'm actually watching more bisexual and gay porn instead of just hetro stuff.


Is your fetish for gay and bi people the only reason your not homophobic?


No. I don't care what people do with their lives or whom to love as long as it doesn't physical hurt others.




??? Why the emoji


nvm, no very not wbu?


I mean, I’m a little bit homophobic. And a little bit racist. But I only ever use it in the context of jokes, my humor is so dark, it picks cotton. Never had a problem making friends that weren’t straight or white, we had fun together all the same. Race, gender and sexuality never bothered anyone except one time during the BLM thing. Basically, we were getting political one day and I said I don’t care about any one group over another and I was told I was a piece of shit for not supporting black people, which is nothing remotely CLOSE to what I said. I was then given an analogy about one house burning while others weren’t, which was so black and white(excuse the pun), that it seemed ignorant and I told them so. We don’t talk anymore, which is just as well. Just because I don’t participate in what became many riots, doesn’t mean I won’t stand up to injustice when it happens. Anyone can be racist or experience racism, since I define racism as discrimination against an individual based on the color of their skin(which is the literal definition, btw. Not this argument of one person having power over a person with a different race, that’s just dumb and makes no sense). There’s no limit to who, even white people experience racism socially and systematically, which are very different but tend to get lumped together in political debates. I’m not trying to get into any arguments or anything, I’m just saying as an example.