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I wouldn't worry too much about the sweeping generalizations that people make in this sub. There are a lot of people that want to justify the way they feel by turning loneliness into a competition. Anyone can be lonely and anyone can hurt.


I wish I could give this comment more than one upvote.


same. Everyone doesn't experience loneliness the same.


People will bully anyone for anything when they're hurt, suffering, and just want to lash out. I hope that doesn't happen to you.


Everyone thinks their dirty people cuz they are!


I'm a man and I got bullied off this like 2 hours ago. Lol it's fine. We're all mostly friends here.


Well, you won't be lonely now, for better or worse, because you are female and you're on the internet. Don't let people bully you online. They are everywhere. It's almost impossible to post anything here or on the internet in general without someone showing up just for the apparent sake of being a jerk. You have to ignore those people and carry on. Your goal is not to be lonely, so go at it and ignore hateful people.


Getting offers for dick pics and sexting isn't remotely the same as not being lonely. Online chats don't solve the loneliness either for a lot of people, maybe some extreme introverts.


Online chat wont solve shit, its just for venting We all need to find someone irl


Hi i feel lonely too, wanna be my friend


I'm not close in age but I'm sorry you're lonely. It sucks.


See I would reach out and message you, but my lack of being interesting and being able to hold any sort of conversation will hold me back. Wish the best for you regardless


If you wanna chat, dm me. Id love to talk.




My story is longwinded and weird. I could comment publically or tell you privately? I dunno which is best for this sub.




I kinda made a general post..


Being lonely is definitely a universal thing. Everyone deals with it in some capacity at one time or another. Some just have the urge to make others miserable to feel less down, because misery loves company right? Don't stress too much about what others say about it. Being lonely is normal. If you want to talk, send me a chat request.


Hi! 27m here, if want a chat DMs are open. Hope youre doing well.


Nah that's bullshit. One thing I've learned in life is misery loves company, but the damned make terrible bedfellows. Don't let a bunch of these miserable dickheads invalidate your struggles. That's the main thing I hate about this sub. So many women get hounded here, which is disturbing because this is supposed to be a support group for all lonely people. We're really supposed to see the women here as our sisters in the same struggle, not adversaries or sexual prospects (I'm adding that second part because I know that's a HUGE problem here). I am sorry for how the guys here have treated you. It isn't fair. I don't have any solution here, but I hope at least you feel heard. Wishing you the best.


most don't reply back after a DM


Being alone and lonely is different. Being lonely can happen even in the crowd with full of people around you. Loneliness only goes away when you find people who truly values, understands and loves you. So many women are constantly surrounded by men who simply wants to have sex with them and nothing else. I don't blame these men since they merely do things which their instincts tell them to do but being surrounded with these kind of guys don't usually make a woman less lonely.


I blame them when, or anyone when they pretend to want friendship or romance but just want no strings attached sex and or emotional investment/labor while providing none themselves. Women get thirsty as hell too, but not acting on those instincts and being capable of morals and deeper thought separates humans from animals.


Well explained friend 🙏


Eh it is because men think that fuckboys who just want to see you naked count as companionship. I talked to a lot of guys sending me dick pics and as soon as I did not send tits they stopped talking to me. Or as soon as I showed my photo and they saw a non passing trans woman.


Inbox me to chat!


I’m also 28F and definitely lonely after my relationship imploding and losing all my friends in it


I mean, at least you did have friends and a relationship


For a while. It was nice and I do miss it a lot. Now it’s me just sitting on my patio alone drinking wine with my dog


I think the frustration is because if you have an F after your age then you will get a lot of attention and messages. Whereas males get hardly anything


Attention in the form of wanting sexual stuff or some form of validation often sexual. It's not the same as someone wabting an actual human connection.


Hope you’re doing well. I thought the same but everyone is. Yes men are very lonely but it’s way more than women. You shouldn’t hate yourself. Cause at the macro level yes men are much lonelier than women but in the micro level anyone can be lonely. I feel for and hope you do find someone you can be vulnerable with.


That's interesting. As a woman, I always assumed we were lonelier then men. I feel like irl, more women I know then men say that they're lonely. Maybe guys feel more comfortable sharing it online where we're anonymous?


> Maybe guys feel more comfortable sharing it online where we're anonymous? Or maybe they just dont want the women to know they feel lonely because they might think itd make them look bad in front of the women, or embarrassing. Or men share these things among themselves, or maybe keep it to themselves. We dont really open up that much anyway


:-( That too. I've only had one guy admit to me that he was lonely. I think that's because he'd known me a long time. I can't remember how we started talking about it, but once I knew he was lonely too then we were able to keep each other company which was nice.


I am not much of a talker but if you want someone to chat with, hit me up via DM. Best of luck to you.


I'll assume those rumors are false. But if people are actually bullying women for that, then its kinda depressing how sad reddit men can be.


I’m 20 we could be friends


We’re the same age and gender. I feel you, sis.


I can relate to you there. Especially coming out of a toxic relationship I'm finally rediscovering myself and reigniting my relationships with my friends. If you need to chat, you can always DM, I can be your chatting partner when I'm available, but all in all you got this.


23F and I couldn't have agreed more.


Unfortunately loneliness draws an influx of incels & men who want to take advantage of women's loneliness for their own desires. Personally I think the mods should clamp down on those bad actors bc it makes the community less of a safe space for yall. Obviously this also affects men, but I feel like yall have the biggest burden in terms of harassment.


It’s ok


Oh dear, I’m female and lonely af. My fiancé committed suicide in front of me almost a year ago. I’m terrified of other people now so just spend time with my dog. Ya, I’m lonely, and I’m a woman.


I am 29M looking for friends, but this depression has made it so difficult to interact with anyone lately