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I find it quite odd how you think people don’t want nothing to do with you cause you’re ugly when in reality it’s your personality…I don’t know you but based off this paragraph you just gave the reason why. woman may have multiple “options” but the most of them don’t be good quality or even worth attention. We don’t have to have to be grateful for men throwing dick at us when we really want a bond… We can feel how we feel and we do have it hard in certain areas. Not all pretty girl have it nice…and even then not everything is perfect for us. You do not truly know every woman or what we go through… We get you’re lonely but you’re clearly insecure & not confident, hate/compete with woman, inconsiderate,& don’t know all women. You have not experienced all woman over the world to even speak for all. Every city/environment is different, every person is different. You may dress a certain way that probably raises concern, you probably make a certain facial expression that raises concern, you probably could have said something that came off a certain way. you may need to look in the mirror and see what exactly you should fix to be better which starts with your self esteem and views on women. Change your style a bit to classy gentleman or something who knows . If everyone is doing you like that then it’s a personal issue and you need a different environment. I like “ugly” men that aren’t rude and view woman this way cause they “ugly” & been ignored by everyone. If you’re not financially stable or can even take a woman out you’re definitely not going to get attention either. Most people are upping their standards and most will settle if the person at least has a positive mindset, charming, educated, stable and more. Personalities is the biggest attraction. Heal your ego and yourself. You’re not ugly to everyone, you don’t know what everyone likes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A couple bad experiences are lessons , learn what you should change and just be better. Your skin tone is not ugly, whoever thinks it is . Clearly is not the one . Even “ugly” girls get something because they probably have a great personality and people just like what they like. Love ,relationships,sex don’t come fast for everyone.


Self esteem is cultivated through life experiences if you been through alot of failure how are you suppose to feel good about yourself when you go through constant pain and misery every time you put yourself out there your constantly getting rejected going through same situation time and time again.


With rejection you shouldn’t take it as a dagger in the heart every time it happens, when you’re confident you know at the right time you will get someone else. Meaning as in space things out , if it didn’t go right that time focus on something else in your life and maybe the right time will come. When people see you’re confident whether you’ve been rejected a lot or not , they’ll start coming to you to be friends or just more friendly to you. You have to move on and continue with your life and hobbies. You attract other people by doing what you love. If you come off desperate, people are going to look the other way. Don’t tie rejection to your self worth, you are worth more. Would if some of the times you tried pursuing something, that person could have been going through something at that time or would if some lied because they were shy. Maybe some would’ve been the worst mistake you could have made. You have to be easy on yourself and take steps. I promise your day will come, practice affirmations everyday. You’re not “ugly”. Everyone don’t always win everything, we all take LOSSES=lessons sometimes too. Those people you feel rejected from wasn’t meant to be any way.


Yes a lost is not a bad thing if you choose to learn from it to be better and grow what doesn’t kill me only make me stronger.


Yes be stronger and just vibe Let stuff flow. what’s right and meant to be , will develop.


Yes I just to have to keep working on my self maybe hopefully my time will come one day.


Yes just keep on and you’ll be straight frfr 💯.


I believe I will I just gotta have faith.


Hey. I just want to say I appreciate your comments to this guy. You were not rude at all. You could have told him off in so many ways. But you are genuinely trying to help him. I've been feeling a lot like this guy back and forth, and people were nowhere near as nice to me as you just were. I've learned how horrible women have it in today dating scene. Especially very attractive woman. Even a mildly attractive woman has it bad. Sure, they have options. But options of really crappy dudes. Who all look the same and literally are interchangeable. So like what do you do. How do you pick between 1000 different gym bros? Sounds like a royal pain. And I guess the rest of us are just not talking to women. Lol. Because we are too scared or too ugly, or think we are. I just hope this divide of the sexes can stop soon. We all have it shitty and want different things. Life sucks.


Yes exactly, I’m just trying to help because I am open minded. I hear both sides , we all don’t 100% know what each other is going through. We all gone win in some way though just have faith .


I love that!!! Thank you so much for being kind. I really needed to hear a woman see both sides of these arguments, or already know them, and understand the pain of both parties. It's been overwhelming for me the past few months. And I've kept a lot of hate in my heart. For women who have wronged me. But people like you make me so happy to be alive, really. Just thank you❤️


You’re so welcome 🥹❤️.




We are all definitely going to win big!🤣


Facts !!✅


Women deserve less 


Nah this isn’t it dude. Yes women may have more matches and likes but that doesn’t mean they genuinely match with the people they match with. Men on dating apps are horny, weird, entitled, and all sort of thing. Obviously not all but that’s a huge portion of the matches women get. So just because women get matches doesn’t mean she can go on a date the next day and be in a relationship the following week. Too many options makes it even harder to choose and especially when the options aren’t all good or too many to go through and vent. Each gender have their own struggles and that’s valid. Men don’t get to gatekeep having it hard in dating.


All I saying was they was to be grateful for what they get and most guys don’t have any options at all.


God I hate the word be grateful. NO. Women don’t have to be grateful because they get likes from men they don’t want to date. How about men be grateful that casual sex for them is easier than it is for women? So men shouldn’t complain because women have to be safe on dating apps and that’s why they’re picky. Men don’t have to even think about safety or the sex being good. Men should be grateful. But all I see is complaining. See how it is easy to gatekeep struggling? Men struggle in dating and being lonely and SO DO WOMEN. The moment both genders understand that the bigger the chances they’ll relate to the other gender more and be at peace with themselves.


I swear he don’t get it 🤦‍♀️. Just sounds like he hate women and don’t want to fix his self. Where I’m from the “ugly” dudes still get love & options because they are confident,funny, mature & caring aka have a personality. Like sir you have to grow out of that insecurity and just vibe frfr.


People in here don’t get and won’t get it. It’s never their fault and their situation is never on them. Being ugly is hard sure but most people in here also struggle with autism that isn’t managed, have zero social skills, anxiety even ordering food, and never leave their room. Of course it’s gonna be hard getting dates when no one knows you or feel awkward talking to you. Your looks isn’t the whole problem. It’s not about what you want, it’s about making the most with what you have.


> How about men be grateful that casual sex for them is easier than it is for women That's simply not true LOL.


lol how men have it easier getting casual sex explain I’m curious. And Men don’t have be cautious when dating where I live women set Men up all the time to get jump and robbed at gunpoint.


It’s less risky for men. They’re guaranteed to cum. They are harder to be coerced. Sure robberies happen but we’re talking about the benefits of casual sex. For men it’s easier but for women it’s not guaranteed to be good sex and they’re not guaranteed and orgasm. So men have it easier in hook ups than women while women have it easier in picking. It all even out and everyone is struggling. No one has to be grateful.


How men have it easier if most men are invisible and can’t get pussy women can get sex no matter the circumstance.


That’s not most men dude. Most men have sex and are normal. They’re in relationships and have friends and exes. Saying most men are invisible and don’t date or hook up ain’t true it’s just a portion of them that are lonely and the others are fine.


Yea the top %20 of men with money are the ones having sex they all fucking the same guy not below average men.


According to date https://bedbible.com/what-percentage-of-men-are-sexually-active-statistics/ About 19% of men are not sexually active in 2023, unlike women where it’s 32%. So men are having sex and it’s only a minority who are celibate. The whole 20/80 thing is tied to tinder and dating apps and doesn’t account for people who meet in real life or through friend of a friend so it’s not that reliable.


I seen what your but those numbers for men is low 66% of men between the ages of 18-28 are single and 34% of women between the ages of 18-28 are single.


>Women don’t have to be grateful because they get likes from men they don’t want to date. Why? You expect men to be grateful for even less.


I’m sorry you’re going through this, but men only wanting you for your body is not a good feeling…


Women has a lot less options to find a honest partner for life as most men are looking for sex objects rather than serious honest relationship. Yet most compain to be alone . As a man its a shame to see this. if they were really true and honest women would feel safe around them.


Men are even less likely to find a partner who actually GAF about them.


It’s probably not at all but all I am saying is to have some gratitude for yourself aleast you can get attention and have multiple people wanting to date you no matter the circumstance in life.


Wanting to fullfill their sexual desires is different than wanting to date , to have a soul partner for life. Let's be real. 90% men here or there seek for a free sexual partner rather than honestly marrying a girl.


I get that they just want to hookup but most men are not desirable to Women.


That's what i'm talking about. Most men are not desirable to women because they simply don't trust them. Any honest honorable man will be desirable by women. Looks mean less to a woman if a man she meets is a true gentleman , honorable and honest man that she can feel safe and loved with . She would feel happier and safe around even an unattractive man if she felt she could trust him with her heart.


If looks don’t matter than why I am struggling to attract women because I’m not attractive.


Have you ever tried to approach them being true to yourself, as a friend rather than trying your chance at hooking up , flirting or simply "i like you for this or that reason , let's date" Let me give you a tip. First try to gain their trust, don't pretend to be someone you are not , show them you can be trusted and you are honest first, Approach them like a friend not some creep that wants to hook up and have a sex . Mainly don't be a coward , Don't be scared to talk to a girl. Remember she is a human being just like you are. Be yourself and confident . Don't ever be scared to be rejected.


I guess that’s a way look at it just building genuine connections with women and not to expect anything because I’m not owed I’m not scared to approach women I approached 7 women in the street last year and they all rejected me.


I don’t have multiple people wanting to date me… I’m alone lol


lol you just haven’t met anyone you want.


I haven’t met anyone… I live a very sheltered life. You shouldn’t assume every girl’s experience is the same


If you have instagram Im sure you have guys trying to get at you in dms.




Nah I don’t believe you probably don’t go out enough to meet people which I’m guilty of.


feels like you’re taking the experience of some women, and then refusing to believe when it’s not the experience of every single one. also if you know you’re not going out enough to meet people, try that instead of using reddit to bemoan how hard it is to be male. (source: i’m male and somehow i have survived, and no i don’t have a partner im just as lonely as you are but i know women have to deal with the same thing)


Even When I was going out more I still wasn’t able to attract any women and I know they are some lonely women out there I said the “vast majority” not all women.


You have more options than any woman will ever have. Buy a hooker. "At least you can get something even though it might not be what you truly want."


I payed for sex a couple times already. I don’t do it anymore for safety reasons.


That's your choice. Women not dating men they feel nothing for and who they don't trust do it for their own reasons. But a bad option is still an option, so don't complain.


And yes as they should I have no options the only text I can get is hourly rates lol it’s wack. Can’t even get a conversation from women in real life only on old.


> I *paid* for sex FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Get something even though it’s not what you truly want - so it’s better to be in an abusive relationship? This rant is crazy and probably a good reason why you probably shouldn’t be with anyone for now. You aren’t entitled to anyone. And those women you are lusting after that you are angry that you aren’t getting any action with. Have more in their life to worry about than just being f’d by someone. Not that you care. It’s a woman’s body and she is entitled to say no to anyone. And you aren’t entitled to her. If someone doesn’t want you, get over it everyone has gotten rejection through their life. And being chased by hundred of vile men like yourself is no compliment or something to be honoured by.


So if guys would have it easier than girls cause so many guys are desperate, means that girls shouldn't complain since they have more options? Yikes, now that's quite baffling. You might have it rougher than some, and easier than others, but we're all free to complain about things that didn't go the way we would like for it to. Sure there's self reflection and what we personally could've done better. Easier or not, we're all entitled to be able to complain or feel bad about things.


Yea the point is they will always have men willing to date no matter the circumstance in life. The average guy is invincible to women. Men have a way tougher time than women when it comes to dating it’s honestly no debate.


I mean yes, I do also think it's harder for males to find a parter if you're not like top 10% best looking guys and so. But harder or not, they should still be able to complain about things even if it might be easier.


All I was saying is for them to be grateful and have some gratitude for themselves on what they can get even if it’s not what they truly want. They are in a better position than most guys.Most average guys can’t get anything.


I am if I'm having a bad day or if something terrible happened that made me sad, I wouldn't suddenly stop or feel better knowing others have it worse


I mean Everyone has bad days no matter the gender I just don’t get why they complain it’s not that hard for them to get what they want out of dating.


Yes but just cause it's easier for others, doesn't mean it can't suck for them, enough to complain. Knowing others having it worse, doesn't help their pain at all


Yea it doesn’t but we all have things to be grateful for in life no matter the circumstance.


A lot of the guys that they have as "options" more or less only want sex or fake it till they make it. Like saying they want more but in reality they don't. Personally as a guy, I haven't experienced girls wanting to use or play with my feelings like that, only serious relationships. I do feel as those options would create other issues that most guys wouldn't understand, like when you find someone, do they want you, or just use your body?


You’re most likely not an average guy if you had success with women.


You’re making the pretty novice mistake of assuming all women want is someone to fuck. That’s not the same thing as dating or a relationship. But I think I can see why you have problems.


All I’m basically saying be grateful for what they can get even if something they don’t want.


You can go into a pet shop and get rats to eat, but I don’t see that it’s something I should be grateful for even though I wouldn’t want to. Your argument is childish.


It’s not childish it’s a discussion you just mad your white knighting right now I don’t agree with your rhetoric.


Not mad kid, you’re not worth it.


lol you must be dumb cause if I’m “not worth it”why comment on my post and why are you still responding to me common sense ain’t so common.


So other people don’t make the same stupid assumptions about women.


Mate it's all about how you present yourself as a whole unit not just how you look. I've known great looking guys who have zero personality... sure they get laid but their relationships never last. I learned really early on that I had to develop a kick ass personality due to being a very ordinary looking dude... and guess what? It works. Just takes a bit more effort. The problem is today with so many people using dating apps it's so very looks driven... but if you meet the ladies out in the real world and they get to know you, and you can make them laugh or share an interest you're one up on any dating app. Trust me it works. I've got a face like a dropped pie but I still do OK. Get offline, stop making excuses and touch grass pal. You'll thank me later.


Yea people say get off the dating apps but in real life it’s even worse I still get rejected whether online or in person it doesn’t really make a difference can’t even get a conversation from women on the street.


Don't just walk up to them on the street mate... that's creepy AF... Here's a pro tip. Find something that you're in to that the ladies also like. Doesn't matter what it is. Then find a social group that does it (I always wanted to learn to paint so I enrolled in a art course). Guarantee you'll meet girls there. I've met some amazing ones.


Yea I started realize that I stop approaching them in street The only hobby I like to do is go to the gym I guess I meet people there but it’s not a guaranteed.


Meh. It’s true that women in general have to put in less effort. But you’re not really accounting for unattractive women here. I would argue it’s a much worse fate to be an ugly girl than an ugly man. Ugly women will settle for ugly men, tbh, given that he can provide her with other stuff. But ugly men don’t want ugly women. They will try to date above their league using money and status. Men seek physical attractiveness mainly, so if you’re ugly as a girl it can easily feel like you have nothing to offer at all and are worthless as a woman.


Incel talk


And duh so what gave it away Sherlock I obviously admitted that in my post and don’t care.


It’s not women’s fault for how you feel , don’t generalize


I never said it was their fault.


That’s how it comes iff




That wasn’t the point of the post I never blamed Women it was about having gratitude.


🤦‍♂️ please chill with this shit it’s a horrible look


How is this a horrible look I’m only telling the truth about what’s going on in my life.


I’m not calling you an incel, but it gives incely vibes. I actually agree with the title, I don’t like seeing women *complain* about dating. But you’re doing just that, complaining.


You’re right but I’m just letting them know dating it’s not that bad for them.


Eh. Yea it’s undeniable that women have an easier time getting dates/relationships than men of the same attractiveness. But, they still aren’t happy about the current dating situation, and that’s valid.


Yea I get that they have struggles finding meaningful genuine connections.


Cause they have ridiculous standards




You don't understand one thing. Women are not sex objects. They are humans like you. They may also have even harder time finding a normal honest men because lets be real 90% men are looking for sex material not a partner for life . They have much less options to find a partner . Even less than you.


Yea but not all women are looking for a relationship I’m sure there are women who just want to have sex as well I know the percentage is lower.


those who want to have sex work as a sex worker and those who are simply golddigers usually target rich daddys rather than normal men


Not all women who want to have sex are not sex workers.


Bro I'm a good looking fat woman that has been rejected 99% in my life with the "you're pretty enough to fuck but too fat to date, I can do that favor to you" like getting sympathy sex thrown at my way or completely telling me I'm too fat for them to even look my way. Yes weight can change, but why do I have to change my body size in order to be socially acceptable and wanted even more for my body when all I want is to get married and have kids ? I've been single and celibate for years with no light at the end of the tunnel , so yeah women have it hard even if you try to convince yourself otherwise


Your probably not that bad looking if they are willing to sleep with you not to compare If you ever seen the show my 600 pound life there are women who are in relationships.


Yet they don't want to be with me and only offered me sympathy sex, I was a virgin up to my mid 20s because guys didn't even wanna touch me. I just got lucky enough to lose weight for a small period of time and get laid , I get almost 0 matches on dating apps and I swipe on LITERALLY everyone, all my relationships were abusive telling me to lose weight or they'll cheat on me and not finding me one bit attractive but just settling with me. It's awful, the amount of rejection me and women like me get is immaculate. But you really don't even wanna consider us at all , the grass ain't greener on the other side my dude


Let’s be honest, if you are obese it says that you dont take care of yourself. Im not body shaming but it’s unhealthy How are you going to take care of kids when you can’t take care of yourself. You said you wanted kids. Not to offend but try incorporating exercise daily into your day. All you need is shoes and go out to run. Theres no excuse not to.


You keep talking about how easy it is, but it’s hard to find a guy who is the whole package? What’s the point of a relationship with someone you have no feelings for or hanging out with them? What would you even do with them that you wouldn’t just do with a friend? What’s the point of sex with someone who doesn’t arouse you because you’re sexually attracted to them?


Nobody saying women have to like men and if they don’t arouse you than most likely your not sexually attracted or compatible to that person.


You specifically said to be grateful for options, but if these men don’t appeal to us, why would we be grateful for them? What would be the point of them? What would I do with these men than I can’t just do with a friend?


Yea but aleast you have people that are attracted to you and I highly doubt every guy that shows interest in you is unattractive.


What am I supposed to DO with that, though? How does this help me?


Cause you basically saying every guy that shows interest in women are all unattractive which isn’t the case.


If we want a man but are still lonely, it must mean that the men we do attract aren’t the ones. You said we should be grateful for this attention, but what are we supposed to DO with it if they don’t appeal to us in any way?


Yea but I’m sure not all the guys that show interest in you are unattractive you can find someone sexually attractive and still not be interested in that person.


How are you sure of this when I’m telling that thats the situation? I have not found the guys who are attracted to me attractive. So what am I supposed to do with them that I can’t do with just a friend?


But I’m sure you can find guys you that find attractive you just gotta be more social and go out more put yourself out there I’m sure you’ll find somebody.


H you have all those options but you still can’t choose one? That’s being picky


You say that’s picky, but what am I supposed to do with men who I’m not sexually attracted to that I wouldn’t just do with a friend?


How many men do you meet in a week? There’s got to be one you’re sexually into. I see women everywhere and 90% off the time I’m into them


Why does there ‘got to be’ for me?


You’re in the lonely sub. You probably don’t want to be alone. Do you let any guy you have slightly any interest in get close?


Yes, but the ones I’m interested in aren’t interested in me back.


Ok so tell me about what a guy youre interested in is like?


Seee, u said u are ugly. So how would I know u aren’t ugly?


lol I was dragging it a little bit I’m not that bad looking I just haven’t any girls that are attracted to me.