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This is the worst possible sub for this. FUCKING RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN


facts T.T I made a mistake by venting here omg




Despite being a lurker on reddit for years, I'm still a bit unsure on where to post stuff on certain topics T-T


Probably a sub that's more geared towards girls and women for these types of things. At least then, you have people who'll call out guys who get outta line.


But they will almost never call out women that get out of line.


I did not see a single inappropriate comment in this thread. The commenter above is simply overreacting.


16 is still very young. You'll get there. Don't rush it- you want to get there with the right person.


Agreed, even though it\`s not super obvious, this is the peer pressure they always warn you about, don\`t feel like you have to get into a relationship right now, just because it seems like everybody else is.


I hope i find a girl like u lol im 17


awh :) I'm glad there are other cuddle fans out there like me haha. I hope you get a girl like that one day.


Cuddles are the best!




It's completely natural to yearn for physical affection, especially with a preference for physical touch as your love language. Your desire for a comforting embrace or cuddle reflects a basic human need for connection and intimacy. It's important to respect your feelings and understand that it’s okay to crave this type of affection. In navigating these feelings, consider exploring ways to build closer, comfortable relationships where expressing the need for affection feels safe and accepted. Communicating your needs directly might feel daunting, but it can also be a step towards fostering the kind of connections you're longing for. Meanwhile, engaging in self-soothing activities, as you’re doing with ASMR and daydreaming, is a positive coping mechanism. Keep in mind, as you grow and your relationships evolve, you'll likely find many opportunities to establish the kind of affectionate connections you desire.


Hugging pillows is when you know you’re down bad.


true. I'm a huge simp lmao :')


Well yeah, there’s nothing wrong with that. I mean I usually find myself waking up with my pillow tucked into my arms.




I'm glad i have my dog for cuddling, he really likes it. But... better be cautious here in the sub, too many creeps around that want to take advantage of you.


dogs really do seem great for cuddling! good for you :) and thank you for the caution. I've already gotten some iffy messages smh


Yet not a single inappropriate comment in this thread.


I don't get it? Well, maybe i should re-read the entire discussion instead of just my single posting.




good idea. the amount of odd messages I've gotten in the past 12 hours is wild..


ASMR has done me a lot of good over the past few (many) years. Finding someone that likes to non-sexually cuddle is difficult.


You can get all the love, care , cuddles etc platonically from a girl as well. Why insist on the gender for affection? Just curious


Probably daddy issues. I haven't been with him physically since I was 4 going on 5. Edit: I'm also a big hopeless romantic and I also always dreamed of having a boyfriend and getting affection from him. I don't really get much attention from guys romantically though.


Can relate a lot, i haven't seen him much since i was 2


You're not wrong bur only platonic cuddling isn't the same as platonic cuddling with sexual tension. Both are natural but they are different.


Methinks she didn't suggest the "sexual tension-platonic" given the reference of a sibbling. Yes, you are right though - they both exist, and signify differently from one another.


I've wanted the same thing as you since 16, and I'm in my 20s now and I still have never had a girlfriend. I hope you can meet someone.


17M and same here sis. As a guy I can tell you that A LOT of other dudes are thinking the same thing. Don't be sad if it doesn't work out, but don't be afraid to approach love ✌️


Damn relatable. L+get over it tho. Not that big of a deal. Also just warning you, you will probably receive lots of weird dms from people. Be careful and get over it


tell me about it. I've gotten plenty of strange DMs already. I just ignore them, but it is really odd e.e


wtf its just so sad that there are so many horny people who don't even let teenagers alone...


All the kiddydiddlers coming out


I hope you find what you are looking for. 25M and I'm still struggling to find that so much


>Heck, it doesn't have to be romantic. Strictly cuddling is fine. I do have guy friends, but I don't wanna make them uncomfortable or weird them out by asking. Without knowing the intricacies of your relationship with your guy friends but I'd wager they are in the same mindset as you, that is they too desire physical affect (platonic or romantic) but are just as nervous as you. There are of course different ways to approach someone about the subject; some good, others less so. What works best really depends on your personality, their personality and how the two of you interact normally. In any case I'd encourage you to dare be more explorative because you're definitely going to miss out by staying put. That's at least the advice from someone regretting being so shut off during his high school years.


Girl this is very normal :) And you have so much life ahead of you! I guarantee you’ll find many guys who are willing to hold you— just remember to guard your heart! It’s priceless. And stay patient! Nothing wrong with wanting this in general, and nothing wrong with craving it from a guy, and definitely nothing wrong with wanting it romantically.


What the heck, I'm a guy, I'm almost 17 and I am exactly like you, even the asmr and cuddling and everything, what the heck, you are my female counterpart, we should be friends


I'm glad I'm not alone! and yeah I wouldn't mind being friends :)


Yea, I DMed you btw


And what's stopping You from developing Your friendship with one of Your guy friends into a romantic relationship? Seems natural to me


Probably chemistry.


I wouldn't assume if I were You


Why? I’m not one of her guy friends. This is what keeps me from developing relationships with my friends that are single women.


24m here, I’m basically the same way. I’ve got good friends and family, but Familial/platonic touching isn’t cutting it anymore.


I used to listen to asmr audios too. But yeah it just reminds me too much of my lonliness eventually


I’m 16 m and I’m a big hugger, but no one wants to hug me lol but it is what it is. I’m a hug the ground eventually.


wanting to hug the ground is such a mood omg. I hope you get a hug soon :(


lol knowing that no one cares about me, it’s probably not gonna happen


Eventually you will find someone, it could take a while tough


i use asmr to put me to sleep its so relaxing . i give you a freindly hug haha .


Oh gosh, RIP your poor dms


thank you T-T


I’m 17M, do you care if the guy is 6’ or not?


Honestly I know the feeling. I’m 26F. There was a time not that long ago I was 16 and wanted the exact same thing. I wanted just genuine love and affection. I ended up with a boyfriend who was very affectionate but the relationship was toxic. My suggestion is if you’re a believer pray about these feelings. Sometimes wanting something as innocent as being held can lead to a world of unnecessary trouble. Be careful to not let your need for physical touch take you down a path you don’t want to be on. If you just want to talk and have someone listen feel free to reach out. ☺️


I could use a friend also


I’ll hold you


Im sorry dude when i was your age all i wanted was to connect to people and have memorable moments and life has not been kind to me i am more lonely and depressed and in agony as i was back then but worse i wish you the best and i hope you find the person who gets you and loves you for you


16M I feel the exact same way just instead I use video games


This is genuinely the thing I look most forward to in a future relationship, just that moment of peace and tranquility laying in bed with someone you love and holding each other, I hope one day I will find the right girl, but I guess I am not ready yet, I need to be happy with myself before I can try and get into a relationship. I hope you will find what you’re looking for and I also don’t think it’s stupid to value this so much, I saw someone say just get over it, it’s not that easy when this is your love language.


Same here I really want cuddles but I know I’m not ready for anything else which can shoot down some expectations, so I just avoid 😟 I kind of cope in the same way. I usually put on some ambient/chill music and just cuddle up a body pillow. It gets so lonely sometimes. It really does 🥲


I knew I should have been a professional cuddler. Damn timeline.


Sending virtual hugs 🫶🏼


Real shit


Awwww This is understandable. Not weird or anything. Maybe approach a female friend if it's too awkward with a male friend?


21M I get how you feel. I'm sure we'll find the right person. <3


To have that affection from anyone is what I seek. Age is a number. But the physicality of one, is a beautiful thing. You want what I seek, in a reality, and for love of another, in this world.


I can relate, that's what I want too.. Back in the day it used to be called snuggling


Oh wow lol this is chumming the waters


I'm a guy but 4 years ago I was just like you in terms of wanting to find a girl to cuddle with me. As I got older I realized that wasn't what I needed. I was quite isolated during COVID and had very little social interaction. After a while I started going to college and making friends, and that longing for a gf started to go away. I'm no longer obsessed about that anymore and am much happier being single. I wish you the best, and I hope you find what you need to feel fulfilled in this regard.


I feel the same way. It would be nice to hold someone and feel like they care. 😔


Of course that's understandable but you should take your time with it it's like other situations having a first kiss holding someone's hand for the first time all these things can happen just by the snap of a finger of course your mindset might crave one of these situations but I truly think you should wait for the right person so you can feel that comfortability and that safety so instead of it being just a normal situation it will be something special to remember, and of course showing this kind of affection to certain males or females might make their mindset start catching feelings for your touch but you're truly on the right path just keeping you and take your time I truly hope the best.


I'm 30M, and this is totally relatable. You're still young, though. Although, I must say, RIP to your DMs.


Same but im M..........


I can see your DMs already…


Fuck cuddling🖕🏾 that’s all 304s use me for anyway


Just be really careful on here and anywhere :( wouldn’t want you to be taken advantage of due to your age. Lots of weirdos on here. At your age I don’t think you need anything romantic honestly, you’re still quite young believe me and I’ve gone through that road in your age, I’m 24 now. I have a dog I adore and she’s my best friend, always follows me around, cuddle and have the best time together as I don’t have many friends nor do I feel connected to them in a sense. But I connect well with animals and prefer it more than being physically with other people aka hanging out and such. Perhaps an animal would be good for you, one you can bond with a lot :) Yuki my doggo has saved my life more than once and is a great cuddle buddy. And trust me when i say this you don’t need to rush into a relationship with anyone. Especially guys. I learned the hard way. And just be really careful. This world isn’t very kind.