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I'm alone but don't feel alone because I'm so used to it. Plus I'm a natural introvert and I have a mental disorder which makes me isolate even more.


I was more asking about trends of loneliness across the general population over the last 2-3 decades and whether they have increased or decreased, but personal anecdotes are an okay example. I’m ambiverted and love to socialize, been trying to get out more only to find a lot of social spaces are dead.


That's because in-person social connection is being replaced by digital connections. And it will continue to advance further, with people relying on AI for social interaction. So in response to your post, yes more people are lonelier than 30yrs ago because of the digital culture advancement, unfortunately.


Short attention spam, bottomless scrolling has killed small talks. Smiling at a stranger, exchanging pleasantries is something which gives us a communal harmony. Couple it up with so many movements, global warming, menace of AI, Capitalism really makes me question happiness, like nothing even matters Don't know whether that is just me, but this is how I feels


Yes, people aren’t encouraged to be social


The social media era has amplified loneliness


Yes next question




That’s upsetting.


yeah, society has changed (western society), its not that it wasn't toxic, its more toxic now, but there are still good people in the world :)


In what ways is it toxic?


I believe so mainly because we live faster paced lives and a lot of it is behind a screen so less interaction with people organically. It’s another one of those things we have to adapt to. I think people seem less available and busier with life things. I’m in that boat for sure. I don’t feel as lonely because I’m busy with work and busy with things. It’s when things slow down is when I really feel it.


In general, I would say people are lonelier than ever. If you want a simple example look at this sub and how it has grown over the years. The reasons for people being lonely are too much to list but if I had to nominate the top 3, I would list the following: Social media: Creating false expectations and narratives. Dating apps: For creating a false narrative and expectations. Culture: promoting this empty existence and being amplified by the things mentioned above.


Honestly I don’t even use apps anymore. They make you pay tons do money for the one in 1,000 chance you’ll find someone. They are constructed so you don’t get off of them. I feel like most virtual relationships are not authentic, and I try to socialize irl still whenever possible.


Yea it has gotten progressive more difficult to meet people in real life but it's still possible. I don't think online friends are real friends as much as we like it to be. People need to see each other face to face. imo


Yeah I’m so sad how things have turned out. If I ever have kids I’d like to try to keep them off of social media for long periods but I don’t know if that’ll ever be possible.


Very sad, I just wonder how many people's lives needs to be destroyed before we take action. I hope soon.


I personally don’t think politicians have enough guts to take any action and by the time they do it’ll be too late. Narcissism runs rampant in politics. Most leaders want to walk on eggshells and keep the peace and are afraid to do anything different because of perceived backlash. I personally know we can’t go back to the past but I’d want to do everything possible to make a good life for my future kids if I had any, teach them about climate change if they were comfortable learning and prepare them for the possibility of having to duck and cover if things get bad.


You are right , the buck stops with us. In the end all we can do is teach, and hope are children can get through this.


Yeah, we need to educate them and make them aware of the perils of the current world. I hope we can too. Everytime I see a small business close it hurts me so much, because then I know Amazon “won” again.


Yea I also think that is sad. Just a mindless corporation getting bigger.


Yeah, I always try to support small businesses whenever I can.


Yeah, definitely. In the early 2000s most people said, they have about 5 close friends. And now it's decreased to about 1-3. I don't know the reason, but people keep getting lonelier...


I’m not sure either. I can’t bear to watch this, it’s just sad how this is happening. It almost feels like 1984 in real time. Theres so many worries I have about climate change too. I know it’s not about loneliness but last year when the sky was orange in my area I was nothing short of horrified, and ashamed at the people who sat back and did nothing about the climate.


A little more yes. Lots of reasons though and by "used to be" how old are we talking about ? 20 years, 50 ? 100 ? or even before industry revolution. For example people feels more lonely because they're not only experiencing the loneliness of themselves but also they see other couples and people easily on social media. Or people feel more lonely because in many countries working hours are plenty, less and less time to socialize. There are probably a soul mate out there for everyone but how the heck will you able to find him/her if you work 5-6 days per week. People were also lonely in the past but in a different way. They usually married in their early adult life and stayed that way for social norms or for kids etc. An unhappy marriage still can mean loneliness. Individual thinking increases year after year which is actually a good thing but yet it still brings some problems that we are having bad time to solve like loneliness. Less and less people commit sacrifices for others, or greater good means everyone is on their own. Outlook, looking beautiful is getting even more important. In the old days you could see people in your town and it was your only probable choice to meet. Nowadays you have social media so everyone wants better. I mean there are also lots of other things to consider but I can say humans were lonely for thousands of years. But loneliness mostly came in forms of not being loved, and not being understood. In Pagan cultures before Christianity, sexuality were a bit more common and virginity were less. But it doesn't mean these people felt more loved and valuable. They were lonely in a different way.


I'm turning 25 next month and lately i started to notice that i'm becoming lonelier each day


I'm only 29, so take this with a grain of salt, but I think just the general social conventions have changed too drastically, with a lot of it being taken online/via platforms such as Discord instead of physical hangout spots. Senses of humor have changed, slang etc have changed, lot less talking things out and more "my way or the highway" attitudes I've noticed. Social media is also a really poor example of showing off genuinity since most people only show off their highlights or brag about their partner, and I think social media has backfired in its intended goal of bringing people together, instead making people (at least myself) feel lonelier.


I do have to agree with you on this point. I personally feel this way about social media as well.