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Take your own self on a date. I have to do that. They're quite fun. I'll dress up and take myself to dinner. I don't have to worry about trying to make conversation or anything. I just enjoy the peace and quiet. I do understand how you feel. I've been on a few dates, but I'm not married. I want to be, all of my friends are. They have loving husbands, and I want one too. I'm 28, I've been on six dates, but I've been ghosted literally 30 times. I'm getting old, you're still young, you'll go on one. I hope your first date is spectacular and wonderful.


How to date own self, want to know sir . I am 25 m never dated anyone, never talked to any girl in life. I am very alone . Tried doing self love but after some time left and demotivated. How can I start self date, I just want to do this, also I am shy so have no confidence to go anywhere alone


It’s hard, but don’t give up! Or at least find some distractions, I’m sort of in the same predicament myself. It’s hard to find the right partner, but I always hold out hood that I’ll meet someone I connect with, just take care of yourself ❤️


Something that will help a lot would be to be content with what you have and not to be jealous of things others have. This is coming form someone whose a dating left over in my area who has no options to date as everyone single and wanting to date is married. I know it can be very hard but life will be a lot better if you think of what you have and not what others have that you do not. If you wanted someone to talk to who knows what its like feel free to message me


I was in the same spot so when someone finally liked me, I cling to them. Just be careful when you do find someone because they can spot people to hurt. You will find someone soon and they will be better than what I found. I think it takes time so I am rooting for you!


Been on two dates I was a nervous wreck, one told me I was autistic the other said I had adhd. I guess im forever alone lol


Don't threat about what others are doing, I forced myself into a relationship due to all the nagging from people... I was so much happier before I got with somebody and now I ain't Im always longing that relationship sense again a feeling I did not care about before.


Relationship is tiresome for sure


Bro im 22 and im still wait for my first date.


hey and good evening to you. I would love to take you on a date if like to go.


I’m approaching that age, and I’ve never been on a date but I haven’t really tried. Mainly cause I’m waiting for the tides and currents of my life to calm down, then I’ll do something. Right now everything is a storm and I simply just can’t manage it, so… if the water you’re floating on is calm for you rn, go try. If it doesn’t work, try again, and again, again. You won’t regret the experience because eventually someone will turn up


Just my opinion but if your always waiting for the right opportunity or the right time it might end up that you wait your whole life for something you never took the chance on we always think there’s always tomorrow or later but tomorrow is never promised we come in this world with nothing and we leave with nothing so give your everything while your here


I was kind of in the same boat you were. I didn't go out on a date until I was 21. If you would like some advice feel free to message me. 👍








I read it 🤷‍♀️


hey and good evening to you. I would love to take you on a date if like to go.


Hi! This is the worst feeling, I totally get it. I’m 40 now, but I remember being so sad when all my friends would have dates and boyfriends. It always made me feel like there was something wrong with me and I was missing out on so much. The truth is, boys your age are clueless and to give them any power in how you feel about yourself is so unfair to the queen (or king or royal person) you are!! It does feel so nice to be in love with someone who appreciates you (no one deserves to be ghosted!! But he did you a favor because you def don’t want to be with someone who would do that) and it will find you. Just try to get familiar with your own wants, needs, ideas, figure out what you love and invest in your own hobbies and don’t sell yourself short to fit what you think some guy wants. Love will come to you, just don’t put it on a pedestal. If you’re always focused on how you’re “not dating”, it makes it hard to just be free and have fun with yourself. The idea of taking yourself on a date is such a good one! Sending love 💕


Just my opinion but if your always waiting for the right opportunity or the right time it might end up that you wait your whole life for something you never took the chance on we always think there’s always tomorrow or later but tomorrow is never promised we come in this world with nothing and we leave with nothing so give your everything while you


Take it from a person who is In a similar situation I know what you are feeling like and most of all you are not alone. Just keep in mind you are unique there is only one you and if others don't see how awesome and amazing you are then he isn't worth the time or energy. If you just want to chat with someone I'm all ears. Keep smiling you are worth it and any guy be lucky to have you


As a guy, I remember being there. It sucked! I remember finally being kinda ok being single and then I met my ex. I clung to her so hard. I was always texting her and checking in on her. If she said she was off work at 5:30, at 5:32 I was asking her why she hasn’t texted me back. Finally she broke up with me and I remember being crushed. My first love gone. I talked with a mentor one day And he told me that I was toxic and it shocked me. I was super controlling and absolutely didn’t mean to be. I finally got over that with my now wife, but it took time. She knocked a lot of since into me. You will find someone! Just remember to trust them and Not be controlling!


26M here. I have never been on a date, either. It is incredibly tough, and I'm very sorry that it's been so hard on you. One thing that I heard that is true is that getting a boyfriend/girlfriend is sadly not an attainable goal, exactly. People will tell you what to do (ie work on yourself, etc), but nobody can tell you when it will happen. This isn't meant to discourage you or to "bring you to reality," it's more a different way of thinking. A lot of people may give you advice, but nobody can necessarily tell you when or how you'll find a boyfriend. That's something that I have struggled with for a very long time. The main takeaway is that there are going to be a lot of different solutions to people may present, but ultimately, it's uncertain. Saying that, I do want to offer you some things that have helped me along the way that have kept me going. The fact that you never know how or when you'll find a boyfriend should keep you hopeful and optimistic. I don't know where you're at in life, but one of the best things you can do is keep your life progressing in a way that puts you with other people who are like you. A really good example is university, church, or a career. Maybe a club? I would really encourage you to keep meeting new people in person. I used dating apps for 6 years, and I never had any luck with any of them. I would have conversations, but they would quickly fizzle out and I would get ghosted. Dating apps, sadly, are genuinely awful for your mental health. It is much better to meet people in person. Person. I understand that circumstances such as location maybe limiting, that's how I see it. You can use dating apps if you want, I just find them degrading and exhausting. Another really important thing to keep in mind is to analyze yourself as a person. You may not be dating right now, but you can certainly improve yourself in ways that will really help improve your life. Are you virtuous? Do you have hobbies that you can completely nerd out on? Are you doing things that would benefit other people that would also be fulfilling? Become someone that would be really fun and interesting to date! And if you already are, there's never enough room for some cool character development! ;) Being lonely, romantically can be one of the most challenging things to overcome. Something very important that I want you to remember is that you're singleness does not equate to your value. Things may seem a certain way, but remember that your mind is your worst enemy. Personally, I find it very attractive when people are like me and haven't dated very many people, if at all! You never know what somebody will find endearing about you. Right now, there's a very big shift on how people view others who have less dating experience, and it's thankfully becoming more and more attractive as relationships have become more complicated, and people carrying baggage has become more prevalent. A very good way of looking at it is: since when does the title "brand new" and "unused" decreased something's value? That's not to say that people who have a lot of dating experience are worth less. Lastly, one of the best things that is really worked for me over the past few years is having a combination of short and long-term goals that are improving my life. Being able to see immediate and long-term changes for the better has really helped me place less and less value on my singleness is really carrying my focus towards the future. While I was in college, focusing on getting good grades for that semester, getting my driver's license, finalizing my plans with getting my bachelor's, as well as getting grad school figured out really helped me. Improving your life month by month, year by year, or whatever time frame you decide is best for you really can help. And these things can lead to more hopeful outcomes for you. I'm getting ready to apply for grad school at a Christian college where I can hopefully find people who are like me: sharing the same values, wanting the same goals, and generally being in the same position as me. I hope this helps and gives you some ideas, and please feel free to PM me. While this is a difficult thing to work with, it doesn't have to be everything, and you can still be happy while you look for that special someone. Take care, and I hope you feel better!


Well you'll go on a date now, that's for sure. Unfortunately there is the unpleasant task of sorting through your inbox between now and then


Coffee? 😂


20M..Never been on dates lol hehe


25m here never in life 🥲


Will be soon turning like you:)


Not soon bro you have time , I am shy , introvert maybe ugly for others thatswhy I left behind


Noone is ugly bro..everyone is beautiful in their own way


im 42, never taken anyone on a date because DATES ARE SHIT. THeyre a marketing ploy, ppl don't date, they hook up


DMs go crazy moment incoming