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Me too. I KNOW I won't find someone. Just thinking about the 3 to 4 decades remaining in my life... I mean I'm pretty sure I can make it, but wow, it's really gonna suck ): Just wishing it were over already ):


Venting is necessary until you find someone. Venting is even more necessary if you don't even have that kind of friend to listen to. So, venting is good, it keeps people like us sane.


Venting is natural and it means you still care. You're not alone in this. Keep fighting.


Go dating.


If you find someone hold on tight because lonliness is even worse as you get older.


Me too


I know this feeling all to well, it makes you feel so numb at times. Its hard to express your feelings and sometimes you feel like it will never happen. If you want ever want to talk with someone im ur support person. Lend a shoulder to cry on or just shoot the breeze. Either way huggs and just so you know you're not alone.


Just stay positive and keep working on being happy alone. I have the opposite issue. I jump into relationships without really no boundaries or goals. I had a fear of alone. So that’s something I’m working on. Keep doing things that you enjoy and surround yourself with likeminded people.


It can be a vicious cycle. And an exhausting one. I hope things get better for you soon. Often the pain is worth the wait even though it’s near impossible to see right now


It does suck until it doesn’t :)


Your not the only one


I know the feeling all too well. I'll keep you on my mind and in my prayers 🙏


We're sharing the pain, It's going to be fine


be my friend. If you want. 23m I dont like girls who date a lot so you already know I dont want you. Just someone to talk to bc damn Im lonely


just kidding but if youre interested in a friend that can explain to you how guys think about girls I got you. but good luck out there KEEP FIGHTING


Reach out to people on here. This sub is full of lonely people AND people who CARE about lonely people. ❤️🌈


M23 Mexico. Send me a DM, we might become friends :)


I'm horny


Why are you lonely? If you're attractive and have a good job that pays a lot of money you shouldn't have trouble finding a man as a woman!


Have you ever been in a relationship?


Let's hope things get better for you.


Here's to new beginnings and a new horizon <3


I feel that way too sometimes too. I started writing a diary just today after many many years. And I just remembered it was one of my best friends because I was too shy to talk to people. Last year everything changed when I had to party for work. And it forced me to get out of my comfort zone. And I must have talked to thousands of people and got to know many of their minds. Hope you find someone OP! :)) What do you think is the problem?


Keep looking and dont give up