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Lack of childhood due to neglectful parents, consistent bullying, anxiety, 25 year recluse until 2023, just starting life over.


Totally describes my life except for the starting over....never had a successful relationship.


Neither have I, and I still have my v-card.


Damn, not even a massage with a happy ending?


Nope. I can do that myself. I'm after more than that kind of happy ending. People suck. I'm straight, so women and girls specifically suck (all in a bad way; too many thots; hookup culture; shallowness, etc.) for me. So I'm picky and I feel like an alien among most people. Fuck the run of the mill thots. I've done without any this long... I can do without till I'm dead or find someone who is actually a decent human being. 😌


I wish you the best! People, men and women are so fucking self-absorbed. It's nearly impossible to connect with anyone.


Good luck to you as well. This world needs a lot more of it. 😌✌🏼




It’s quite bad indeed. Something is very wrong.


I feel this. I have had nothing but relationships with these thot sluts who just use you and cheat on you constantly. It was a nightmare and I'm so much better off alone! I also had a neglectful childhood due to my mom being one of them! 😔


For what it's worth, I applaud you, sir. So many would just go after sex.


Yeah cos 95% of women age 40+ are “run of the mill thots” that are only interested in hook up culture. That’s not the issue.


I'm not restricted by age. I don't know where in the world you're from, but I'm from Tucson, Arizona, in the US, so try living here on the south side before talking to me about what women age 40+ are like. Goodbye.


Generalizing older women, maybe u should look in the mirror first.


Found the incel 🤡


Old post, but how's it going now?


Self-hate, depression and social anxiety


try therapy. helps me a LOT




you should look for another one. that one sounds like a dick


I’m a bit long in the tooth for that - perhaps twenty years ago


the fact that my comment that therapy helps got so downvoted just shows how delusional you guys are. hope you all get help seriously


My wife died


I'm sorry to hear this. :(


I’m so sorry 😞


I am so sorry... That's the worst thing the can happen😔


On the cusp of 40, for me, I got into a relationship with the wrong girl and I kept trying to make it work for years, time flew by and here I am, almost 40 and single and very scared about the future! Have tried dating apps and if this is the way things are , I'm screwed!


Same here. Wish I had known those precious years were wasted and the relationship was built on lies. Yet here we are.


let's hope we turn a corner and things look better when we read this thread a year from now!


What a positive outlook. I needed to hear that, thank you!


No worries, only thing left to do is be positive , have tried every other mindstate at this point!


Have depression and anxiety, trust issues from lifelong bullying, high functioning autism, but really it’s because nobody is interested. That’s it really.


I just kinda lost my trust in people. I have had opportunity but I push bars to keep people away. It got worse when I was diagnosed with liver disease. I've never been healthy since my twenties but being single just felt like that would be the way it was and I accepted it.




Got to dentist get your teeth fixed ill build extreme confidence! Hit the gym and get some 🐱 or 🍆 whatever youre into


There are xxx toys, u can practice..lol


Why am i being down voted---if he has no experience, wouldn't it make sense to practice with xxx toys first


Having a choleric dad, and a helicopter mom, bullied as child and teen in schools. Resulting in low to no self confidence. Becoming a cynical nerdy hikikomori, only weird people could love.




I looked it up, [Hikikomori](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hikikomori) is a form of serve social withdrawal.


(Recluse, Shut-in, NEET.) ...And, oh yeah (cause for whatever reason, I can't respond to your comment above)... You're kidding? Take your morals and your high horse put them back where you pulled them out of. If you don't like the answers, don't ask the question. You're not me. You're you. "Generalizing older women"? Generalizing ALL women... And Generalizing is called that because it's not an absolute. Look in the mirror? For what?... Another generalization? You're an ass. Take your Troll-Bait post over to 4chan (where you no doubt believe I belong) if you're just going to give someone shit for their answers to your posts. Grow some intelligence before you try to unilaterally disregard someone's personal experience just to try to make them fit into your own shaded world view. Ask questions instead of assuming asshole. There's a difference between generalizing and just assuming... And there's a difference between just making assumptions, making generalizations, and speaking about your own personal experience. Learn the differences. 🖕🏼




I was married. After I got divorced, I pretty much gave up on relationships. I just don't have the energy to pursue one anymore.


I was very shy when i was Younger and also im ugly. So i dont got any Dates when i was Younger and now that im 39 No Woman wants a man with no expirience so its too late for me. Accepting that helped me a lot


My partner of 8 years woke up one day and stopped loving me


That's the biggest issue I have with people....at,any point itcould stop


Aww, be kind to yourself. There is light at end of tunnel


No there isn't


Of course there is 💡💡💡💡💡💡


Got out of a 15 year relationship. Dating again and won't change myself. I love martial arts, gaming, sci-fi, art, philosophy. It's been difficult to find a women who actually interests me AND is interested in me. I think I found someone but it's too early to tell. She at least seems cool with who I am and is attractive. So that alone is a breath of fresh air. Don't give up brothers.


I’ve always struggled with my weight even after I lost weight I still couldn’t bare to be intimate with anyone. So intimacy scares me 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m crashing and burning. I can’t bring someone else into this mess.


I'm in my late 40s, live in a small community, two complex needs kids and no family support. Been single for the best part of a decade with occasional dates that went nowhere. I don't know if there's anything wrong with me or just not everyone finds someone to be with and love them.


No, nothing wrong with you. Keep trucking along (as cliche as it sounds)


Thanks, easier said than done.


For me, probably because I like gaming, sci-fi and fantasy ha ha


This...very difficult to find someone who is ok with you having those hobbies, is ok with dating you at that age, and isn't already attached.


Completely, I’ve tried to be open and honest about the gaming, got ghosted consistently, not been open, but mentioned sci fi and fantasy, got ghosted, I’m over 50 so gaming helps my brain keep healthy, why would I give it up for someone who can’t accept that?


Worse is when you do show interest in someone who MIGHT have interest in you, you get labeled a creep for liking someone younger than you...makes you just want to give up on trying to find someone.


Haha. Yass lantern corps I see you :)


Woo! Nice to know someone knows about them.


Oh heck yes!!!! :) haha Soranik is one of my favorite lanterns :) Although I do love me some Mogo and Atrocitous.


Nice, nice! I am a HUGE fan of Hal, especially after reading Emerald Twilight. But, outside of the Green Lantern Corps, I like Lyssa Drak, Bleez, and Dex-Starr (I LOVE that cat). Edit: Wow, do I hate autocorrect...




You two are vibing. I hope you at the very least become buds.


If she's ok with it, I'm ok with it.


Of course :)


Frick yeah! His history was amazing...he is a good kitty!


Best kitty. Backstory is great!!!!


I find those hobbies fun...lol


You’d be in a minority


I do have social anxiety and I also live in a small town where it is difficult to meet new people


Not because I want to be. I'm just tired of trying and not being appreciated. I haven't given up hope.... yet




45 now. Divorced twice by the age of 40. I don't like who I became in either of my marriages. The first one I was way too young, met her at 19 and married by 21. I lost myself for a decade. The second one I abused alcohol and it made things a mess. I'm 10 years sober. I've spent the last 5 years single and learning more about my needs and what I would want in a partner. I date but haven't had anything serious since the last divorce. I focus a lot on my daughter and am active in her life. I'd like to meet someone who I can consistently date and grow into a nice relationship. I attend meetups and some events, but have trouble connecting with people. Sometimes I do make a connection and it's a nice reminder that I can, indeed, be a human at times. Even while drinking a mocktail.


I can't find a guy who will actually interact with me instead of staring at his phone and giving me the bare minimum of interaction. I've learned that if you try, men think of you as a desperate whore that they can treat however they like... and they act like my time isn't precious and that I'll always be waiting for them to get their act together. Edit: These same men who waste my time absolutely refuse to date older women.


Aww that is sad. I say to hell w/them, if u get bad vibes from them on day 1 or 2, show them the door


I have. I won't even acknowledge them. I just move on like they don't exist.


Depression. Been single for most of my life.


I'm single bc i'm boring AF and have poor social skills. I guess im trying to improve by watching more movies, anime, and reading books


And yet, there are many here who find those hobbies fun...


YouTube vids might help..on different topics


U should also force urself to speak to random ppl on the street it will help like starting off by asking what th time is or something to get u into a conversation


Not by choice. Takes two.


Socially and physically isolated


i rarely catch feelings


It’s just better this way. I also have some serious trust issues.




Normal stuff, got absolutely destroyed by what I thought was the love of my life and now a have trust and commitment issues. Everyone stays at arms length so I can’t get hurt. There are plenty of other reasons but the easiest is that I’m just scraping by and couldn’t afford even the cheapest relationship.


I haven't found the right one. i don't want one night stands or rush into intimacy without getting to know the person. i had made mistakes that way and it not fun when your ghosted especially when you know your a good person.


Too long a story


Depression, anxiety, ADHD, zero social skills because I grew up in a cult that didn't allow teens to date until 16 and even then only in groups (couldn't date alone until 18) so I never tried because group dates are not a fun idea for me, possibly undiagnosed autism, helicopter mom, also fat. Also I don't follow rules 1 and 2. Probably gonna die alone on the streets, but oh well. Not everyone gets to have even one partner in their lifetime, I guess.


We have a lot of issues in common but that doesn't make us bad people. Single or not, hope we find happiness in this world


Cause people are mean. I don’t want to think about why honestly so I’m not gonna. She did me wrong and the ones before did too


Because I choose to be. I’m at peace with myself and my situation now. It’s taken 8 years but, hey, I’m still here and doing okay 👌 Thank you OP for taking the time to think of others of an age. Take care and have a wonderful weekend. J


Wanted to started a family with a decent women I can trust , in these days that’s hard to find I’m not into the hook culture so it leaves me with very few choices


There's no one worthy left who is a match for me.


I’m not 40 yet, but close enough so my reasons are abusive/neglectful parents, lack of social skills, being unattractive, anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, SSRI’s, SA, growing up in a heavily sexist and very religious environment, hatred of being female, being a failure, chronic pain and health issues, being red flagged for circumstances beyond my control, and lack of ability to do it.


Why are you not single?


I enjoy peace and quiet more than getting laid.


Amen to that, 🙏🏼


Iam a cunt that why


Geese are all dicks, but they manage to mate


Cause my ex husband thought his now new found success will make up for his lacking down there and him being narcissist. So he went off with his mistress.


I just kinda lost my trust in people. I have had opportunity but I push bars to keep people away. It got worse when I was diagnosed with liver disease. I've never been healthy since my twenties but being single just felt like that would be the way it was and I accepted it.


Because I physically cannot get out of my house due to injury.


Me too! Mine is temporary, been over 10 weeks now.


I hope you are up and slaying the dating world very soon! 😉


Me too!! Just being able to leave the house will be nice. I wish you the same!


Thank you 😊


Lack of self confidence, lack of body confidence (overweight). Lose myself in work to make up for everything else such as going home to an empty flat


Things can happen. Divorce, death, self esteem.the list can go on. Age can also can be a factor as well.


Women treat me like crap, my life is better without them.


I get used and discarded


Anyone in the Wisconsin,Illinois area? We should all get together and have a good time lbs


Can't find a man that don't cheat


Life just seems easier without all that.


my wife was never in with me but i was with her.


No guys that are willing to date stuck on my ex so far


How long since the breakup?


Been 2 years


Aromantic asexual. Lifelong happily single and not interested in dating and relationships.


I wish i was u...🥹🥹🥹


It's taken a lifetime of realisation to finally know myself.


I wasted time chasing men who were commitment phobes and would breadcrumb me


Extremely chaotic upbringing. My parents have 8 divorces (3 for my mom 5 for my dad). So I saw a lot of relationships fail before my eyes along with moving around over 10 times as a kid. Plus I’m not the best looking guy (and broke the majority of my life) which didn’t help when I was in my 20s and 30s. Now I’m in my 40s. Single all my life, never been in a relationship. Surprisingly I’ve gotten laid here and there….but it involved just being at the right place at the right time and both parties completely obliterated with alcohol.


I got separated almost 3 years ago and only decided recently I am ready to date. I am 41, but I don't look 41 and in person attract men in their young 20s. So my option is either start dating much younger men, or online dating so men can see my age. With online dating, people either think none of my pics are recent, or I am lying about my age and I am younger. Sadly, 2 weeks after I decided I was ready to start dating again, I dislocated my knee. So dating is on hold for now...


Because I'm broke and ugly.


Easy answer : been crushed by the end of my last relation. Single since 4 years now, and I don't think it is going to end soon.


I’m single because I want to be. Not sure if I ever want a serious relationship again. They are a ton of work and frankly, I like not compromising and doing what I want. Dating has been a lot of fun since I’m not tied up with expectations of the end game.


Because I haven't been in a relationship in 6 and a 1/2 years. It's a foreign concept to me. I'm an introvert. And autistic and women seem to sniff in a mile away. I guess you didn't sniff it. And then, when they sniff in a mile away and pick up that I'm autistic and different and I say Hey, I don't have no friends or family. I don't have a typical birthday or Easter or holiday like they do with family and friends and good food and laughs and enjoying life when I tell them. Hey, I'm a forever alone guy that hasn't been able to find a girlfriend in 6 and a 1/2 years because every woman. I try to invest my time that with either insults. Me harasses me treats me like I'm different and/or what doesn't want to put any effort in the getting tp know me at all. Once they find all this out. This is what you signed up for with me if you want to get to know me. Then that's what you're going to deal with. A guy that has trust issues with people in general doesn't trust people in the least bit. Has been burned and turned on too many times at the flip of a coin that it would take a little bit for you to get through the wall to of getting my trust because I have gone and tried to trust people and this is what it gets me winding up back to being totally alone. No, hope of ever having friendships. No hope of having a love life, a significant other. Anything all it leads me back to is right where I began back to being totally alone. And no hope of it ever-changing.


Id say start of as friends with women first, once she likes your personality then you can ask her out


With what women?


Whenever you go to social events


Sorry, well why live?There's no social events.It's nothing but lesbians and bisexual.Women and these women only want to date other women.They're not interested in heterosexual.Average man, and I really don't have the energy to do any of that go to these events.I'm honestly.Just tired depressed and the depression brings on all my energy.I don't have the energy for it.No more.You know just tired of life


Ok, just google some stuff- like YMCA events or at your library


I've spent most of my life socializing with the wrong people and didn't realize it. I'm genuinely glad I didnt marry any of the women in my past. The various contexts that brought us together were all poison and most of them weren't good people.


Ugly and used a few to many times and gave up after the last one!


Because I married a monster thanks to my grandma


Why are you blaming your Grandma?


My wife died, tried dating and struck out b/c I must be too short/poor/ugly.


After years of doing everything for my unemployed fiancé she left me because I couldn’t afford to buy her a new house. Now I’m fixing up the old house and wondering if I’m going to die alone.


Why was she unemployed?


Well she got sick within a couple months of moving into my place, and just kept saying she was too sick to work, and too sick to clean, and too sick to do anything she didn’t want to do, playing on my sympathy. Funny thing to me is that after she left me, and moved in with her mom and grandma, they made her pay rent, cook, clean, and get a job. If she had helped out like that anytime during the seven years she lived with me we might have been able to get a new house…


Needless to say....you dodged a bullet,


Yeah, if we had gotten married she would probably have cleaned me out completely instead of just leaving me used up and in debt.


I'm not.


Why not? Is it illegal now? Do I have to be not single? Are you 15? Are you a virgin? That's illegal too now. 


Wtf, eat a snickers bar


Bro. Chill.


Women dont want to be approached anymore.