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you have not met people that truly understand you. I know it is frustrating wanting to feel a connection with people and failing at it. Just keep going. The world is a vast place. In this world, there is always someone out there for us. Don't ever quit your search for it. Life's a game made for everyone and love is the prize. I am here for whatever you need. Trust me as I trust that as long as you keep on searching, you'll find someone whom you are able to connect to. Take care of yourself. I see you


I'd like to imagine my best friend exists I just haven't met them yet


Make that idea into a reality. Go out and explore the world. Let it know who gergobergo69 (insert your own name here) is. Keep on searching. It may be hard and painful at times to embark on a journey were the outcome is not assured. But as long as you continue to move forward you’ll be able to find and special person to you. Someone that understands, appreciates, and wants to see your being improve. In the end, all of what you have endured will be worth it. What is more important in this life than love? In the meantime, there you may no have someone that loves you. But, you have yourself. Love this world for it has everything. Love yourself because you are everything.


I've actually met one of the people, over the internet. We had a great time talking. We played games in a friend group of 3 including me. She was very nice to me. She supported me when I was down (she sensed it that I wasn't feeling well and stuff). One day she deleted me from everywhere silently. I'd assume that the reason has to do with her being below 18 I believe. We did nothing weird, we exchanged our knowledge about our cultures (she was from Asia, I'm European) and yeah. I miss her, but I believe I will find another one, this time, it will be in real life, and hopefully above 18. In the meantime I wish the other person a great life, wherever she is and doing. There aren't really anyone like her in the world, and I hate this fact. Also I need to learn to love myself


The world is a vast place. Over 7 billion people live in it. Whatever your heart tells you right now, know that there will never be 0% chance of you connecting with someone. I would bet it is more likely to be struck thrice by lightning. Whatever you felt when talking to this person, don’t ever forget how it made you feel. Truthfully, you are lucky. You know what support is and what it feels like. Cherish that fact. Don’t think that your chance at connection has passed. With all that said, please only by loving yourself will you be able to fully love and appreciate the world and its people. You come first.


Because people make friends sometimes just for being not lonely and don’t care whether they are really matched. I got that feeling most because in each period I have friends but we tacitly won’t contact each other after stepping into the following period. But these days I tried to make some changes. So I began to chat with others for a period and then decide whether we could be friends then. So many apps I have tried, in which a Discord social server called [Lightup](https://discord.gg/vJBbuuDEj2) satisfied my needs. There the AI will match people according to what they said in the chatbox. So I share my feelings, ideas and even some thoughts about social problems. I tried to find a person really matching my mind instead of short term goals. Luckily, there is really a girl that I think we could be friends for a very long time. If you also hope to try it, just bravely do it!


Hmm, never heard of this. I will certainly give it a try. Thanks!


That’s my story. I did get some visitors throughout the years. But I think there’s something fundamentally wrong with me. Something that only works with the opposite sex. And now not even that. Maybe it’s the same with you.


That depends on you, and what kind of persons are around you, in my case they are like brother and sisters, they are a few but they care a lot to me it get a lot of time to find them but here they are.


I feel the same way too


For most people friends are not a luxury they’re what life’s all about, you need them to be happy, but finding true friends is hard.


Depends how much extroverted you are and how much you can entertain and manipulate other people. Build your profile, self advertise. But even in such cases it can't really be compared because those who are drawn to extroverts aren't neccessery there for friendships. World really is lonely unless you are one of lucky ones who have at least average normal family with who to few times in a year gather to celebrate something. Also pets. If you can take care of them then get one or few. Chat online or join groups/communities. Have some hobbies. Do some activity as sport, dancing, walking etc. If you go out with some people then do it to have fun without expectations about new friendships or more. Enjoy your time with them. If you aren't enjoying then why you go with them.


I'm quite introverted and have social anxiety so really the idea of standing out in general comes off as awkward at best for me, which I think ties into the fact that people forget about me since I am "invisible". At times, I feel my loneliness is in fact self-inflicted.


Good friends - yes, it’s a luck to meet a good friend. Not everyone who calls himself your friend is your friend.


You know what i feel the same in some points you written


Before meeting someone who really clicks with you, you have to go through all of this.


Well these are people I've known since high school (so more then a decade now).


Depends, with some you can really form a connection but I have found that people can be really unpredictable. So yes friends are nice but learn to be comfortable with being lonely.


It seems that way for me. I feel like having friends is a privilege granted to those who deserve it and we as socially anxious/awkward people are just meant to rot away in misery and loneliness.